Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Mar 1928, p. 64

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FUllED OAK DIN. ·JUl. 8ft-TABLE, chain, and server. WIUiam an4. Mary LOT-IMIO NEAR NBW CLUB HOUSE, .al71e. ff6. WinD. 2185.. lOOLTNI&-ltc BathiDJr beach and ..L." Tbe laat a vanable parcel of Sberldan Road trontare FOR SALE-WALNUT. DINING TABLE and buffet. Ph. Glencoe lUI. at bal'lr&ln price& · Non-I'Mic1ent owner 100LTNJ6-ltc will comdder an7 reuonable ofter. Sheridan Road Vacant 1'0& IAL:B-ROUI.I 334 LIQ.Clen Ave. S·M ITH & BROWN, .INC. Wilmette 9S or 811 78LTNJ5-ltc WANTED TO BUY-8ECOND-HAND furniture and other bou~hold cood& HJahest prices for same. Croat Fuml· ture store, loot-6 Emeraon St., Evanston, m Ph. Unlv. 189. 101LTN6-Uc ttl WTD. TO B1JY-H8BRLD. CJDS. ... 1'08 8.ALB-:.18C. FOR BALB-IIIDIIBERSWP IN BEAUdO WlDnetka Ave. tiful Bonnie-Brook Counb7 Club Just west of Waukcan. :Wonderful 18-hole golf course. Have membership In local club Is 18&80D for selling. Will take anything In trade. Call F. N. Wooley at Winnetka 1707. 10!LTN!6-ltc monthly meeting of the order last W. beat, oil burner. An exceptional SALE-KPLS. HEATING REGU- week. He succeeds H. Dyer Bent, who barp.ln at '14,000. Terms. FOR RENT-8 Rll. STUCCO HOUSE, FOR lator, large chair; pictures, lamps, and sleeping and dining ~tcbe& Att. gar. baby buggy and scales. Ph. Kenilworth was named delegate to the grand lodge Crosby & McKendry Hot water beat-oil burner. Conv. to !281. lO!L!S-ltc at the same election. 5H Center St. Winnetka 203% transp. '-nd school. Ph. Wilmette 1468. 'l7LTN!6-ltc Other officers named were : Edward 89LTN25-ltc FOR SALE-GAS STOVE, PART WHITE Harper Payne, esteemed leading enamel, splendid condition. "· Ph. WANTED TO RENT-MODERN HOME 27!0. 10ZL!5-1tc Wilmette Open for Inspection 'knight ; Tommy Airth, esteemed loyal Wilmette or north. 1 or Z yr. lease. NEW BRICK HOUSE WITH l-eAR GA· Best of refs. Ph. Wilmette 1850 eve- FOR SALE-CHEAP-UPRIGHT SOLID knight: Frank N. WohUeber, esteemed race. 6 large bedrooms, 3 baths (2 col- nings. 89LTNZ6-ltc lecturing knight; W. ]. O'Connell, mab. player plano. Wlnn. 2071. onel Ule) toilet .t lavatory on ftrst 102LTN25-ltc secretary; Elmer M. Galitz, treasurer ; floor. Breakfast nook and butler's WANTED TO RENT-6 OR 7 ROOM pantJ7, sun porch : on 1arare lot In best modem house. POBBeBBion May 1st. Ph. ELECTRIC DISH-WASHER. MANDO- Harold A. Pearson, tyler, and Dave Hubbard Woods locaUon. ·zo&,OOO. Wilmette 713-W. 89L26-ltc lin. Guitar. Very cheap. Glencoe U8f. Barry, trustee for three years. 102LTN25-ltc FRANK A. REID These new officers will be inaug17 WTD. TO BUY-VACANT 96t Linden Ave. Winnetka 1300 urated at the regular meeting to be WANTED-CLEAN, WIDTE RAGS, lOc 77LTN26-ltc PRIVATE PARTY WOULD LIKE TO per lb. 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette. held on the first Wednesday in April. buy direct from owner, vacant, on Sun103LTN14-tfp At the time of the election 24 candiWILIIBTTE-CHAIUUNG BUNGALOW set Rd., Winnetka. Name lowest cash on east side : ..L." Z elec. lines, Z R. R. . price. Write Wilmette Life B-630. dates received first degree work. stations all within 5 blocks; grade and 97LTN25-ltp Card of Tllaaks Many Wilmette men are members of kindergarten school Z blocks : living We wish to express sincere appreciation Evanston Elks' lodge. room 88x16; dining room 13xU; kitchen It .A..ITIQUE~ to our many friends for their · extreme lblO; sun