Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Mar 1928, p. 71

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Mart!\ '2J, .1928' ttl FOB SA.J;E-ii8EBLD: GOODS WlLMET'TE LfF£ ' 1 alley approach from the west line of , U .... ~ Sixt~enth Street to ~he west curb line te . .. -..u .. GATELEG TABLE AND ' CHAIRS, WANTED-CLEAN WHITE RAGS, tOe of Sixteenth Street be Improved by '1"1..!per lb. 1232 Central · Ave., Wllmette. grading and paving with Portland cement breakfast table and 2 chairs, kitchen 09 ' a.... , ... 103LTN14-tfp concrete and otherwise Improving the and laundry tables, also other odd Whether .o r. not "We., .C hirles chairs. Ivory dressing table, 2 Way same, In the VIllage of Wilmette, Cook A. Lindbergh and his Ryan mohopJane MISCELLANEOUS Sagless spring beds, Iron cot, candle 105 County, Illinois, the Ordinance for the h d h" d ·h h same being on ftle tn the ofllce of the -:- a ~nyt IDJ t.o o , w~~ t e e~~epstick and sconces, hand braided rag rug play gruund apparatus. Phone FOR SALE - OUTBOARD MOTORS. Vlllage Clerk, and said VIllage having t1onal mterest displayed by pupils of 100LTN26-ltc .Johnson blg twin, new, never used, applled to tl}e Countt Court of Cook Miss Katheeyn Julian's . room . of the Ken'nworth 2317. cost $220 for $125. Evinrude single, In County for an assessment of the coats C 1 h 1· h lk th ent.ra sc. oo,.m t e ta ,on e manFOR SALE BRKFST. SET, TABLE, good condition, $45. Ph. Winnetka 806. of said Improvement, according to bene6 chairs and cabinet, wicker porch l 105LTN26-ltp fits, and an assessment therefor having ner m whtch Uncle Sam handles the turn. full sized Simmons bed and dresbeen made and returned to said Court, mail, given by Postmast~r Joseph E-. ser also day bed. 690 Greenwood A ve.,l D0<1ket No. 221, the ftnal hearing ·thereon Shantz last Wednesday morning is a SPECIAL ASSESSMENT Pli~' Glencoe 469. 100LTN26-ltc will be had on the 9th day of April, b · NOTICE A. D. 1928, or ~s soon thereafter as the matter !O . e ·speculated upon. · WILMETTE SPECIAL WARRANT business of the court wlll permit. All Certam 1t IS, however, that when It FOR SALE-IMPORTED MULBERRY · NO., 205 velour davenport and chair to match pe~sons desiring may ftle objections In was announced that Mr. Shantz was NOTICE : Public hearing is hereby said court before said day and may ap- to divulge some "postal secrets"-and also cut velvet taupe picture and orlgiven that the County Court of Cook ental rug. No Dealers.. 1040 Pine. Ph. pear on the hearing and make their f some other facts .that have o ten been Winnetka 752. 100LTN26-1tc County, Illinois, has rendered judgment defense. for a Special Assessment upon property Said ordinance provides for the pay- related but which the postmen some!4..0R SALE - :MA.H. DINING ROOM benefited by the following improvement : ment of said assessment In ten (10) In- times wonder if the public does not Improving Eighteenth Street from table-6 chairs and serving table. In stallments, with annual Interest thereon regard as "postal secrets"-the buzz of the North line of Forest Avenue to at the rate of six per cent per annum. . . good condition. Ph. Winnetka 396. the South line of Elmwood Avenue Dated, Wilmette, Illlnols this 23rd day mterest was perfectly obvtous. 100LTN26-ltc by grading, pavll]g with concrete, and of :March, A. D. 1928. ' The "announcement variety" of buz.l otherwise Improving the same FOR SALE-GAS STOVE, $10; PIANO CHARLES N. EVANS was nothing, however, in comparison in the V111age of Wilmette, Cook County, bench, rug, etc. Ph. Winnetka 2645. Person appointed by the President to the "pre-talk variety" that heralded ·. 