Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Mar 1928, p. 42

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.. .)larch 30, 1928 Esther Goultl,s Book Cor·er ,____________ .,;,;,;.__ ....--------..1 ~------ JUST PARAGR4PHS. Lewis Carroll's manus c r i p.t of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" which is in the possession of the original Alice, is soon to be sold at auction in England. It is not only a manuscript but a work of art, since it is beautifully written and illustrated with pen and ink drawings by the author. The price will go into the thous~nds of pounds. An old Engli'shman, grandfather of Douglas Jerrold, a .present author, found a way of becoming popular with his li~erary friends. When, having adversely criticized the book of one of them he was accosted by that friend he replied, "I didn't say your book was the worst book you had ever written, I said it was the worst book anyone had ever written. BOOKS Ne*J and Timely Teleplaona: ~~- R..-.P.... liZZ wa.u· An Artist in the Family s..b Chrtru4e Millin The ·author of "God's Sttpcbildm~" takes ap. ia this fuciutiag story. the question of wbttber everything should be fofliYrn by lht unremarkable majority. Boai 8 LiYeright ········ S2.50 DISCOVERED _BY A FRIEND -cONQUISTADOR" B:r Pllilip Guethlla Huperaad Brotlaen Through Europe on Two Dollars a Day Fral SebOonmdtr A book that tells yoa how to go to EufOJW, how to 1ft it. aad how to liYt ia it--for S2 a clay. A · practial gaiclt that . omits no DtCnury detail, aad falllls exactly what iu title asstrtl. Robert McBriclt 8 Company $2.50 Etched in Moonlight 1.,., Stephen~ Mr. Guedalla is one of ..the kindest and most tactful of our commenators. C'?f!trary to the custom of visiting cr1t1cs he goes so far as to suggest that an almost non-stop trip across the continent has not enabled him to . d . ·. soIve our race, crame an prohabatton problems.. ~In short Mr. G':ledalla proves d htm·, elf as · "d tactful, as . d1scernh d mg an as const erate as we a expected him to be. "Conquistador" is a purely delightful book. It is in the 1i hter vein as might be gathered fro~ its subtitle "American Fantasia" and its dedica- A stries of short atorin. oat of which. tbt story of a lady and btr lover, imprisoatcl by a rival ia a raiatcl tower. leads iu name to the book. The Macmillan Compaay ·· $2.50 Are They Home? the Same at Btiag a Stria of Boaqaeu Dif6clnldy Distribattcl by Bnerly Nichols. l>oraa ·············.·· S2.50 The Greene Murder Case S. S. Vu Dint Aaotber thrilling mystery. sol·tcl by Pbilo V aaa. Scribatr's ············· S2.oo The Bridge of San Luis Rey Thornton Willler Oae of the important boob of the year--aad oM wbich tbt booklover · aiabt well waat ia hia perm111111t collmioa. Albert. W Cbades Boai ···· S2. 50 up bloodshot eves quickly and safely When eyes become blood shot from wind, dust, over-use, crying or lack of sleep, apply a few drops af harmless Murine. Soon they will be clear again and will feel refreshed and vigorous. Clear " · · . t1on To my chanmng guarcliaas, the Pullman Porters of America." It is delightful first of all for its style, that style which never fails Mr. Guedalla, which he uses as a good fencer his sword, swiftly brilliantly, with dexterity and not oft~n to wound. In the second place "Conquistador" is delightful because of the revelation it makes of Mr. Guedalla himself. He talks of newspapers and visiting royalty, of Iowa and Henry James, as whimsically and informally as if we bad dropped down beside him during one of the long stretches across the Western· plains. . In the third and still important place, "Conquistador:" is interesting for its point of view on America. We who have a passion for seeing ourselves as others see us so that we buy A WORLD LIST in quantities the most insulting books At the request of a committee of that are written about us, have here an opportunity of seeing ourselves the League of Nations, the American through the new, observing, interest- Library Association has selected forty books published in the United States ed eyes of a friend. in 1926 which it considers worthy of inclusion in a World List of Notable ..MICRATION" Books. Macmillan heads the list, with five of B,. Da.W Grew its books includedCharlea Scrihaer'a Sou Religion in the Making. By Alfred "Migration" fi--;1 b D "d North Whitehead. ($1.50) This Believing World. By Lewis G. h h' a r~ nove Y avt . rew, as t. at qua}tty we call cha~m. Browne. ($3.50) . :rhe .charm IS no! m the style, whtch Essays on Nationalism. By Carlton IS s1mple sometimes almost to the ]. H. Hayes. ($3.00) point of childishness-a telling of one Imperialism and World Politics. .By incident after another wit~; even em- Parker T. Moon. ($4.50) phas1 ·s and )"ttl 1 e fee1· ang for c I" lmax- A Bipolar Theory of Living Probut it · · th · "t d th · · · · ts m · e SP1 ! 