Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Feb 1928, p. 52

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m:. and· Bible claaaea. t :45 a. in. I'INt ·rvb ud 881'lllOil 11 :00 a. m. Second -tervlce and armon. t:IO a. WednetidaJ', Lenten Bervtoe · IJ, at 'I -:41 p m. Lecture · Sunday eYelllu, l'ebrua17 11, at 7:41 ·· lb. . . . "The llaDd of QcMl In Blato17" The Rev. Jlr. 0. A. GelllDiaDn. I'~ Monday a~ · f: Cbrlatlan Education of Children. . Monday at 7 :45 : Junior choir. Monday at 8 :to: Senior :Mixed choir. Tuellda1 at 6 :10: Dinner at the church. Friday at f : CIIUIIIell tor children. Kon; and FrL at 5 : Cla81188 at Winnetka. Next Sunday · afternoon and evening the North Shore Zone of the Wklther league, comprising the Young People's societies of the Lutheran churches at Waukegan, Libertyvllle Bbrhland Park, Glencoe, Evanston, Niles ·Center, Morton Grove, and "W'IImette, will have Its quarterly meetlnc at St. John's. Wilmette. The afternoon &eBBlona wlll be·dn at 3 :30 sharp and will be devoted largely to reports, and other buslne88 matters. A demonstration of a meetInc will be given by the Wilmette Senlora. Suf!dr wUI be served at 6 o'clock by the lea' Ald. The customary charge of 50 ~nta will be made. At 1 :30 a short musicale will be given at which Kl88 EJecta Austin will play. Both the Junior and tk~ Senior Choir wlll sing. The lecture wlll be given at 1:45 by Pastor 0. A. Gelaemann of Grace Lut.heran church, O&k Park. Everyone Is cordially lnvlted to come. The subJect Ia an Interesting one and the lecturer Ia a ver,- forceful speaker. · The uaual midweek Lenten service& held annually at St. John's will begin on Aah Wednesclay, February !J at 1 :45 o'clock, and every Weclne&day evening the~er for the followlug six weeks. A brief excerpt from the pa88lon history of our Savior: will be read at every servIce. However, lnatead of choosing the sermon texts from the paaalon history, six outatan41ug pa88agea of the New testament will form the basta of the sermons. Special reference will be made to the explanation of the SeconcJ Article of the Christian Faith. The subjects follow: 1. God the Father's Love · for the WorlcJ--.Tohn I, 16. J. The Lost wPrld'a ONLY Hope.Katthew 18, 11. 3. The Perfect Savior, .TESUS.-1 John 1, 11. 4. The Price of the World's Redemptlon.-1 Peter 1, 18-19. 5. Tile End and Aim of the World's Redemption.-! Corinthians 5, 15. 6. Faith'· Teatlmony.-Acta 4, U. On Tuesday evenlug, February Jt. the .. . ........ . . . . .~ ..~· ···'"' '·'~~··.' DorothY of~ clea ·aftllae spent the last week with her parents in Wilmette. Sh~ ia PAilTY POll SCHOOL 'FUND a . . boarder-student at l(arywoocl · H iP schooL. _ . . · · ,! ' The alum~ae of Mal6nckro4t High ~schOol are . to hold a ·ca~d an~ . bunco Daniel . McCallum, 1225 Maple aveparty on · Saturday afternoon an the was host to fourteen of his 6ttle school auditorium. Prizes are to be nue · donated by the Sisters of (J.lristian frie~ds 'at his home last' Monday·aft· Olarity and the alumn:ae. In a'cldit_ion noon ·in observance Qf hii birthda1. to the games there · wall be a musacal program, the 'selections to be -git'en by i---~·········-~---~~~-···i I . . ··I Geraldine Weber, Gertrude Payne and I , . . ,· I Elizabeth Faber. ·The proceeds will be· given to the building fund of Mallinckrodt high school. I ~ Kauhati u.-; · M. Porteahauser ·I Pcainter aad DeCorator I I I I I fte JDdacatlonal work of this church Is -t.reel In a Cbureh achool which meets at I :It every Bunda,. morning. A cur-· rloalGIII . 18 In operation which alriis to ..,.._tlcall1 develop adequate religious lkao'trledp and · habit& Claaaee are pro11Mjcl tor cbll..