Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Feb 1928, p. 51

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7l FOB BENT-8TOBE8 & OFFICES FOR RENT - SHOPS AND· OFFICES. G. F. Gonsalves. Winnetka 62. 73LTN8-tfc , FOR SALE-APT. BLDGS. Februatr 24, 1928 WILMETTE LIFE FOR SALE-HOUSES 7t FOB 8ALE-ACBEA.QE INCOME PROPERTY FOR SALE-CHOICE ACRE NEAR proposed Lake Ave. Sta. Skokie Line. Prices advancing, buy no.w. Ph. Wilmette 1731. Owner. 79L22-ltp SPLENDID BUY IN MODERN 6 ROOM single Colonial home. H. W. heat, 87 WTD large living room with fireplace. $13,500. _ _ _ _ _ _ ._T_O_R_E_N_T __ A_P_T_s_. _ ____ Report on ·A.l umMe Council at Meeting of Wellesley Circle ~~~~~~==~~~=~7~5L=22~-~l~te ~o FOR SALE-HOUSES WILMETTE 3 APT., CONVENIENT to R. R. & electric, H. W. heat, rents , $160 mo., tenants furnish. own heat. Attractive 7 room home, midway between Property in excellent C?ndttion, large "I." and steam. H. W. heat, 4 bedat the home of Mrs. Richard C. Lake, lot and garage. $1 'z:,500 · terms. rooms, near school, church, etc. Fine Mt WTD. TO RENT-HOUSES 1708 Ridge avenue, Evanston. Mrs. lot 50x200. Many shrubs and perennials, -IF----Y-O_U_ _ W_A_N_T __ T_O __ R_E_N_T_Y_O_U_R Ralph Brown, president of the Chi1177 Wilmette Ave. Wil. 273 garage and drive. A buy at ' 20·000· house this spring please list it with cago Wellesley club and the councillor wnllmm®fcit® §]p)<.e<en~n & 1 R. S. F. A very interesting and weJI-atten~e~ WANTED BY COUPLE, 3 ROOaS FOR housekeeping or small apt. Gar. space. meeting of the North Shore Wellesley Convenient to N. W.. transp. Write circle was held Tuesday, February 21, Wilmette Life B-608. 87LT22-ltc Mouat & Flaherty, Inc. . Mo JJ ©lhllm~1t(Q)l1fl & CC©o Wilmette 68 77 340 Linden Ave. Riparian Right Home IEolEo§tt\Uillb~®~it~CC©o H:i~;;~r i~:n~:th(c©o mett~::~ T:5:~Y-VA:~~:N21-2tc r¥ 1108 Davis St. Umverstty 8080 77L22-ltc 720 Elm St. Winnetka Ph. Winn. 254 77LTN22-ltc WELL-ARRANGED 9 ROOM BRICK, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, on second floor, 1 bedroom and bath on 3rd floor, large THIS TRUE COLONIAL HAS A sip. porch · and sun porch, glazed, viewlarge living room, a com modi us dining ing the lake, entertaining room and roolll, an efficient kitchen and a real showers in basement. H. W. heat, oil butler's pantry and toilet and lavatory burner, 2-car garage, lot 85x450, with on 1st floor. There are five large airy excf::llent beach. This property has bPdrooms and three modern bathrooms. many features and has a permanent Tile roof, steel construction, metal lathoutlook that you will enjoy. This is the ing, etc., add to its stability. The lot k. d 1 best buy o f it s m a ong th e Shore. is beautifully wooded and in the Might consider trade for smaller propchoicest part of East Winnetka. The erty. For details call 2-car garage is solid brick with room w.tnnet ka I nsu 1 .k ate d Brtc SOUTH EAST GLENCOE A CHARMING COLONIAL HOME SITuatt-d on a beautiful landscaped lot 143x150. The first floor contains living room, sun parlor, dining room, pantry and kitchen. Second floor has 4 bedrooms, two baths, extra lavatory_, sleeping porch. Third floor maid's room and bath, two storage rooms. Hot water heat, Newport magazine feed boiler. Garage to match. This is offered now at $42,000. WE HAVE SEVERAL ATTRACTIVE new 5, 6 and 7 room brick houses and bungalows with tile roofs and tile baths at prices ranging from $15,000 to $30,000. Easy terms. WALTER P. SMITH & CO. 332 Park Ave. IEcdlcdliiiiD~it©Ifil ~ Allll®IID 407 Glencoe 702 17LTN22-ltc End "L." llimceo 410 Linden Ph. Wil. - 4 ~~ NO NORTH SHORE HOME WILL make a better impression on you than this substantial and attractive 8 rm., oil-heated resid. with big screened porch, brkfst. pch., sip. pch., and deep wooded lot, located close to schools and transp., in east central \Vilmette. W'JLL HANDLE A REAL BUY IN . A largt' 6 room Rtucco home. 3 b. r., corHere is value. And easy terms. $21,000. ner lot, l-ear garage, grounds well ·tandRcaped. Property is well located to Rchool~ & tmns. Price $13,500, owner wants offer. 513 Davis St. EVANSTO~ Gr. 1617 77L22-ltc $) n9!5)(0xm CC&~lffi Going Away ATTRACTIVE 6 11001\I ENGLJRH brick, 3 bed.-ooms, bath, oil burnet·, att. garage. Best con~truction. A real buy, $18,500. C. P. Rorick & Co. 526 Center St. Ph. Winn. 382 77LTN22-ltc BEAUTIFUL NEW CREAM BRICK veneer 6 room English house, 2 baths, 1 tile, with showers. Extra toilet on 1st floor. 