Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Mar 1928, p. 62

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Charles ·H. Brethold . lit aDCIIDd ~~~~ 14& lfaln St., Wilmette INSURA.!iCB IOL17-t(o THE V ANDBR SBRVICE. expert window waabln·· "one-claJ'" ho1188Cleanlq. Uniformed White workmen. Fumlllblu all material& Standard 'Q .tel, A-1 rij~ ere~s. trntv. ~- W:~bnette ........ . ....c MONEY TO.··LOAN ON FIRST OR SECURED MORTGAGES . at reaaonahle rates. quick, courteous, conftdentlal 8BJ'Vlce.. · u BBLP w&·T·»-r· A real opportuDIQit ~ · 'i·J ~ ·:. ntll lteelf · ·~ to tbe .r.r:oklq to · estabhttnelf In a prof811111on wllei'e advancement .. limited only 1614 Onincton Ave., Bvauton Unlv. 8S8S bJ' penonal ability . IOLTNI4-8tp ·· ·-~ · _ __;;:r;;..0;;;.;&~8;;;.;AL_B__ A_1J_T_0_8 _ _ _ _ II BUILDIWG a CONT&ACTING Become a Telephone oPerator · .. PRIVATE PARTY HAS IIONBY TO Full alal7 Is paid durlnar tralniQ. loan. Flnt ar.d BeCOnd · mortaacea. 1ncreues are1ftplar Reasonable rate. Quick service. 801 NORTH SIDE a EVAWSTON »&'lr.A.4'""~& Rldae Terr., Evanston. . Pb. Gnenleaf Girls over 11 ·Wtth at least ., 159!. SOLTN _, ....uc pammar echool educaUon . . are aUecl to come In for MONEY To LOAN ON Atn'()MOBILBS. · a ~rsonal Interview · 18 -THE NEXT . GREATEST VALUE RALPH WAftS, . Mer. : Evalulton Motor Accepta~~M · Co., 1~· Znd · ftoor-tlf . Davia Street-Evuaton · '1'0 A NBW BUICK Z041 HOWARD AVB., CHICAGO 1111 Bepaon Ave., Bv~.1 m . or ttn Muter Six Buick 8edaD. COBt $1,72& Between Clark and Rlctce ~U.tN,4-Itc Wilmette Exchange~ 7!5 Uth st.· r New, reduced to ,1,17&. EV~BTON CHICAGO ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! &IL5 t· 1111 Standard Counti'J' Club Coupe, UNJVERSIT-r 8150 BRIAROATJ: &121 PAINTING a DBCOKA'I'tlta · ·· - LC ru11e eeat. coet · · · · · new, reduced . . ~lL~IS-tf~ ~-------------NURSEMAIDS . to 'II. & 'wE ARE ALWAYs IN A .POSITION JIH tandard Buick Sedan, coat ·t.tl --c-ARP--ENTBR---AND--G-.-NBRAL----.~ CONTRACTOR PAP'IIf'D HANGING, WOOD ·P .Il!fiSHING; to place young gtrl8 as . ·nursemaids: NellE. Ncluced to ts&O. Hu new-ear ...,._.. d 1 -.~, _ _.. U by , the hour, day or.. week. MUst be . appearance. ftoor: acraplr:! ;~~ ·v··-~ ng. fond of children, and turnlllb. ocellent ABOVB CARS CARRY A ~~AY GOLD SEAL GUARANTEE Phone Wllll)ette 3104 references. · TllRJIS AND TRADES! . .. .. .· SILTNif-Uc I·F-A_U_ST __ P_E_RS_O_N_A_L_S_E_R._VI_C_E_B_UREA.o:. --u. SereeniJ--oStorm 8aBb . 845 Chlcaco Ave. Greenlet&f 4U 7-6055 Garap&-Porches-Addt..lons &A.DIOI &I~TN2;&-1tc . Expert Cabinet Wolt 41 1761 Highland Ave., WIL .Ph. WIL 1171 WANTED-LA UN DR E S S, WHITE, llLTNif-tf· thoroughly exuerlenced. Washing ma-. A. C. SETS C.L~ ONLY BE ADJUSTED chine and mangle. Must have A-1 refs. n ... by competent men, and this llbould ·for Mondays only, permanent. Wino. apply to all Radloa. OUr work Is 1379. &II.T25-ttc 1030 DAVIS ST. UNIV. &HI CHILDREN'S AND PLAIN 81DWING. supervised by a Radio Engineer of exOPEN EVENINGS Jlr& Lanon. Wilmette · 4111. perience. A portable unit gives a GEN. HSWK., WHITE, . PROTESTANT, 11LTN24-1tc , .AND SUNDAYS between 15 and 30 yrs. 3 In family, 1 4LTN~ltcl----~-----------------------. laboratorY teat In your OWJl hoJDe.' . We deal only In Radios. and guarantee our rooins. Refs. req. Ph. Glencoe 611. ~------------------------- DRBSB~NG BY THE DAY OR service at a reasonable coat. . 66'~' ··I!! 1t home. Exp. lllllOCklq. Wilmette 34U. RADIO SERVICE a INSTALLATION · ·------------'"'!'