100LT26-ltc Illinois, as wlll more fully appear from of the Board of Local Improve, the certified ·copy of the judgment on file ments of the Vlllage of Wilmette Mr. Shantz appearance-a buzz that Cook County, Illinois, to mak~ quickly gave way to an even more exFOR SALE-DOUBLE BED, SPRING in my office; that the warrant for the and mattress. Ph. Wilmette 3429 or collection of such assessment is in the said assessment. pressive complete sil~nce as he becall at 1138 Oakwood Ave. 100L25-tfc hands of the undersigned. Said Special Assessment is payable :In ---------·----L-2_6_-ztc gan to tell of the mysteries of "Uncle - Sam's" mail. "Ordinary" mail disposed FOR SALE-WALNUT DINING TABLE ten (10) annual installments. The amount· of the first Installment is $1,614.00, and of and safely dispatched, the topic SPECIAL .\SSESSMENT NOTICE and butret. Ph. Glencoe 1485. 100LTN26-ltc the amount of each of the second to VILLAGE OF WILMETTE turned to air mail, when the listeners tenth Installments Inclusive, is $800.00. SPECIAL 'ASSESSMENT NO. 222 All of said Installments bear interest at CffiFFONIER, FURNITUREI PORCH NOTICE is hereby given to all per8ons almost "burned out a fuse" in the incouch_, victrola, records. 274 Mary, the rate of six per cent per annum, and interested that the President and Board tentness of their interest. "Boy l 'At's· 100LTN26-ltp the first Installment is due and payable of Trustees of the Vlllage of Wilmette, the stuff!" was one remark overheard Glencoe 1008. on the 2nd day of .January, 1928, and one in the County of Cook and State of Illi- as they filed back to their classes. ELECTRIC STOVE, 4 BURNERS, LGE. installment is due each year thereafter. nois, having ordered the construction and oven, like new. Cost $150, sell for best All ·persons Interested are hereby noti- installation of a main water supply pipe offer. Glencoe 770. 100LTN26-ltp fied to call and .PaY the amount of the in Miami Road from Iroquois Road to A CORRECTION assessment at the collector's office, ln a point three hundred and fifty (350) feet . The name of Mrs. Edwin Levi, who FOR SALE-HANDSOME ROUND MAH. the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, north, and installlng service pipes condinin~ room table with 3 leaves $25. Tllinois1 within 30 df\ys from the date nected with said water mains when laid passed away a few years ago, inad100LTN26-ltc hereof. Ph. Winnetka 1353. and installlng service pipes In the main vertently appeared in li>cal police Dated this 22nd (lay of March, A. D . water supply nipes now laid In Seneca records as that of a person involved FOR SALE-3 PC. 1\IAH. LIVING RM. 1928. Road, Locust Road, Mohawk Road, IroEDMO~D H. KERR, 100LTN26-ltc set. Ph. Wilmette 2310. quois Road, Blackhawk Road, Seminole in an automobile accident at Central Collector. Road, Illinois Road, the Ordinance for and Wilmette avenues on Sunday, L26-ltc th.e same being on file in the oftice of the March 11. An account of this accident L"PRIGHT PIANO, MAHOGANY FIN100LTN26-ltc ish. $15. Winn. 374. VIllage Clerk, and said Village having · based on th police record appeared in applied to the County Court of CQok , e. SPECIAL ASSESSJIENT NOTICE County for an assessment of the costs last weeks tssue of Wn;Mt'I'Tt Lttt. 101 W'.rD. TO DUY-HSEHLD GOODS VILLAGE OF WILJIETTE of said hnprovement, according to bene- We regret the error. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NO. 220 fits, and an assessment therefor having · WANTED TO BUY - SECOND-HAND NOTICE is hereby given to all persons been made and returned to said Court, fumiture and other household goods. interested that the President and Board Docket 222, the final hearing thereon TO RESURFACE STREETS Highest prices for same. Crost Forni- of Trustees of the V111age of Wilmette, will be No. had on the 9th day of April, At a meeting of the Kenilworth Vilture store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evans- in the County of Cook and State of Illl- A. D. 1928, or as soon thereafter as· the 101LTN5-tfc nois having ordered that Locust Road ton, Ill. Ph. Univ. . 189. business of the court wlll permit. All lage board on Wednesday evening of fro~ the pavement now in place in Lake persons desiring may file objections In last week the chairman of the street Aveime to the payement now in place in said court before said day and may ap- committee reported that a number of FOR SALE-liiSC. lot Ashland A venue, also known as Avoca pear on the hearing and make their streets, last resurfaced in 1924, are Road; Miami Road from the pavement defense. now in place 1n Lake Avenue to the Said ordinance provides for the pay- again in need of resurfacing. It was APPROX. 