Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Mar 1928, p. 57

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Tlie campalsn tor funds to erect the new church betra!l oftlclally Monday momlng. Two teams 9f two men each · are canvaBBing the entire constituency of the church.· Tbey have gone far enough In the campaign to be sure of three thlnp. Flnt. that the church 18 abeOiutely committed to the great new enterprise. Second, ·that the people are committed to the task aerlosuly enough to ctve on a highly u.crlflcial basis. The Interest In their enthusiasm for the new buliding Is lncreas!~g from day to day. Tbe proapectus for the new church has been highly praised by those who are competent judges of such printed matters. Anyone wishing to secure a copy of this prospectus, which describes somewhat In detail the plans for the new bulldlng, may secure one by a·d dresslng or telephoning the offtce, phone Wilmette ~348. -·~ ~...... r:6 . The High School League wlll meet at 5 :30 Sunday evening In the Young People's House. The subject for the evening's program Is "'The Living Christ." Stereopticon slides wlll be used to Illustrate the talks which will be given by members of the group. The Youn« People's group will meet Sunday evening in the home of Lillie Mae Humphries, 255 Wood court, at 6 :30. Dr. W. D. Schermerhorn will continue the discuBBion on "'What Jesus Christ Means to lie." Special mu~ic by Adelaide C. .Jones. The Fellowship supper for next Wednesday night will be in charge of the Friendly Circle of which Mrs. Walton Is chairman and Mrs. West the teacher of the class. Do not allow this happy series of Fellowship suppers to pass by without your attendance. Supper will be served at 6 :30 and the meeting \\ill be adjourned by 8 o'clock. The following persons were received into the fellowship of the church last ~unday morning: Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Anderson, 2232 Sherman a venue, Evanston ; Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Grlegg, 727 Central avenue; Mr. and Airs. William Harvey, 934 Sheridan road ; Dr. and Mrs. · Byran Mitchell, 360 Gregory avenue; Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Stevens, 419 Tenth street ; 1\lr. and Mr. E. · V. Tubbs, and daughters, Dorothy, GenevleYt-, and Marian, and son, Edwin, 426 Prairie avenue; and Mrf;. John P. Wlllott, 626 Eleventh street. This is the third group to be re~t-h·ed during this conference year, makmg a total of 125 that ha ,·e joined the church in the last eighteen months. Another large class will join on the Sunday after Easter. The program for Easter week at the chu_ r ch wlll be as follows: Wednesday, the Fellowship Supper in charge of the Fourth Division; Thursday, the Sacrament of the Lord's Sup..J!.er; Ft·iday, "'The Seven Last Words" rendered by the choir. Dr. J. Hastie Odgers, the superintendent of the ChicaJto NQrthern District, will be the preacher ne_xt Sunday morning. The Junior choir will sing. This church co-operates with the Sunday Evening club which mt>ets in the Congregational church at 7:30. Burton Holmes is the speaker for this week. The Chicago 'Methodist Social Union banquet wfll be held April 12 at the ·rorrtson hotel. Bishop Gross will be the speaker. Those wishing to make reser\·ations may do so either through Raymond G. Kimbell or Harry Mons. The pastor ot this church Is to be one of the seven speakers at the Good Friday service held In the Chicago temple. He also gives the Easter address for the Chtcuo Commandery at the Court theater. A special meeting of the Queen EstherStandard Bearers . wlll be held Friday, April 13, in the home ot Marion Baldwin; 1117 Greenleaf avenue, at 3 :30. Be sure to bring your dues. The .Philathea class will hold its regular monthly meeting Tuesday eYening at the home of · Mrs. Nola Todd, 1746 Highland avenue. Mrs. Stone wlll assist. An Invitation To "Stay-At-Home" Parents 'rhis in,ritation is addressed to you parents "·ho stay at home and let the children "represent the fatnily" by attending Sunday School. Con1e out yourseh·es this Sunday. Find out what your children are .doing in Sunday School. Rene\\' your acquaintance \vith the pastor. Shake hands \vith other parents whose children like yours are in the Sunday School. Wilmette churches have n1uch to offer you. 'rhey are composed of keen, earnest, likable groups of people \vho are devoting tin1e and energy to the church and its \Vork because they believe in it. Meet then1. If your children aren't tn any Sunday School, this tnvitation holds good, of course. Bring then1 next Sunday and get then1 started. ............................ · · · · · · · · 0 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Directory of Churches: St. Jolua'1 Latheru Omrch Wilmette aad Park AYeaaa Rw. HtmMII W. Jlevn W.J.ette L.un Lathera Oaarch Gr~t~~INf At1fllae an4 8ft1frltll Stntt Rw. Cui I. Empaon Fant fA.qre~·aal <larch Lake and Wilmette .AYmaa Tlae Forest aad Wilmette AYmaa w-.-ue 8aptid Omrcla Lake and Wilmette AYnaaa Rw. Ror·tt G. Smith 337 Raleigh road, Kenilworth, which they expect to occupy the first of May. -o- Ev~nston hav~ purchased a home at Mr. and Mrs. ]. Anthony Bemis of St. Aapstiae'I Episcopal O.arch 1140 11ae Fust Mett.lst Omrch . Wilmttft AYenae R'IJ. HuMrt Cul~ton Mary Lowell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Georg.~ C. Lowell of 900 Ashland avenue is home from Simmons college in Boston to spend her spring vacation with her parents. -o- 11ae Fant PreU,teriu Cmrcla Ninth Stfftt and Gl'ftllleaf AYenae Rw. G«w, P. Jl ~;u PalllUW btJ tht lntncba«b A411frtitint CommiUH~ Wilmtttt Cbatcb Flflnltior. Mrs. A. G. Bowe has returned to her home in Minneapolis after a ten day visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Kannerud of Evanston.

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