Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Mar 1928, p. 47

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r-. Sj t - . ·~--·- ·- ~ $itfrJW" p :r - :· $"ridi#» . . .. westerly along shore line of Lake Mlchlean to the center of Harbor Street If extended ; thence southweaterly alone the center line of Harbor Street to the point of beclnnln8'. All In Township 42, Rance 13. Polllal' Plaee1 F. A.. Rel4, tit Lladea A.Te., Wlaaetka, DJ. DISTRICT 6. Be&innlnl' at the lntenectlon of Proapect A.venue and Tower Road : thence weat aloq the center line of Tower Road to the center line of the Chlca&'O and North Westem Railroad ; thence northweaterly alone the center line of the Chlcqo and North Weatem Railroad to the center line of Gaee Street: thence southweaterl_y along the center line of a.,.. Street to the center line of Gordon Terrace : thence south alonl' the center line of Gordon Terrace to the center line of Tower Road : thence west alone the center line of Tower Road to the weat line of Section 18 ; thence south alon8'· the west line of SecUon 18 to the southw£st oomer of Section 18 ; thence eaat alone the south line of Section 18 to the southeast comer of Section 18 ; thence north alon8' the east line of aald Section 18 to the center line of Fig Street: thence east alone the center line of Fig Street to the center line of the Chlca&'O and North Western RaUroad ; thence northwesterly alone the Chlcaeo and Northwestern Railroad to the center line of Eldorado Street: thence northeaaterly alone the center line of Eldorado Street to the center Une of Proapect A venue ; thence northwesterly alone the center line of Prospect Avenue to the point of beginning. All tn Township 42, Range 13. PoWDJr Plaee 1 Henr7 mauke, tn LIDdeD A TeD·e, Wlaaetb, IU. west center line of Section 27 : thence east along said en.st and west center line of Section 17 to the center line of Twelfth Street In the Vlllal'e of Wilmette : thence south alone the center line of Twelfth Street and aald Twelfth Street produced to the Chtcaco and North Weatem Railroad, the point of begtnntng. All In Townlblp fJ, Rance 18. PoWal' Plaee a V1Dal'8 HaD, Wllmet.te, Ill. DISTRICT U. Beclnnlnc at the north llne of the Vlllaee of Wilmette and Tenth Street: thence weat alonJr the north line of the Vllla8'e of Wilmette to the center Une of Twelfth Street ; thence south alon· the ·center line of Twelfth Street and Twelfth Street produced south to the center line of Greenleaf Avenue : thence east alonc the center line of Greenleaf A venue to the center line of Tenth Street : thence north along the center line of Tenth Street to the north line of the Vlllage of Wilmette, the point of bealnnlna. All ln Township 42, Range 13. PoiUDI' Plaee 1 Vlllal'e Hall, Wilmette, Dl. DISTRICT 16. Beclnnlne at the shore llne of Lake Ml~hl&'an and the north llmlts of the Vllla&'e of Wilmette ; thence weat alon&' the north llnllts of the Vllla8'e of Wilmette to the center line of Tenth Street ; thence south alonc the center llne of Tenth Street to a point opposite the main entrance to the butldlnc on the School Property belne the east and west center line of Lots 9 and 10 In Block 18. Vlllage of Wilmette · Subdivision : thence east on a llne throuarh the main entrance to the north butlding on the School Property to the center llne of Nlnth Street : thence north alone the center line of Ninth Street to the center llne of Fnrest Avenue: thence east and northeasterly alona the center line of Forest A venue to the center line of Michigan Avenue: thence southeasterly alone the center line of Michigan Avenue to the center line of Lake Avenue: thence northeasterly alone the center Une of Lake Avenue to the shore of Lake MichIgan : thence northwesterly alon&' the shore of Lake Michigan to the place of begtnnlne. All ln Township 41, Ran&'e 13. Polllnlf Plaee: B7roa c. Stolp Sellool, Wlllllette, Ill. DISTRICT 16. Beartnnln&' at the ahore of Lake Michigan and the center line of Lake A venue in the Vlll&l'e of Wilmette : thence southeasterly alon&' the center line of Lake Avenue to the center llne of Michtaran A venue : thence northwesterly along the center line of Mlchl&'an Avenue to the center line of Forest Avenue: thence southweaterly and west alone tht center line of ForeBt Avenue to the center llne of Ninth Street; thence south alonc the center line of Ninth Street to a point opposite the center line of Lots 9 and 10 ln Block JS In Wilmette vmace Subdivision : thence west throu~rh the main entrance to the north bulldln&' on the School Property to the center line of Tenth Street : thence 80Uth alona the center line of Tenth Street to the center line of Greenleaf Avenue: thence east alonar the center line of Greenleaf Avenue to the center line of El&'hth street: thence north alone the center line of Elahth Street to the center line of Central A.venue ; thence east alonc the center line of Central Avenue to the center line of Sheridan Road; thence southeaaterly alon8' the center line of Sheridan Road to the center of the North Shore Channel : thence northeasterly alonc the North Shore Channel to the shore of Lake Mlchlaan : thenca northwesterly alon&' the shore of Lake Mlchlean to the point of be&innln&'. All In Township fJ, Range 18. PolUal' Plaee1 BTI'Oa C. Stolp Selaool, Wilmette, m. DISTRICT 17. Belrinnlna at th· ·shore line of Lake Mlchl&'an and the center line of the North Shore Channel; thence southwesterly alonar the center Une of the North Shore Channel to the center Une of Sheridan Road ; thence northwesterly alon .. DISTRICT 22. Beglnnln" at the center llne of the Chlcaco and North Weatern Railroad; and the south ltmlts of the Vlllaare of Kenilworth ; thence west alone the aouth llmlta of the VWaae of Kenilworth to the north