Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Mar 1928, p. 62

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.r. 'j ' ,- . WILMETTE LIFE' POa SA.LB-H0118B8 78 Karcb 30. '1928 ... FOB 8.ALB-;-B8ERLD. &OOD8 · ·-·-~.,~~- j ~ ·. ~a I'GB 8ALB-VACA.11T Adve..:· enb OJ'PICB8 FLOOR, ·opposite 3 rooms, $15, $25 (Coatia_. froaa .... II) II J'OB UliT-8TOBB8 FOR RENT-OFFICES !ND Fourth A Linden, Wilmette, ..L.. terminal depot, 1 I Qr aoo4 location for a doctor, and $36, 613 Fourth St. Wilmette Realty Co. AGENTS Wilmette 192 73LTN27-ltc FOB 8ALE-BOU8E8 Wiillmmettte SJPXe<Cii&ll SUBSTANTIAL 7 ROOM BUNGALOW type residence located near center of Vlllage. 5 rooms and tile bath on 1st floor. 2 rooms and bath on lnd floor. Hot water heat. Lot 50x186. Easy terms. $12,500. Attractive 7 room home. midway between "'L" and steam. H. w. heat, f bedrooms, fine Jot 50x200. Near schoolS', church, etc. Many shrubs and perennials. garage and drive. A real buy at $20,000. 340 Linden Ave., Phone Wilmette 68 77L27-ltc CLASSY 6 ROOM WHITE FRAME LOT 185x160 FT. IN GLEN OAK ACRJDS PORCH FURNITURE. LIV. RM. TABLE Colonial. Sun parlor, breakfast room, elec., gas, and water. '$3,000. $500 and library table. Ph. Kenilworth H. W. heat. J car ararace. Convenient cash. Ph. Glenview 181-W-J. 1062. Call 6 o'clock. lOOLZ'l-ltc to transportation. Real bargain at '18LTN!'l-tte :MAR. LIV. TABLE AND 100 ADAMS $17.000. lb. refrlg. Ph. Winnetka 1796. 8t WANTED TO BENT-DOUSES 100LTN27-ltc SMALL HOUSE OR BUNGALOW. Wanted to rent from May to Septem- FOR SALE-DOUBLE BED, SPRING INC. ber. . Furn. or unfurn. Phone Wlnn. and mattress. Ph. W ilmette 3429 or End "L" 410 Linden Ave.; Ph. WU. 407-8 1941. 89LTN27·1tc call at 1138 Oakwood Ave. 100L25-tfc 77L27-ltc BEAUTIFUL '1 PC. WALNUT QUEEN RBSPONSIBLE PARTY WISHES HSE. Ann dining room suite, good condition FOR SALE-'/ R'M. DUTCH COLONIAL in Wilmette -east ot tracks. 3 to 4 bedsso. Ph. wumett~ 2320. 100L27-1tc lge. llv. rm. with fireplace, 8 bedrms.' rms. Ph. Wilmette 2356. 89L27-ltc pantry and heated· sunnn., newly and Ill WTD. TO BUY-HSHLD. GOODS artistically decorated, exceptionally tl WANTED TO BUY-HOUSES light and cheery. H. W. heat. storm WANTED TO BUY- SECOND-HAND sash, 2-car gar., large beautifully furniture and other household goods. woded lot with ftowers and shrubbery. Highest prices for same. Croat FurniExcellently situated for school and A 5 ROOM OR SMALL 6 ROOM HSE. ture store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanstransp., steam, etc. and elevated. Ocin WIJmett6. Convenient to Northton, IIJ. Pb. Unlv. 189. 101LTN5-tfc cupied by owner. Price $20,000. Ph. western transportation. Give lowest Wilmette 1654. L27-ltp price. Write Wilmette Life B-649. AN ICEBOX IN GOOD CONDITION. 96LTN27-ltc Capacity 125 Jbs. Tel. Winn. 2617. 101LTN27-ltc ANTIQUES HEAVILY WOODED LOT, 100xl50 IN II exclusive n. e. section of Wlnn., with - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IH FOR SALE-MISC. completely modern '1 rm. shingle hse. 2 very large south porches, 1 on 2nd BUY NO The Wilmette Woman's Exchange floor glazed. An excellent buy tor anyW FOR YOUR HOME AND 1024 Lake Ave. one Interested ln a valuable piece of cottage. Walnut chests $15 to $30 unopen daily 10 to 5 finished. $35 to $45 ready to use. Side Sat. 10 to 1 land and a comfortable home. Winn. chairs, blanket chests. Set mahogany 2207. 747 Lincoln Ave. 71LN27-ltp Empire dining room chairs, corner Curtains, linens and articles suitable for giftf: and tavots for parties always on cupboards, odd tables. large solid hand. 6-RM. STUCCO. NEW FURNACE, LOT cherry gateleg tables and chairs to 102LTN27 -ltp 60x125, driveway, 32 ft. paved st., conmatch. 