Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Mar 1928, p. 42

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Unique Exhibits . at Flower Show 0 I (c ». t 'b t d by Wilmelte Garden Clwb) Assa"stant Da·r·ctor at on" · ' . G d d . · d Art L Institute. and State Garclm Clubs Put Tomorrow the Chtcago ar en an Gaves Illustrate ecture Flower show opens. If you are there on Rare Art on Exhibitions on Tuesday, March 27, or on Wednesv. on Tuesday, M~r:ch 27, on Wednesday, The rP.~ular meeting of the Neighbors Construction is under way this week March 28, o~ Fnday, ~arch .30, or on of Kenilworth was held on Tuesday on spectacular floral and architectural Sunday, ~prll 1, you _wdl be greeted by afternoon of this week. The program exhibits which will represent the civic man_Y W~lmette ne1ghbors. Sunday, was under the auspices of the departaspects of the Second Annual Chicago Ap!d I, wtll find a ~umber of represenGarden and Flower show to be held at tahves from the Wilmette Garden club ment of art and literaturt>. :Miss · Hotel Sherman from March 24 to in the tea garden, Mrs. Walter Gore Barbara Erwin, chairman. Miss ErApril 1. Mitchell, the president of the club; win presented Charles F. Kelty, assistJohn A. Servas, flower show diredor, Mrs. John Weedon, the vice president; ant director of the Art institute of Yesterday described the exhibits which Mrs. ]. Benton Schaub, corresponding Chicago, who gave a scholarly and · k secretary; Mrs. Albert E. Gebert, Mrs. fascinating, illustrated 1e c t u r e on the city will enter through Its par Edward Moore, Mrs. C. G. Smith, Mrs. "Chinese Art." Some of the slides systems and forest preserves. Fred C. Brooks, and Mrs. W. A. presented are froin p-ictures now "It is the first time," said Mr. Servas, Kendrick. Even if you do not care for hanging in the Chinese exhibit at the Nthat an attempt has been made to put a cup of tea, come in and speak to us. Art institute but Mr. Kelly said that a complete replica of a bit forest We shall be very glad to see you. The the collection here is rather small. scenery into . such a showing. This tea garden is conducted, you know, Fine Chinese art is rare and very year the Cook County Forest Preserve for the benefit of the state federation expensive. commission has accomplished it and · f "II b" · · f of garden clubs. Represt>n.tattves rom He gave a splendid preliminary talk wt ex lblt a true ptcture o some the garden clubs of Kemlworth, Ev-: on the Chinese art it self ancf told his one of the city's wooded spots with anston, and Winnetka aho will be audience how painstaking the Chinese real trees, grass and fiowers." assisting in the tea garden that day. artist is, bow much each picture means. A Spanish patio with a real Spanish Mrs. William Colvin will be in charge. how important each stroke of the house in the background has been If you are there on Wednesday, you brush is, how nothing is carelessly chosen by the West Parks for their may think. as you walk about among done and how a genuine picture of one exhibit, and west park florists are the flowers, that the flower show is in of the fine ancient or modern masters . importing a tropical planting to com- Wilmette instead of in Chicago, for are discerned by the careful study of plete the picture with its 'hanging moss, Wednesday is \Vilmette day, and the the brush strokes. cactus plants, and rare tropical blooms. Wilmette Garden club luncheon is bc>His slides illustrated the lyric quality True Kindred to Hold A quaint cottage wiD be erected for ing held in the hotel at 1 o'clock. of feeling in the landscape paintings the South Park;' exhibits, surrounded Reservations have been made with Celebration on T uesdag of the old Chinese artists and one by a typical cottage garden in a Spring Mrs. C. P. Berg. Lake Shore Conclave 57, True Kin- came away with a distinct love and color scheme. Lincoln Park will supply . If you are there Tuesday morning dred. will ob5erve secretary and treasa water garden with a pool and running at 11, you will hear· Mr.;. Charles D. urer's night Tuesday, March 27. Mrs. appreciation for the