-~-·_P . 11LTI&-1tp Ul Linden · Ave. Wilmette 4117 WANTED-GOOD, COMPETENT, RE1127 Hupmoblle 8 cyL Sedan .. ..... ,1,900 Sparton, ·Zenith, Cl'OIJleY. Dealer llable white maid for general houseliH Hupmoblle I cyl Sedan . . . . . 760 WILL DO HEMSTITCHING AT HOllE. . 42L26-ttc work. Family of 2. Ph. Wilmette !47. 1117 Esaex Coach .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . 460 lin. Trudell, .Wlnn. 1HI. 11LTN24-2tp 56LTN2&-ltc 1117 Chevrolet Cabriolet . . . . . . . . . . . 460 RADIO, 5. TUBE, SELF-CHARGER, IN GA&DJIOlJG 1123 Docbre touring . . . .. ... .... . · . · 115 'II · perfect condition. With or without wal· WANTED-WHITE GIRL FOR GENI ·Hupii)Oblle tourlnp .. .. . .. . 87& a 8100 nut case. MO. complete, leBB without eral housework. Ph. Wilmette 912-W. All of theee cars e&ITJ' our guarantee cabinet. Wlnn.. 1459. 4JLTN25-ttc 51LTN25-ltc . McKendry R:eaIty Co. . A Used IHARRIS BROTHERS CO. · "Cello-Seal" Lined .Garages \ CO'M'AGES-HOMES : Buniick S8 Painting-Decoratin2' · · Hacker_ · NcrtJlu Shere Buiick <Ct»mm]p)amlJ USED CAR VALUES _.~AID& Responsible Radio Service SPRING is surely VERY CLOSE and the WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. 3 IN FAMTIIIE IS HERE to make the changes fiA RADIATOR COVBD Uy, no washing. Ph. Wilmette i010. ~--~~· 56LTN25-1tC In your lawn and garden that you have been thinking about during the winter. RADIATOR COVERS, CABINETS AND CALL US and we will gladly TALK shields, reaaonably priced. High grade WANTED-COMPETENT WHITE. OVER YOUR PLANS with you and workmanship A ftnish: time payment nurse for children. Refs. Ph. Kenlladvtse you how to get the BEST REif desired. Harrlaon Radiator Cover worth 3880. 66LTNI5-1tc SULTS. We are prepared. to do . any Co., 4225 W~ Kln'.te, Ked.te 3361. IN USED CARS. SOliE REPAINTED LANDSCAPING work that you wish 4JA.-LTN!5-tfc WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEand all put In good condition. 1926 Chevrolet Coach done. work. 2 In family. Phone Winn. 2589. 1922 Chalmen Sedan & 14 8E8VICE ·BUBBAU 66LTN!S-ltp 1121 I>odp Sedan !016 Central St., Evanston Gr. 2930 I~T-H_E_S_U_M_M_E_R--SE __ R_V_A_N_T-_.P..,R-O._B~L~ ~ E"""K"""" EXP. WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK. 1821 Dodge Sedan 1126 Esaex Coada 20LTN25-ltc When June rolls around, we are alMust have good refs. Ph. Kenilworth Your old car In trade and easy terms ways besieged with calls from North 4111. 51L26-1tc Shore residents who want to take maids, cooks or chauffeurs to their WANTED-YOUNG WHITE GIRL TO Rockerles and Perennial Gardens &I! Lincoln Ave. Winnetka summer homes. Wise folks are making aSBlst with housework in small family. A Specialty 4LTNZ5-ltc arrangements with Mrs. Faust now to Ph. Winnetka 1057. 51LTNZ6-ltc All Work and Stock Guaranteed fumlsh this help at the desired time. WANTED YOUNG GIRL FOR MOTHLeo Karl We are also In a position to supply the · h 1 Ph WI tka 39· Phone Wilmette 3601Y4 entire staffs of suminer resorts, sum.:. er s e per. · nne ·· mer cottage colonies and country clubs. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ &_6u_rr_N_25_-_u_c IN SECOND-HAND CARS · I------------20-L_T_N~!-5--lt~p 1 1127 Chevrolet Coupe · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 8S&O GARDENING OR LANDSCAPING, .. Your Troubles Are Our BuslneBB" \\"ANTED--W H 1 T E, PROTESTANT 1127 Chevrolet Cabriolet · · · · · · · · · · · · · S7& reaaonable prices by contract or daJ' FAUST PERsONAL SERVICE BUREAU gil · 1 k R f Ph K II 845 Chicago Ave. Greenleaf 4411-5055 r LOr genera wor · e · · en 11!1 Dodge Touring, cheap. work. Tel. Highland Park 2757. worth 1212. 