and aouth center line of section 18 : thence aouth alontr the north and soutb center line of Section 28 to the center line of Lake A venue : thence east alonl' the center line of Lake Avenue to the center line of Park Avenue: thence aoutheallterly alonc the center line of Park Avenue to the center line of Highland Avenue : thence northea.aterl)' n.lonJf the center line of Hlchland .Avenue to the center ltne of the Chle&lfO and North Western Railroad : thence northweaterl7 along the Chlca~ and North Western Railroad to the aoutb limits of the Vllla8'e of Kenilworth, the point of be&innlnl'. All In Township fJ, Ranare 18 PoiUal' Plaee 1 Fire 8tatloa, nt Kala St., Wilmette, m. DISTRICT JS. Bednnln« at lnteraectlon of Winnetka Avenue and Locust Road. south on center ltne of Locust Road to Intersection of Happ Road and Locust Road, east on center line of Happ Road to Intersection of Reinwald Avenue. southeasterly on Reinwald Avenue to Intersection of Greeley Avenue, south on Greeley A venue to center of Central Street, east on middle of Central Street to center line of Ridge Avenue. north on center line of Ridge Avenue to Intersection of Winnetka Avenue, West on center line of Winnetka Avenue to Intersection of Locust Road, place of beldnnlng. PolllDir Plaeea Hotrmaaa Brot. Hall, Bldae A.Te., Wilmette, Dl. DISTRICT 1-i. Beglnnlna at the Intersection of the Chlcaco and North Weatem Rallroad and the center line of Fllr Street: thence . west alone the center line of Fl&' Street to the west line of Section 17 : thence south along the west Jlne of Section 17 to the center llne of Pine Street : thence east along the center line of Pine Street to the Chlca&'O and North Western Railroad : thence northwesterly alon&' the center Une of the Chicago and North Western Railroad to the place of beainnlne. All In the V111a&'e of Winnetka and In TownshiP fJ North, Range 18. Polling Plaee1 tlg'· Florlat Sllop, 817 Plae Street, Wlaaetll:a, Ill. .,an and the center llne of Tower Road, If extended ; thence DISTRICT 8. Beclnntng at the shore line of Lake Mlchl- weBt alona the center line of Tower Road, if extended, to the center line of Prospect A venue ; thence southeasterly alone the center line of Proa~t Avenue to the center line of Eldorado Street: thence southwesterly along the center line of Eldorado Street to the center line of the Chlca&'O and North Westem RaUroad ; thence southeasterly alona the center line of the Chloaco and North Western Ratlroad to the center llne of Elm Street; thence east along the center line of Elm Street to the ahore llne of Lake Mlchlpn : thence northeasterly alon&' the shore line of Lake Mtchtpn to the point of be&'lnnlnc, all In Township fl, Range ta. PoJUa· Plaeez Communlt7 Houae, tiO Llaeola ATeaae, Wla· aetka. Dl. DISTRICT 7. BeJdnnlne at the ·point of lntereectton of the center Une of the -Chlcaco and North Western Railroad and the center llne of Pine Street : thence west alone the center Une of Pine Street to the northwest comer of Section 10: thence south from satd C()mer and alone the west line of aald Section 20 to the center line of Elm Street : thence eaat alone the center line of Elm Street to the center line of the ChlcalfO and North Western Railroad; thence northwesterly along the center line of the Chicago and North Western Railroad to the place of beirtnnlng. PoWatr Plaeoa Clark T. lfortllrop'a Ofllee, lit Ceater lt.. Wlaaetka, ID. DISTRICT 8. Beclnnlnc at the Intersection of the center line of the Chlcaeo and North Western Railroad and the center Une of Elm Street : thence west alon&' the center Une of Elm Street to the weBt line of Section 20; thence south alon&' the weat line of Section JO to the center line of Cherry Street : thence eaat aloq the center 11ne of Cherry Street to the center line of the Chlcaco and North Weatern Rallroad ; thence northweaterly DISTRICT 16. Bel'lnnlnl' at the intersection of the center lines of the Chlcaco and North Western Railroad and of Cherry Street : thence west alone the center line of aaid Cherry Street : to the west line of· Section 20 : thence south alone the weat line of Section 20 to the center Une of Wlllow Street: thence east alon&' the center line of Willow Street to the center line of the Chicaco and North Western Railroad : thence northwesterly alon8'. the center line of the Chicago and North Weatem Railroad to the place of beclnning. All In the Vllla&'e of Winnetka and In Township 42 North, Ran8'e 18. PolUatr Plaeea Fire Statloa. Bld.re ATe. aa4 Aall St.. WID· netll:a, Ill. DISTRICT 28. Commenclne at Intersection of Locust Road and Winnetka Avenue, west in center of Winnetka Avenue to the lnteraectlon of Harm· Road, south In center of Harms Road In center line of Central Street, east on center line of Central Street to center line of Greeley Avenue, north on center line of Greeley Avenue to center line of Reinwald Avenue, north· westerly on center llne of Reinwald Avenue to center llne of Happ Roa4!z_weaterly on center ltne of Happ Road to center llne of Locust ftOad, northerly on center ltne of Locuat Road to center llne of Winnetka Avenue, place of beclnnln&'. PolUDI' Plaee a A Toea Sellool, A Toea Boad, aear Loeaat 84., Wilmette, Dl. The Oflicen to be elected are: one Hiahway Commiaaioner and one School Truatee. The Town Meeting will open in Winnetka Community House at the hour of 2 P. M., and after choosing a Moderator will proceed to hear and consider reports of officers, to appropriate money to defray the necessary expenses of the township, and to deliberate and decide on such measures as may, in pursuance of law, come before the meeting. Given under my hand this 16th day of March, A. D., 1928. MARGARET S. PIERSON, Town Clerk.

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