Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Mar 1928, p. 63

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- I l, lUI. lOR ldDMT-IUt '10 1 llltcbea prlvt._.,., near Wilmette . ·1111.. · · I'OR llBN'l'- 1 BOOII 0 · "" D , '. ~ c !! FOR RBNT-FURN. ROOII FOR 1 ROUSEKEEPBR. COMPETENT, EXgentleman In private bome near tranap. ceDent cook. White woman with dauabPh. WUmette 1131. · ltLZ&-ttp ter 10 JT& N. 8. refereDCell. TeL Wlnn. 211'1. IOLTU-1tc FOR RENT- PURNISHED ROOKS BY week or month. Phone Wilmette Z3H EXP. LAUNDRB88, SWBPISH, WANTS or UU. IILTNZO-tfc work to do at home. Will eall for and deliver. Pb. University U4f-R. LARGE, WELL-HEATED ROOK FOR . IOLTN!6-1tp one or two. Convenient location. Wilmette ZIH. HLIO-tfc WHITE WOMAN WANTS HALF DAYS' work. HlnriL, lronlq or take care of ROOM · FOR RENT-COMFORTABLE room. pod meal& 10!3 llaln St. cbJidren, dartlme or evenlnp. Ph. Wll-~ltp ~tte 11&4L 10~-ltp apartment, ateun Jaeat, near tranaportatlon. 1800. FOR RBNT---4- lUI. II'LAT, t45 PJDR 110. Hot water heat, 18H Elmwood Ave. Ph. . Wllqaette 1841. l~ltp S RQOM KITCHENETTE APT. 1 BLOCK from -Winnetka stations. !568. Phone Wlnn. l'lL~Z4·1tc FOR RENT-C Rll. FLAT. liZG CENtral Ave. Hot water heat. Ph. Wilmette 1468. ITLTNII-ltc .. FOK &IUJT-PU~. APT&_ : '· W~BY COMPETENT WHITE woman, h8wk. by the day or hour. Caterina done, children cared for. Ph. Wilmette Ill~. . IOLTU-ltp FOR RENT-Z . Rll. FURN. APT. SUITFOB B:BlfT-APTS. able for couple or I ladles. Ph. WilI~ mette 308!.-' 88LTN!5-ltc -~-----~------'It' ~-'1'1'\\t!I&Ana PO& KBB'T-:-B0118B8 JW v (gW,Ul&}Q.\wlaw · a: ~ e t IJ . 5 c ~. c a. ,. ' i UNIVERSITY STUDENT WISHES TO A. care tor clilldren evenlnp, Saturday or 1'\\ffi'\-....&t~C'£\ana&· Sunday. Call Wilmette 811-11. H"«&!r U.WW\Vaw~ IOLTNii-ltc !'U Shennan Ave., 1 ~. ..... . ... t 5!.50 WHOLE · OR HALF DAYS' WORK 1310 Chicago Ave., Z l'lll8. . . · . . · . . '10.00 cooldn· __ .. _ _.__ 'D--t N s -· 9M Elmwood Ave., 3 1'1118., sunplr. 70.00 Ph. K:n~ iK" ~ ...-~;,.. BOt Simpaon St., 3 nns., sunplr. . . · 70.00 ~~~~~~~------....;..;....;.'..;.;;;.; ... --~tc.:. ·l 9U Chicago Ave., 3 nns., In-a-dor 70.00 RELIABLB WHITJI W9JiAN WISHES Uil Rldp Ave., 3 rma. ... . . . . . . .. 71.50 poaltlo· u cook or coOk an4 tat ftoor Ztl! Sherman Ave., 3 rms. . . . . . . . . T5.GO work. Ph. Winnetka HI M:w. - - l t c 11!5 Davls St., 3 nns. . .. ... . . . , . 75.00 · · ' · a..a·-.-ZZOZ Shennan Ave., 3 rma., In-a-dor· 75.00 WILL T~ CARB ·· oil' CHILDREN 1011 Dempster St., 4 rms. . ... .. . . . 80.00 evenlnp. Write ' Wilmette Life B-114. 1309 Oak Ave., 4 nns. ..... . .. ... 81.&0 · ----- .. ·· · · - · - 80LJ5-ltp ZZ55 Rldce Ave., f nns. .. .. .. . . ; 85.00 1310 Chicago Ave., t nns. .. . . .. ~ . 85.00 A·l LAUNDRESS WISHES ·woRK. Z!53 Rldce Ave., t rms. . ... ... . .. . 85.00 Good refs. Ph. University ZB'lt. 1116 Maple Ave., 4 I'Jil8., elec. ref. 85.00 IOL~N!5-ltp 11!1 Ridge Ave., 4 rms. .... . .... ; . to.OO !118 Sherman Ave., 4 rms. . . . . . . . . 