51LTN!6-ttc J92& Old's 6-S pass. Coupe . . · · · · · · 100 20LTN!5-ltp 44LTN25·ltc WANTED-WHITE MAID FOR GEN. GARDENING, SEEDING, . HOUSECLEANING hswk. Ph. Glencoe 1!31. &6LTN25-1tc wi nnetka LANDSCAPE 1!6 Elm St. planting, trimming, black dirt, manure. THE FAUST PERSONAL SERVICE 4LTN!5-1tc hauling. Frank W. Kares, Winnetka Bureau wlll aid you In making house- '7 HELP W ANTBD-liALE cleaning an easy task. We fumlsh - - - - - - - - - - - - - - POR $ALE BY OWNER-1927 BUICK · ave. Tel. Wilmette 891Yl. 20LTN!3-&tp men for beating rugs, washing win- W ANTF-Ai>-YOUNG MAN WITH WIDE Kuter Six Coach, driven 6 mo., 5 good dows, cleanlnc walls and woodwork. acquaintance to- be Wilmette distrlbtires, looks and drives like a new car. l_i'""~"-'_ _ _ _ I_lf_B_T_B_11_c_T_J_o_N_ -----Women tor cleaning, laundering curutor for new Ready for the Oven Should be eeen to be appreciated. Will talns and drapes, etc. Any peracm chickens. fresh eggs, butter. Must own GOLF LESSONS I!III.Crlftce for 8900 on account of lllneBB. . sent Y()U from our .offtce Is thoroughl¥ autQ. will be your own buslneSB. Write Ph. Wilmette 1618. 4LTN25-ltc TERRY McGOVERN GOLF SCHOOL competent and reliable. Call u11 today. Wilmette Life B-6!9. 57LZ4-ltc 814 Chicago Ave. at Main St. "Your '!!roubles Are Our BuslneBB" OOLF TAUGHT BY EVANSTON'S MOST succeaful teacher. Beginners' Instruc- FAUST PERSONAL SERVICE BUREAU WINDOW WASHING BY EXPERIGreenleaf 4411-5055 enced white man. Ph. Wilmette 89ZY4. tion a specialty. Greenleaf 4815 for 845 Chicago Ave. BXPERIENCBD mGH-CLASS DRESS44LTN25-ltc 57LT25-3tp appointment. Golf clubs sold, cleaned maker, eew at your home. Apt. 401. Ph. and repal"". Open evenings. ·---------------SITUATION WTD-PBKALE Brlarp.te 1500. 17L24-Stp 26L!4-3tc TO NEWCOMERS We cordially Invite ·you to visit our ofllces at 84$ Chicago Avenue and let YOUNG WOMAN WITH LIMITED EXperience would llke position In phyus explain Just what we offer. Ours sician's or dentist's oftlce : splendid Is a SERVICE BUREAU-placing help refs. : good responsibility. Ph. Greenof all kinds-catering-keeping booksleaf 4300. 60LTN2&-ltp transacting minor buslnea deb..lls. etc. "Your Troubles Are Our Busine:"s" COLORED WOKA.N WOULD LIKE ......_ ef ··r , ...... wtaaa.r te ,.._ ·· dYei'IIM·eat Ia 7RB FAUST PERSONAL SERVICE BURUAU day work cleaning or laundry. Ph. BTA.IM. DVDW, Ia at.ltlea te Wlba.U. ·Life, Wlaaelb 'ralk 845 Chlc&co Ave. Greenleaf 4417-5055 Seeley 818'1. IOLTI&-ltp er ate.... ···.. ·· aew ·· .. ·r 44LTNI6-1tc SIT. AS GOVERNESS AND COMPANWILIIETTE or WINNETKA . . T&BAT~BlfT8 Ion to children going abroad. WIL 1618. IOLTN!&-ltp CetJ f · !'D .TUI'I'O. UYDW Ia IIJ TRBATIDDNTS GIVEN FOR ACUTE and chronic ailments by graduate WTD.-LA.UNDRY WK. FOR TUES. Mechanotherapist. Houl'IJ by appointRefs. Call evenlnp. Unlv. 288!. . ment. Pb. Wilmette 65!. 49LTN21-tfc IOLTNU-ltp Winnetka Graham-Paige Dealer 4LTN25-ltc HANSON MOTOR CO. GOOD VALUES --------------......1 GARDENING 1-------------------- 1-----------.. . . I---------------- GAGE JORDAN W ersted Motor Co. Complete Landscape Service REAL B...\RGAINS Richardson's Garage 1------------ . _, ..... a. ·IH...- ··at .. ......_"_

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