Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Mar 1928, p. 46

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ANNUAL TOWN MEETING Notice .is hereby given to the Legal Voters, residents of the Township of New Trier, County of Co~k, Illinois, that the Annual Township Meeting and Election of Officers of said 'fownship will take place TUESDAY, ~e 3rcl Day of April proximo, being the first Tuesday in said month. The Election will begin at the hour of 7 A. M. and close at 5 P. M.-Standard Central Time 'in the places designated as follows: DISTRICT 1. Commenclq at the lntenectiOD of the Count~ Une and Lake Mlchlpn, thence runnlnc aoutb-..terly alone ahore line of Lake Kloblp.D to Park Avenue: thence aouthwellterly alone center line of Park Avenue to South Avenue; thence west along center Une South A venue to the center Une of Sec· tlon 11 ; thence north alone the center line of Section 11 to the aouth line of Section 1 ; thence west alone the aouth line of Section 1 to the weat line of Section 1 ; thence north alone the west line of Section 1 to the County Une ; thence east alona. the County Une to the place of be&innlng. PolllDI' Plaeer Gle·eoe U·loa Cllarell, Park ATe., Gleaeoe, IU. DISTRICT 2. Commencing at the lnteraectlon of the ahore line of Lake Klchla'an and Park A venue ; thence aouthweaterly alonc the center fine of Park Avenue to the center line of South Avenue ; thence west along the center line of South Avenue to the west line of New Trier Township; thence .outh aloq the west Une of New Trier Townahlp to the aouthweat comer of the eoutheut one-quarter of Section 11 ; thence eaat aloq the eouth line of the aoutheaat one-quarter of Section 11 and Mid Une produced eaaterly In Jaokaon AveDue to the center line of Grove Street ; thence north alone the center line of Grove Street to the center line of Madlaon Avenue. thence east alonc the center line of Kaclleon Avenue to the eenter line of Lake Street ; thence south alone the center Une of Lake Street to the center line of Harbor Street ; thenoe northeasterly alonc the center line of Harbor Street to the abore line of Lake Klchlcan : thence alone the shore ltne of Lake Mlchtp.n to the place of beglnnln&'. . PoiiiDI' Plaee 1 Fire Station, VJIJal'e Hall, Gleneoe, DL DISTRICT 8. Commenclnc _at the Intersection of the shore llne of Lake Klchtp.n and Harbor Street : thence eouthwesterly alone the center llne of Harbor Street to the center line of Lake Street ; thence northerly alonc the center llne of Lake Street to the center line of Madison Avenue: thence westerly aloq the center llne of Madison Avenue to the center line of Grove Street: thence aouth alone the center line of Grove Street to Jackeon Avenue: thence westerly alone Jackaon Avenue to the 110uthweat comer of Section '1: thence 110uth aloq the New Trier Townllhtp line to the South Glencoe Vlllace line ; thence euterlY alona the South Glencoe Vlllace line to the East Glencoe VIllage llne : thence north alone the Eaat Glencoe Vllla.Ce Une to the center Une of Harbor Street : thence east on Harbor Street to the place of be&innln&'. PolUal' Plaeea lfortll 811ore Dl1tllled Water lee · Co., at ·· 8eott ATen·e, Gleaeoe, W. DISTRICT 4. Be.mntnc at the Intersection of Harbor Street and the north and south center llne of Section I : thence 110uth aloq the north and aouth center llne of Section 8 to the eouth line of the Vtllace of Glencoe : thence weat alone the south llne of the Vlllace of Glencoe to the west Une of Section 18 ; thence ROUth alone the west line of Section 18 to the center line of Tower Road : thence east alon· the center llne of Tower Road to the center line of Gordon Terrace ; thence north along the center line of Gordan Terrace to the center line of Gace Street ; thence north and easterly alone the center line of Ga.ce Street to the center line of the Chi~ and North Weatern Railroad; thence southeasterly along the center line of the Chlca~ro and North Weatern Railroad to the center line of Tower Road; thence east along the center line of Tower Road and the center line of Tower Road lf extended to Lake Klchtp.n : thence northaloaa tbe center llne of the Chlcaco and North We·tern Rail· road to the place of be~nnlq. All In the Vlllace of Winnetka and ID Township 41 North. Ran·· 18. l'oWq Plaeer Cllrl1t CJaarell l'arllll HoaH, Oak aad I!ladea IU.et·· Wlaae&ka, m. DISTRICT t. Beclnnlnc at the shore llne of Lake Mlchlpn and the center line of B1m Street; thence weat alone the oenter Une of Elm Street to the Chlcqo and North Weatern Railroad: thence 110uthweaterly alone the Chlcaao and North Western Railroad to the center line of Wlllow Street ; thence east alone the center line of Wlllow Street to the shore Une of Lake Mlchlcan ; thence north along the shore Une of Lake Klchlcan to the center line of Elm Street. All In Townllhlp f2, Rance 18. PoWa~r Plaee 1 Store at 8 Carlton Bldllr., WlaaetU. JU. DISTRICT 10. Be·lnnln&' at the Intersection of the Chlcqo and North Western Rallroad and the center line of Willow Street: thence west alon· the center llne of Willow Street to the west Une of Section 10 ; thence north alon· the west line of Section 10 to the north west corner thereof; thence west aloq the north line of Section 19 to the north west corner thereof; thence aoqth aloq the west line of Section 19 to the eouth weet