2 fireplaces, 1 engraved stone. Beautifully decorated. Large, insulated attic. Block to golf grounds. 1235 Cherry st. Price $19,500. J. A. Horak, builder. Tel. Highland Park 2346. 77LTN22-3tp FOR SALE-7 RM. HOUSE, GLAZED heated sip. and brk. rms. Excep. high class and well built. Many unusual features. Built by owner 5 yrs. ago for a home, not for speculation. Beautifully landscaped grounds. 300 ft. from lake. Nr. school and transp. Unusual opp. Owner must sell. Ph. Winnetka 1919. 77LTN16-tfc UNUSUAL OFFERING IN WINNETKA, Cent. east sect.; large modern 6-yr.-old English house, tapestry brick, hollow FOR SALE-S RM. FRAME HOUSE, l- FOR SALE-STARK PIANO, COST ear garage. Desirable location, $14,500. tile walls, tile roof. 6 bedrms., 3 baths, $1,200, will sell for $550. · Walter MinTerms. Wil. 1582. 77L22-ltc completely equipped. Large lot with uem Electric reproducing. Ph. Wila real future value. Price reasonable mette 3505. 102L22-ltp at $55,000. Call Sutter, Winn. 545 or 18 FOR SALE-VACANT FOR SALE TYPEWRITER DESK, 1729. 77LTN22-ltc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $15. 351 Oak Circle. Ph. W'll. 1972. WILMETTE RIPARIAN RIGHT, VAC102Ll-1tp ant. One of the best locations on the Shore. Size 100x450 with excellent beach. Must be sold at once. Priced "'U"-BOTTOM ROWBOAT. 16 FT. FINE 6 ROOMS & SUN . PARLOR, WATER for outboard motor. Wino. 2973. below market. Exceptional terms. heat, 2 car garage, home only 2 years 102LTN22-ltc old. Price $U,OOO. Reasonable terms. Phone Wilmette 940. 77L22-ltc Ill WANTED TO BUY--ISC. --------------------------- springs, $8 ; bed spread, $3 ; dress table, $6 ; Crex rug, $3 ; dishes. 1506 Birchwood Ave. 2nd Apt. Chi. R. P. 0724 100L22-ltp ----------------RADIATOR COVERS- REASONABLY priced, beautiful baked enamel finish. University 8080 1108 Davis St. Artistically constructed with built-in 77L22-ltc humidifiers. 4225 \V. Kinzie. Ph. Ked. 3351. 100LTN18-5tc R \VINIA Beautiful brick residence with tile roof, BEAUTIF'UL !I PIECE WALNUT DINlarge wooded lot in a very exclusive ing room suite. Phonograph, radio, section. 4 bedrooms, 2 tile baths, large stove ice-box, and rugs, all practicalliving room, sun room, breakfast room, ly n~w. 425 Birch, Wino. 239:. first floor lav. H. ,V, ht., 2-car at100LTN22-ltc tached gar. This house is insulated thruout. Price reduced to $32,500 for FOR SALE-FULl.. SIZE BED & quick sale. springs, like new. Also electric washCROSBY & McKENDRY · , ing machine. Wilmette 3428. 566 Center St. Ph. Winn. 2032 100LT22-ltc 77L'I'N22-ltc FOR SALE-OAK DINING ROOM SET, 6 chairs, table, china cabinet and butfet, $50. Ph. Wilmette 294. 100L22-ltc SUBSTAN'£IAL 8 RM. COL., N. OF Central Ave., east of 8th St. 4 bed- FOR SALE - 4 PC. LEATHER PARrooms, sip. porch, 2 baths on second lor suite, good condition. Reas. Ph. floor, 2-car garage, big trees, etc. In\Vilmette 233. 100L22-ltc terior looks like fine old mansion. $18,000, terms. 101 WTD. TO BUY-HSEHLD. GDS. KROLL & SMITH 419 4th St., End of "L," Wilmette 500 WANTED TO BUY - SECOND-HAND 17L22-ltc furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Furni.J.4"0R SALE-WEST SIDE COZY 6-RM. ture store, 1004-6 Enierson St. Evanscottage on large lot. Fruit trees, shrubs ton, Ill. Ph. Unlv. 189. 101LTN5-tfc & flowers. $9,000. Terms. Wil. 1582. 77L22-ltc 10! FOB SALE-MISC. for the club, Mrs. Earl White, chairman of the Club's committee for the Alumnae association, who, as our representatives, · have recently attended the Alumnae council held in Wellesley WANTED TO RENT 6 OR 7 ROOM house by May 1st. Family of 3, refs. early in February, and Mrs. Irwin given. Wilmette 2908. 89L22-ltc Rew who happened to be there at the sam~ time, g~.ve full and varied re_ea ___w_1_'»_._T_o_u_u_Y __ u_o_u_K_E_s _ __ ports of the council. Mrs. Ralph Brown spoke of the H 0 ME WANTED $ 000 TO business accomplished by the council, 1 35 MUS ' BE BARGAIN · $45,000, cash if wanted, large lot. Re- the most important being the final dequirements-a master bedrooms, 2 cision to use the Dix system of rebaths, maid's room and bath, 2-car gar. preferably connected with house. union beginning with 1929. Mrs. Earl Modern house preferred. Write wn- White told very picturesquely of the faculty play concerning the Wellesl~y 17 traditions, which is presented once m four vears and happened to come at APPROXIMATELY 70x175, WOODED, the time the alumnae were there. Mrs. for small, modern home. Give loca., Rew spoke very interestingly of her size and price. Life B-609. . experiences durin~ her trip, especially 97LTN22-ltc of a pleasant visit with Dean Alice ANTIQUES Vinton Waite and her sister. 