Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Mar 1928, p. 3

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!.Ia~ ~. -. 1~ . -~-·-··--~--- ~----· ~- ~ ~~· · h -- ·· C:HURat DRIVE BRINGS GENEROUS RESPONSE Methodist Parilla Haaaa with Ac;. tift~ aa . . . , _ Baildin1 · FaadGrowa More than 100 subscriptions in support of the new church edifice to be erected at Wilmette and Lake avenues bv the Wilmette Parish Methodist church had been received at the close of the third day of the current fund campaign launched in the parish Monday of this week, according to the teams of workers who are conducting the parish-wide solicitation. This generous response on the part of the subscribers was viewed as certain indication that the members of the parish and their friends are prepared to "give until it hurts" in order that the dream of the great new church structure may become a reality in the very near future. Charter Mem.._ Heada Liat An interesting incident in connection with the fund campaign was the receipt of the first subscription early Monday, which wa·..; made by Mrs. Henrietta Panushka, one of the two living charter members of the church. Mrs. Panushka's husband, the late \Villiam Panushka, made the first subscription to the present church building. A pleasant surprise for the workers was the news coming from many nonmembers of the church who have declared their intention to have a part in the estahlr.shment of the new church building which they regard in the light of a rich contribution to the beauty and general good of the community. Viaiona New Edifice The proposed new Methodist church has been beautifully described by Luther W. Benson, a member of the parish, as "a vision splendid-a school. a sanctuary, and a shrine in one beautiful edifice, worthv of its builders and their community, and honoring Him to whom it 'Shall be dedicated." Plans for the new edifice, as depicted in an attractive prospectus, copies of which were distributed at last Sunday's services, have met with almost unanimous approval in tht' parish, according to Dr. Horace G. Smith. minister of the church. Will Hold High School Board Election April 14 April 14 was authorized as the date for the holding of the annual New Trier Township High school election by the school board at its meeting last Tuesday night. The terms of Mrs. George Gordon of Winnetka, and Jesse R. Gathercoal. board members, expire this year and petitions are now on file in each of the Villages of the township for their renomination to succeed themselves. both having consented to run for reelection. It is pointed out by those who have closely observed the work of the High school board that both Mr. Gathercoal and Mrs. Gordon have been keenly attentive to the duties of their offices and that they have had an important part in the forwarding of the program which has maintained the local school on a much higher plane than are most high schools throughout the country. Because of their fine work it is considered very desirable that they shall be retained on the board. MUSIC CLUB MEETS The Music club ·of New Trier High school met at the home of Charlotte Erwin of Kenilworth on Thursday of this week. A musical program, in·cluding piano solos by Lottie Kuenkele, and Margaret Hubsch and vocal solos by Dorothy Stover, was enjoyed by the group. .:'.· :. .Children in. the Wilmette schools ··.,.__ _.....,_ _..;......-..__ _ _ __, 11 1 who are contributing stories for J UNJOR Lift, a special school news feature appearing weekly ·in Wu.KftT£ Lift under . sponsorship ~f the Wilmette Playground and Rec; reation board. have been invited to · Burton Holmes, dean of American join AI Kvale's Coo Coo club which travelogue men, will bring th~ joys of convene'.i every Saturday· afternoon travel in films, slides and fascinatilll' at the Norshore theater on Howard narratives to the north shore Sunday, · avenue, Chicago. April 25, at the Wilmette Sunday Twenty youthful JUNIOR Ltl'£ reEvening club which convenes in the porters will receive tickets each First Congregational church of Wil· week entitling them to participate mette at 7:30 o'clock. in the Coo Coo club proceedings Mr. Holmes will have as his subject under Mr. Kvale's supervision. The this Sunday, "Smiling Florence" in tickets will go to ·the twenty rewhich he offers a pictorial interpretaporters who, in the judgment of a tion of the serene and subtle fascinaRecreation board committee, make tion of Florence, Italy. He tells of the best contributions to JUNIOR her great men, her memorable achieve· Llf'lt in the preceding week. Each ments and her immortal art. winner will receive a ticket which FintA.......,.... H~~n~ provides for two admissions, makThe mere announcement of a Burton ing it possible for the happy posHolmes travelogue in such cities as ·sessor to take along father, mother New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and or little friend. Boston, is in itself sufficient advertisThe first Coo Coo club perform- · ing to fill the lecture ha11 to capacity. ance for which these special admisThe fact that Mr. Holmes has gone sions will be provided is Saturday, back to seventeen of the leading AmerMarch 31. Burton Holmes, world f a m o u s ican cities for neary as many yean travelogue man, will lecture at the is the finest endorsement of the splenWilmette Sunday Evening club April did worth of his subject matter and 25, on the subject of Florence, Italy. his films. He is a fascinating speaker Mr. Holmes is making his first appear- and his motion pictures and slides are ance before the Wilmette Sunday club. always the finest obtaina~le. Sunday He lectures annually in a ·score or marks his initial appearance before the Wilmette Sunday Evening club. The members of the First Congre- more of the larger cities of the counMilan ·Lusk, well known north