Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Mar 1928, p. 24

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-a '· AIHelir Clalt to WilMette 11.;, S.' Ciiw 0J1ne., at En-taa·- MetJ, ~ NotCII·IJ.MIIIte N~ ~s A~ ~!~CS:1:~ Stu:ee·sflll Ia an addre , before the mid··est y.. Friday aid Saturday eweoiogs, c:onference of awinp baaket'.i, ll K.ucll. 30 and Jl., at the oew Haven Marquardt. at~iitant · 'rlu-JW~idMt of ~ n 0 bl()cks wutb of Centr~l , the Fint 'fruit an.d Saviagi bank of ~ (i)D Pr~irie a~enue. T_here :o.nll Chicago. an4 ·rho resickJ ia Wilmdte !be :a Satm<day afternoon matm~e also. at 218 Woodbine awenue. -spoke of t :Settings for 1l?e bhcnv ar~ to be done · increasing walae to ttlOO«a u da.s~.b~- A~eyn Btlrtls. "A-h_? des'lgns .and e:x:e- of personnel tudie~. :~o-analy to. att~s a!l the. 5ettl.ngs for Theater job-analysi~. and th~ bnpgtng <.;{ th~ Guild productJons. Joe ~ren. ~ho right man and t~e right J~ togethe:. cocabt-d the ~ooden Ki?lono. a Important in tb 1 · ronnedt<Hl. he satd. myster:y success. a~d was m ~~arge:: was the fact that ....putting squaT~ pegb one of ·'Good 1\e"'ll\·s. ~ Plus.., its ninth anouat musiccl B··lt· ----~----------~--------------- ~ ~o ~ a~ ~-~~.~e D~~ ~d ~~~n~ksa~l~~giliemilia~ ~g · y to IWtlb 'her pal'eD'ts, lb·. a:nd Krs. H. 8. MtiHortd of 8S5 Bm ~a a\ft!'!l· 'CC!ifk:l~ .· er spr.mg ~ 8 -.. . - ·...,... ....... =~ I 5 ' will lie UDIJCED bt ... shcm~. IS coachmg the had been found ina4~quate."' He emphasized the need of personnel HOllE FROII SOUTH e will c... St. --··-e.~. n a.EANING AND REPAIRING YIS ST. . snz l I Miss Eclith Juliana Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter George Moore of 1038 Greenwood al·enue. arrived home Sunday after a -six weeks· nsit in Miami Beach, Fla. and !\ew Orleans. '"Tirile in the south, Mr. and . Mrs. \\.. ifliam H. Tucker of 1009 Ashland avenue entertained Mrs. Moore .and her daughter at their ·winter home in Homestead, Fla. Mrs. Moore is remaining in Miami Beacb until the first of May. dae Men s and Boy ' Shops THE MANT~ . a narmw brim bat w.idl tht high CIDW1l wm eiige. Itt pearl P'f ancl cbntnm tan. SHOJlELAND. tbt vmUDJl af a map brim. nw edged hat. in C1""'ta1 and studies in large organizations ~mploy ing great number's of mw and women. ln soch concerns empioyen and em· ployes cannot reaUy come to knGw ontanother with any atisf.act-ory degree of intimacY. Therefore fQrnlaJ ana1ysi!:> mu!'t be made and kept o n file to serve as a basis for mainta.ining and promoting the business. In his addres~ Mr. Marquardt ou tlined the mtthods used in the bank of which he i. an offict'r. ThQ5e in charge of the personnd management set up occupational analys1s and classificat1ons. more popularly known a :"job ratings." These:: naings includt (l ) descriptions of t~ duties of t ht' "-arious positions: (2) a re,·je;:w and analy!'is of these descriptions: (.3) a comp~rati,·e and critical analysis by tht> personnel committee. Eacb indh-idual emplo~·e · ·as rated on 14 points: general suitabi11ty, acettrat:y. neatnesb of work. regularity of attendance. appearance, application. speed. knowledge of work. personality. ro-operation. intelligence. initiatiYe, d]recting. ab.iljty. and organization ability. .. j 9ring TBE acm. et cGreg :!\ot onh· has it been found nece!-sary to make and keep for ready reference these indh-idual studies but it has been found equ-ally necessary t c· hold at regular stated interrals mee1jngs of employes where they are encouraged to make sugge·:;tions and present their problems and where the officers may talk intimatelY with the emplOYeS matters relabn ,. 10 t'ffi. cienq:. sen-ice. and the like. Jn clos]ng :Mr. Marquardt laid !-trr!-.!on the fact that ~men. not moneY . make a hank." and that satisfied workI ers pr0duce the highest mora.le. on I sw~atzrs Dodge Brothen Display 1 $5. 1 --amom-tanom1 iD appear~~~~n. fat ... f . Thr WD!Iail-15 _. fer tbr JIUIIl · sait rJl ~ -wuvs. ----·11wativr E.llglilh main aad Oliver nP.ilt ..ar ad abort 2 ..hamm jldc IIIUib ap 'ibis mit. h is ......... bf ibr lll)Xf cap at 7'l.rt 1\1Jit4ca- ap:wrt, IJ'O this week officiall" ~unounced the St4lndard Six lint" of - paiSel'lger cars. pric~d from $875 to $970. In thi!' new car. it is claimod.. ~~ona1 riding comfort. «-onomica.l ~rll~mtan.c-e and ability to tn'\""f'l at sns~d 'high spe~s h4T"f ~n <!Omhin.N :lt·h the Isturdiness 1nd d~pr,ndahiliry for which Dod~ Brothrr~ motor ar-s tlav.t' al..-a~ ~n !-O '\\·ell l.."'DD"«'"l'l . "fh~ HW Q~ a~ ttispa:red an the salesr00m of Dod~~ Br(')S. Motor ~orr.JW'ly ~ 1019 ()a Inc~ development work. · Dodgt' .~~:Vo!~~~f ~== ~r~thers. .. I C. M. ll~ ~etor. Strtt~ £ ~ b._51). Nt'w dad panems iD bla. tall Dr black liD whik ere-& Collar anaclwd. The b bMy " n~w the Standard ..x in tov body types. the rou~ ~ ddu~ ~ .and cabrio1d., 6 .. ~ ·n n bel' -of 'ffe.r~nt .I lbml Y'llllor.il .,,..., CfJd u-,;,., -~.f)l) ..... j6 JD r.fJibiD aahaablllr ~V.imr: in Jammnar w.itb your ·· ~ ftd ~ 'Bmthel$ ~chedt'k-~ t.alf for t'()ta\ Ot'ltput ~f 211 t~1)('$ ~~tt'lg 1650 da_\'., t laT'g~st producttoo sttlt k ,,, n~ Pr~ atttarth~ t(D) l'tl' -~ <d t 'MW 'T.iab0n!'. '}Itt" Th~ s~ ~cet-.1 o! tM &·n niSi giw~~oi ~an t m~ "~ ~ A~ nr{)th~rs hi$~ . t~ t'-t ~~raft ~·t 4s ~... ade~tlate h ~ " \)t'e~; H"Clt m ~t '·"" ~ ~~'S. 1b0dl ti~ at " ' ~ · ~YM!ON' ~ ~~~ ot the M.*.e"'~

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