Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Mar 1928, p. 28

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· ""i'bree thounaand letters found their .._ to the Dead Letter omce thle C':larlatmaa · an Wilmette," says .Mr. ...... the postmaster, In hie talk to IDtb ~ Clvlca clubB, W..._.IQ' aftenloon. Karch 1. ·'JI'Int I'll tell you the proceaes," he ..._ "You put the mall In the box. It's Jllleked up by the mallnian and carried to tbe poet oftlce. There It Is canceled a laalf llour before the train pun, out. A 1UJe tac or stamp Is put on each .._.. to tell where It goes. Then It Is · on trains to different cities where · .. ....-abuted." "'.ltlere Ia a cabinet with pigeon boles ........, the mall Is put. Registered mall Ia luuadlt:d differently than other mali. t'1ro people always bandle It from the tbDe tt comes In till the time It Is deBftl'ed." Vivian Has Good Time Postfluuter: Shaflt6· · 1 C·b Troop Has Big Viewins Book Pictures ~ Tells P·Pils How Poetry and Rb,me Week-end "Hike" to FridaY momlDK, Jllu Brickey took us to the Wilmette Public library t~ see the Exhibit of Illustrated pictures done Maills Hatulletl : . - - - - - - - Dells of Wisconsi· Art bJ' children of the Wilmette schoole. THE ·BVOL1JTIO· The Cubs of troop 1 of the Vleta del In da.,.a long aao 'twaa In '11 Laco left the VIsta del Lago bungalow "'Our Father" got Into aa awful Is tor the Union depot in l~rge motor The Bedcoatl told 'em, ""J"ou pay this coaches. We went through the Union taX." depot from top to basement and saw But Waahln'ton told 'em a few plain where they made ..Ham and Eggs." Then facts. we got Into our berths on the Ol)'Jilpian ..Now you tellers · look here," he says, train and went to sleep~ or at least tried sa,.s he, to go to sleep. ..I'm not to be trod on by land or by TaPs were blown at 10 :30 o'clock and sea," reveille was blown at 1:30 o'clock In the And they says, "Here Geol'&'e you're morning. At 8 o'clock our sepclal talkln' In a trance, coaches were side tracked at Kilbourne, We'll treat you the way we Just treated Wis. We had breakfast at the Hile France.·· House In Kilbourne. After breakfast we But George was not to be daunted by met our Indian guide, Chief Yellow this, Thunder, and he took us through the And out he set with a bang ! and a hiss ! Dells of Wisconsin. Up he got upon his stout horse, We had lunch In the woods, which And hollered ..Giddap'" to his spirited tasted very good after a fourteen-mile force. ... hike. We rode to our coaches in trucks. Now George had a wanting, the Red- Sunday we went to cburch and had our coats to thrash last meal at the Rile House. We bought So, be set out, their fortre88 to crash. souvenirs fiom the Indian chief. Never once thinking of his po88lble fate, Miles· McDonald. Andrew RuSBOe, Roy He won us our freedom ; wasn't he Brown and Billy Crawford were flag great·! bearers. Captain Tom Atrlm was · at the -Paul Potter, 8B Howard head of the troop In all processions. The --Indian Chief, Yellow Thunder, was made SPRING IS COKJlii'G a Cub by Roy Brown. Spring Is coming -Howard Wl~lns and Roy Brown, 7B Day by day Stolp. T-he birds have come And have come to stay. Tbeae boob were read during silent readIng period In school and most of them were obtained from the public library · The building 18 a red brick and Is lo· cated on Wilmette and Park avenues and has a very nice view from the Inside and outside. We first went downstairs and saw some very good pictures. I saw one I . liked especially well. It was done In India Ink. From there we went upstairs and saw many good pictures. I'm very glad I went because it gave me an Idea about good books. -Vivian Abrahams, G.!ade 4, Logan. I WILMETTE.lLLIN OIS, MARCH 30, 1928 Science Notebooks Keep Seventh Gnden Busy General Science notebooks are being required of all the classes In the Stolp achC'ol. There has been a lot of scurry;.lng around In all the ho~s of the chUdren. Magaslnes have been ransacked newspapers have been carefullY looked over each day, and many original drawIngs have been made of anything pertainIng to General Science. · The tJllngs put In these notebooks Include, nature pic· turea, astronomJ pictures and c~nstel latlons. These notebooks are graded once a month. All of the cbl14_ren are t~king a great Interest In them and In the study ot General Science which is taught by Ml88 Dorothy Stevens. -Alison Burgt>, .'j A. ""Letters should always be addressed JI"GGMMrly. With the' return address on tbe front or back. It you addressed letten