Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Mar 1928, p. 29

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IIUMI ~. . . , N on-Deli·qae·ts -Visit Historical Society in City - - I f' The girls and bop who were· not tn the delinquent class at all last month were allowed to P> to the Chicago Hlatorlcal Society With Kiss Ha7es, Miss Stevena and Mrs. Jones. They left at 1 o'clock on the Elevated and got off at Grand Avenue about an hour later. After walking four blocks, accompanied by a mounted · policeman, who stopped the ears w)tlle we cro88ed the streets, we were ushered Into the Chicago Historical Society bulldtn::. In the center of the room Into which we went had glass cases. In these · cases were mostly things which the Colonial people used, such as Washington's knee buckles, his coat, -rtha Washington's shoes that she wore, candle snuffers, used by some famous persons and other interesting things. In another room just off this one were old prints showing different scenes at the time when they were printed. There was al~ some furniture In -this room which had been used in the Civil War times. · But the most Interesting room In the whole building Is the "Lincoln Room " which. Is said to have more real furni- The &~~~~embly on Tueecbiy, Jlarcb 8, waa of great value to the paplle of the Bnob Stolp IIChool. Kr. Schumacher, leader of the New 'l'rler hlldl achool band, and 9f the Central echool band, pve an lnterestlnc talk on musical Instrument& Some of the Instruments he talked on were cornet, clarlne~ tuba, saxophone and t~t. Be esplallied the parts of the Instrument to · the children, and played the ecales on them. He also answered any questions the pupils asked. At the. end of the program, Mr. Schumacher played a solo on the trumpet. The Instrument was a beautiful goldplated one, preaented to him by the students of New Trier High school a few years qo. This aBBembly was of great value to the pupils In their study of orchestral Instruments. -June Anderson, 8C Stolp. acb. Eipleina .;_ aa,I.Mb,.·ta The efabth JT&de · atrl8 of Howard recently elected their buketbaU captains and orwanlsed their team.. Rutb Smith waa ·.elected captain ·of lA and Margaret ~r of lB. Th4t lA team ts a · folloWB: Ruth 8Jnltb, Jumplnc center; I110bel · Rukfns and J'eaonette Conner, forwarda and Allee Edmonda, Lauretta . -.Aildenon aDd -J'aaet JlcConnaugheJ", guards. The IB team Ia: Ma.rKaret Ludtcer, jumping center; Dorotby Kunger and Lorraine Ba..h. forwards : and , Karle Sl[(,g, Marlon Tubbs. and Olive Chase, gu..I',Jis. -Janet McConnaughey, lA Howard. JILBCT C~AD8 WELCOKE NEW PUPIL The 7A class Is glad to welcome Charles Sundlof, a new pupl,l. who has come from Central school. He has been In Miss Chase's class for two months. He originally came from the Hoyt school, Chicago. -George Waldner, 7A. THEIR FIRST WIXlO!:B The 88 girls won their first basketball game tbls season -with the acore NEW BOY AllRIVE8 8B (9), SA (7). They played under We just got a ~ew boy yesterday. His the girls' rules. 'Miss Reeser waa th.name Is James Kimball. referee. -David Weinstock, 5C Central. -Don Pavlicek, 8B Howard. Keith Hanson has just left for Seattle The other morning J . was awakened by \ast Saturday. We think he wlll stay the. SOQ..~ of a robin. I know Spring will for good. soon be here. - David Weinstock, 5C Central. -Marjorie Welller, 5C Central. ..,. I Wanta Large Gallery for Wilmette-Harvey Contest Let's have as many of the citizens of Wilmette who can, come to make up a large audience at the Wilmette-Harvey lightweight and heavyweight games. They're to be played at Howard gymnasium, Saturday, March 17. The lightweight game starts at 7 :15 o'clock. The ~eavyweia:ht battle will be right after the lights. Let's show Wilmette spirit. · Thank you, -Dick Huck, 8B Howard. FROM THE "NEW SHOP-FOR-GIRLs" I Confirmation FroCk, $12.75 Of white crepe de Chine, with long sleeves and dainty tucked front. Sizes 6 to 14. Simple and becoming. W n~ Room--Second Floor ELECT NEW OFFICEB8 SA Howard elected its new offtcers at a club meeting on March 6. Albert Lind was elected president succeeding George Jon~s. Charlotte Harvey was elected vice president In the place of Isabel Haskins. Janet ~cConnaughey was elected secretary succeedins- Helen Green, and Leoqprd Wolff takes the place of John Hellmuth as treasurer. -Janet McConnaughey, SA, Howard. A VEB8E FROJl 8ARA80TA., FLORIDA Sunshine. ftowers, birds and trees ! Down where I am whUe you freeze Icicles you are trimming From your windows while I'm swimming As I san and row around, around You grab your books and are schoolward bound But soon I'll Join the merry throng The time will pass, It won't be long. -Katherine Thompson, 7B. The Artist's Tools themselves are not sufticient. There are many who love to draw and paint·.; . The enjoymmt of the beauties. of nature is a sufficient impetus to take them into the open, to the fields and streams, to the sea-coast or to tbe mountain-side, there to try to transfix the. scene that enthralls them. Tools, however, are not su.flicient. Thorough training is necessary. The world of art today is asking more insistently than ever "are you a creator or an imitatorl" The methods of teaching in the Evanston Academy of Fine Arts are shaped to this one end that the student develops his creative ability while teaming the DR of the tools. A little investigation will prove this to you. Your visit is cordially invited. There are classes in Dress Design under Mr. Eddy, Interior Decoration under Mrs. Danielson, pure and applied ·design under Mr. Marringer, perspective and lettering under Mr. Higgie, figure drawing, color and composition under Mr. Scheffler. WINS TBB KABBLES John Fredrlcson won the ftfteen marbles donated by Paul Ogilvie, 5B. There were three more playing. . David Weinstock, SC Central. Boys' -Sport Oxfords,$5,$6; Two-tone ellakin with crepe soles . . . shoes that: wear and wear ··. foot-' form last. 1 1-1 3 7l , S S: · 1-6, $6. For Re,raeatatift, G.enl Aaa"P'hly, S..th District, Repai,lican Ncwinatioa [g) Anaa Wilmarth Ickes Yoar Migbbon .., : "Mn. lcka bas served ably as a m~mbtr of the Board of Trustees of the Univrnity o f Illinois. Sh~ has liv~d in Winn~tka 1 9 1 6. sine~ H~r civic and club activities a t ~ w~ II known. She merits your vote." S,.a.l-Tbt lcka Dahlia aanlrn is faaaou. If yoa are a SeY~nth diltria home prdnaer, you can have a packer of cboict dahlia lltds fne by writin1 Mn. Aana Wibaanb Ickes. . Winnetka, Ill. THE EVANSTON ACADEMY O·F 'F INE ARTS Dinctor Carboa Ballcliaa Tower, Charcb aad Orrinaroa CARL SCHEFFLER. Oxfords for Boys,- $5, $5.50 Tao and black calfskin, blucher style, Goodyear welt soles, rubber beela. 11-13~, Ss: 1-6, Ss.so. 8boa-Fint PIG« Telepboae Gnealeaf 167·

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