-.n an4 young people of aD .;...._ A oompetent faculty and ofJielil atatr .. eacet ·to· aaalat the parents if membel'll of the school· In every way Vllltora are always welcome. Pupils of the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades of St. Francis Xavier school heard a lecture last Tuesday on the importance of railroads and other means of transportation. The lecture was given by Mr. Cox, a representative of the Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee Electric road. Mr. Cox told of the great importance of both steam and electric .transportation· . the differenCe .be- Obligation ·· . 1030Grealelf .PIIoae.Z764· ·.,\ II . ~----------------------~-· .I ··; I . I· :1 I ......,le. Be·. ..,._pallan.. : At t :10 ·I n the nlor department, the X.I&D4 Hobart Danforth, Rector of tbe Churdl of the Holy Comforter, Kenilworth, wiU IIJ)eak on "'Why I Am an Progress tf1, · W ilniette---·· 'J1ae Junior Concrecatlon service of wonhlp fa provided tor the boys and ...... of tbe Intermediate and Junior deJartmenta at 10 :10 o'clock.· ·The music Ia -..... the direction of Am,. Lealie Toakey . . . · the .runlor Chorus choir. · Kr. Kc~..~U apeak _ next Sunday o~ ..The Everything must . progress, or slide backwards.. There is · no standing still. As one looks over the period of time that we have been in business in Wilmette; they can note ~be very definite progress that we bave m~d~. that may be . only accomplished by strict attention · to dw principle of Jood service and honest dealing. This bas always been our policy. Come in and try us~ · momlnc worship service Ia con411Ct81 at 11 o'clock. The Committee on OJ'Ir&DI&t. ·onhlp and Sac~ment of ·the Board of . Deacons which Is In cluirge of the arrana.ments for this aervloe have secured Dr. Arthur E. Holt to apeak nut 8un4ay. momlng. He Ia profe880r of IJoclal Ethics at the University of Chli:lqo and Chlcaco Theological ae'mlnart. fte. Senior Chorus choir and the quartet, -..er the. direction of Amy Lealie Toakey, will provide musical numbers at the aer...,._ Annie May Hayes Bivona Ia ·the L. B. Confectionery 637 Main St. Pb. Wilmette 487 01:10 01:10 Tbls church co-operates with the WUmette Sunt1a1 Bvenlng club which meets Ia Its auditorium. This Sunday llr. lltaneon De Cou will show the second .-oup of h18 Dream Pictures. .._ . home of lira. C. G. Evenon for I'V'C'IaeoD at 1 o'clock. The aaalatlng '-te~ will be lira. G. R. Barbauh. JlriL · E. Suits, and Kl88 Allee ()II TueiMJay the Neighborhood Circle, k'riL B. H. Burge. chairman, will meet at H·aD·J' . . . .~k. At 1:18 the Wekeacaftla Camp Fire Glrl8 will meet at the church under the direction of Mrs. Herbert A. La.Roy. BOTI aal Glrll-fro· tea Tean up may get Regular Life Insurance Poll~lea In the New York Lite. Rates very low at these young ages. Phone Wilmette 37, or write J. E. Swift Teal, 1011 Central AYe., Wilmette. Pint Church of Christ, Scientist ·Tath'Stmt aad Caatral Avmue SERVICES A. M. Weclanday Tatiaoaial Mtetiaa---1 P. M. l·aday Sdlool Exemse 9:4 5 A. M. SUNDAY SERVICES 11 Wilmette. Ill. I ; I I =;::=iiiiiiiiiOi=::=:=:iiiiii:IDI=::=:=iiO.:i"4U:=:=:=::I4n:U.a:==i 5 Neeodaol I 01:10 Does your Property Any !epairs All Grades of Stone, Brick and Cement Work Chimneys and Fireplaces Re-stocco and Waterproof Brusbcoat . I. · I 411 RICHMOND AVE. February 19, 1928-Subject: "Mind" ..,.., ROOIII-IIIJ w~ ·-· T ·I PH. KBNILWORn, ... B 1735 , Awnu HOURS: Daily (acepc Weclaaclay nd Sanrday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M.: w........, 9 A.M. to 7:45P.M.: Satardq t A.M. tot P.M. CllriatiM Scilra Lilftflt&n tDIIf/ 1M tNtl. 6cwrouled « JtU«6 ari. , . PU1UC · cau.11 Y INYI'I'ID 10 Qluaal - - - Ale &~ TIN Jillle a lVorll llllletrJ .,,_ BtltlrJ ontl -.U otlw 11m ~~atboriu4 ~ THI aA1DG llOOII

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