'fhe club was interested in hearing of the .new SPECIAL NOTICE Have another lot of nice Walnut chests Botanv building, of which Wellesley from $8 to $20 in the rough-newly has a- right to be very proud, and of fini:..hed ones from $35 to $60. Cherry Severance, the new wing of Tower highboy, tilt-top and gate-leg tables, 3-lig-ht Prism Candlesticks, $45 to $60 Court. pair. Special prices on odd tables, . The question of the Green room in quilts, rugs, beds in pairs, prints, glass, Alutllnae hall of which the furnishing etchings, books, etc. 808 WASHINGTON ST., 1 BL. S. MAIN was our gift to Wellesley, was put EVANSTON before the club. Our representatives 99L22-1tc said that the' general feeling about the ANTJQUE MAHOGANY SOFA AND 3 room is that it is too somber. A list chain:; to match, also walnut ~nfa and of suggestions of improvement by 2 chairs. Winnetka 1733. 99LTN22-1 tc those who have seen the room was 100 FOR SALE-HSEHLD. GDS. read, and after a short discussion, the ~eneral feeling of the club was that $4:1a P. SUITE, 3 PC., $190; 9xl2 RUGS, $35 ea. ; 6 din. chairs, · $25 : · large cedar inasmuch as we had furnished the chests, $16 ea.; chiff., $10; bed and room, we wished it to be satisfactory. calls. Ask Kroll & Smith · 419 4th St., Wil. Wilmette 50(). 89LTN22-ltc ;gr WA R'NING! To whom it may concern : Having been unjustly accused, through slanderous gossip and base insinuation, of gross misconduct, I wish to announce that any further accusations of this character coming to my attention will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Frank P. Fisoher, 1618 Wilmette avenue, Wilmette, Ill. VILLAGE OF WILMETTE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE Speelal Assessment No. !It NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested, tbat the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Wilmette in the Count~ of Cook and State of Illl nois, having ordered that a supplemental assessment be made to pay the deficiency tn special assessment No. 204 for the lm provement consisting of constructing a sanitary sewer system of vitrified tile pipe sewer with brick manholeb to be con structed and laid in Seneca Road and other streets hi the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, the Ordinance for the same being on file ln the oftlce of the Village Clerk, and said Village having applied to the County Court of Cook County for a supplemental assessment to pay the said deficiency in Wilmette Special Assessment 'No. 204, aforesaid according to benefits, and an assesameni therefor having been made and returned to flaid Court, Docket No. 219, the final hearing thereon wlll be had on the 12th day of March, A. D. 1928, or as 1100n thereafter as the business of the court will permit. All persona desiring may flle objections In said court before eald day and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Said ordinance provides for the payment of said supplemental asse88ment In ten (10) Installments, with annual Interest thereon at the rate of alx per cent. per annum. Dated, WUmette, Illlnole, this Jfth day of February, A. D. 1928. CHARLES M. EVANS Penon appointed by the President of the Board of Local lm· provementa of the Vlllace of Wil~ette, Cook Couaty, llllnola. to make eald aueMIIleDt. L11..Jto aii~:.c~=~d~~k~ave many WILMETTE'S BEST. BUY FOR QUICK SALE JE:J&o£ttlUlllb~<e~ttJCC(Q)o 1108 Davis St. University 8080 W ANTED-CI..EAN WHITE RAGS, lOc 78L22-ltc per lb. 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette. BRICK, ENGLISH BUNGALOW. 6 103LTN14-tfp rms. l-ear gar. Beautifully landscaped. ------------~-:-:::: 60x197, LOT 7, BLOCK S. W. Glencoe. Occupancy April 1st. FOR SALE 3, Cherry Street, between Hibbard Terms. Write Wilmette Life B-610. road and Berkley avenue, Winnetka. 77LTNJJ-Up Illinois farms have the largest perAsking ,3,600. What will you bid? acre yield of broom corn in the United Quick action. WUmette 3668. SIX ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE BY 78LTN22-ltc States. owner. Wlnn. 166%. 77LTNJ1-Jtp BARGAIN

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