Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Mar 1928, p. 51

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I ' Invite to Free Lecture at the Field MUieUID . Stolo School Gracbaatea Receive Thtiir · :New Pins - ~~ The claBB pins for the giaduatlng class of Stolp have · arrlvecL They are til the torm of a slightly rounded trlan~le of gold with the letters W G S, one ln. each' comer. In the center ts·· a raised ~ircle of maroon with the figure 28. In the centet· of lt. Thlfl.»ln was adoptecl by !tht. class of 1913 and bas been kept since then. Tile entire class would like to express its ~tltude to Mi8s Hayes tor her dforts in getting the ~plns tor th~m. Let's get our pins soon and take the troublt: from lrflss Hayes' hands. . -Jerry Wilson. LEABN ..USES OF WHEAT. The children of .the Logan school en. ·joyed the plc~ures very mueh which 1\lr. Todd showed us a tew days ago. The subject was ..Wheat." It showe·l the {·ld and the new ·)Yay of harvesting wheat and producing -. it into ftour and thc.~n baking It into .b read. It was v~r:r .interesting and w~ hope Mr. Todd will come again with more pictures. · EUzabeth Leslle, Grade 4, Logan. JIUJIPS' SEASON We know tba.t there are a lot of people out on account of .mumps. 1"hcre are two in our rooni. They art Mary Meyer and Kate McConnohie. We are very sorry to have them · absent from school. -Helen Lindstrom, Grade 4, Logan. :A WABNING! Elizabeth Leslie, a girl in our room, was roller skating when she feU and broke her arm. She was not in school for 'two days. We hope · everyone will be more car~ful when roller skating. Helen Lindstrom, Grade 4, Logan. A free illustrated lecture on Madagascar will be given Saturday afternoon, March 24, at Field Museum of Natural History. ~r. Ralph Lin~on, leader of the Captatn Marshall Fteid Anthropological Expedition to !&adagascar who recently returned after 'h · more t an two years of . exploratiOn and ethnological research in that island possession of France- off the southeast f Af · · h 1 D .c'?ast ~. r~ca, ts t e ecturer. ~.Lmton ts ass1stant curator of Oceamc and Malavan ethnology at the museum. · MAKE SCIENCE NOTEBOOK Miss Stevens, teacher ot General Sci~nce at the Byron Stolp school, Is hayJng the classes make a General Science notebook. In this notebook are articles and ]!Jctures on Astronomy, Che,nistry, Nature, Birds, Animals and Flowers. The pupils enjoy this very much. --June Anderson, 8C Stolp. Pupil of Faacaco Cbicqo Opera aacl Oprra Co. Announce· the op,ning. ol VOCAL STUDIO 859 Elm St~. Wiandb Voice placemeat. comet ...... ing ancl pare tone pmclac:iioa by the ltaliaa Bel Caato mdhocl. 1 re tte ~lp tte t() nd od a.y 20 lth od as IW · at ng ln. ng Baseball days have already started on the playground at Stolp school. The balls whiz over the field in the momlng, at recess, at noon, after school and In gym periods. This is certainly a sign that spring is coming. -Emma Bickham, SA Stolp. LIKE TBEIB NEW CAPTAIN We voted for an indoor captain about two weeks ago. Donald ( ..Stick") Pavlicek got it. It was a unanimous vote. Bob Waters nominated Don and Roger Delander closed the nominations. He's going to be a good captain. · -Dick Huck, SB Howard. FOBX BARIIONICA BAND The 6A room of Miss Larson have organized a harmonica band. There have been many entering since it started. Everybody in the band seems to be interested In harmonica playing. -Charles Taylor, SB Howard. SAFETY PATBOL IN ACTION The Safety Patrol of the Howard school has been getting along very nicely. The duties are divided equally. The first squad Is outside while the second squad is insid.e. The ·next week they change. That way is easier. -Paul Sterner, 8B Howard. JOHN BORINO STUDIO 859 ELM STREET · PHONE WINNETKA 13:15 1 m ns e~ ll"S ke he ke ps llg ns g() in ill ii Y ne ve RECEIVE CLASS PINS' The eighth grad,e pupils of the Byron C. Stolp school have just received their class pins. They ' are gold and maroon with tfie Initials· W. G. S. (Wilmette Grammar School} and 28 in the middle. They are surely· ~orth having. PBOXISES INTEREST The eighth grades of Stolp school have started a science notebook. There will be astronomy, botany and any inventions you can flnd. We feel as though It will be very in.t eresting. Thalia Little, 8C Stolp. ey t:.,.. as ty ls, he IVT he as he ke to es ·w .FOR YOUR .HOME MOVIES A Complete Service Is at Your Door To .demon·trat1 in flOUt D. n ·st oL own l!ome 111 flOUt convenience- nw Bell ~ Howell Filmo, Eastman Kodascope and the marvelous De V ry Home Projector-priced at $95.00. To .pl'~ace motion pictal'e._ of your baby, boy, girl, father, mother. Weddings, social affairs, club activities, etc. ·ro derJelop, print, title md edit- Film~ They're Building a Future Are You? · · · Films that you expose in your own Filmo. Cine Kodak or other. motion picture camera. AJl ,.,_.w, it . . . right in OIU OIOD rao4tm .,.,.,..... ,..,, in 'NUm.ttt. Evanston now affords uaexcellecl facilities aacl iaatnctioa. 6olb · · bg night mtl tUfh for those of artistic iacliaatioaa to prepare f· splendid careen. Here, coaveaieat to home, you may obtaia iatlllllly . practical gaicbace and tniaing ia whatever braacb or braacba of Art yoa wish to follow. The btgiaaer or advancrd pupiL by n11011 of cleiaittly li·ital size claan. caa make eacoaragiaa aacl rapid progna aacltr sacctafal artist-ttacbtn wbo have the time to give aauaal iacliviclaal atteatioa to each stacltat. Stacltat1 who wish to specialize are permitted wicle ladalcle ia arraagiag their boan. Taitioa fta are mocltrate aacl widaia reach of evetyoae. Y oa are iavittcl to visit the Acacltmy aacl to inspect iu facilitia. Claa ~ts~ions: Daily. 9-1:1 and l·.f· Evening seaioa, 7·9:Jo, Monday, Wtdaaday aacl Friday. morniap, 9:30-12. Cbildrea's claan. Saturday To awic1 tbe r.t. wbicb goa now htwe in flOUt' own home film lilnrrl· to pl'ocate I« rou ,.,,, of ilm ( 16 mm home liz1) tof)fr; , Gmolt _, ""'i«t you derite- Travel. Scenic, Educational, Scientific, lndllltrial, War, Drama, Comedy, Cartoons, Features. ·Lehle Fihn Laboratories (PtNaan ol noa-t,___ lilml .UX. 1911) 514PARKAVE. WILMETTE PHONBWIL.I076 THE EVANSTON ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS CARL SCHEPPLBR. Dindor Dlaollltradoa appoiatmeau aa be made by pboae for uy time. cbt: or aigbt. Week. claya or S D D· a y t 0 IDit yoar CODftllteace. Carlaoa Bailcliaa Tower. Church and Orriapoa T elepbo· Grtt~~leaf 16 74

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