Troth Announced Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hadley, 913 Oak street, Winnetka, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Emily, to Ritchie Tredwell of Chicago. The annoucement was made last Saturday afternoon at a bridge party given at the home of Miss Hadley's sister. Mrs. ]. Anthony Humphreys, 543 Chestnut street, Winnetka. Miss Hadley is a graduate of New To M arrg Next Summer Trier and attended Earlham college At a bridge and .tea given last and the University of Wisconsin. Saturday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. WhitehiU, 719 Tenth street, announcement was Ooen Tea Room at Georgian made of the engagement of their The Georgian hotel is opt:ning its daughter, Edith Berenke, to Mayland new Fountain Tea room Friday eveE. .ChaUinor, son of Mr. and Mrs. ning, March 30, with an Italian proEdward S. Challinor of 911 Elmwood gram and dinner dance which \\~11 avenue. The wedding will take place commence at 6 :30 o'clock. The Venetian troubadours will entertain durinlr the latter part of August. the dinner hour and dancing will commence at 8. Club Dance 8aturdt1J1 One of the society events of the week is the subscription dance Saturday evening, March 31, given under the auspices of the ways and means committee of the Woman's elub of Wibnette. The affair will be the seventh in the series of eight such events arranged to augment the club building fund. Mrs. W. W. DeBerard, 820 Elmwood avenue, entertained the members of her reading club at luncheon at Shawnee Country club Friday of last week. Lake Shore Conclave 57, True Kindred, is giving a card party at the residence of Mrs. Fred Coxon, 1538 Central avenue, Saturday evening, March 31, at 8 o'dock. Anyone interested is cordially invited to attend, the committee an- Entertains for Visitor Mrs. Reginald D. A. Green, 318 Park aftlltle, gave a bridge luncheon Tuesday and a nwsical evening Friday, in honor of a cousin, Mrs. H. A. Rigby, who is here from the east. Mrs. Rigby will sail next month for a tour around the Continent. The regular meeting of Spoke Six of the Presbyterian church was held at the home of 'llrs. R. N. Baker of 518 Washington avenue on Tuesday of this 1ftek.