comer of aald Section 19·: thence eut alone the aouth line of Section 19, 10 and 11 to the center line of the Chlcaco and North Western Ratlroad; thence northwesterly alon~r the center line of the Chle&&'o and North Western Railroad to the center line of Willow Street, the point of beclnnlq. All In Townahlp fl, Rance 18. Polllnw plaeer Nol111 Shore CoantrJ' DaJ' ·lebool, Wlnaetka, the center Une of Sberlcla.D Road to the center line of Central Avenue: thenoe W'etlt aloq the center line of Central Avenue to the center 11De of ntth street; thence aouth alon· the center llne of ll'ltth Street to the .outh line of the Vlllaae of Wllmette ; thence eut alQil&' the 110uth ltne of the Vlllaa'e of Wtlmette to the ahore of Lake Klohtn.D : thence northwesterly alon_a the shore of Lake Jllchlpn to the point of bectnnlnc. All In Township 41. Ra-.e 11. . PoWa1r Plaeea Knll a 8aJtll, 411 4&11 St., WUaet&e, IlL DISTRICT 18. Bectnnlnc at the lntereection of Fifth Street and Central A venue : thence west alone the oenter line of Central Avenue to the center line of Elchth Street; thence 110uth alone the center line of Ell'hth Street and Woodbine A venue to ttie center line of lll&bP.lla Street ; thence east alone the center line of Iabella Street to the center line of Fifth Street ; thence north along the center ltne of Fifth Street to the center Une of Central Avenue, the point of beglnnlnc. All In Townehlp fl, Rance 11. . PoWal' Plaeea Laanl ATe. 8ellool, eoner ftJa aad Laarel ATe., Wll·ette, IU. . DISTRICT 19. Bectnnln&' at the lnteraection of Elchth Street and Greenleaf Avenue: thence west alone the center · line of Greenleaf A venue to the center llne of the Chle&&'o and North Western Railroad : thence southeasterly alone the center line of the Chlcaco and North Western Railroad to the south llmtta of the VIllage of Wllmf'tte : thence eaat alone the south llmlta of the Vlllaae of Wilmette to the center llne of Woodbine Avenue: thence north alon· the center line of Woodbine Avenue and Elchth Street to the center line of Greenleaf Avenue, the point of beainnlng. All In Township f2, Ran&e 13. PoWa~r Plaeea ltlt Greealeaf ATe···· Wilmette, DL DISTRICT to. Be&'lnnlnc at the Intersection of the Chicaco and North Western Railroad and Wilmette Avenue: thence . aouthweaterly alone the center line of Wilmette Avenue to the center line of Ridge A venue ; thence south alonl' the center line of Ridge Avenue to the south limits of the VJllace of Wilmette ; thence eaat alona the south llmlts of the 'Vlllage of Wll· mette to the center line of the Chicai'O and North Western Railroad : thence northwesterly alon~r the center line of the Chicago and North We~em Railroad to the center line of Wilmette Avenue, the point of beglnninc. All tn Township f2, Ran&'e 18. PoWDI' Plaeer Bell Dre11 811op, tll'Z Wilmette Ave., lVII· mette, Dl. DISTRICT 21. Be&innlnc at the Intersection of the Chicago and North Western llallroad and the center line of Highland A venue ; thence west alonR" the center llne of Hll'hland A venue to the center line of Park Avenue; thence northwesterly along the center line of Park A venue to the center line of Lake Avenue : thence welt along the center llne of Lake A venue to the center line of Rldtre A venue ; thence south along the center line · of Ridge Avenue to the cent~tr line of Wilmette Avenue: thence east and northeaat along the center line of Wilmette A venue to the center llne of the Chlcqo and North Western Railroad ; thence northweRterly alon· the center llne of the Chicago and North Weatem Railroad to the center Une of Highland A venue, the point of begtnnlnc. All tn Township 42, Ran8'e 11. PolllDI' Plaeer Lni'&D Sellool ba~eaent, Central and Prairie A ven·e·. Wilmette. Ill. DISTRICT 11. Be&lnnlmr at the shore line of Lake Kiehl· nn and the center line of Wlllow Street: thence west alone the center line of Wlllow Street to the center Une of the Chicago and North Western Railroad: thence southeasterly alon· the Chle&I'O and North Western Rallroad to the south line of the Tempte·a Subdivision : thence east alonl' the south Une of the Temple'· Subdivision to the center line of Euex Road : thence north on the center line of Essex Road to the center llne of Winnetka A venue and Winnetka A venue produced northeasterly to the Bhore Jlne of Lake Klchlcan ; thence north along the shor.e line of Lake M:tchtcan to the center line of WUlow street. the point of beclnnln&'. All In Township f2, Ranl'e 18. PoUIBir Pl&ee 1 E. E. St·H· Beall~ Co., Wlaaetka, Dl. DISTRICT 11. All that part of the Vlllqe of Kenilworth and that part of the northwest one-quarter of the north east· onequarter of Section H lylnc west of the Chlca~ro and North W4!stern Railroad and north of the south line of the vmace of KenIlworth. All In Township f!, Rance 13. PolUDI' Plaee 1 Vlllawe Ollee, Kenllwortll, Dl. DISTRICT 18. Beldnnlnc at the Intersection of the Chlcaco and North Western Ba.Uroad and center line of Twelfth Street In the Vlllace of Wtlmette produced south ; thence northwesterly alone the Chlcaco and North Western Railroad to Its Intersection with the north limits of the Vlllqe of Wilmette ; thence east along said north limits line to the east line of Section 18 ; thence north alone the east line of Section 28 to the east and ·

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