Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Mar 1928, p. 36

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-· . , , I Stflle Show to Be Bmefit _ Nooel . Cotillion · - ·- hmtlApril T:o WIll.Wilmette Mtm , fot Uni~ai~g 8ett~mJer?t Figurea Feature .. . Bri~ W eddipga of An event of great mterest ~0 socaal f sl..-.... D . and charitable circles on the north 0 nuultJee ance Society I nterat 1 BY JEAN 'faN BROEC~ "The wedding wiD take place in the spring." So read several of the engagement announcements that found their way to our desk not many months ago. Now, as definite arrangements begin to come to us for weddings close at hand, we feel that in spirit, at least, the promise of 3pringtime is soon to be fulfilled, in spite of the blue·gray douds that look suspiciously as if they had come from the north from the cloud bag of King Boreas to turn aside the coming of that . ever capricious vernal season. This evening ·brings the wedding of Miss Eleanor Anabel Buckman and John Alfred Thompson, both oj whom live in Wilmette. The ceremony and reception following will take place in the Shawnee Country club. The most recent affairs ·given for Miss Buckman and Mr. Thompson include the luncheon given Monday by Mrs. Royal M. Photo by Reick Buckman at her home, 1034 Linden Miss Leota Jones, daughter of Mr. avenue, for members of the immediate family and in honor of her grand- and Mrs. Walter M. Jones of Chicago, daughter. Mary Louise Fenton enter- is to become the bride of Raymond J. tained Wednesday at a luncheon and Roth, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Roth bridge for the bride in her home in of Wilmette. The announcement of Winnetka. Last Saturday Miss Wini- their betrothal was made last week. fred Metze) of Kenilworth and Mr5. Granv'ille Revere Lewis, III of Evanston were hostesses at a party at the GicJes Luncheon at Skokie · Mrs. Hayes McKinney of 1035 Chesthome of the former in honor of Mr. Thompson, and last evening Mr. and nut avenue i's entertaining over fifty Mn. Fred Duane Buckman gave the guests at luncheon and bridge today bridal dinner at their residence, 925 at Skokie Country club. Her guests Elmwood avenue. Dr. and Mrs. Theodore William are the members of the social comTruitt of 511 Linden avenue have mittee and board of the Woman's issued the invitations to the marriage club of Wilmette, of which Mrs. of their daughter, Madeline Drew, to McKinney is president. Willard Dickinson Cunningham, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cunningham of St. Louis. The ceremony will take GicJes Alumnae Tea place Monday, April 2, at 8 :~ o'clock Mrs. Otis R u d d i c k held the in the evening at Christ church, Winnetka. The Rev. E. Ashley Gerhard fortnightly alumnae tea of Chicago Teacher's college at her home, 510 will read the service. The wedding party will include Miss Fifth street, Wilmette, on WednesTeresa Backus. of Kenilworth, who will day, March 14, at 4 o'clock. act as maid of honor, Miss Alice Froeschle of Chicago, formerly of K enWilmette, Miss Vera Hoerber of Ev- erick Bruce (Anna Margaret anston, formerly of Wilmette, and nedy), formerly of Wilmette, win give Kiss Margaret Cunningham, sister of a ho~iery shower at her home in the bridegroom, who will be brides- Evanston for Miss Truitt, and Dr. and maids. Mary Jean Truitt, sister oi Mrs. Truitt will give a bridal tea at the bride, and Georgia Rita Drake of Wilmette will be the little flower girls. their home Sunday, April 1. Richard Sinz of Evanston will serve Miss Mary Jane Judson, · daughter the groom as best man, and ushering of Mr. and Mr3. James Judson of EvwiU be Arthur Perriman of Evanston, anston has chosen Tuesday, April 24. Charles Reith of St. Louis, John Cars- as the day of her marriage to Kingsley well of Evanston, and Roger Palmer Loring Rice, son of Arthur Louis Rice of Chicago. · of 518 Central avenue, Wilmette. The An number of affairs have been wedding will take place at 8 :~o'clock; planned prior to the wedding. Mrs. at the First Baptist church of EvansJackson Deering of Evanston enter- ton, with Dr. Charles Gilkey of the tained at luncheon at the Chicago Hyde Park Baptist church officiating, Athletic club and a matinee party last assisted by Dr. James Madison Stifter. Saturday. Miss Teresa Backus will A '$11lall reception · at the Evanston be hostels at a luncheon and linen Country club will follow the ceremony. shower at her home Saturday, March Miss Judson is a graduate of Smith 17, and the following Saturday Miss college and a member of the Evanston Alice Froeschle will entertain at a bridge Junior league. tea. Saturday, March 31, Miss Martha A great many affairs are to be given Swan and. Miss Mildred Melone, both for Miss Judson and Mr. Rice prior of Wilmette. will give a surprise to their wedding, three of which ahower for Miss Truitt. Thursday, already are planned. Saturday eveMarch 21, Frank Cunningham of Ev- ning, March .7, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight auton, uncle of the bridegroom, wiD Ingram of Winnetka will entertain at trift · dinner party at the Blackstone a dinner dance at the Edgewater Beach for meaaben of the wedding party. hotel. and on March 20, Mr. Rice's He wiD take his aruesta to the theater sister, Miss Elizabeth Rice, will be later in the uening. The following hostess at a luncheon at her home in aiabt the uahen will entertain th: Wibnette. Mr. and Mrs. Judson will wtMIM 1N111J at cliaaet at the Drake give the bridal dinner in their home IIOMay, Ilardi 26. U:n. Fred· the evening before the wedding. shore will be the Style show next Monday at Mrs. Walter Strong's home, 1377 Tower road, Hubbard Woods, for the benefit