room 13xll; roomy closets· --------------~ kindneBB and expreBBions of sympathy In aDC1 bedrooms; buUt-ln book cases; most SPECIAL NOTICE our recent bereavement. modem plumbing; H. W. heat: oil Walnut chests, unft..lshed, '5 to '20. All Carl E. Sterner and family. burner; Ruud H. W. supply: garage other antlqu~s at and below cost. New on paved alley; Inquire 812 Oakwood shipment ln. Erwia Fettiq, Odd-jolt Maa, Arreated Ave. '17LT!f-tfc 808 WASmNGTON ST. lor Steam.. Clotlaiq from Buemeat (1 Block South of Main St.) of Liadea Creat Apartmeata Evanston 99L25-ltc W(Q)lrftlhl Erwin Fetting, odd-job man residing ATTRACT. 'l JUl. COLONIAL HOME SPECIAL SALE BEGINNING MONDAY, in a shack at the rear of 418 Linden :Mar. 19th. 60 rare old hooked rugs, enIn choice East section. Lake 3~ blocks, I' avenue, was fined $50 and costs by tire collection otf~red below wholesale station 4 blocks. Large sunny rms. An order for an H..JH type inhala- Justice of the Peace Daniel M. Mickey prices. Many as low as $16. For apExcellent condltlop. Well worth Intor, a resuscitation device of the lat- on a charge of disorderly conduct prepointment phone Highland Park !847. spection. Reas. priced at '26,500. Own99LTN25-ltc est and most approved type, was f d b h W"J 1· f 11 er selling. Pbone Kenilworth 2010. Y t e I mette po Ice o ow77LT25-ltc SPECIAL TWO WEEKS' SALE ON placed by Chief Walter Zibble of the erre Wilmette Fire department on Thurs- ing his arrest last Tuesday night for aatlques beginning- Monday. Don't miss day of last week, following authori- the theft of clothing belonging to BARGAIN lt. Most pieces have been restored. 808 Oak st.. Wlnn. 145. 99LTN25-ltc zation of its purchase by the Village Charles A. Fleming from a laundry in BRICK, ENGLISH BUNGALOW. SIX B d · · the Linden Crest apartments. He is rms. l-ear gar. Beautifully landscaped. IH o~r at Its meetmg on the preceed- being held at the Wilmette Police staFOR 8ALE-H8EBLD. GD8. S. W. Glencoe. Occupancy May 1st. ___ M_O_V_l_N_G_TO __N_E_W_Y_O_R_K _ __ ing Tuesday. Terms. WrltEJ Wilmette Life B-610. tion pending word from the MilwauThe new inhalator will replace the kee police where it is understood that 77LTNZ4-tfp Will sacrifice for quick sale. furniture of d h 5 rm. apt. 12 pc. hand-carved dining old Pulmotor which has previously h · CHARMING set w.lth tapestry cov. chairs. Beau. 4 been maintained by the Village but e IS wante on ot er charges. pc. Karpen living rm. set, 7 pc. old which has seldom been used because Fetting has been employed by variWIDTE COLONIAL, 9 LARGl!: SUNNY lvqry bedrm. set, 4 pc. mah. bedrm. set, of the · danger of injuring the patient ous residents of Wilmette to do cleanrooms, perfect condition, best nelih· 5 pc. upholstered sun nn. set. mah. tip involved. The new device may be ing and odd-jobs. On Tuesday he was borhood, near lake, well landsca~ table, Senora Console, art chairs, tables, grounds wltb tea house ; 2-car garage. etc. Allin A-1 condition. Ph. Greenleaf operated in association with the working for people residing in the Wilmette 3'lf0. 