Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Mar 1928, p. 56

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I. .OfJ RIDCIUVBR'8 &ALB 01' JIANUII'AC'l'URer'· ample& ComJJliete dla8 room and bedroom .JUitee and earved cabinets. leu than facto17 co& fll But Brie at., Cblcaao. Xoblbenrlcb. 4th ftoor. · Tel Superior 9T&t. lOOLTNJf-lto ~!«:-<·~·~·~·; ExcepUo·ll7 hiP Crade aad OCfered at for 'North ·Shore Cage Toarumeat Great Wodcl-wicle ,....,...:... Or~ ..7 pniaation ia a..e&c:u.17 of J'O& &ALB-VACANT <Cllnciice Homme Siittez BIRD'8-EYE MAPLE DOUBLE BED, ~B»rlng, new . mattre88, dresser, rocker and chair, $50. Ph. Winnetka 359. 100LTN!4-1tc Local Uaified f...t l&ol&o§1t1UlllbJReaJltty(C<O>a 1108 Davis St. Central Ave. near lake, 60x217 at $300 ft. FOR SALE CHEAP-7 PC. OAK DINGreenleaf Ave., &OxUO at $80 ft. Ing room set, round table, leath.,r seats Grecory Avev 50xl15 at $100 ft. In good condition. Tel. Wilmette 587. Greenleaf Ave., 51rxllt at $200 fL lOOLU-ltc Laurel Ave., 60x!24 at $175 ft. Sbetlclan Rd., 70X172 at $235 ft. FOR SALE-DARK FUMED OAK DIN)llcblp.n Ave. Rlparlan Right, 100xt50. Ing set, 54 ln. table, 6 chairs blue leather Excellent beach. Below market value. seats, serving table, $25. 705 Oak St. )lain St. buslneu property, 60x235, ImPh. Winnetka 1314. 100LTN24-ttp proved with old home. Priced for quick sale. "RELIABLE" GAS RANGE, ALL white enamel. IA>ft-hand oven. Winn. l·U6. 100LTN2f-1tc Unlvertdty 8080 78L24-ltc FOR SALE-48-IN. OAK BUFFET, looks like new. Ph. w·nmette 3798. 100LT24-ttc Editor's note : The following article Is the sixth of a series relating to the functions and achievements of the various beneficiaries of the Wilmette Community Chest. for which an annual unl· fied fund campaign Is conducted In Wilmette. It Is felt that the residents of the village, who are the contributors to this fund for all recognized charity and welfare agencies, ~ould be made thoroughly familiar . with these objectives of their generous support. This article deals with the Salvation Army. The Salvation Army work in the United States was officially opened in the year 1880. The beginning was small and the self-sacrificing men and women who blazed the trail were greatly misunderstood, but their ·zeal and sincerity soon commanded respect. The work in this country has grown rapidly during the last forty-seven years and today numerous departments of activity are well established throughout the entire country and are accepted by the American people from the president down as indispensable to the life of the nation. ----------------------------$19 PER FOOT 450 FOOT FRONTAGE, 1'10 FEET DEEP, FOR SALE-MAH. UPRIGHT PLAYER piano and chair, $50. 529 Sunset Rd. Ph. Winnetka 1861. . 100LZ4-ltp Wlnn. eurrounded by new modem homes In Glenview, opposite N. S. Golf Club. FOR SALE-BECK,VITH CONCERT Underground Improvements. Will diGrand upright piano. Ph. Wilmette vide. Terms. 389. 100LT24-ltc 78LTN24-ltc Ill WTD. T9 BL"T-HSEHLD. GDS. Glenview 81 FOR SALE-20 ACRES, WEST OF WANTED TO Bl'Y - SECOND-HAND Wilmette, Lake Ave., facing golf club furniture and other houseohold goods. $4.000 per acre. E. P. Conley broker. Highest prices for same. Crost FurnlVaat Project Ph. Wilmette 1582. · 78L24-ltc ture store, 1004-f; Emerson St. Evanston, Ill. Ph. Unh·. 189. 101LTN5-tfc There are now more than two thouFOR SALE--FINE LOT, 60x160 AT sand established centers of activity and 10! Ravinia Terrace. Winnetka 1334. FOR SALE-MIS('. 4,465 trained commissioned officers at ~~~~~~~~~~~7~8~LT~N~24~-~1t~p ----------------------------- work. The departments of work in1-IOQKED RUGS WTD. TO BENT-HOUSES clude corps centers for evangelistic UNUSUAL ASSORTMENT, WONDER- work, rescue ·homes and maternity ful colorings. ReaM. priced. Ph. Glen\Viii You Rent Your Home? "lew 203. Warren, Glenview borders, hospitals. general hospitals and .dispenFURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. WE 102LTN24-2tc saries, industrial homes for homeless Glenview. have clients waiting to sign up. Call unemployed men, slum posts and nurMcDougall. A.QUARIUM PLANTS, TROPICAL series, hotels for men and women, fish, tiny Fantail Goldfish, 20c each. BILL'S REAI~TY, INC. Also snalls, gravel, fish food and tiny young women's boarding homes, naval 1603 Sheridan Rd. Wilmette 37ft mudturtles. 