90.00 WANTED-WASHING AND IRONING. UZ& Davia St., 4 nn&. ; . . . . . . . . . . t5.00 Will call for and deliver. Pb. Wll- 2030 Pratt Ct., 5 nns. . . . . . . . . . . . 50.00 mette ZJO. H,LTN!5-3tc 814 Mulford St., 5 nn& . . . . . . . . · . . 85.00 1016 Main Sl, 6 nns. .. .. .. ..... : . 105.00 1311 Oak ~ve., 5 rms.. . . .. . .. .. . .. 115.00 11 81TUATIOll WAJrTED-JIALE 814 Michigan Ave., 5 rms. . . . . . . . . 140.00 GARDENER AND CARETAKER. 13 845 Ridge Ave., & nns., sunplr. . . 130.00 yea~· exper. In creenbouses, hot beds, IZOZ Maple Ave., & nns., Duplex . . 150.00 and land8C8,Ping. Can drive. Good 1605 Ridge Av~.· 6 rms., sunplr.. ·. .. ·150~00 refers. John Ramsey. 16! Roacoe st., Chicago. Buckingham 97&0. . 11LTN!5-1tp E~. GARDENER AND CHAUFII'EUR 156t Shennan Avenue University !85 wishes position, can do bswk. Ph. Win- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s7_r._~_N_Z&_-t_tc_ 1 netka !38! or write to Box !71, Wtnn. 61LTNZG-ltp fiu. 6 rm. stucco, a bedrms. ........... $ 85.00 6 rm. stucco, H. W. beat . . ..... . . :. 100.00 . . . . . :. Jt. 7 rm., H. w. ht., attach. gar. . . . . . . 125.00 A NEW BEAUTIJ.I'UL LIGHT·· JDUCK & rm., near Btatlon, I pchs. . . . . . . . . 135.00 Encllah Colonial, conaletlnc of a: larp 7 rm. atuCCQ, oil heat . . . . . . . . . . . . 115.00 I'Ooms A: Z-ear prap. I muter .. ... 'l rm. stucco, H. W ·. ht., sun-rm. . . ZOO.OO rooms, I full tile baths . 6 ~n, maid's quarte~ · A: bath on llit' .Boor. H. W. )Jeat, H&rdlna oil bumer, General Electric refrlprator and 4blh'ila.8f». er, &late roof. llany Interior features. INC. Exceptional construction, larwe ·· fnmtPhs. Wll. tO'l-tOI End ""L" ·1e Unden plasa. Owner muat aeU at once. Price . 69 lB right and wiD conalder ~"t · Jn trade u part payment. '; · , · WILMETTE wenn e&ailt:.:-: ·._ ;,. . · EcdldliJmlit<a>IIil & Annellil Sheridan Road Home IDEAL 9-ROOK FLOOR PLAN: SUN and breakfast rooms; 4 master cham- 1108 Davls Sl bers, Z baths ; servants' quarters, ! rooms and bath : 2-car heated p.rqe, attached; beautifully landscaped lawn. Owner will lease for I years at $350 per month. For Inspection see or phone J&~J&oSftullbJReal1ty<C,m Unlvenlty QJO T'lLII-1te TIGHE REALTY CO. . Realtors 14!0 Sheridan Rd. Phone Wilmette !171 .. 69LZ5-lt~ T ROOK · WINNETKA HOKE ON LOT 187x50, with trees. shrubs, flowers. 3 bedrms., tile bath, !nd ftoor : 1 bednn., tile bath, 1st. Llvlnc room !4x14, with 110larlum. Kenilworth 1956. ULTN!5-ltp Wiillmmetttte §pxeciiall · Smmaurtt & .<G<O>ReeP· Him<eo 1519 HINMAN AVENUE ,- r. c r - ~ {- CHAtlFFEUR, 15 YRS.' EXPERIENC~ any make of car, do all my repairs, Evanston housework and arden· . Best of refs. (Just South of Davia) Wlnn. 117-W. · 61LTN!4-!tc Beautiful 3, 4 & 5 room apartments, outIn 7 Rtory ftreproof building, In the GARDENER. HANDY AROUND THE heart of Evanston. house. Contract or day work. Call F. Kares, Wilmette 8l'1Y1. 61LTZ5-3tp Apootnted V{lth marble wood-burning fireplaces, incinerators, electric refrlgeraCOLORED MAN WOULD LIKE WORK ton, Otis elevators with uniformed as chauffeur or janitor. Ph. Seeley operators. Doorman In attendance. Ga8!86. · · 61LT!5-1tp rage in connection. Ready for Oooupncy Karch 15th SIT. lVTD.