of the Northwestern University settlement. Marion I. Calkins and Marion Dwyer will each exhibit their newest spring styles in sports clothes and evening gowns. Mrs. Bruce MacLeish, Mrs. Norman Westerhold, Mrs. E«tward P. Welle'$, and Mrs. Louis Leverone will act as host-· esses at the tea table, and serving will be a. group of debutantes with · Miss Margot Atkin at their head. Mrs. Towner Webster, Mrs. Harve Badgerow, Mrs. C. P. Hanly, Mrs. Richard Mathiesen, Mrs. Charles Goodrich, and Mrs. Morris Wilson will model the lovely spring creations. Shawnee Country club has embarked upon a festive program for the month of March. The. cotillion on Saturday evening, March 24, is anticipated as the feature party of the season, which, the committee announce3, will be different from the "sit-around-the-wall" affair of . a few seasons ago. After the serving of a turkey dinner at 7:30 o'clock, Van's orchestra will play for the dancing that will commence at 9 o'clock to continue for an hour, and from 10 until 12 the cotillion will bold sway. Van will be master of ceremonies, and will lead the members of the club and their guests in new cotillion figures that will provide continuous dancing for all, and into each of which clever favors will be worked. The committee asks members anJ guests to wear "air-cooled dancin~ slippers" as it promises an evening of lo!'aiety for ever~one. The ballroom a! Shawnee, said to be one of the firest in and around Chicago, is copsidered ideal for such an affair. Saturday, March 17, is the occasion for another of the club's popular evening card parties, which celebrates St. Patrick's day with Castle bridge. The evening cards committee has i~sued clever invitations in Irish rhyme written with green ink on green paper. and the ballroom will be decked in green with Irish flags. · · Those in charge state that prizes will be awarded for "successful bridgers." A duck dinner will be served at 7 o'clock. Many of the young people are planning to attend the high school and college informal dance to be held at Shawnee Tuesday, April 3, and to dance to- the music of Chuck Champlin's orchestra. Mrs. William R. Mahan is chairman of the committee. and will be assisted by Mrs. Frank Wenter, Jr. Working with them .will be the following younger members of the club. Marshall Corns. Philip V. Bright. Jr., Helene Seibold. Jack Higbee, Wallace Miller, Jr.· Gertrude Brown. Ruth Wenter, Catherine Bunt~. V.ster G. Wood. Jr., and Helene Mahan. The committee plans to have special entertainment features. Announce Engagement . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bertram Wilson of 611 Laurel avenue, Wilmette, ann o u n c e the engagement of their daughter, Margaret Borwell, to Ernest Smith Humphrys, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Smith Humphrys of La Grange. Miss Wilson is a graduate of National Park seminary, Washington. D. C., and attended Northwestern university where she is a member of the Alpha Phi sorority. \{r. Humphrys was graduated from Un ...>n college, Schenectady, N. Y., in 1922. He is a member of the Chi Psi and Sigma Xi fraternities. The wedding will take place in the early fall. Shamrock Dance at Skokie. Skokie Country club will close a very successful and active winter season with a St. Patrick's Shamrock dinner and dance next Saturday evening at the clubhouse. All of the decorations will be green, in keeping with the day. In spite of the fact that the winter sports were rather handicapped by the lack of snow, the club has had a fine winter with an unusual number of indoor parties, and some good skating. After March 17, there will be no more club parties until late in May. ·I Betrothed Mr. and Mrs. William Lawall Jacoby of Chicago announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary, to Lyman Manl81}' Drake, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman M. Drake of 933 Lake avenue. Miss Jacoby attended the Club Committee to Gi11e Chicago Latin school and then spent Birthday Party lot Vets two years at Les Fourgeres at LauThe Wilmette Woman's club comsanne, Switzerland, and made her debut last year. Mr. ·Drake is a Dart- mittee on friendly co-operation with ex-service men will give its annual mouth graduate. birthday party at Great Lakes, Red Cross House, Thursday, March 22. at W ellealey Group to Meet 2 o'clock. On this day all men whose The next meeting of the North birthdays come in March will be Shore Wellesley circle will take place special llUests at the party, sitting at Tuesday, March 20, at 2 :30 o'clock, at a tabiP. decorated for them with canthe home of Mrs. F. E. Broomell, 6233 dles, flowers, a ,irthday cake, and a Winthrop avenue, Chicago. 0 I i v e p-ift for each man. AU the men at Nevin White will give a program of the post are invited to the general songs and a new moving picture 'of partv and ice cream, cake, and cigarets will be given to all. Wellesley will be shown. A program of music and readings will entertain the liuests. Anyone inMrs. Willis Strong of 1115 Chestnut street is giving a theater party this terested in the work is invited and it afternoon for a few friends. Preced- is hoped a lar~e number will go. for ing the matinee ·she will ·take her nowhere is the saying truer, "The guests to the Chicago Athletic club for m ore the merrier." Automobiles. rakes. and cigarets wil1 be needed. luncheon. Anv member of the Woman's club committee is ready to give information, :Mrs. William Holmes of 622 Central or those interested may phone the avenue is entertaining today at a St. chairman, Mrs. Willis H. Hutson, WilPatrick's day luncheon and bridge. mette 1447.

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