Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Mar 1928, p. 89

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WILMETTE _ _ _...,.._______....,_ __, .. 1Shore and Milwaukee railroad for Editor, Wn.·..m Lnta: handling carload freight business have The Chic;ago Tribune of this date been increased ·with the placing in (February 28, 1928) .carried a note on service of two additional locomotives a study of identical twins reared apart, of a new type specially constructed accompanied by a _pi~tur~ of the twins. for the "Road of Service." Last week a similar article was pubThe feature of these locomotives is lished. their double sQurce of power-trolley The Tribune published the item!; be.. and storage bat·tery. The trolley is cause of the unaque nature of the situ- used on the main line and all other ation and the study. Your paper might t k h be interested in the personal item con- rae age w ere overhead power concerning the person wHo made the nections are afforded. Use of the study. . The "Dr. Bertha Mitchell" re- storage battery for moving freight on ferred to in the Tribune write-up con- industrial sidings and switch tracks tains .two errors-it should read Mrs. without trolley connections greatly inBlythe MitchelL I live at 360 Gregory creases the flexibility of operation. An avenue, and am the wife of Dr. Bryan ecopomical feature of these locomoMitchell, associated since last July ti~~s is the fact that the storage batwith Drs. Stolp and Weishaar. For, ter~es are recharged from the trolley several years I have been employed whtle the locomotives are in service · by the U. of C. as a research worker on the main line. on various studies that seek to determine the relative influence of hered- Kildeer Club·Memben ity and environment. The report of a two-year study of in Membership Campaign foster children appears in the 1928 Members of the Kildeer Country year-book of the National Society for 1 b h ld d' the Study of Education. I directed the c u e a mner at the North Shore field work for this study, worked up hotel, Evanston, last week to celestatistical results, and wrote the re- hrate the "club completion campaign." port in collaboration with Dr. Frank The occasion represented a send-off N. Freeman and Dr. Karl }. Holzinger to the members who are launching of the University of Chicago This study upon a membership campaign. It is is the most comprehensi~ of any in the plan of the club to dispose of all this year's )'ear-book, the report cov- remaining unsold memberships within sixty days. Kenneth L. "Tug" Wilering 125 pages. l do not relish tooting my own horn son, athletic director at Northwestern and hope what I have written does not university, was the toastmaster. . Two appear so to you. I send this only be- hundred and seveuty.:.five members atcause I feel it may be "Wilmette tended the dinner News" and may establish the connec---·---tion between myself (also IDJ' .... 1 M Ad c haad'· wife) and the Mrs. Mitchell rs. am rawford, 710 · Central mentioned in the Tribune article avenue, and her son, Wallace, left I spent four days of last week on Monday for New York, to meet Mr. this trif to Oshawa, Ontario, Canada Craw~ord, wh_o returned Tuesday Of! (east o Toronto 30 miles) to visit and th.e . erFengar·~ fro~!' a two months study the twins. This may be a news tnp 18 · ranee, Belgium, and Englan~. item if the other information is not. fhey Will all spend a day or two ~n I might add that in a year's study New York before returmng to Wllof the mental and physical likenesses mette. -a-of identical and fraternal twins I have The Town club of Wilmette gave its tested many twin pairs in Wilmette, monthly buffet supper dance at the 'Vinnetka. and Evanston. Woman's club Saturday . evening of (Mrs.) Blythe Mitchell, last week. 360 Gregory avenue. Wilmette. I New Locomotm. Great . Aiel to Frei1ht Tnnait Facilities of the Chicago . North · un ......... W1L. ........ A···· Phone 2766 --- - - --- ----- - Evening Art Classes in Evanston Each student follows a program arl'anged according to his or her · ambitions and ability. Drawing from life, some evenings. Other evenings-evolving layouts for advertising, study. ing, ·color theory and practice, composition, design, symmetry and lettering. Carefully directed individual progress, under skilled tutorship. The beginner, the art student or the professional artist is welcome to join the classes Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, 1 to 9:30. Tuition is nominal. Because instruction is individual it is possible to enroll at any time. Evening classes in Interior Decoration ·nd Costume Design are also open at this time. The Day classes' are in session Monday to Friday inclusive, 9:00 to 12:00 and I :00 to 4:00; Children's classes Saturday forenoon, 9:30 ·to '12:00. A Fence for the ·small Estate .. _. ....n ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . at . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ....................... ~-.. .... wiiJa- ... NQals· ,..._ - - little .............. II' ·· ., two - dine ..... 1ep1 &.ita w111a tJ. , _ t1aat ·ae. ·· ~ willa artiallc ... c..f......_ -·· 1 &p. RUSTICRAn"'S ......,at .-... el t-.Ja ~ --~ .... RUSTICRAPT Ia ~ ·ected _. )lat u ~.................... .. · ....... · m.Jtiatet. Beetlet ··· trlee· ·· ncweat · THE EVANSTON ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS CAaL SCHIJJIIILIIa. Dindor Cadloa Bailclia1 Tower, Claaada aad Onillstoa T .....· Gnunlaf 1674

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