3 CU. YDS. DELIVERED $7 northwest line of Romona Road ; Romona ment of said assessment in ten (10) In- decided that subscriptions from the Road from Miami Road to the pavement stallments. with annual Interest thereon North Shore Garden Service in Avoca Road ; Seminole Road from the at the rate of six per cent per annum. property owners should be obtained Ph. Glenview 80-R or 141-J. 102LTN25-4tc pavement now in place in Lake Avenue Dated, Wllmette, Illlnois, this 23rd day and that the streets involved should · to Blackhawls. Road, and from Iroquois of March. A. D. 1928. be resurfaced with a two inch coat of FOR SALE-T,VO OFFICE DESKS, 1 Road to the north end of Seminole Road ; CHARLES N. EVANS asphalt this season. oftice chair. Secretary bookcase. Small Mohawk Road from Iroquois Road to Person appointed by the President Mission desk. Large book shelves. Locust Road, Seneca Road from the of the Board of Local ImproveTO .R EPAIR SIDEWALKS Several Mission chairs. Fine condi- pavement now in place ln Lake Avenue ments of the Village of Wllmette, to Locust Road ; Iroquois Road from tion. Porcelain top table. Call Wil. Cook County, Illinois, to make The chairman of tbe str~et comMiami Road to ""Seneca Road, and Iro4073. 102L26-ltc said assessment. quois Road from Seneca Road to Jllinol~ L26-2tc mittee of the Kenilworth Village board reported to the board at its meeting Road ; Blackhawk Road from Miami FOR SALE ACQUARIU:M PLANTS, all kinds 10 and 15 cents. Tropical fish Road to Seneca Road: and also Shabona on Wednesday evening of last week 85c a pr. Little mud turtles and snails Lane, Osage Lane, Ottawa Lane and SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE that several public sidewalks in t~e 10 and 25c. 1021 Central Ave. Ph. Wil- Chio~ewa Lane all from Blackhawk Lane VILLAGE OF WILMETTE Village were in a bad state of repa·r~ mette 2'791. 102LTN26-ltc to the south ends of said Shabona Lane, SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NO. 223 Village Manager F. L. Str~ed wa5 Osage· Lane, Ottawa Lane :tnd Chippewa NOTICE is hereby givPn to all pPrson8 authorized by the board to makt; a surMETRONOMAL, LIB. TABLE, CHAIRS, Lane respectively be Improved by new drapes, Ids. and misses clothes, g-rading, adjusting manholes, paving, interested that the President and Board vey of the walks and to notlf,Y t~e Trustees of the Village of Wilmette, sizes 38-42 and 12-15 incl. Spring coats f'Urbing, constructing storm water sewers of also men's -suits and old coat. Ph. and concrete sidewalks and otherwise im- in the County of Cook and State of Illi- property owners to have the repatrs Winnetka 938. 102LTN26-ltc proving the same, In the Village of Wil- nois, having ordered that Seventeenth made. mette, Cook County, Illinois, the Or- Street from the north line of Wilmette FOR SALE-VICTROLA AND BAL- dinance for the same being on file in the Avenue to the &outh line of Elmwood MUSIC AS A VOCATION kipe battery charger, good condition, 'lffice of the Village Clerk, and said Vil- Avenue, except the intersections of Central Avenue, Highland Avenue, WashingMrs. Marion Cotton, director of mulage having applied to the County Court each $5. Ph. Glencoe 1325. 102LTN26-1tc of Cook Count:· for an assessment of the ton A venue, Lake Avenue, Forest Ave- sic at New Trier High school, spoke C"o~ts of said Improvements, according to nue and Walnut Avenue, which are now to the Juniors las~ Wednesday mornBROWN MAHOG. LIV. RM. TABLE. 2 benefits and an assessment therefor paved, be Improved by grading, adjusting mahog. and cane rocking chairs, up- havini 'been made and returned to said manhole and catch basin covers, con- ing on the subject "M~sic as a Vocaholstered velour -seats. Tel. Kenil. 