dainty and esthetic stream, with flagged walks, and rushes, Ewer give an illustrated talk on "Jap- Martha Yarian will act as worthy quality of the work. During the business meeting of the iris, and other wattr plants in keeping. anese Floral Garnishing." Mrs. David commander and Mrs. Ethel Compton club, a petition asking that . Mrs. One of the special features of the Cooke. who has looked after Wit- will serve as vice-commander. After Charles Bent be allowed to res1gn as showing will be a real Japanese gar- mette's interests at the Flower show. the regular meeting is closed, the vice-president of the club was voted den built and planned by a famous has evervthing in readiness for tomor- guests of the evening, the Job's and then after the upon and carried, Japanese gardener (Otsuka) who ar- row. She and her committees have Daughters of Bethel, number 4, girls usual procedure in parliamentary law. rit'el from Florida to begin work this done splendid work. between the ages of 13 and 18, will Mrs. Bent was nominated for president week A Japanese tea house 2nd If you are there Friday morning you exemplify their work. The evening is of the club. The election of new imported flowers and shrubs will be will find the following members of the open to all Master Masom and Eastern officers is held at the annual meeting u~d to make this exhibit au~hentic. Wilmette Garden club selling pro- Star members. April 17. The board at that time fills Some forty-seven miniature models grams, Mrs. B. L. Davis, Mrs. 0. A. The True Kindred will present a play vacancies of its members. of an EngUsb house and garden suit- Sontag, and Mrs. Charles Van Deur- entitled "The Photograph Album" on The club announces· that on March able to the areas of suburbs and outly- sen. April 10, for members and their friends. 28 at the Edgewater Beach hotel, the ing communities will be entered in Mrs. Keith KeJienber~er, Mrs. Ros- There will be no admission charge, it T~nth Federation of Women's clubs contest by the clubs forming the coe Sonneborn, and Mn. ]. Benton is announced. will hold its annual meeting. The Garden Club of Illinois and some of Schaub have made a beautiful home North End club will act as ·hostess. the unique gardens in the shl'w are and garden of the miniature model you Business, Professional also entered by .t he clubs. Lake For- saw pictured in WrtM£Ttt Lrr.: two Women Jn"ited to Dt.nner Tenth District Clubs to est, for instance, will have the walled weeks, ago. Anyone would be happy garden of the type with a wall fountain, to live in a garden like the one they Elect Officers Wednesday The Wilmette Btt.;iness and Profeswhile Glencoe will have a less formal have made. sional Women's club extends a cordial The annual meeting of the Federaexhibit in a rock wall with foreground Mrs. Alonzo ]. Coburn and Mrs. invitation to all business and profes- tion of Clubs of the Tenth Congresof flower and shrub arrangement and Ralph Huff have planned an attractive sional women to attend its dinner and sional district of Illinois will be held Wilmette will have set in a quaint arrangement for the shadow box in social meeting Monday night, Mar'=h on Wednesday, March 28, at the planting, an old-fashioned well head colors that will interest you. Mrs. 26, in the dining room of the Congre- Edgewater Beach hotel, with the North whose beauty will conceal its utilitarian Charles D. Ewer has developed one of gational church at 6:30 o'clock. End club as hostess. purpose. the garden plantings in a novel way. The object of this club is to promote The board meeting at 9:30 o'clock A lesson in civic gardening in two Hers has a surprise feature about it the interests of business and profes- will be followed at 10 o'clock by the --n .. s--"Before" and "After"-wilt b· fi _ ... '"' '" that you may not see at rst. '3ional women and to bring the mem- d i s t r i c t meeting. Mrs. Harry S. staged by the Illinois Garden club The luncheon tableo.; for six as plan- bers into relations of mutual helpful- Gradle, president of the Tenth district, under the direction of Mrs. Frederick ned by Mrs. David Cooke