Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Mar 1928, p. 51

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;March 9, 1928 b~·tf...ln. held We4nea4ay eveniJW at 8 P. II. 'l'be ne IJ · . , , IUbject for the week II ..Religion and the .JudPDa from the atteD4anee 1ut Sun- Productive Life." da.y momlq, It wu quite evident that Recreational: bacJ the repreltentatlve from · heaven llondax-Volley ball-8 :30 - Howard called at many of our homes be would IICbOOL . have found the JJeOPie ready and waiting Thul'lday - Young People's nightto l!lhow him the way to the Presbyterian Presbyterian church. church, located on the comer · of Ninth Frlday-8 :15 to, 9 :I~High BChool age. etreet and Greenleaf avenue. However, Presbyterian church. It was quite evident that If heaven's rep. reaentatlve dld call at aome of the homes Loph7 DaJ, 8···a,-, II Jut SundaY momiN. he did not pt any Something quite unusual Is being reeponse from within. Whether abeent from home, or otherwlae, we do not planned for that day. If you care to see know. We surely appreciated the at- the ftnt evidences of this Loyalty Day tendance of the number of strangen and program. attend church aervtces next Sunday morning. In anticipation of the vlsltoi'B last Sunday. The sermon topic for nest Sunday will program for Sunday, March !6, aome 11 be : DI8covertng the Impossible In twenty-ftve or thirty men have planned something quite out of the orcliDary for Christian Service." The quartet will give the following next Sunday inomlng. musical pJ'OIT&m next Sunday morning at the regular hour of worship : Organ Prelude, ··Ave Marla" ... .. ... . .... . . . . . ~hubert Anthem. .. ··Art Thou Weary? ......... . Chadwick Anthem, , ., ..I'm a Pilgrim, I m a Stranger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . ..... ... ........... Marston Organ Offertory, ··Larghetto In E Flat" ........ . Batiste Solo, ..When They Ring Those Golden Bells" . . . ... . . . ... . ... .. . . . . . . .. .. De Marbelle Mr. Miller Orcan Postlude, ··credo"· (Mass No. 1) . . . .. . ... . Haydn The Woman's Bible class, under the leadenhlp of llr& E. L. Schuls, meets each Sunday morning at 9 :30 for the adult. worship service, followed by the claSB· period at 10 o'clock. All the women of the church and e9ngregatlon are cordially Invited to become members of this organisation. . The Men's Bible claSB meets at 9 :30 every Sunday morning for the worship ~rvlce of the adult department, followed bv the ciRss meeting at 10 o'clock. Kr. A. J.... Miller ls the leader of the class. A cordial welcome Is extended to you to join. No one cares to have his loyalty questioned : all he asks for Is a chance to prove lt. We rlg'-tiY assume this to be the case with every member of our church. A most Interesting and delightful opPQ.J1.unlty for a real evidence Is planned for Loyalty Day, Sunday, March 25· ..How Can I Help Others to Follow Jesus?" Is the topic for discussion for the Christian Endeavor meeting next SundaY at 5 :30 o'clock. Miss Reba Michener will be the leader. Some of the members of the Society are planning to go to the Presbyterian Training School in Chicago, for tea In the afternoon. 14st Sunday our Society. was host to the C. E. of thP- Pilgrim .Congregational church of Evanston. A splendid meeting has been reported. The annual meeting and election of oftlcers tor the Woman's society will be held Tuesday, March 13. The devotionals will be led by 'Mr,l'. W. 0. Morris. Spoke 5 will be ·t n charge of the luncheon at IZ A. K. Devotionals at 1:15, business at %:15 P. K. The .Junior church meets at 11 A. M. every Sunday In the Junior' own room. 'fbe programs being used are leading up to the Easter season, with songs, music and stories to ftt the occasion. We in~ vlte your ctilldren to become members of our church. The regular mid-week meeting will be . P: r·· .I""'" c ·I..._.Jttl.. ··re· Next SUDC1a7, March 11, will be the third Sunda7 In Lent. There will be Ho~ Communion at 8 a. m., Church Schoola and Bible Classes at 9 :ti, and Komi ... Prayer with addrea at 11 a. m. There are extra celebrations of the Holy Communion during Lent on Wednesday· at 1 a. m. and on l'rldays at 10 .... m., except on Good Friday, and also service every Wednesday evening In Lent at 8 except In Holy Week, when the evening services are on Thunday at 8 p. m. and Good Friday at 8 p. m. The preacher at the Wednesday evening service, llarch 14, at 8 p. m., will be Rev. Jl. J. Lee, rector of Grace Chureh, Hinsdale, Ill. The A88oclated Guild meets every Friday In Lent at 10 :30 a. m. for an aU-day session with lun~eon at noon. S1~ A·tuli··'s h·rell · c Club Ia the audltorlum of tbe ~ donal Cburcb aat ~ · . . . - a& 'I :10 p. m. WU1 be Dr. Arttiur a Bator, prealtleDt of Chautauqua IIUitltute Cbaatauqua, New York state. Ria nbiect will be ·-ccmtemporary Problems In ADcleDt Capitals of the World." er at Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Breit of Kenil· worth and Miami Beach have entertained a number of their north shore friends at their boJDe at 1ZJ Espanola Way. Wilmette And Kenilworth have been well represented. Betty Jane and Geraldine Breit took part in the an· nual party at the Flammgo hotel given by Carl Fisher, both doing solo dances and modeling. · My Children Enjoy Living Deere Park 10 · Because they are developing strong bodies, tanned, and with a glow of health. They are playing unrestrainedly, filling their longs with pure air, . swelling their chestst and learning to laugh at a fall. They are swimming in clean waters, and ba5king in the warm sunlight. With their dog, and with their chosen playmates, they are lea~ing courage, unselfishness and good fellowship. They enjoy Deere Park now. Some day they will thank me for having made it possible for them to live there. BAIRD~ARNER DIVISION OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 646 N. Michigan Avenue Superior 1855 You caa aer it riaht here, Pmmptly--Coavmitarly. Loans made oa your siaaatan aad . two of · your frinads. Sheridan Road (Route 42) to North Boundary of Glencoe-at the Lake - EVANSTON SEC~~y FINANCE CORP. 628 Grove St., Evanston Phone lJaive~ty 252 Saturday ........ 9 --::-.:·=:-:":::=-.:..: - - - - - · - - - - - a. m. to 1 p. m. Jlonda7 ......... I a. m. to 8 P. m. Other Days .. 9 a. m. to 4 :80 p. m. -~-----------~------ _ _ _ _ A _ _ _ _ _ ..- - - - · --- ---~----"-

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