Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Mar 1928, p. 60

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CLMBIFIBD ADVBRTIBBJIBNTt Garcdleuniimg SPRING IS HERE AND TD.&T. . .T8 the time has come to make tt the changes in your lawn TRJDATJIBNTS GIVBN J'OR ACUTB chronic ailments by snutuate and garden that you have and Jlecbanotheraplst. Houn bJ' appoint- ' been thinking about dur- meat. Ph. WDmette 151. ftLTNJl-tfc ing the winter. Call us ~~---··-·_·_UL _·AI_u _ __ and we will gladly talk G~ ~~~~ ·!:4 over with you your plans we plall11 tree for an,. Job blc or Blllllll. go anywhere. and advise you how to get Hendrickson Const. Co. the best results. We are state Bank B14ar. Part Rld8e 1111-no prepared to do any land&OLTNJO..ttc 1_ 5_DO_w_w_A_s_a_··_o 1___ _ scaping work that you may 1· w_1 _ __ · h d THE VANDER SERVICE, EXPERT WJS one. window wublng, ..one-day" houseclean- __ .. · A Used PO. 8ALB-A11T08 2016 Central St. Phone Greenleaf 2930 EVANSTON LOST AND POUB"D IS TRB NBX'l' 20LTN!7-1tc II 54'1 Lincoln Ave. ~ Phone Wlnn. !707 GRBA.TJDST VALUE 4LTNZ7-ltc TO A NBW BUICK LANDSCAPE GARDENING SEB:DING, REWARD FOR RETURN, OR INFORltl'l )(aster Six Buick Sedan, Gold Seal mation leading to recovery, of new red planting, trimming, black tlrt, manure, Guarantee . . . ................... $1,1 '16 and · white Pathftnder bicycle, frame h&uUntr. ll'rank w.· K.ares, Winnetka ltl'l Standard Country Club Coupe, No. !19100. W. G. Walling, 109f Priave. TeL Wilmette 891Y1. ZOLTNJI-5tp Wonderful Bargains nmble seat Gold Seal Guarantee vate Road. Pbone Wlnn. 47. 55LT27-ltp $50 down, balance ln 10 months ·...·..·.. : . ..···.................· $975 Evanston Motor Acceptance Co. ~~ Ilf~TBVC'l'IOB" tt!'l Standard Buick Sedan, new car LOST- WRIST WATCH, VICINITY 18!9 Benaon Ave. Bvanston, DL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - appearance, Gold Seal Guarantee, Robsart and Oxford Rds. Kenll. 4LTN!7-1tc Take Golf LeBBOns ·.··.....··..·······....··..···.···· $850 Finder please phone Kenilworth Z135. at the lt25 Buick '1-pusenger Sedan, big Reward. 55LT!7-1tc bargain, has 4 new General cord tires,ll ___ B_V_J_L_D_J_B"_e_a __ c_o_li_T_IlA_C_'I'D ___a __ BBLP W.&B"TBD-PB.ALB ··.·························.··.··.· $92& LIBERAL TBRIIS ABOVE CARS CARRY A 90-DAY 914 Chicago Avenue NORTH SIDE A EVANSTON 'BRANCH GOLD SEAL GU.ARANTEID EVANSTON presents Itself TERII8 AND TRADBS! Phone Greenleaf 4815 to the girl looking to establish herself In a profeafon where advancement is lltnlted only RALPH WATTS, )(gr. by personal ability 2047 HOWARD AVE., CIDCAGO Open EveniJ,!gs BECOME a TelePhone Operator EV!J(=;rn Clark and Rb"McAGO Z5LZ7-3tc FULL salary Is paid during training 1 - DAVIS ST. UNIV. 5H1 UNIVBRSITY 8950 BRIARGATE 6tH II Increases are ~egular LOANS OPEN EVENINGS 11LTN23-tfc GIRLS over 16 with at least AND SUNDAYS CARPENTER AND GENERAL li==============~l grammar school education 4LTNZ7-1tc CONTRACTOR are asked to come in for _RA_U_ijH __ A_N_D_L_A_N_:fG_E_L_E_C_T_R_I_C_,_N_E_W_. o o a personal Interview let and !nd Mortgages aet of batteries costing $f96. Car Is In 8c 8-Sto 2nd floor--61f Davis Street-Evanston · excellent condition ................ $400 1 reen 1'111 8aah 545 lrlaln St., WDmette or TeL 85 Hudaon .t J)a88. SJ>Ort ·.....·..... $200 Garagea-Porches-Addltlons Wilmette Exchange, 725 12th St. INSURANCE Jl'ord Roadster ........·............. $115 H Expert Cabinet Work. 56L5-tfc IOLl'l-tfc Jordan Little custom six, 4 pass. Blue- 1762 lghland Ave., Wll. Ph. Wll. ll'lt. boy, a few our months Present $1,050 new 11LTN!4-tfc cost $1,725, priceold. ............ and 17 Buick IN USED CARS THAT ARB SURE TO be ·tl8tactory see FOR REAL BARGAINS e <G«&e & JJ cdl mfllb \W II"\\1P \WIB. m'l"" 6lWW SUBURBAN NASH CO. REPOSSESSED CARS lng. Uniformed white workmen. FurniBhlng all materials. Standard rates. A-1 references. Unlv. 7905. Wilmette 666. 5ZLZ5-tfc ----------------------------- Nortlln Sllncre Buniiclk <Comm]p)llJID.Y HARRIS BROTHERS CO. "Cellu-Seal" Lined Garages COTTAGES-HOMES Terry McGovern Golf School Opportunity NOW is the time to have y9ur Golf Clubs gone over. 1F JJ lHiacllK<elf Charles H. Brethold FALCON M.OTORS '::~-----»_ .a_E_ss_M_A_x_IN_o _ _ __ ---------------1 619 Davis St. Evanston SILK LAMP SHADES AND DOLL ON FIRST OR SECURED MORTGAGES at reasonable rates, quick, courteous, OLDSMOBILE DEALER · dressing, comforts and draperies, beadconftdentlal service. · 4LTN27-ltc ing and crochetlJll', millinery and flowers, embroidery and bed-spreads, 5 yrs. of prosperous service In leading North Shore homes. MiBB Barnett 16U Orrington Ave., Evanston Unlv. 8183 30LTN!4-Btp lTntversity 10!57 evenings. 11LTN!7-ltc These are REAL Bargains 11!7 Hupmoblle 8, Sedan ............ $1,200 EXPERT DRESSMAKING, REPAIRING PRIVATE PARTY HAS MONEY TO ten Essex Coach.. . .. . .. .. . . .. .. . . . 450 and remodeling a specialty. Reasonable loan. First ar.d second mortgages. 11!5 Dodge BuslneBB Coupe. . . . . . . . . 300 Reasonable rate. Quick service. 801 prices. Mrs. Barker, 4540 Hazel Ave., 19%6 Ford Coupe ..... : . . . . . .. . . .. . 100 Ridge Terr., Evanston. Ph. Greenleaf Chicago. One block east of Sheridan t Hupmoblle Tourlngs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 159!. 30LTN!4-tfc halt block south of Wilson. Phon~ Alao Hupmoblle 8 Demonstrators .... 1,800 l<~~ewater 1375. 17LTN27-ltp MONEY TO LOAN ON AUTOMOBILES. Evanston Motor Acceptance Co., Inc. G.-\BD:ENING WINNETKA 1829 Benson Ave., Evanston, Ill. GRAHAM-PAIGE D"EALER 30LTN27-ltc . fLTN27-ltc ~18!!!!!!!~P~AI!!!!!!!,..,.~T!!!!!I!!!!!_.!!!!!G~~..~D~-!!!!!C!!!!!O~-= ·TJ~-~ ... ~~ ""' ""' · .D a..Evergreens-Shrubs-Trees REAL BARQ-AINS IN USED CARS . and Perennials Star touring, only ....··..·.·.·.·· $85.oo Cadillac 4 paas. touring, bargain $225.00 I..Eo KARl PAPER HANGING, WOOD li'INISIDNG, ftoor scraping and general remodeling. Jewett Brougham, ftne condition $215.00 Phone Wilmette 3601 _y_ 3 C. FRANKEL C841Ua~ 7 pass. touring ·.·.··.··. $125.00 20LTN27-ltc Phone Wilmette 31M PUnt 5 ))&II. aedan, model 60 ···· ,395.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 38LTNI4-tfc THO:MSON CHEVROLET SALES ,.,. · 911 Linden Ave.. Winn. 150 ~v 11 PETS 4LTN!7-ltp Landscape gardening Cut flowers and gladiolus bulbs for sale. