Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Mar 1928, p. 43

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tbe ...._ oi tbe NorUa aaA ~ 111'11. Bruce P: OWelul, c1aalnDa. 111'11. C. P .. Berc will ....-14· aact J1n. D. Jl. Oallle will apeak on ·.,.._ TriaL" llwdc b~ 1081 ,AaoC~ate mbalater, ~m. B. · llcCoi'ID&Ck Ruth Allderaon. Intelllpnt ~patton In aQ enterThe Bo78' club wiD meet at I :ao· on prille Ia ueen·arll~ IJuecl upon knowl- Thuncla7 11Jlder the direction of llr. Mcectce of What that enterprlee Jau u Ita Cormack, whb 18 .. alated b~ loe Swan purpo11e11 and PJ'OIP'&IR& But lmowledp ud Howard Weat. ·Ia not auftlclent In lt.Mlf for It Ia only a baSI& There muat be In addiUon an Hanj Stone, son of Mr. and Mrs. attempt to In worldq out thOM alma &lld Judson Stone, was a representative for This Ia true apeclaliJ' In a church. In order that a penon ma.y take part In an the Dartmouth Chapter of Phi Kappa Jntelllpnt fUblon with the chureh of Psi on an excursion to Syracuse and his choice, be muat understand what It Cornell. On :his. return trip to DartIs doing apd attemptiDc to do, and lend mouth be visited north shore friends at It active support. oo-o.:.,n:_te Princeton. This chureh already Includes representatives from twenty-one dllrerent denominations who aclmowledpt by their membenhlp In It tlp.t they are pleased with Its purpoaea and Intend to co-operate In Ita plan& Thue, therefore, Invite othen to ln8pect the work of this church and to unite tbemaelves actively In Its enterPrise& The replar monthly meetlnc of tbe Woman's GuU4 will be held In the church todaY. Mrs. "C. L. Darling, chairman of the H_pme lrll81don work, will have some quilts to be tied at 11 o'clock. Luncheon will be eervecl at 1 o'clock by the North End Circle, lira. Bruce P. Owens, chairman. The PI'OIP'IUD of the afternoon wan Include a group of 110np by Mrs. William E. Wllllamll; a brief review of the BtudJ' book ..Old Paths for New Purposes" by Mrs. J. Melville Brown, and a Lenten meaage by the Rev. Harold C. CUe of Glencoe. All day SatUnlaJ' the North End Circle will bold a Bakery sale at Van Deuaen ..s Grocery store at Central avenue and lith street. Everyone Is Invited to attend. On Sunday morning at 9 :10 the Church school convenes. There 18 room in Its various departments for &DJ' boy or girl In Wilmette. Adequate leadership Is provided for all apa. The Covenant · class will meet In the oftlce with Mr. McCormack. This cl8.88 18 arranged for boys and girls of the seventh cnute who are studying the meplnc of Christianity and Church Membership. The Junior Congregation service at 10 :30 will be addressed by Mr. McCormack on the subject ..The Cheater." The .Junior chorus choir will sing. The restful and Inspiring worship service of this church on Sunday mornIng Is held at 11 o'clock. The music under the direction of Amy Leslie Toskey Is of unusual merit. The Rev. Robert W. Gammon, secretary of the Congregational Education society, will be the guest preacher. The Forum, a discussion group for men and women, will meet at 12 :15 Sunday m«»mlng. Dr. F. 0. Beck will lead the dlscuSBion on ·"The Seared and Submerged cla.sBes" In connection with the general topic ··can We Chrlstlaniae Modem Culturer· A large grouat Is attending these extraordinarily Interesting meetings. The Sunday Evening club, which meets In this church, will have ·as Its speaker, Dr. Arthur E. Bestor, president of Chautauqua Institution, Chautauqua, New York. Dr. Bestor has just returned from the Near East and will speak on ..Contemporary Problems In Ancient Capitals." · The Young Women's Business and Professional club of Wilmette will hold its regular dinner and meeting In the Junior room of the church Monday evening at 6:30. On Tuellda.J' the Wekeacaftla Camp Fire Girls wiD m-.t at the church at 3 :45 P. M. lrlra. H. A. LaBoy Is guardian of the group. "Get the· message through" Sixties the "pony express" carried the mail over mountain and Indian wilderness from St. Joseph, Missouri, to San Francisco. The express riders and station keepers won undying fame for getting the message through, regardless of hardship or danger. THE ·. IN to remain at their switchboards in the face of fire, Hood or other great danger. Linemen go out to repair the lines in time of accident or storm-even at the risk of their lives. There are no instruc:tions requiring Bell System employees to endanger their lives. It is the spirit o. f communication that bids them, "Get the message through." Rooaevelt Troop, No. 2 Boy Scouts, will meet at T:SO. Fred Rye 18 Scoutmaster. A number of men of this church will attend the meeting of the Congregational lrlen of Chlcap at the Palmer House on Tueaday eveniDg. A banquet 18 to be served at wblcb there wiD be speakers of wide reputation. A eonference luncheon for the Women of the CoJUrl"ea.tlonal churehea of Chlcaao wiD tie field at the Stevena hotel at noon on WedneadaJ'. 'l'hls will be one of the larpet Rtlaei'IIIP of Ita kind to be held In CblcUo. Jfany of the women of tbl8 chureh 1Dten4 to go and others m&J' aecure tlclreU from Mrs. L. L. Perry and llr& l. llel~e BroWD. At 1:41 P. Jl. · W~a7 the Junior choir meeta for rehea.nal under the direction of ~ LHlle 'l'G*ey. In fact and in spirit, the Bell System is the lineal descendant of the pony express. Opemtors volunteer ILLINOIS BELL' TELEPHONE COMPANY BILLSYSTDI One Policy - One S,.rena · Uaivencd Service

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