Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Mar 1928, p. 44

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St. A.~~ll.u'·VII·rci. . W'bl&e tM maiD law.t of tM churcb Suadu'. A&:!..~ wiD be the Sunday _....... Ia tie _....... tor the balldlna next befOre · commonly known ae ' - - all ot tllle otber aetlvltlee an be._ Palm Sac1aY. ften wiD be Hoi,- Comat their normal raap. All mualpn at I A. .Jl, Church 8Choola and . . . . &rw. DOW bea41na liP to the obeen· Bible clauetl at I :fi, &D4 Holy Com.aace of Ruter a· the blab Ude of the ·m unloD with addrel8 at 11 A. Jl. Tbe Holy Week aervlcea at st. AupaCllrlatlall y·r. The a.,...l for the ChrlatlaD life aDd for chureh membenblp tlne·s will be ae follow·: _..taiDed Ia belna emDhubled In all iepartmellta · lloada7, Tue8da,- and Wednellday, Holy and will be broupt to Ita climax on the Communion at 10 a. m. Wedneaday, an additional aervlce of Sunday after Ruter when memben will Holy Commuplon at 'I a. m. be received Into the church. llaundy Thursday, evenlq aervlce with ad4reaa at 8 p. m. The Ladle.. Aid Society will hold an Good Prlday: Three hour memorial all-clay aewlq meetlnc at the church on aervlce from lZ to S p. m., and evening Tbunday. Luncheon will be served by aervlce at 8 p. m. the Fourth Dlvlalon. The BualneBB meetInc wiD be held at % o'clock. Devotions. There will be no Wednesday evening ··The Early ChJJrch,"' by Mn. F. E. service In Holy Week. IAWI& The Boy Scouts wlll enJoy a ·"Trip Around the World" In ftlms with the Unlvendty World Crulee by Mr. Aubra R. Dunham at the Methodist church next Tuesday evening at 7 :30. The Fellowehlp Supper on Wednesday night will be eerved by the Fourth Divislon. The pastor will make a brief ad"r..u on the ftnt of the aeven last words, .. Father·. forcil'e. them for they know not what they do. ·· Supper will be eerved at S :38. There will be special muRic and the meeting will be adjourned not later than 8 :30. The three-hour memorial service on Good Friday, beglnnlnc at noon .and endIng at S o'clock; wiD consist of seven short addresses on the Seven Last Words of OUr Lord on the Cross, with suitable d~votlona between each addreB& Those who attend may come and go as they wish. · On Easter Even, Saturday, April 7, there will be Holy BaptiMm at f :30 p. m. Names of those desiring baptism should be gl ven to the rector as 800n as poHsible. Sunday, April 1, will be Corporate. Communion Sunday for both the Boys' and Girls' Communion leagues. The Senior choir will give, on Good Friday night, Stainer's '·Seven Last There will ·be an all-day meeting of Words." the ABBOClated Guilds today · (Friday, .March SO) beginning Immediately after The pastor will be in tbe pulpit on the 10 a. m. service In the church, with Easter Sunday morning, and wlll use as luncheon at noon. his theme. ..Our Everlasting Fellowship." -------Bishop Edwin Holt Hughes wlll be the tlipeaker at the Sunday Evening club this Wilmette and Park avenues, Wilmette Herman W. Meyer. M. A., pastor Sunday evening at the Congregational 406 Prairie avenue, Telephone 1396 church. Church Telephone 3111. 8E&VICB8 ..By their fruits ye shall know them." Palm Sunday ..Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, viaIt the aftU.cted." The Community Chest 9 :30 a. m. Sunday school and Bible cia~ does just that. ··Inasmuch as ye have done It unto the least ye have done lt 9 :45 a. m. F1rst service and sermon. .._ m. Second service and sermon : unto me."' It follows that the chest Ia 11 ..Christ Our King:· a Chrlatlan as well as a community enPalm Sunday Evening at 7 :45 terprlee. Support It enthusiastically. Sacred concert by the Mixed Choir The drive comes April ftrst. HELP FILL which will sing, ··The Seven Last Words THE COMMUNITY CHEST. of Christ." by Dubois. Everyone is Invited. The Chicago Methodist Social Union )faundy Thursday at 7 :f5 