77LTN26-ttc 1705 for appointment to Inspect. Schafer method of resuscitation and Linden Crest apartments and had oc100LTN25-ltc administers carbogen (95 percent casion to go into the laundry in the I ROOK FRAJIE HOUSE AT NORTHbrook ; H. W. heat, 1 bath, l-ear gara!re, Jot 60xl40. $9,300, terms. Call WALNUT TWIN BEDS, DRESSER, oxygeon and 5 percent carbon diox- basement where some clothes belongchest. Green enamel steel bed, twin ide) to victims of asphyxiation from ing to the Flemings ·had been hung to at 1937 Wilmette . Ave. 77LT25-ltc size, spring and mattress complete. :J'OR 8ALE-WEST OF RIDGE RD. 6 White enamel kitchen cabinet table. gas, smoke, carbon monoxide, and dry. He is alleged to have taken some Andirons, fire screen, fire tools set. petrolium vapors, collapse, drowning, of the clothes and to have taken them nn. frame bungalow on Jot 132x187 ft. Silk spreads and drapes. Call evening, and other causes. ,1Z,600, termllt DO brokers. Ph. Wllin his shack at the rear of 418 Linden Sat. or Sunday. 1018 Ash st., Wlnn. 77L25-ttc Daette .158!. It differs from the old method largeavenue. The Flemings, knowing that 2091. 100LTN25-ltc ly in ' that no force is used in its opera- he had been working around the place, I'OR SALE-SUBSTANTIAL 6 RM. bUDCalow, large lot, 2-car garage, near FOR SALE-3 PC. BLUE VELOUR LIV- tion, Chief Zibble · explains. Grave suspected that he was responsible for lng room set, baby bpggy and nursery traD8J). '11,500,. terms, no brokers. Ph. Wilmette 1683. 77L!5-1 tc chair and high chair. Call Winnetka danger of rupturing the lungs was en- the disappearance of the clothing and 2236. 100LTN25-1tc tailed in the use of the old method called the police. I'OR SALE OR RENT-sTUDIO COTand the patient's recovery was by no Lieut. Albert Borri and officer Wittace, I J'Ooms, praa-e att., near transp., FOR SALE-DOUBLE BED, SPJUNG means assured. The inhalator, ·Chief liam Cruel responded and ,s earched eut of track.., Owaer 933 Tower Road, and mattress. Ph. WlJmette 3f29 or call Winnetka 13tf. 77LTNZ6-ltc at 1138 Oakwood Ave. 100L25-tfc Zibble. st~te, is used by all _of the Fetting's shack, finding the clothing, ~esusc1tat10n ~ua~s of. the CI~Y and . which they reported, was identified by N WOa 8ALB-VACAIT FQR SALE-GAS, STOVE, ,10; PIANO 1s very effective, mducmg rap!d an.d i Mr. Fleming beneh, rug, etc. Ph. Winnetka 2645. complete recovery of the patient 100LT25-ttc appbed $20 PER FOOT promptly. It has been used II lPOOT LOTS, I BLOCKS TO DEPOT ~R SALE-HOUSEHOLD FURNI- three times by the Elgin fire depart- cost of $160 and additional tanks of aad ·llt.oru. Sewer, water In and paid . ture. Ph. Kenilworth 3950. ment where it was installed less than carbogen have also been purchased for. 100LT25-ltc three weeks ago and in each instance so as to provide for the possibility of WYATT & COONS ICE-BOX, 100-LB. CAPACITY. GOOD it was entirely successful. several emergencies occuring in quick PliiOM OJea~ew 81. 78LTN16-ttc cond. 697 Oak. Tel. Wlnn. 139. The inhalator was purchased at a succession. · IN VBRY UCLUSIVE NEIGHBOR· IN WILJIE'rl'E, KENILWORTH, WIN- APPROX. 3 CU. YDS. DELIVERED William Lister, Evanston'ta corporabood, large lot, tile roof, f bedrooms, netka, Hubbard Woods, or Glencoe, 6 or North Shore Garden Service tion counsel, was elected exalted ruler J baths, larp llvlnc room, dining room, 7 room home for l~edlate occupancy. Ph. Glenview 80-R or Ul-J. aun room. lilt floor lavatory. BeautiWrite Wilmette Life B-631. of the Evanston Elks at the regular bi101LTN26-ftc ful kitchen with ventilating system. 11: 89LTN26-ltc Smart Svanish Residence WANTED TO RENT FINEST BLACK DIRT '7 1-----------.-----FINED $50 FOR THEFT Kem1iill IHI<O>mmce A dJ Resuscitation Device to Equipment of Fire De·artment If,·.-----·----------- I I

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