shore try. The lecture is illustrated by gational church will hear Dr. Fred violinist, will be the soloist this Sun~ l motion picture films. Eastman in their morning worship beautifu_ dav evening. Sunday, March 25. Dr. Eastman, a native of Ohio, has recently come to the Chicago Theological Seminary to inaugurate the work of the Department of .Religious Literature and Drama. Prior to his coming west he served as pastor of a church on Long Candidates for various offices to be Advance sales of tickets for WilIsland, N. Y.; as business manager of voted upon in the Primary election mette days at the Sells Floto circus, the Red cross magazine during the Tuesday, April 10, are to be in Wil- which are scheduled for April 16 and War; as director of educational work mette this evening at a Candidates· 17 at the Chicago Coliseum, indicate a of the Pre'sbyterian noard of Home meeting to be held in the First Con- keen interest on the part of local Missions ! as associate editor of the gregational church at 8 o'clock under residents in these gala days when Survey, and as managing editor of auspices of tlie Wilmette League of village officials and other community Christian Work. Women Voters. notable'S are to be seen in active parIn addition to his professorial work The list of speakers includes the ticipation in the circus events. in Chicago Theological Seminary, Dr. following: The public schools wilt be closed on Eastman is contributing editor to Henry R. Rathbone, candidate to the afternoon of Monday, April 16, to some of the leading religious magapermit the children to enjoy the circus zines in America, notably the Chris- succeed himself as Congressman-at- at that time. The evening of Tuesday, large from Illinois: Miss Helen Bentian Century. April 17, will find the adult residents nett, in behalf of Mrs. Ruth Hanna He has written a number of books, among which are "Unfinished Busi- McCormick, candidate for Representa- flocking for a session of fun at the nes;;." and "Playing Square with To- tive in Congress from Illinois; F. M. Coliseum. Tickets are on sale at t'he following morrow." The sermon which he will Trowbridge, in behalf of Otis F. Glenn, places : Snider-Cazel Drug company, candidate for United States Senator precah Sunday was printed recently in Renneckar Drug company, W. W. the Christian Century under the title from Illinois; Frank Dixon, in behalf Winberg pharmacy, and North Westof Louis L. Emmerson, candidate for "Courage--Five Minutes Longer." Governor of Illinois ; Clifford G. Roe. ern station. Wilmette days at the circus are in behalf of Robert E. Crowe, candiCirculate Petitions for date for State's Attorney of Cook sponsored by Wilmette chapter, No. Mrs. Wilmarth Ickes, candi- 753, Order of the Eastern Star. ProLibrary Trustee Nominees County; date for representative of Seventh dis- ceeds will be directed into the Eastera Petitions were circulated this week trict, in Illinois State Assembly ; Lewis Star fund for the new organ installed in the interest of J. Hugh Foster, 921 B. Spring, candidate for representative in the Wilmette Masonic lodge hall Greenleaf avenue, and John F. Hoff- of Seventh district, in Illinois State man, Jr., 1927 Central avenue, candi- Ae.ssembly; Judge John A. Swanson, Committee to Report Soon dates for positions as trustees of the candidate for State's Attorney of Cook on Commuait)' Ceater Plaa Wilmette Public Library. They will be county. · voted upon at the annual Village elecThe committee of citizens appointetl tion Tuesday, April 17. by Village President Orner several Mr. Foster is a veteran member of Arrest Ootbing Salesman weeks ago to investigate the feasibilthe libr~ry b~ard and has. consented for Embezzlement of $400 ity of accepting the olfer of the Shawto contmue m that capactty at the ' · · nee Country club to utilize its present pleasure of the voters. Mr. Hoffman George T~oma~ resJ~mg at the Ce.n- building as a Community Center, wiD . is one of the younger business men of tral Hotel m Wilmette af!d employed report its findings within a few. days, Wilmette, being associated with his as a ~lesman for ] . .B. Stmps~n In-;., according to Chairman Ernest C. Cafather in Hoffman Brothers, pioneer· a clothmg company With offices 1ft Ch·- zel. Engineers have been retained to m.erchants of the community. , cago and New York, was arrested on ex:tmine the building and report as to a charge of embezzlement on the com- probable cost of moving the structure plaint of Frank Glovin, an official of from its present site in compliance APARTMENT ROBBED Wesley L. Brown, of the New Trier the Simpson company. He waived with the Shawnee club's propositioo. High school research. department, re- preliminary hearing and was bound HOSTESS AT TEA turned to his home in Evanston one over to the grand jury and held on Miss Mary Webster, a former Eber-: night la'St week to find the apartment bonds of $1,000. turned "topsy-turvey" and suits, sox. Thomas, it is charged, solicited or- lin student, now assistant . to Lora ties and divers other articles listed aJ ders for clothing from local residents, Taft, will be hostess ·a t tea to t "missing." lfr. Brown was partic- coll~ing a down payment bat failed members of the North. Shore Eber · ularly annoyed that hi3 visitors were to turn it or the order in to bis com- Woman's club at the Midway Stud" so impolite as t() take his suitcases as pany. It is charged that he misappro- 6016 Ellis avenue, on March ~ a means of traasportiag their spoils.-: lfriate&l·. . · . . ~?. · :~--~~~~~ ..¥: i". -..-~.t.oc~~--~· ~ · &.11"4 .~ !L Jumor eporten W il J· ib Cob COo Club 1 ' I Til Dr. Fred Eastman to Preach Sunday at Cong'l Church Women Voters Call Tickets on Sale Citizens to Hear Now for Wilmette Carulidates Today Days at the Circus .

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