p. m. Sprin6 banquet will be held Thursday, Regular service and Holy Communion. .April 12, at the Morrison Hotel. The Sermon : "The Night in Which He was · speaker will be Bishop George R. Grosse Betrayed." of China. Members receh·e tickets free of Good Friday at 7 :f5 p. m. charge. Guests tickets are 12.50. Make Regular service and holy communion. reservations with Mr. Raymond G. KimSermon: ..The Power of the Cross. ·· bell, Mr. Harry MomJ, or the church offtce. The custom of having confirmation services on Palm Sunday has not been observed at St. John"s for some years APRIL THIRTEENTH and this year will be no exception. A ..INTERNATIONAL REVUE" number of children are preparing themY. W. M. S. ~lveR foa· confirmation, however. The st>nice will be held toward the close of year, very probably on SunOne of the by-products of the build- the Hehool momir~ May 20, which Is the SunIng fund Ia In the creation of a new day day pn~cediug th~ Pentecost. aenee of tellowBhlp and coam·adeshtp within the church. Everywhere the spirN·:-xt Sunday evening at 7 :f5 o'clock It of good will prevails and the sense of tht· n .ixed choir of St. John's is giving cooperation crows. This sense of being t ~ac1·ed t·oncert in which It will sing united In the furtherance of a great ta!Sk ·The Seven Words of Christ," by will ftnd symbolic expression Sunday Duboia Tl)isLa~t is the ftrst time our choir morning tn the administration of the ha~ atempted a work of this kind. InSacrament ot the Lord's Supper. asmuch as Palm Sunday ushers in the week of our blessed Savior's great sufferThe Girl Scouts of Troop 4 will have a ing and deat._, the presentation of such Treasure Hunt on Tuesday afternoon, the a work as this Ia peculiarly appropriate. ftrst patrol lea the church at 4 :10. Ita music is \·ery beautiful and deeply The tratl will le@d them back to the Impressive and both words and music church ualn where they will enjoy a combine to make the oratorio Intensely ..Pot Luck" supper. devotional. ·we hope that the members of SL John's and their friends will atThe Womaa'a ~hange Is open dally tend the servlc~ to which everyone ita from 10 to 5 except saturdays when .It cordially Invited. elose~ at 1 o'clock. The Exchange now The Kaundy Thursday and Good Frihas a new line of goods which Ia particularly aultable for gifts. There wlll day aervlces are not being · held for be a Bakery aale in the Exchange next those only wh,P are to receive the Lord's Supper but for all the n.embers of the Saturday mornlq. church, regardle88 of whether they are comlntt to the Lolli's Table or noL We The Youq People's group will meet aay thla to correct a mistake .made by Sunday evel!lnc at S :SO In the home of some Ia previous years. There are no Betty Older, . lOH Elmwood avenue. Mr. ·rvlces In all the year more solemn Nave. who has been a ma..tonary In India than th~se and no one should fall to tor .even yean, will continue the preaen- attend them. tatloa of ~t Jeaua Chrlat Ileana to lie. ·· .,_., will be of particular value. AU thoee who dealre to receive the comlnc fNar. one who ha· worked amonc Sacrament ar, requeeted to announce this tboee who follow aeveral otber l'ellslona. to the putor el~~r on Sunday ·momlnc after the aervlcea at the aaerillt,-, or on Wedneeday afternoon or evenlnc nest at the tutor'· atudy. St. John,s Lutheran vine The annual o«erlntr for tbe Building ll'1md of our church will be taken OD Buter SUnday. tn put yean tlal8 offerlq hu been Vfi'Y aood. unountlna ....._ ~ to one tllouaad dollalll Jut Y8&'!