Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Mar 1928, p. 33

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- -~ ~ --- --..-- G. Stllee. Vlee-P...W..t, Fint H. L WooiW. ., V.,. ~~-.... L F. Gat., WU..rta.-Until I BUII.DING CAllED 'lAili 0.. Natio_. ..... WO...n.-Wo.ldfta v._. ol WiaMtb-I am very glad dropped in at the new home of the Lira, WJxMIKA T and Guxcor. to have this opportunity to express Wn.KI'l'TI Lin a few daJS ago to OF CIVIC IIPROYEIENT. dered Naws have for several years reoappreciation for the very fine service leave an item of news in regard ·t o a very high- class and com- which the WIKlfiY'JtA is renderthe Wilmette Community Chest As· ~Jt (Continued from preceding page) Dr. J.._ A·tla ....... Mmeter, .. I I Wi·Mtlra Coap.ptioul a.-aAnything that affects the life of a useful public institution is necessarily of interest to the public. The north shore is to be congratulated that it has Lloyd F. Hollister as its W. F..... Mea-.. PNiidszt, WOleading publisher. His papers are ...ate E..... Clwlt-My uniformly clean, generous and conhearty congratulations on the openstructive. I've always found him not ing of your new building. Wn.KITTit only ready but eager to make his LII'£ is one of the .best community publications serviceable to the highnewspapers in the United States, a er life of the community. Therefore real aid to community progress. I feel we must all join in congratuMay this new building long stand as lations because of the magnificent the home of the helpful service you new plant into which his work has are now rendering. gone. plete news service for the territory In your ~ew. home even served. th~se excellent PJ~bhcataons can be edtted and complied to bet~er adyantage than bereto.fore, tbear se~n:e to the communaty thereby 10creased. s..-,. Re.. E. .. I Gerlaud, Rector, Clariet Cla1II"CCa, Wi-etlr.a-The residents of the North ~bore long ago came to . appreciate the importance of the place occupied by Lloyd Hollister Inc., in our community life. The quality of the work done by this concern and the personal interest evidenced in their customers justifies our confident hope that Mr. Hollister and those associated with him may at all times be looked to for service of a first order. I am therefore particularly glad regarding their new plant. It assures us not only of a continuance of this service, but also of its enlargement and increasing usefulness. Ae~ F. L Bat....., Wihaette-You are to be congratulated upon completing ~ne of th~ fi~est. publishing plants !n the ~n~tre dtstnct: The enterprise. 1s a d1stmct contribution to the north shore and is an index of real progress. Congratulations and best wishes. Edwia Plaelpe, Keaihro.tla-Congratulate both you and the village on the enlargement of your facilities. Confidently .anticipate you will multiply the serv1ce you have been rendering these past years to make Wilmette the community of good will. WILMt:'l"l'£ LIP£ is as indespensable as the stores. Dr. Georae P. MqiU, Millieter, F.-.t P._.Jteriaa Claan:la, · Wilmette- The announcement of your approaching celebration prompts .me to send you this word of greeting and congratulation. For the past ten years as a pastor in Wilmette, concerned for the betterment of our village in all Plt!tses of its life, I have been interested in the fine spirit shown in your paper, and the contribution you have made to the splendid growth and good name of our community. I have watched with interest and satisfaction your growth from a s~all village newspap_er to a large h:gh class commumty magazine. lour purpose to exclude from your columns the unseemly and the unnecessary deserves commendation. Your occupancy of the present beautiful. commodious and modern plant reflects deserved credit upon your business ability, fair and generous spirit, and your real faith and courage. May I add that I believe your present success also reflects favorably upon the discerning judgment and fine community spirit of appreciation on the part of the people of our viUage. Jlay the life of WILKI'M Lin be long and prosperous. Emil A. Nord, Preaideat, Wilmette Cluua._ of. C~It is with keenest pleasure that I join with other Wilmette business people generally in offering my since·r e congratulations upon the occasion of the formal opening of your splendid ~e\v building. t " TW New Wu.11STT& Lira building , L f~ is a distinct addition to the north· shore community both from Mn. F..... J. Odrrida, P....W..t, the standpoint of its attractiv~ dew......·· Cadaalic au · Wilmelte -The Woman's Catholic Club of sign and as a significant testimonial Wilmette wishes to congratulate and to the increasingly substantial decommend most highly WILK~ velopment of an essential enterprise. Lin on the completion of its new home. In this delightful atmosphere n ...... J. Lpcla. P....W..t, Wia- may its growth and progress conMtlra Cham._ of C........-ce-The !inue and its power for good inspire fairness and willingness of The 1ts numerous readers. WIKKlTKA TAI.x, in keeping before the public the activities of the WinWillett, miaiater, netk~ Chamber of Commerce, par- Dr. H...t.e.t L lteailwortla Ullioa cla-.:la-It is a ticul.a rly its efforts in supporting satisfaction to know that a ne\\·scivic affairs, has been of inestimable paper as ably conducted and as widevalue to !lOt only the Chamber itly read in our north shore area as . self, but to the entire village. Winthe WILKI'm Lin: is to have a new netka, like all north shore villages, and suitable home for its manifold in its growth and development, exactivities. Our people in Kenilworth periences many problems in the watch for its arrival week by week solving of which the Chamber of and read it with interest. The vatu~ Commerce enters with the one de· of such a paper to a community is sire, a solution which will be for beyond estimate. In large degree it the best interest of Winnetka. In sets the standard of public thinkall these affairs, the Chamber has ing. Its attitude on public questions, had the heartiest co-operation of the particularly on matters of civic duty WIKNlTKA TAt-It, and it is with proand moral obligation, naturally