JDOper)J' you would save ,.our11811 and the government money. Last 7ear ,1,005,000 In money was found In The children were Invited to come to the poat omce any time. -Margery Simon, 6th Grade. letten." .......... The days are ·getting warmer And also getting 10118' And all the birds are slD&inc The eecond BOCial meeting of the Their nicest mating · eong. Mwde club was held last Tuesday at -Bllly Katz, 6C Central Qeaqla Allee Vosburghs' home. The e11a1nDan for the afternoon was Ann The program was as follows: FAREWELL WINTER PlaDo 11010 by Mary June Miller. Winter has gone for good they B&J', Tnmlpet aolo by Bob McKay. With Its snow and Ice a sparklln' so gay l'lute aolo by Palyma Lee Burpee, We"ll miss It, even tho 'twas cold CuoUae Preston accompanist. With the North Wind blowing. bluster-rt.e Owl" and "'Grandma,·· 110ng aeIng, bold, leciiOIIa b)' llary Jane Elder. And the clear lhlnlnc IIQ alight with At the end of the program Harry stars, I t ' - played aome popular music. Paly- And the world spread below in black aaa Lee Burpee Invited the club to meet and white bars. at bel' home the next time. No more shall I see on a winter's night lin. Voebul'&'h aerved lovely refresh- The world a glowing In pure, cold white. ..... which concluded a delightful For winter bas gone for good I say And Old Sol now shines with an un-Helen Jones, SA Stolp dimmed ray. -June Anderson, SC Stolp Stolp School Muaic Cub Enjoys a Social Meeting &A Civics Cub Enjoys ,, .4..... EiPtb Graden Arbitrate Battle of Bab and Balla ..... Tbe lA Topnotchers In their laat meetbllr. voted In favor of having a baseball ~ bat, one for the girls and one for .... bo7B. Raymond Kimbell donated a llaD and Harry Kinne gave a bat. Georgia Allee Vosburgh and VIrginia Hawley were appointed to buy the girls' bat and 11aU. We hope now that there will ~ . , more ftghta about the class bat and -Lucia ~olllster, SA Stolp. PULLIXG FOR ROSE KARlE Jlarle Gasfl Is back again after aa lllneu that kept her home one week. Jlarle Just· recovered from another , _ and had been in school but three . _ . when she left again. All the lnhallltuta of IC, her home room, hope tllat thle time her stay will be permanellt and that she will oocupy her seat ,_ tile remaining school year. -June Anderson, SC Stolp a., a.e TEACBEB BETU&58 lll8a Hermo Wyman, teacher of Metleemetlce, was away from her room, IB Btolp. _for one week. Mi88 Wyman . . . eaDe4 home to the bedelde ot her ....... who was aerlously Ill. He bas ..., ncovered enough to permit her to ..._. to her work, much to the delight el Jaer pupiJB. Jln. Larson took bet . . . . d111'1DK KJ· Wlrman'e absence. --Tune Anderson, BC Stolp BU88Y BACK, · PEGGY ......... Barrie, prealdent of IC, baa . . _ aiiMnt for a week due to 11lneu. IC'· llope 8he will be back b7 l'rlday . . . . . IIOOD to prealde over the club meet;;::i! __ a-B .. - , back. ..P.,.... e- " . we need --June An4enoa, sc Stolp PJIII! .... ~...._,-.,......-, ..... -...""",_··,·M· . BACK AT 8CBOOL ADa Roaman, a member of Stolp ~ _ . . badE oa ~ II, after befilj_.-. for about two ·da7·· We were to have him back. -~ w...-n The Girls' Glee club of the Stolp school, under the supervision of llr~. Agnes Clark, have just finished two lovely songs for their spring concert. The songs are "Amaryllis" and "\\..ater Lily." They are now working on "Danny Boy... The Glee club will also go to Arden Shore again this year. Both the Boys' and Girls' Glee clubs have been doing fine work and grt-at things are expected of them at the spring concert. We are reorganising our Junior Po-June Anderson, 8C StolP llee under the leadership of Jlr. Gathercoal. We have elected a captain, Colin CANDY SALE SWELLS Finlayson, and three IJeutenants, George The Girls' Glee club of Howard S('hool Qunllan, Frank Church, and Hugh Sax- had a candy sa1e last Friday, the amount WELCOME TO SPRING on. We are trying to keep the streets raised $5.17. This Is to finish paySpring Is here ! Spring Is here ! safe and the halls quiet. We are also Ing forwas Glee club pins that will be For old man Winter, not a tear, trying to keep the school ground in ordered our some time soon. Through the And the sturdy boy with his kite good condition. cooperation of all members In the club Forgets the cold and snow so white. -colin Finlayson, SC Stolp we now have $7fJ.40 In the treasury. AlMarbles, marbles, kites and tops, though we bad hoped to order our pins For mittens, furs, and sleds are flops. CANDY SALE SUCCESS this week we found that we must raise Skates