· But thla year Ia eur.rdlnary one In On Wednesday the Junior choir wlll The Ladles· Aid and Mission Society rehearse at 3 :fi under the direction of Toakt!'f. will have Ita regular meeting at % o'clock Amy Lealie Senior choir wlll hold Its rehearsal on Thursday afternoon next. The usual atThe 7. Amy Lesll§ Toakey Is the dlrect01·. devotional, and educational parts Qf the program will be carried out. The Wednesday-before-Easter Prayer service will consider the topic, '"The CruThe Senior Walther league aa well ae cifixion.'" L. A. Bower will preside and the Junior Walther league will not have A. J. Coburn will apeak. Miss Bertha lts meetings until the second week of Wheelock wlll provide the music. April, the SenionJ meeting on Thursday thfL.1~h and the JunlortJ on Friday April On Holy ThursdQ.Y evening the Chorus 13. choir will present the cantata ··ouvet to HOLY WEEK Calvary,"" by Maunder. at 8 o'clock ·-. 0 Thou, Who through thiM Holy Week the church. Solo J!ilrts wlll be taken by Dldat sutler for us all ; Mlda Anderson, ,_,prano, ..ay Wall, conThe sick to cure, the lost to seek, tralto, Robert Taylor, tenor, and ~t~r To raise up them that fall ; Smith, basso. Amy Leslie Toskey 1s We cannot understand the woe director and Annie May Hayes Bivona is Thy love was pleased to bear organist. 0, Lamb of God, we only know That all our hopes are there. The Coay Corner Circle, Mrs. G. B. Knepper, chairman, wlll hold an all-day meetmg at the church on Thursday. :MrN. w. A. Richa,rdson b; chairman of the lunch~n committee. William E. McCormack ASHOCiate minister On Friday the East End Circle, Mr~. This Is one of the ftne churchel'l in M. T. Boyd, chairman.. wlll be enterWilmette which proffers Ita services al.i J. at the home of ·rs. N. P. Colaids to a laJ1Ier life. Anyone may join tained well, 520 Gregory avenue. Mrs. C. C. this church who bas a deftnlte and ac- Cameron and Mrs. R. F. Potter wlll be knowledged biteresi In the work of .the .assisti{lg hostesses. Luncheon will Kingdom of God. Everyone is Invited to the participate In the \vork and worship of be served at 1 o'cl~k . this church. The Central A v~nue Circle wlll also The aaaoclate miniHter, the Rev. Wil- meet on Friday. . Mrs. Henry C. Cooper, liam E. McCormack, is anxious to be of 82f a v~nue is to be the hostess,. and the greatest poasible service to all those will Lake assisted tur Mrs. L. E. Rudd and who are In need of friendly minlstratlom~. Mrs. be C. A. Carpe~ter. Luncheon will be He may . be found in the church office every morning betweea 8 :30 and 11 :30 &eJ:V~ at 12 :30. and at ot)ler times by appointment. Troop No. 1 Girl Scouts wlll meet at 'rhe members of the Senior department the church at 1 :15. MlsH Elisabeth N. of the Church school wlll meet at the Brown is captain of the troov. church at 7:30 o'clock Friday evening to begin a Treasure HunL The committee in charge has provided interesting stunts for this party and no member of Harold Bell Wright, whose books ha \"e the department can atrord to miss it. aggrec:ated sales running into the millions, recently said: "What Americans Palm Sunday morning will flnd In the want and need now is spirituality. . . ... . Church school special programs In all de- Though this Is :-o commercial age and partments for children. This is i~deed perhaps, because it Is, there never has a children'· - . , · been a time when people so hungered for The Covenant class wlll have its last spiritual light. The rich need undermorning meeting. · !ltandlng as well as the poor. Men who The Junior congregation will be ad- know the price of everything and the dressed by Mr. McCormack on .. How the value of nothing ~re not only cheating Gates Were Opened." them~lves, but society. Money cannot The mornlnc worship service has been corner the real essence of life." The arranged to Include several special num- for~olng quotation prompts us to askbers. The children from the Primary and Do we really appreciate the vaJue of the Beginners departments will give tbe call church and ltM services? Do we really to worship, and the Ju~lor choir will appreciate the value of an active and sing the §!'them .. Hoaanna," by Butler. consl~tent Christian life? The