befound pleasure we note the continued comes the form of thinking and congrowth and development of the duct for its readers. The opportuLloyd Hollister Inc., publications and nity and responsibility of a journal such as yours are very great. I contheir occupancy of so fine and complete a "home." gratulate you on your new facilities for the conduct of your fine enterprise. JOHph C. Comf-a, ·Wilmette-Congratulations to you, and by -the same token Wilmette is to be congratu- H....,. ·· Gat., Nortla Sllore Maa.._., lll.oie BeD T .....oae Comlated for being beautified with such ~When I recall the weekly an inspiring building as you have paper published here years ago, just erected on Central Avenue. · which President Orner so ably deI have long watched with interest scribed at a meeting of the Old and indeed with growing admiraSettlers a few years back, and comtion your splendid journalism as expare it with our present WILMI'm emplified in WILli~ Lira-and now LIPS, I realize the credit due you. you have added to your laurels by You have taken a pride in iterecting a building which is at once put into it part of yourself and kept a credit to your good taste and a the good will and friendship of those point of admiration for the North who know you. Shore. Your publication has reached a J. R. Harper, s................. Wil·rtte PUiic Sclaaa~I have noted with very high degree of perfection. a great deal of interest the developReading matter of a type pleasing ment of the WILKI'l'ft Lift especially to the eye and easy to read, editorias it has become more and more a · als dignified and timely, and adverfactor in our community affairs. I tisements well arranged make the have seen it change its name and whole harmonious and attractive. change its dress, and now I am esAs an advertising counsel I appecially pleased to see it established preciate \Vhat a source of satisfacin a home of its own. I am glad to tion this must be to your advertisers. congratulate you on your new buildYours is an achievement worth ing because in equipment and archiwhile. tectural appearance it is a splendid So, congratulations and good addition to the business houses of the wishes! North Shore. ing to the community by pubJishs~ia~ion, I bad never seen your new ing news of municipal affairs. It is buald1ng, strange as ~hat may see~ of fundamental importance that to you. · I every citizen be informed, or at Now that I ~ve seen at, I w_a! least have the opportunity to be into drop Y<!U a tine of conp-atulat~o · formed, concerning the activities of "! ou certaanly 0 have a ~odero .b!J~l · his municipal government. Thomas mg to h~use { ~. growaq_ ·ctlvatae · "Wh Every tame VISit an office where J efferson ~··d . . enever peop1 e work can be done under such con,:.. are well . mfOI'J!'ed they can ~ ditions as you have, I envy the man trust~d wath t~e1r own gover!'me.nt. who can work in such an office. You It .·s the des1re of all consc.1enta'?us may consider yourself fortunate in offic1al~ to accurate)~ furn!s~ mbeing able to work in a place so formation to the pubbc ~ut ~t 1s .not light, with such good air and so free from distracting noise. ..: . always easy ·to accomplish 1t Without unusual effort and expense. The In erecting this modern plant, · I WINKC'rXA T AI,K, which I understand am sure you are showing your a.,:. reacbe& a very large percentage of predation of the spirit of these north shore villages. Winnetka horq~s, furnishes an ideal channel of publicity and with the of Wilaaette-The weekly conferences with your re- Womaa'e Woman's Club of Wilmette congratu-. porter at this office, news of the lates Wn.11'11"1'1t Lira upon the compleVillage Council's work and of the tion of your new business home service being rendered by the Vilwhich is a worthy monument to our lage administrative organization can community. The pleasing exterior be presented to our citizens promptand sunshiny interior make it an unly and uonomically. The service of usually attractive place for the conyour paper in this matter is well nigh duct of business. ·indispensable. TAJ.Jt a.· . W. E. McC.weck, Aseociate Millie· a., F....a ~ a.rcla, WiJwettew-It is a genuine pleasure to congratulate you on the occasion of the formal opening of your new plant. The extraord~nary seryice which you have consistently gaven the First Congregational Church in the past makes these felicitations a delight. . After having visited the entire new plant and after having been received courteously by the splendid staff which makes printing a personal service, I may say that the North Shore should take great pride in your presence as a modern business institution. lin. WilliaJD F. SclaiWp.. Preei··... N...ala Slaore C.tlaolic W o · a a' · ........_Lloyd Hollister Inc., is to be congratulated on its new home. The people living west of the railroad can now point to this building with pride. In the past we have had such wonderful co-operation from Lloyd Hollister In~. As president of the North Shore Catholic Woman's League, I wish them all success. lin. Sllellt~ M. Siaaleta.. ........... Wilmette Leap. fll w.__ Vo._. -Wilmette citizens have reasonable grounds for the claim Mark Twain made · for the strawberry, viz., that God could have made a more ideal place for the people to live than our north shore, but He never did. WILKI'm Lm, a newspaper having the welfare of the community at heart, could serve the future in no better way than by striving to unite the several communities in an effort to keep our north' shore life distinctive and to pass on unspoiled to posterity our fair wooded shore. Rw. Fraacie Cur Stitler, WO..tt.Let me congratulate you on your fine new home. You deserve it. You have given the north shore a service that it needs and you have done it efficiently and always in the spirit of good will. Surely the Christian church, if it had everywhere such unstinted support from the press as we have always had at your hands in Wilmette, would be far stronger than it is as a national institution. May your prosperity and your good influence continue and expand. (Continued on next page)

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