-IALB A FEXALE INSPECTION INVITED Rental o~ce on premlaes .Greenleaf 4%&0 HELP .W ANTED-CANVASSERS! 60c 67LTNZ5-ltc proftt on $1.50 household NeceBBity, easily sol,-1, new article. Hinrichs Mfg. Co., Rm. !07, 115 s. Dearborn St. . . . I!LTNZ5-ltc FOR RENT-5 ROOK HOUSE WITH gar. Rent t50, poBBeBBion . Kay 1st. Small family only. 0. Otten, 6!5 Temple Ct., Kenll. Ph. Kenllworth 1307. 6tLTNJ5-ltc 340 Linden Ave. A'!'TRACTIVE T ROOK HOllE, . IIID· way between ·L" and steam. H. W. heat. t bedroom&, near school, church, etc. Fine lot 60x!OO. llany Bhrube and perennlal8, prace and drive. A real buy at tJO,OOO. · ·· New brick residence, tile roof, euq parlor, breakfut nook, S master bedi"'OODB, ! tiled baths alBO aervant"s room with bath, Frlcldalre, oil bumer, llg fan, etc. !-car garage. Best North east location. J40,000. Ro MloJJ<O>lhumlft<O>lm&: <Co~ Phone Wll. II 'l'ILZ&-ltc · WHITE COUPLE, RESPONSIBLE, north shore reference, to care for home while owners are away. Phone Wabash 2698, ask for W. · Frese, or write 5!35 Winthrop ave., Chicago. 6!LTZ5-1tp ARE YOU IN NEED OF A SKILLED gardener, reliable couple, or -good nurse, etc.? Call Elite Employment service, Superior 7481. 6ZLTNZ5~3tc .. FOB RBNT-BOOXS QUINLAN ,c !!! FOR RENT-1 OR ! WELL-FURN. rms., close to transp. Light bouse. keeping if desired. Call after 6 P. M. Znd ft. 1!2! Wilmette Ave. 16LTN!5-ltp FURNISHED ROOK FOR Z ADUL~S employed : light and pleaBant ; hot and cold running water: garage space If desired. Phone Wll. 771-K. IIL10-tfp CENTRAL HOTEL-LIGHT, OUTSIDE l"!lPms for transients and resident& 6%9 Main street. Phone Wilmette 1080. 66LT8-tfc FOR RENT-! FURN. RKS. DOUBLE and single, reas. !% blocks from transp. 1130 Oakwood Ave. Ph. Wilmette 3014. 66LZ6-1tc ROOM FOR RENT NEAR TRANSP. Gentleman only. 7!5 Prairie Ave. Wilmette 44!. 66L22-tfc NICE PLEASANT ROOK, NO OTHER roomers. Near N. S. a: N. W. sta. Ph. Wilmette 3000. PL~ANT FURIJISHED ROOK, 3 bloclla west of station. Phone Winn. 415. 16LTNZ5-ltc LARGE, transp. 1641. ~IGHT, WARII RK. NEAR Private bath. Call Winnetka IILTNZ&-ltc SIX ROOM HOUSE. WINNETKA. Heated sun porch, sleeping porch, ! baths. garage, near transp. Kay 1. $135. Owner, Glencoe 114. 69LTN!5-ltp A CHARMING COLONIAL HOllE, SITuated on a beautiful landscaped Jot 143x150. The ftrst ftoor contains '"·ltvHUBBARD WOODS, 8 ROOK HOUSE, Inc room, sun parlor, diDIDc room, near depot. Lot 100x:400. Well shaded, pantry, kitchen. Second ftoor has 4 bedshrubs, fruit and garden. t150 per mo. rooms, two baths, extra lavatory, sl~p Write Wilmette Life B-628. 69TNL1-1tc ing porch. Tblrd ftoot. maid's room and bath, two storace rooms. Hot water FOB BENT-FU&N. ROU8B8 7, heat, Newport magaslne feed bolter. Garage to match house. TblB IB ofFOR RENT-IN SOUTHWEST WILfered now at $4!,000. mette, fum. house, 6 rms., hot water heat, $100 per mo. No brokers. Ph. Wilmette 1582. 