Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Feb 1928, p. 48

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nnouncementCHARLES C. KAPSCHULL Dterfield Illinois takes pleasure in announcing the addition to his staff of .MR. H. K. SNIDER Formerly of Wilmette Deerfield Avenue-Adjacent to Post Office Telephones 80 and 133 j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n~ Profeuo~ B. G. D114bae!i{C~ prln· ciD&I of the · ~ IIDbool at Hlaabua. CbiDa, Will be He 111 at preeent a member of tbe faculty of Northwutem University. Dr. Dll4lne'a Kenilworth avenue and W~ road long-continued re!ldence In China enKenUworth ables · him to speak wltti ftrllt·hand Dr. Herbert L. WIUett, Mlnlater authority "'ncernlng conditions preeent Next Sunday morning at 11, Dr. Willett and future In China. will apeak on "America's lnunortals," a sermon appropriate to the Fe~ruary an· Next Thunday Is Division Day among nlvei'B&rl~· of Waahlngton and Lincoln. the women of the church. The Second Sunday achool at 9 :t5 A. M. ClaBBes division entertains the Fourth division at the home of Mrs. E. A. Wegner, 421 Elm· for all, and aU welcome. wood aven1,1e. They meet In this hosThe Young People's club meets at 5 :45 pitable home at Z o'clock. A "Sense and P. M. Light refreshments will be served, Nonsenae" tea Is being planned. The after which there will be a period of de- ~,lfth Division entertains the First division at the home of Mrs. Harry Mons, votion, and a discussion period. 157 Woodstock avenue, Kenilworth at 10 . The Ladles' Guild meets In the As- o'clock. The Third Division meets at the sembly room on Monday at 10 for work church at 10 o'clock for sewing. LunchIn connection with the program of eon will be served by hostesses. A Lenten luncheon for all the women benevolence carried on bY this ·o rganiof the church will be held Thursday, zation. March 1, at the Shawnee club. :Mrs. Next Wednesday evening at 7 :15 the Hughes wlll pnslde at the luncheon, and Miss Harriett Vlttlm will be the chief Teachers' Council meets In the Assembly Hall for the discussion of prob- speaker. Inasmuch u a very large atlems connected with the Sunday school. tendance Is expected. you are uked to . Mr. Carter discusses the lesson for the phone your reservations to Krs. E. M. coming Sunday, and In so doing II· Stafford, phone 'lOO-M, as early 8.11 poslustrates some of the principles of re- sible. ligious education. The seven brief addresses on worship, On Wednesday evening at 8 Dr. Wlllett which the pstor has been delivering at will glve the ftnal lecture In the series on recent Wednesday evening services, are ..Founders of the Great Rellglons.u The 1100n to be published. subject of the lecture wlll be, ..Jesus the The prospectus for tlie new church goes Light of the World."' to the printer neXt Monday morning. It On Sunday, February 26, Dr. Wlllett's will be largely Ulustrated and fully subject will be, ..Into the Shadow," the descriptive, giving an understanding study of both the exterior and Interior of the ftrst of a series of Lenten sermons. beautiful new edlft~. On Wednesday evening, February 29, Bishop Edwin Holt Hughes-Is scheduled the ftrst of a series of weekly Lenten addresses wlll be made under the joint to preach at the church Sunday, March auspices of the Union church and the 18. That date marks the beginning of Church of the Holy Comforter. These the financial campaign for the new services wlll be held in the two churches church. alternately. The speakers will be Dr. The Woman's Exchange Is open dally Hepb)lrn of Buena Memorial church, Dr. Stiller of the Evanston Baptist church, from 10 to 5_, except Saturday when It Dr. Coolidge of St. EUsabeth's, Glen- closes at 1 o'clock. There will be a coe, Bishop Hughes, Dr. Richards of Bakery sale next Saturday morning. The Winnetka Congregational church, and, on phone number Is Wilmette Z891. Good Friday evening, Dean Grant of The Young Woman·s Missionary 80· Western ~eologlcal seminary. · clety will be entertained Tuesday evening, October Z1, at 8 o'clock, by Mrs. Luelle Stoker Banka, at !!8 )(yrtle street, \Vlnnetka. It will be a birthday party The spirit of this church Is Indicated and reme~ber your birthday money and with the following famlllar Invitation: i.lso old phonograph records. Every mem"To all who mourn and need comfort- ber Is urged to attend. K e,;lfl!orlh Uflin Church e·...-ar. - Methodist Church WINNETKA COLONIAL all who are friendless and want friendship-To all who are lonely and want companionship-To all who are homeless and want sheltering love-To all who pray, and to all who do not, but ought~ all who sin and need a Saviour; and to all who-so-e'er-wlll, this church opens wide Its doors, and In the name of Jesus, our Lord, bids 'WELCOME!' " Lo AJIS The College group Is looking forward to the series of meetings during the Lenten se~n. They will meet every Sunday night from February Z6 to April 1 In various homes of the church. An unusual group of speakers hu been secured. Among them at'e Dr. Schennerhorn, Kr. Ehrensperger of Northwestern university, Mr. Glen Harding, leader of student conferences, Dr. Voight, teacher At the service next Sunday morning, of the Young_People's class and professor In Garrett mbllcal Institute, and Dr. H. G. Smith. The young people of .the Waat a Wiater Ro·e 81te Ia )(04 CUmatel church will do well to save time for these meetings. On ZO-acre Tract-tO acres of oranges, Z acres of grapes? CareThe Fellowship Suppers, which were so taker paid for one year. He does successful last year during a ten-week the work, you get the beneftt. Inperiod, will be resumed this year during terested write the Lenten Season. The same method of F. A. JfeCa8keU serving as adopted last year will be folBreYool1 Hotel, X. 15, Claleap lowed this year. Each family attending wlll bring sandwiches suftlclent for their own use and one covered dish besides. These latter wlll be placed on a common ATVERY tabl~ and served cafeteria style. Cotree A LOWEST RATES and mtlk will be provided at a very small 0. yacaat -d W Mortppa charge. This reduces both the cost and service to a minimum. It was exceedIngly productive In fellowship and good will last year. Children as well as adults are welcome. Adjournment will come at 'Ill EJ. St. WlaMtbiiZ an early hour after a whole.some period of study and devotion. ~av spej Wi Ch; o'~ me The OUI F unt at mu pre Ti P. W. Bradstreet I S. This faidy atw. whitt Americaa Colonial will bt 10ld tbis month for only S 1 g,ooo. It bas four bedrooms aad two baths aad aleeping porch oa arcoacl toor: a brae. open acrttatd porch on fint toor: and a battd 1arap attKhtd to tbt bouse. It is aituated on a 1aperbly landKapecl handred-foot lot in one of Winnetka's choicest residential 1Ktio111o Shown by appointment only. tJaJ Bra of Plc yea '11 la8alatloaiKeeps ,our home Warmer in Winter- Cooler in Summer Saves Fuel _:__ Is Fireproof Is Verminproof - Is Dry Is Easily and Quickly Applied Is Inexpensive, and can be put in old.or new houses. HEINSEN REALTY CO. 7SO Gltul to giw atimlltea. 566 Cmttr St. Eta St., Wiaaecb ·~,_ A,enll . Pboat Winnetka 254 R. E. Crosby ~TKA Pb. Wiaa. 2032

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