1215. Court. Docket No. 220, the final hearing structing storm water drains with neces- tion or an Avocation." The talk was 102LTN26-ltc thereon will be had on the 9th day of sary manholes and catch basins, paving arranged as one of the vocational gui~ April...._..\. D. 1928, or as soon thereafter with Portland cement concrete and otherPLATINUM GREY FOX FUR. EXCEL- as the business of the court will permit. wise Improving the same, In the VIllage ance series being given under the dilent condition. $25. Phone Winn. 1296. A11 persons - desiring may file objections of Wllmette, Cook County, Illtnols, the rection of the faculty advisors of the . , 102LTN26-ltc in said court before said day and may Ordinance for the same being on file In Juniors. a opear on the hearing and make their the office of- the VIllage Clerk, and said VIllage having applied to the County BABY BED AND MATTRESS, IVORY defense. Said ordinance provides for the pay- Court of Cook County for an assessment . LEGIONS DANCE A SUCCESS finish, like new. Ph. Winnetka 2480. 102LT26-ltp ment of said assessment ln ten (10) ln- of the costs of said improvement, accordMore than 100 couples attended the ~tallments. with annual Interest thereon ing to benefits, and an assessment thereELECTRIC DISH-WASHER. MANDO- at the rate of six per cent per annum. for having been made and returned to St. Patrick's Day dance give!~ at the Dated, Wilmette, Illlnols, this 23rd day said Court, Docket No. 223, the final Byron Stolp school gymnasmm last lin. Guitar. Very cheap. Glencoe 1230. hearing thereon will be had on the 9th Saturday eveni1!g by . Wilmett~ Po';t, 102LTN26-ltp of March, A. D. 1928. day of April, A. D. 1928, or as soon thereCHARLES N. EVANS Person appointed by the President after as the business of the Court will No. 46, of the American Legion. The afLIKE NEW, JOHNSON MOTOR AND of the Board of Local Improve- permit. All persons desiring may file fair was pronounced one of the most attachment for bicycle. $90 value for ments of the Village of Wilmette, objections in said court before said day successful social venture's in the his$35. Phone Wl~n. 2519. 102LTN26-ltc rook County, Illinois, to make and may appear on the hearing and make tory of the local post. their defense. said assessment. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER. RECONSaid ordinance provides for the payL26-2tc ditioned, very cheap. Write Wilmette ment of said assessment In ten (10) InLife B-643. 102LTN26-1tp PLAY FOR ROTARIANS stallments, with annual lntere.s t thereon SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE A group of twenty pieces selected at the rate of , slx per cent per annum. VJLJJAGE OF WILMETTE MOLA WASHING MACHINE FOR Dated" Wilmette, Dllnois" this 23rd day from the large New Trier High school SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NO. 221 Sale, fine condition $36. Ph. Wilmette NOTICE is hereby given to all persons of March, A. D. 19!8. orchestra will present a concert at the 875. 102LTN26-ltc CHARLES N. EVANS interested that the President and Board Person &~pointed by the President luncheon of the Wilmette Rotary club of Trustees of the VIllage of Wilmette, ltl WANTED TO BUY-IIISC. of the Board of Local Improve- Wednesday noon, March 28, at the in · the County of Cook and State of Illiments of the VIllage of Wilmette, Shawnee club. Mrs. Marion Cotton, WANTED TO BUY-TWIN STROLLER. nois, having ordered that the first alley Cook County, Illtnols, to make supervisor .of mus~c -~t t~e ~g.Jl . , OOlir For sale or exchange-Reed baby car- north of Washl~on Avenue from the · said asseesment. r ge and stroller. Ph. Wilmette 3825. east llne of Seventeenth Street to the · L26-2tc will direct the program. · · 10SLTN!6-ltc west line of · Sixteenth Street, and the · ·· WANTED TO BUY-MISC. Once · ·· . · · M ·". n··,Pup!l_ -cot. ·' ----------------...t l ------ ·-------------------------- FINEST BLACK DIRT 1---------------- I

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