'lOLZ5-ltc . CORNER FIFTH &: LINDEN 33! Park Ave. Glencoe '102 Beautiful 3, 4 & 5 room apartments, out- 71 FOR BENT-8TOBE8 A OFPICB8 77LTN!5-ltc side rooms. Ready for Immediate occupancy. Agent on premises. FOR RENT-8MALL STORE NEAR ..L" terminal depot. U\·lng quarters in rear & with kitchen and bath. Excellent locaf24 Linden Ave. Wilmette 460 tion for notion's or home-made candy THIS 9 RM.,. Z BATH RESID. OF AT67LZ5-ltc store. Rent $85 per mo. tractive vchltecture and arrangement In beaut. neighborhood, owner anxious FOR RENT-AT. 15% REDUCTION TO to sell at once. on burner, h. w. heat. complete unexpired lease~ Now or for AGENTS Price $27,500. Easy terms. summer. Two room kitchenette apart- 513 Fourth St. Wilmette 192 ment In Orrington Hotel. Large closets. 73LZ5-ltc Full hotel service. Furnished or unfurnished. Garage In building. Apply FOR RENT-OFFICES 2ND FLOOR, at hotel, University 8700 : or to present Fourth & Linden, Wilmette, opposite '"L" INC. tenant, Greenll!!af 4660. 67LTNZ&-ltp terminal depot, 1, 2 or 3 rooms, good Greenleaf 1617 location for a doctor, $15, t25 and t35. 513 Davis Street 77L25-ltc FOR RENT-4 ROOM FLAT NEAR stores and transp. North Brook. AGENTS ., & Wilmette 192 613 Fourth St. North Brook Oftlce Ph. North Brook 17 73L25-ltc ~CRIFICE 67TNL1-ltc STORES FOR RENT-BEST LOCATION FOR RENT-5 RM. MODERN · APT., In North Brook, reasonable rental. 5 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS, SUN AND Genuine Frigidaire, best location, reas. & Rleeplng porches, toilet and la\·atory, all rent. Inquire at ceilings canvased, H. W. beat. Z-car gaNorth Brook OftJce Ph. North Brook 17 r~ge, superb grounds, l!Ox1 70, won73TNL1-ltc Ph. Winnetka 382 derful trees. ttZ,500. 5!6 Center St. 67LTN!5-1tc FOR RENT-OFFICE FOR DOCTOR, well lighted, best location In town. ImWinnetka Z&4 WILL SUBLEASE AT BIG REDUCTION mediate poBBession. Wlnn. 382. 720 Elm St. with or without heated garage, 6 rooms, 'l'lLTN16-1tc 'l3LTN25-ltc ! baths, new bid«.. North Evanston, near Lake and transportation. 718 FOR RENT-8HOPS AND OFFICES. FOR SALE-HOUSE, EVANSTON. 2505 G. F. Gonsalves. ·winnetka 62. Ridge Ave., cor. Kilburn. 125ft. Rlqe Noyes. Greenleaf 46!3. 6'lLTN25-1tp frontage. Attrac. mod., 7 nns., and 73LTN8-tfc FOR RENT-! NICE UNFURN. RMS. sleeplnc. porch. Z baths. gas ht. Z-car heated p.rage. 30 day pou. Attrac. and enciOIJed porch. Runnlnc water and prlet'l. private entrance. 1'AI blocks from C. A: BEAUTIFULLY WOODED LOT, 100x160 MARK LEVY &: BROTHER N. W. Sta. Ph. Wllmette !919. . ln best N. E. toea. In Wlnn., with 140 So. Dear. St., Ch'go. Ph. Rand. IPS l'lL'l'!i-ltp modem 'l rm. brown shingle bouse. 'l'lLTN&-ltc Large open porch. Sip. porch to 110utb. 1 ROOM KITCHENETTE APT. FURN. For Bale at very low ftgure. 74'1 Uncomp. 1 block to transp. Ph. Wilmette IIORE WANT ADS ON PAGE M coln, Wlnn. JZ07. 77LZ5-ttp 330. 6~1tc SOUTH EAST GLENCOE · Linden Crest ·Apts. WILMETTE WALTER P. SMITH & CO. TYSON, INC. Wiilmme1t1te \Viln1ette Realty Co. IHI(Q)ksumz<O>Im & JJelli1k1 KENII4WORTH S.. In Solid Brick Wilntette Realtv Co. · H. W. Elmore Co. H. \V. ELMORE CO. FRANKLIN BLDG. HEINSEN REALTY CO. Excellent Investment

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