1 an e pomt cesses. By George W. Crile. ($5.00) The League's instructions directed of vaew. Is tt poss.tble that we have ~umed the co!l?er wd~ ou~ first novel- that the books chosen "should deal with 1Sts from c~mctsm to tdealJsm? There an important subject in an original have been ~n .the. past two ~ea.sons a and interesting manner, and be capable goo1 many mdtcatJOns that thts rs true. of being read by a person of average "Migration" is a story of the prairie!'. culture." Not a disillusioned story but one in which there is, rather, a slight stack- JAMES STEPHENS' NEW BOOK ing of the cards in our favor, someIn uEtched in Moonlight" James thing which is unfortun?tely nearly al- Stephens as in the past, but never more ways perceptible where there is charm skilfully than here, blends ir.ony and Truth is so much le·3s charming, com- satire, naturalism and extravagance, pare Dreiser's stories with those of, poetry and sardonic prose in a matchsay, Susan Ertz. less medley. "'Etched in Moonlight" But this stacking of the cards do"" is a gem not to be missed this season not detract from the value of "Migr,- by anyone capable of distinguishing +ion." In fact it is a pleasure in itself art from its drearily plenteous imia relief to feel them stacked and t~ tations.-Philadelphia Record. '<now that t>ven though Marcia doPe: run off with the circu·3, yet she will A SOUTHERN BOOK CLUB return. and not return to die in StaT!tt; book chosen for March by the cey'~ arms of the injuries she hac: Rehg1ous Book Club of the Methodist received in a fall off her horse, but Episcopal Church South, is "New return to f!O with him back to th.- Studies in Mystical Religion," by Rufus "rairit>s. to keep his house and re:Jr Jones-a recent Macmillan book "'s children and be his "vision" 6f ($1.75). This club selects four outadventure and life. standing religious books each year to to its members, and of 4 ~ .._.....,_P_Il_n_a_a' - ·-·-·-·- A recommend those chosen during the past year THIS IS A NOVEL OF three were Macmillan books. I To Office inN. U·.Groupa A number of north shore girls were elected last week to offices ·for the coming year in the two women's organizations at Northwe.;tern, W. S. G. A.· and W. A. A. Mary Luise Ha~ Jan of Kenilworth was chosen as pre~t dent of W. S. G. ~ and ~elene Stebold of Wilmette, v1ce pres1dent; Ruth Hinchcliff, also of Wilmette, was elected secretary of W. A. A. Among those listed as heads of sports. were Elizabeth ~weet of Kenilwort~, soccer; Naom1 McDowell of Wilmette, volley-ball. Virgil}ia Bixby of Witmette, 1927-28 pre-s1dent of W. S. G. A., was elected by W. A. A. to the final · emblem committee, which chooses ·the girls to whom final honor emblems are awarded at May day. Installation of W. S. G. A. officers will not be held !In til May 7. W. A. A. officers will be mstalled at a spread on April 3. GREAT IMPORTANCE llat NOT TO EXHIBIT MODEL HOUSE The model house and gardeR made by Mrs. Keith Kellenberger, Mrs. Roscoe Sonneborn, and Mrs. J. Benton Schaub, members of the Wilmette Garden club, which is on exhibit this week at the Chicago Garden and Flower show, i.s to be exhibited at the Wilmette Public Library after the flower show closes. The Unfcqivm P.N.IUulnol Dacribrcl 11 a "gigaatic epilope Llitla Eftl"ett Ta:rlor Out of the South comes a haunting story of love and beauty~ MAGNOLIA to 'From Doable Eap to Rtcl O.tWcl 8 Coapaay ····· IJ.JO $til fill'." ' E. P. Dattoa A Co. New Y.k ~ Letten of Madame de 5tviBne BreaiiDO'a. 2 ,_., btl RU:1Mt4 Al4i1Jffon vola. ·.···· Sl.oo ~ by tbe Oxford Uai- Many persons use Murine each night and morning to keep their eyes always clear and bright. A month's supply of this longrrusted lotion costs but 6oc. ! i§ 5 'IIIIIIIIIIIIIWIIUIIII.... IIIIIIII.IIItii.WIIIIII. .WIIIIIIIIIIIIHI.IIIIIIIIItlllll" The Bible YOI.J Prea aacl priacl accordi · liD tiu fro· IJ·75 to 112. ~= An~!"Jo:n B:r Rot.t W. WIMta. Frea a Tailor to 1M WJUte a-- s-.. - CHANDLER'S for BOOKS The moat coml*t· llool atocl on the Norrb Bbare. i = LORD'S--BOOKS lai. ~tile 1V"' Dtlf1ia Stmt Do. lJRIJV[, f.!ll "(OUR EYES ;==:= Here is the portrait of a president who was misuaderstoocl by the · American people, misjudged ~ by historians. A fascinating i study. Illus. lUI = H~ Hilla lc Co. § # N. Y. C. ·--~--.---------~

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