church in The Senior choir will sing the anthem, you·· community, through its member..Ride On, Ride On,·· by ScotL The ship and its activities, gives you the quartet will sing ..Jerusalem,·· by Pro- best of C'!.,1Jportunitlefl f9r the expression theroe. Dean Albert G. Heyhoe of Doane of your pl'oper appreciation of values. college. Crete, Nebraska, wlll speak on "Christ's Kingdom." The First Presbyterian church of Wilmette extends to you a most cordial At 12 :15 Dr. Frank Or~an Beck will Invitation. The church is located at the conclude the- discussion of ..Can We corner of Ninth St. and Greenleaf Ave. Christlanise Modern CuLture?" in the Momtng worship ot 11 :30 o'clock. SunForum. This has been one of the rrlOI'It day I'Chool at 9 :30 o'clock. Christian EnsucceBSful meetings of Its kind held in deavor at 5:30 p. m. the church In recent years. A special committee Is at work to consider arrangeCombined Palm Sunday and Communments for a continuance of the Forum. ion ~ervice Sunday, with the sermon ..VIctory Through SeemJng Defeat." On Sunday aft~moon ~t 3 o'clock the Covenant class will meet In the church The quartet will offer the following for an hour of study of the church archi- muadcal program next Sunday morning: tecture and symboUsm, an Inspection of Organ Prelude, the Cqmmunlon se_rvlce, and an explanaPaques Fleuries" ............... Mallly tion of the Sacraments. Mr. :McCor- Anthem. mack wlll conduct the claas. ..Rejoice Greatly" .............. Gadsby Athem, . The ftnlll e:vening of the Sunday Eve..Ride On ! Ride On !'" . . .... . ..... Scott ning club for the season 1927-!8 will be Organ Offertory, held In thla church Sunday evening at ..Intermeaao" . .................. Rogers 7 :30. Blahop Bdwln · Holt Ruches of Solo, the Methodist Episcopal church will be ·"The Palms·· . . ................. Faure the spe}lker. Thla church cooperates. Nr. Carlson Organ Postlude, On KODday evening the Board of ..H088nnah" .................... Wachs Trusteee will hold Ita regular meeting In tile church oftlce at 'I :10. The Junior church meets every Sunday mornlnc at 11 o'clock In the Junior A.aThe Creecent Circle, lira. F. E. Parry, aembly room. Next Sunday we will celechairman, will have an all-day meetlnc brate Palm Sunday with a special atoey on Tueaclay at the home of lin. W. E. and apme BPeCial mwdc. WIIU&ma. '1)1 Unden avenue. The u.a.tlna .... will be lin. J. H. The Rebecca SPGk;-will have Ita recular the hbltoey of SL John's. It Is the twenQ' ftftb year slflce tbla conaregatlon wu foun,ded u a little mlaalon; It Ia the 15th year elnce tbla eoqrep.tlon ha8 been eelf-aupportlng; anrchdIt Is the ftftb year since the new chu was ereetec1 So It Ia really a year of many annlvenaries for st. ,John's, and tor that reason a year for tbla ~gregatlon to be very grateful to ~ While we llhall reaerve our apeelal anniversary services tor a later time In year, the Day of our Saviour'· ResurreeUon Will give a aplendid opportunity to all of us to exprea our thank· In the form of a sacrlftclal ofteriq. Envelopes for thls pur;poae are Included lo all the seta given ouL Those who desire petal envelopes may get them by applying for tbem with the deaeons or tM ftnanclal secretary ot the pastor. ·u.e Sebm,ldt. ~ 3r.."i:d~d~rs.L!"ne:: Hartman ao - - , k. eon will be -~ at 1 0 c 100 Fl Girls will · Thte Wtthe~~u'='h a~l!ao .:der the dlmee a La.Ro recti on of Mrs. H. A. Y· · The Boys' clgb will be peats of the Glencoe Boys' club at 4 o'clock In Glen. Tbev --' _ 11 meet at the church and ~ # wa be transpgrted to Glencoe In ears. Roosevelt Troop No. 2. Boy Scouts, will meet at 'l·.so at the church. Fred Rye Is BOOutmaster. The Board of Deacons wlll hold its h regular monthly meeting In tl1e chore otftce Tuesday at 7 :SO o'clock. c Fir&t Contregatio·al Presbyterian Church ···e·

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