and jump-ropes, just the thing Mrs. Keene·s third grade room had a few more dollars to finish up the Welcome, welcome gentle Spring. a candy sale on Wednesday. The pop amount that Ia needed. The Glee club -Eleanor Culver, SA Stolp corn and the candy were all borne made. party was poRtponed until after the The first, second and third graders were spring vacation. SPRING 18 HERB such good customers that there .was no -Edna Stiles, SA Howard Spring is here ! Spring is here ! candy left to aell to the higher grades Easter Ia very very near. when they were dismissed at 3:15. We made $4.61 which we are going to us~ NAME CAPTAINS The Easter bunny comes around for new books for our room - , 6A girls chose tbeir basketball teams. And visits every child In town. _ .. Bunny" Schreiber, 3rd Grade How Allee F...ebling Is the ca()taln of the Bob He leaves a pretty egg · -··Bunny" Schreiber ' Cat~ and her team Is Jane Thompson, And some times two or three Third Grade 'Howard Eleanor Shapiro, I.A. Vern Popp, Margt-rY And every one Is happy ' Simon, 1\lary Alice Hayes and Grete Even you and me . WJ_N_P_O_S_T_E_R_P_B_I_Z_ES von Relnsperg. Ph1llis Carleton ts the -Jeanne Cutter, 4th Grade, Central The prise Art Exhibit posters were captain of the TiJ!'E>rs and her team Is b w Betty Palenske, Else von Relnsperg, c osen ednesday, March 21. First and Ruth Sanderson. Eleanor Ricks, Peggy AN OLD DOLL I have a little doll, second prl:.es were won at the Stolp McCabe, Betty Smith. school and were both girl's posters. 1 She's older than tile rest. Helen Bower won first prize, and Helen -Phyllis Car eton But very queer to say, Jones won second prize : both of 8A. I like that doll the best. HEAR POSTXASTER The other prizes we1 ~ taken · by the Wednesday, Postmaster Shantz talked Howard school. Her head ls just an old rag ball, to the sixth grade Civics club on the -Mary Jane Elder, 8C Stolp She's shabby as can be. postoftlce. There Ia registered mall, air But just the same I Uke her· mall. and first class mall for letters. Becau~ she's old, you see. "DANNY BOY"-NEW SOKG mall is always handled by The Girls' Glee club of Stolp school Registered clerks. Air mall Is much fastt-r Do you know why I like her, under the direction of Mrs. Agnes Clark: two than any other mall. All mall flrst Much better than the rest? at·e working on a delightful selection goes to Maywood where Is put on airBecause ehe'e old, no other reason, ..Danny Boy." The girls are looking for- planes to go to different It cities. I likt> her-just the best. ward eagerly for ·the Spring concert In -Dick Hall, 6th Grade -Eit-anor Williams, SA Central which they are to take part. The Glee clubs, both boys and girls have quite VISITS VU8'EUK ESDX08 a repertoire. HEALTH On March 11, I went to the Field -Mary Jane Elder, 8C Stolp I think heaJth Is . better than wealth Museum. I went there because I was For wealth brln.tH onlv money Interested In lt. First I went to the. BOSE IARIE RECOVERS While health ...._ Bl8 place where the Eskimos were. Then Rose Marie Gash, who has been Ill Ia And lots of . fun and makes thlnge ol1 where the Indiana were. When we went back In school again after having bOOn out we saw the animals. so eunny. absent a week. · -Howard L. Fogg, IC Central -VIrginia Ann Snorf, SB Central -Mary Jane Elder, 8C Stolp School BASEBALL PRACTICE There was once a girl named Doris KABGABET IS ILL The bo71 In 7A . Stolp are trying to Who was asked to dance In a chorus Margaret Harris the 8C preeldent 11 make their baReball team a euccea this She was seised with fright confined to her home with Ia grippe We year. We try to get out every night And abe quickly took flight aU hope she will be back In tim~ for 1after ~hool and practice for an hour, And then she abandoned the ehorue. the next club period. If not lon.-er. We are startlluf out ftne· . -Karpret Wepaer, lA ltolp -Jiary Jane Elder, 8C Stolp --Oeorp Packt, 1A Stolp 6A bad a Civics club Wednellday, March !1, at 1:15 ·o'clock. We bad the secretary's and treasurer's report. Then old aad new buslnea. We then bad the program. Billy Bowen finished his talk about Washington that he started at the meeting before. Howard Fogg gave a talk about his trip to Michigan and Jane Thompson told about her vacation In Michigan. We then ended as It was time to go to another class. -Phyllis Carleton, 6A. Talks by the Memben Girls' Glee Club Hu New Songs for ·Concert Reorganize Junior Cops To Increase Ef&ciency · ( ,, etage

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