Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Mar 1928, p. 48

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MODERN HlGH PRESSURE WASHING GREASING STATION ..., .,.,. in Wilmette .. Parish ' Rev. A. E. Rohrbach, pastor Sunday: sunday school, Horace Jlann's school, 10 L m. Young People's service: speaker N. Nlk· Jauon, t p. m. Social hour. Evenllll' eervlce In Swedish, 8 p. m. Jlonda:r-Thunclay: Swedish Lenten ServIces. Areh nlgbt. 8 p. m. · Good Friday: Celebration of the Lord s Supper, 8 p. m. ··wonder of 'JVOnders, Jesus lov.ed , me, A wretch- lost, ruined, sunk In mtaery, He BOUght found me, raised me, set me free." c (8w....kaxt...... ~) iill House, Oak etnet. Winnetka · ·~ " me, U·itarill· Church Cblcago avenue and Greenwood blvd., Evanston. Sunday. April first. At 9 :45-Churcll school At 11-Klnderp.rten At 11-Momlng aervlce Sermon :-"Does Civilization .Need Religion?" At 6 o'clock-Young people's meet' ng TUCKER SERVICE STATION . 731 Maia St. MaiaSt.atW......... Aw. ··._ WIL 341 Palm 8aDW (April 1) · ~ 8Ch0ol ············ t :t& L m. Jlr. J«-Ph loluulon, ~tUP8rlntendent MomlDC wonblp · . Coaftnllatloll of Catechumens 11 a. m. Sermon: ·-n.e Battle of the Aces" Monday of Hob' Week· Hlato17 of the Pullon · · · · · . . 8 p. m. Tueeda:r of Bo))' WeekHistory of the Paalon · · · · · · 8 p. m. Wedneeda:r of Holy WeekHistory of the Passion Preparatory · · · · · · · · . · · · · · . . . · · . 8 p. m. TbundaY of Holy WeekHistory of the Paulon Communlon ····· ············.··. lp.m· Friday of Holy WeekEaster Otfertng, History of the Passion, Special Council Meeting after the service · . · · · . . . . . · · · · 8 p. m · PLEASE NOTE: There will be no preachlq In the week day aervlcea. Tbe preparatory aervlce on Wednesday night should be attended by all who desire to commune at the Lord's Table the following night. The Communion of Thul'tlday night Is the only one which wiU be offered during the Easter seatJOn. There will be no communion on Easter Day. ;rtaere will be apeclal music at all of theae services. Brine your friends and ,ro with .Jesus alone the "via dolorosa." Easter DaySunriae aervlce · · · · · · · · · · · . 6 a. m. · "On the first day of the week, at early dawn, they came unto the tomb, bringIng the sptcea which they bad prepared. And they found the stone rolled away from the tomb. And they entered In, and found not the body of the Lord Jesus:· Luke U; 1-3. Sunday school ..·.....·. 10:30 a. m. Easter OfferingVespers with music and reading 8 p.m. MIBB HUda Kloster, Winnetka, reader Choir aBSlsted by outside talent. Those to be confirmed next Sunday, wlll be presented with Bibles by the church. They are: Roae Marie Gash, Edith Luctne Dahlberg, Ruth .H elen Nordberg, Arbo Bans von Relnsperg. Carl Stemer, .Jerome Bruce Nevins, Robert Herman Klemm. In addition to these several adults will be received Into the membership of the church. New members wlU be received next Sunday. If you desire to apply for membership please apply to one of the members qr the pastor for a memberllhlp application blank. All new members will be voted on by the Council Friday evening. A B tllll b"' · ·aoea.ur·na ROL~ 'WBBK ..._ --,;- Ce·Ar····· Ke·ilworlh Unio· Ki>nllworth avenue and Warwick road, KentJworth Rev. Herbert T .... Willett, Ph. D., minister Next Sunday moming at 11 the theme of the sermon wm be, "The Coming of the King,"" a !';ermon appropriate to ·Palm Sunday. Sunday ~~ehool at 9:45 a. m. Classes for aU, and aU welcome. 'DdsS., Sedan.,....,Ep;p..i a..-RMlueed in pri.eef8 $1 fifiO lt'a atonfalat,.,_how maeh etyle and ..._, thla h .. Advanced Sh model ...... JOD at ., low a faetory price. B.,.J equipment JDeaDa lb e.,...Jdlai wiN wlaeela, two of t11eaa IDOUDted lllllaltly Gil eltla. .we. Two .ere tbee aad ...,_, ADd a eGilftDieot tnmk nek at the ..... ..4t ,_,, ., _ .,.,. ~ _,......, .,..,_.nt to add new _.. aad atJ)e to JOUI'IDOtoiiDi· The Youn~ People's club will meet Sunday evenln~ at 6 o'clock. Light refreshments will be aerved, after which there will be a feUowshlp hour, and a dtscuBBion of current problems. On Wednesday evenln~ at 7 :15 the Sunday School council will meet In the Assembly Room for the consideration of current problems In the work of the School. the survey of the proiO"Ilm for the foUowing Sunday, and other Items of interest. On Friday evening at 8 o'clock the ftnal service In the aerlea of joint servtC":es held thromrh the Lenten seaROn by the two Churches of Kenilworth wm be held In the Church of the Holy Comforter. Dean Frederick C. Grant of the Western Theolotrlcal aemlnar:r will be the speaker, and the program will be appropriate to Goqd Friday. .............................-...................... SUBURBAN NASH SALES S41 Lincoln Ave. ... . .. _ · ·· -- - You have ~ your eholce of three cllatlnedve eolor. aehemeeNash Blue, GNeD-Gray or Areadian Blue. There'· Inlaid paneU.., of paume walnut lnalde, rieh mohair .eln~ upholeterJ. Deeply tufted, emartlJ taD...t cmehloaa. SDver finished In· tedorwue. And the motor hu 7 bearlap, of ooune. . I&'a a Naahl The annual church dinner and buslne· meetlnc of the cbureh and Congregation will be held at the Kenilworth club on Wednellday evalq, April 11. Fol1owtng the dinner, the annual reports, elections. and other matters of Interest wm be taken up. Next Sunday, April 8, Easter Sunday, the ordiDance ot ba.ptlam will be ad.;. mlulstered, new memben received into the church. and the Communion celebrated. Dr. W'IIJett·s subject will be, "The Life Eternal." Phone Winnetka 2707 · · WINNETKA ~ -- ~ ..... - -· j ' llr. and llrs. Louis Brock and their little daughter. Virginia, are motoring to Florida. They encountered a bill snow storm near. Chattanooga and bitter eold weather. .

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