and Mrs. ness. will preside and will respond to the Fuher of Lake Bluff, the president. Charles Bixby are very lovely. Reservations may be made by catlin~ greeting of Mrs. William W e'.iterlund, The settings will show in a very small Those of our members who are en- Esther A. Hoffman, Wilmette 828- \V, president of the North End club. space a typical Chicago back porch and tering the exhibit of branch arrange- by March 24. Reports of officers, election of offiback yard in the flat-dwelling area, ment are Mrs. Elbert G. Drew. Mrs. cers, and regular business will fill the and will demonstrate how :t may be Albert E. Gebert. Mrs. Neil M. Clark. morning session. After luncheon a transformed by the simplest plant, Mrs. Joseph Kehl. Mrs. Edward E. Skokie D. A. R. Meets contest of quartets from the district treatment from an unsightly receptacle M ,, C G S "th d ' ' mrs. . . m1 , an mrs. . carr.;, brooms and garbage, to F oore. in Kenilworth Monday will be held and Mrs. Walter Seymour, f or tm . rP. d G. B roo k s. The March meeting of the Skokie president of the I. F. W. C., will adaa attractave garden spot in the smallSome of us :will be at the Flower Valley chapter of the D. A. R., will be dress the members. est possible space. ·show everv day. We shall be looking held Monday afternoon, March 26, at for our Wilmette friends and shall be the home of Mrs. 0. M. Ruth, 416 Hosteu for Shut-In Sale TO ATTEND CONFERENCES very glad to be of any use to them, Mrs. Ayres Boat will open her home llrs. William C. Fox of Wilmette, acting either as guide or information Woodstock avenue, K~nilwort~. The program announced wdl be g~ven by at 701 Sheridan road Winnetka on reaent of the Gen. Henry Dearborn bureau. !:Jrs.. ]. G. .Goodhu,~, who will talk ~n Tuesday, March 27, 'for a sal~ of cbaptef of the Daughters of the Amerlcaa ReYolatioa, of Chicago, will head The Evanston Smith college club ~at10n~l Defense. Mrs. Goodh'!e as articles made by the shut-ins of the a poap of women attending the thirty- wiD give a tea in honor of undergradu- VJce-ch~·rman of the State comm1ttee Vocational Society for Shut-Ins. The sale will be open from 10 till 5, and MCODcl llinois state coaference to be ate!J next Tuesday afternoon from 3 on National Defense. In the absence of the regent, Mrs., most attractive handmade articles will lleld in Bloomington Karch 28, 29, and until 7. at the home of the Misses alld later will attend the continental 'Mary and Katherine Buchanan. 1022 Fannie Cope, .th~ meeting will be in the be offered. 'Quilted pillows, baby hands of the VIce-regent, Mrs. E. D. things, hooked rug.,, foot stools, and coaaras io Washincton, D. C. Greenwood boulevard, Evanston. Snydacker. linens are to be sold. !.--------------__,. 'Garden Ttdlu · I Playlet and Garden Talk Park Sflkllls, Forest Preserves. Mrs. William F. Brown of Wmnetka read a dramatic pJaylet entitled '"~he Flapper Takes Notice," at ~he meetm~ of the North Shore Cathohc Womans league on Tuesday of last week at the Winn~tka Woman's club. This playlet, written by Mrs. E. L. Brown, was particularly timely and amusing, as it deals with spring election·,;. Following her reading, Mrs. Brown spoke on the organization and purpose of the Faundation for St. Francis hospital. . The ~peaker of the afternoon was Mrs: S1dney F." Beech of G I en co e. Telbng of the G~rdens and Markets of t~e Northwest, Mrs: Beech spoke particularly of those m Vanco~ver, Po~tlat:~d ·. and Seattle. She described vanous kt.nd.;, as the hedged gardens and h:angmg gardens. The. markt>B, she sa1d, a~e about as ~ttracttvc as the garde.ns, smce the ar~tc~es .to be sold are dtsplayed most arttsttcally. Mrs. Beech's talk was fo11owed by · 1h a soc1a our; . . The league ·,; next meetmg will be one for sewing on Tuesday, March 27. at the home of Mrs. N. P. Ana~rsen of 809 Michigan avenue, .Evanston. Mrs. HoJJis Reed R<?ot · of 1030 Meadow road, Glencoe, wdl be hostess to the Parliamentary Law cla~s on \Vednesday of next week. on Recent UtJgue PrOflrtlm Tells Neighbors · . f ch·tnese A rt 0 __ 0

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