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -...... 5 GERMAN Winnetka 329 PUPPIES FOR SALE. I'OR SALE-CHEVItOLET COACH, 19!6. Jerry Kucera 1050 Oak street Dachshunds left, pedigreed, good pets Driven 10,000 mile&. Good condition. !OLTNZ8-Uc and also watch doge. J. Naud, 4464 $300 cash. E. ·G. Schmid, 103 Broad· -------------~~ W. End Ave., Chi. Ph. Austin 7775. way, Wilmette. Tel. Wtl. 1840. 39LT!7-ltp . LT!1-ltp d d WORK BY DAY OR CONTRACT. ALL I~DS. 3 GAIT. SADDLE MARE. GENtie, ribbon winner, also 5 galt. geld. 1 TON REPUBLIC TRUCK. BARGAIN. work guaranteed. Alek Gurchuck. 552 Make offer. Good condition. Wlnn. Birch st. Phone Wfnn. Z30G. absolutely safe. Ph. University 8657. 9 7 1 ZIIZ. 4LTNJ'l-ltc !OLTN17-!tp ~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~!!!!! !!!!!1A!!!!!T!!!!!N!!!!!!!!!!! -!!!!!~tc fl BADIOS P=============== MONEY TO LOAN McKendry Realty Co. \VHITE COUPLES . MAIDS I-400K \\.E HAVE SE WERAL OPENINGS ON the North Shore for experienced couples and maids. Must be able to furnish goott references. AppJ:r at once to FAUST PERSONAL SERVICE BUREAU 845 Chicago Ave. Greenleaf 4417-5055 56LTN27-ttc WTD. WHITE MAID FOR GENERAL hswk. and cooking. Prlv. rm. and bath, small family and small house. 768 Lincoln Ave. Ph. Winnetka 1836. 56LTN27-ltc HANSON MOTOR CO. Con1plete Landscape Service \Ve Plant and Guarantee I Painting-Decorating WHITE MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEwork, neat and good cook, only ftrst claBB maid with best of ref. need apply. 115 Robsart Rd. Ph. Kenilworth 1533. 56L!7-1tc 1ST CLASS WHITE GIRL, COOK AND general housework. No laundry. Refs. 180 Linden. Te· Wfnn. 2661. WTD. . EXPERIENCED MAID FOR general housework. Mrs. T. N. Cutler. Ph. W'llmette 61! 56LTN!7-ltc WANTED WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. hswk., ll88lst with small children. Ph. Glencoe 910. 56LTNZ7-ltc WTD. WHITE MAID FOR GENERAL housework. Ph. Wilmette 9!!-W. 5&LTNZ7 - 1tc WANTEn:-..aOOD COOK FOR SMALL family. Call Wlnn. 1377. 56LT27-1tc tnnetka-Perenntal- Garden Lan SCape Gar entng 17 COMPETENT CHAUFFEUR. WILLING to help as houseman. Refs. required. Phone Wlnn. !!29 for appointment. 57LTNZ7-1tc WINDOW WASHING BY EXPERIenced white man. Ph. WUmette 8t!Y4. '71 .TN!!i-~to · 81T w · ...TB... · :a ==:":'~~·~~.a~..~. F_._n_B ___ RELIABLE YOUNG. WOMAN WISU. care of cblldrea event...., Sat. aDII ....................................................... Will··.. .......... ..., ...... ____, ..e 8YAJrfttO. U'YDW', .......... te Responsible Radio Service A. C. SETS CAN ONLY BE .ADJUSTED by competent men, and thla llhould apply to all Radloe. OUr work Ia eupervlaed by a Radio Enslneer of experience. A portable unit gives a laboratory test In your own home. We deal only In Radloe. and guan.ntee our Hrvlce at a reasonable coM. RADIO SERVICE A INSTALLATION 411 lAnden Ave. Wilmette 411'1 Sparton, Zenith, ero.te7 Dealer wu..... Llf.. IJ'aa WIUI&n'& . . · WDIIIETKA .___..-. __ - . can Wll:wtt.a - .. . tuJIIMir·ttc

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