1 small and 1 medium-sized and military clubs, children's homes. 89LTNZt-ltc aquarium. 1021 Central Ave., Phone prison work, anti-suicide bureaus and 102LTN24-ltc Wilmette 2791. missing friends bureaus. Are You Going Away? Following is a summary of general BRAND NEW REFRIGERATOR FOR WHY NOT LET US RENT YOUR HOME Frigidaire or other unit, or for Ice. statistics of the Salvation Army in the for yi)U? We h{lve several desirable White enamel, nickel trim. Below cost. citv of Chicago, for the fiscal year clients who are ready to sign. Wlnn·. 14&9. 102LTN24-ltc ending September 30, 1926. Paul Schroeder Co. Total number times relief given .. 376,453 SPRING GENTLEMAN'S OXFORD Wllm"tte 698 418 Linden AYe. overooats, sizes 36 and 42, $5. Ladies' Employment sought for . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,498 h:tL24-ltc Number of Salvation Army officers dresses, size 38, $5. Winn. 1459. wholly employed in work in Chi102LTN24-1tc WANT TO RENT A MODERN HOUSE 208 cago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in Wilmette, Kenilworth, Winnetka or FOR SALE-GARAGE DOORS FOR Oftlcers in Training working under 125 direction . . .. . . . . .. ... . . .... . . .. . Glencoe. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, garage. opening 8 ft. 2 in. or 8 ft. 4 in., high 212 . and 12 ft. or 1.4 ft. 6 in. wide with out- Rabies Cared for In Rescue Home Reasonably priced. Winnetka 2375. Girls Cared for In Women's Home 89LTN2f-ltc side track. 723 Ashland Ave. 10L24-1tc ' and Maternity Hospital . . . . . . . . 257 RESPONSIBLE PARTY - HOUSE, 4 FOR SALE--FRESH EGGS-WE CAN Chtldren Cared for In Day Nursery (times) .............. .. ...... 10,712 supply a limited number of customers bedrms., pref~r sl. pch. East W.Umette to Glencoe. Ph. \VIlmette. 2356. regularly with eggs from our own hens. Persons Cared for In Women's 580 Emergency Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89LT24-1tc Call Wilmette 531 or 515. 102L24-ltp Mothers and Children Given Week's Vacation at Fresh Air Camp . . 1,545 WANTJ·.:D TO RENT-6 OR 7 ROOM WINTER DRESSES AND COATS-$3-$5, slses 36-38. Call Monday, 9-4, Glencoe Chtldren Given One Day's Outing 3,035 house by May lt~t. Family of 3· refs. given. Wilmette ;908. 89LZ4-ltc l02LTN24-ltc Pieces of Literature Distributed 1297. in Hospitals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73,326 H A:NTIQUES of Persons Given Treats SEAL FUR COAT, SIZE 16. CALL Number and Clothing In Hospitals . . ... 61,789 evenings. Ph. WiJmette 914-W. and Rent Paid for 3,745 102L24-ltp Transportation AN'riQUES - ANTIQUES Missing Friends Found . . . . . . . . . . . 229 Sale of Early American Furniture: Chests PerROns Treated in Free Dental FOR SALE ePRIGHT STEINWA Y of drawers 1D walnut. cherry and Clinic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,289 plano $300. 703 Park Ave. Ph. Wil- Persons mahopny. Set of 6 maple ftddle-back Treated In Free Dismette 2520. 102LTN24-1tp chairs, also pairs and odd chairs. Sixpensaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,801 ~~ drop-leaf tables in cherry and walOutside Employment Secured WithWANTED TO BUY-JIISC. nut; !-drawer sewlnc table; small bed- 111 out Charge For . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . 2, 711 side tables; odd bed8-8J)OOI, t poster, Coal Given to Poor, Tons . . . . . . . . 163 etc. J and 3 light candlesticks with WANTED-CLEAN WHITE RAGS, 1Oc Garmen.ts, Shoes and Furniture per lb. 1232 Central A,·e., Wilmette. priBm& Earl,. American Glass--Stlegel, Given Away to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,951 193LTN'14-tfp BaHkets of Food Given Without Sandwich. Odd lot of Bric-a-Brac. Prlnta of all kinds. Sale continues all Cha~es . . . . ..... . . .. . . .... .. .. 13,105 week~me early-open evenings. Meals Given Without Charge ..... 186,633 JIRS. JIARY ANN DICKE Manufactured gas service started in Beds Given Without Charge . . . . 51.170 808 WaablnlrtOn Street Chicago in 1850; in Quincy, Rock Is- Meals Worked For . . . . ..... ..... 129,883 (1% Bl West of llain St. ..L") Worked For . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49,958 land and Springfield in 1854; and in Beds Evanston Ho~s SPent in Visitation . . . . . . . . . 30,522 99LJ4-ltc Galena, Ottawa and Peoria in 1855. Discharged Prisoners Assisted . . . 93 Attendance at .Tall Meetings . . . . . 6,890 Number of JaU :Meetings Held . . . . 137 Attendance at Gymnasium Classes 2,836 Number of Indoor Meetings Held. . 8,027 Attendance at Indoor :Meetings .. 458,552 Number of Open Air Meetings Held . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,001 Number of Conversions . . . . . . . . . . . 2,136 WYATT & COONS Tickets have been placed on sale for the North Shore· Amateur Basketball tournament to be held at New Trier High school next week and which is 'sponsored by the Wilmette State Bank. Proceeds from the tournament will go into the coffers of the Arden Shore Rest Camp at Lake Bluff. Teams entered in the tournament include: . Fell's Clothiers, Winnetka. Highland Park and Kenilworth : Wilmette State Bank; Wilmette Presbyterian church ; Knights of Columbus ; Central State Savings Bank; St. Luke's church ; Public Service company ; Y -Nots; Illinois Ddl Telephone, ancl Evanstons. Tickets may b e procured at the fol lowing places : Swanson pharmacy, Glencoe; Roche's . North Shore pharmacy, Hubbard Woods ; Adams and C om m u n it y pharmacies, Winnetka; Indian Hilt pharmacy; Kenilworth p h a r m a c y ; Renneckar Drug company, SniderCazel Drug company, W i lm e t t e ; Chandler's, Evanston. Art Pupils Make Illustrations for Library Exhibit Children in the public and .parochial schools of Wilmette are engaged in the interesting enterprise of making illustrations based on books they have selected from the Children's room of the Public library. Subjects for these illustrations have been selected by the children without · suggestions from their -elders. The products of their labors wiJl be placed on display at the library during the week of March 19. They may also be viewed by parents Monday, Wednesday and Saturday evenings o.f that week. Miss Frances Donnelly, art supervisor in the public schools, and Miss Winifred Bright, children's librarian, are in charge of the project. & ----------------------------- Marionettes Appear at Howard School Next Week The Tatte.nnan Marionettes will appear here on March 12, at the Stolp school, and March 13, at the Howard school auditoriums, under the auspices of the Wilmette Teacher's club. "Jack and the Beanstalk" will be given at 1 o'clock for children from the kindergarten to and including the fourth grade, and at 2:30, John Ruskin's immortal fairy tale, "The King of the Golden River," w·m be given for children from the fifth through the eighth grades. ----------------------- - OPEN MEETING FOR PARENTS The Logan-Howard Pre- Schoo I Mothers' circle will hold its next meeting on Wednesday, March 14, at 8 o'clock, at the Howard school. Miss Clara Dietz, natural science teacher in the Glencoe Public schools, will talk on the "Story of Life." This is an 'lpen meeting to which all fathers and mothers are invited. BABIES FRIENDLY MEETING The Babies Friendly will hold it:; next meeting at the home of Mrs. Albin Carlen, 1713 Walnut avenue, Wednesday, March 14, at 1:30 o'clock. The announcement states, "Come ami bring your thimble." Mrs. Harold H. Hanson of DiUon, Mont., formerly of Wilmette, Mrs. Lafayette Aldrich of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., and Miss Edith Callaway of Milwaukee . were guests of M.r . and M.rs. Andrew Boyd of the Linden Crest apartments last week-end. ___ . . . -w.... ~ ...... - -- -- ................... __ ..... C.W weatller. t1eet. ke a4l .,._ caae die tDp . . . . . . . . . . , . . CU' Cnclr. ftla · ..._ top. Ja_. . . . . tlda ... ~-· ~ Mrs. Louis S. Becker of lOS Fifth street gave a luncheon last Wednesday in honor of Mrs. Becker's mother who was celebrating her eighty-seventh birthday. Several of the guests were from Chicago. -o. Claude McDermott, son of the ]. D. McDermotts, of 226 Ninth street, has just returned from the St. Elizabeth's hospital in Chicago, after a severe illness. He is now improving in health.

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