8 rooms full of rare old things venient to transp. 3 glazed porches, at remarkably low prices. gas range, modern. 500 eap chicken OPEN 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. coop--over 100 best layers, an tools, AND SUNDAYS APPROX. 3 CU. YDS. DELIVERED $7 very complete. $4.000 cash, baJ;.mce North Shore Garden Service convenient. 5 Walter Avenue, North Ph. Glenview 80-R or 141-J. Brook, Ill. 77LTN27-ltp 10~LTN25-4tc !cdlcdlihm!iteo>llil & Allll<ellil WANTED TO BUY GREATLY REDUCED SPECIAL ANTIQUE Si\LE FINEST BLACK DIRT WILMETTE ~ BEAUTIFUL BUFF BRICK French chateau home, 1 block to lake, In best Wilmette residential section. 7 large rooms, 3 master bedrooms, 2 tile baths and showers. Maid's room on 1st ftoor. 2-car garage, attached and heated. H. W. heat-oil burner. GeneJ1l.) Electric refrigerator, Kohler dishwasher, tile roof, copper metalwork. Many Interior features. Large front atone piazza, exceptional · construction. Owner must sell at cost-will consider vacant In trade. Price and terms are right. · 1108 Davis St. A REAL BUY E. E. Stults Realty Co. University 8080 77L27-ltc SOUTH EAST GLENCOE A CHARMING COLONIAL HOME, SITuated on a beautiful landacaped lot U3xl50. The ftrst ftoor contains llvlng room, sun parlor, dining room, pantry, kitchen. Second ftoor has 4 bed-rooms, two baths, extra lavatory, sleeping porch. Third floor, maid's nn. and batll, two storag41 rooms. Hot water heat, Newport magulne feed boller. Garage to match house. This Is offered now at $42.000. wALTER P. SMITH & co. 332 Park Ave. · Glencoe 702 ---------------------7_7_L_X_N_2_7--l-tc NEW 6 ROOM BRICK RESIDENCE. 3 Bl. S. of Main St. & 1% bls. E. ot Ridge 99LTN27-2tc bedrms., 2 baths, shwr. Metal weather strips. Plate glass windows. Latest decoras. H. W. heat. Fireplace. Tile AM SELLING MY PRIVATE COLLECtino of rosewood and mahogany pieces. roof. 2 car gar. Lot 50x189. Open 2-6 Bedroom set of Dutch marquetry. Sat. and Sun. 1143 Cherry, Winn. 1921. Rosewood bed and dresser. Duncan 77LTN27 -ltp Phyfe table. Other pieces. Also drapes Oriential rugs. Mrs. F. D. Smith, 32i A SUNNY HOUSE Kedzie st., Evanston. Tel. Greenleaf Sunshine In every room, 67 windows on 4475. .. 99LTN27-ltp the ftrst and second floors : 12 rooms, 3 baths, 2 car garage. Modern in every IH FOB SALE-BSERLD. GDS. respect. Priced at $70,000. Will take Jess if sold within 60 days. Write Wilmette Life B-651. 77LTN27-ltc COliPLETE FURNISHINGS OF HSE Among these bargains, there is a Royai LEAVING VILLAGE-WILL SELL 7 Saruk rug at % price. New kitchen rm. stucco, with extra Ia va. on 2nd, stove, day bed, etc. Call Glencoe 1169. toilet on 1st. Breakfast rm. Glazed 1OOLTN27 -1 tc Sun porch. 011 heat. Southeast loca., conv. school, transpor., lake. 272 Pop- BABY GRAND PIANO. DINING ROOM Jar St., Wlnn. 427. 77LTN27-ltp and bedrm. sets. Desk. Radio. Mangle. Lamps. Electric train set Stove. Printing press. Rugs. Curtains. Dishes: WILL TRADE 8 RM. HOUSE, 1 ACRE Very cheap. Wlnn. 969. In North Brook all Improvements In, 100LTN27-ltc for brick or frame bungalow In Wilmette. $12,000 no brokers. Ph. Wllmette 1582. 77L27-ltc 160 LB. BOHN SYPHON REFRIG 36 in., Simplex ironer, bed, chairs, ~~ni tary couch, tables and mattress etc 6 ROOM FRAME HOUSE AT NORTH739 9th St. Ph. Wilmette 1607. ' . brook; H. W. heat, 1 batll, l-ear ga.tOOLTN27-ltc rage, Jot 50x140. $9,300, terms. Call at 1937 Wilmette Ave. or phone WI I. FURNISHINGS AND EQUIPMENT OF 3774· 7 rm. apt. Also grandfather clock 77LTNZ7-ltp 1705 Ri_ d ge Ave., Evanston, apt. 5. By appt. only. Phone Greenleaf 4239: 7_s______ F_o_a __s_A_L_E ___ v_A_C_A_N __ T________ 100LTN27-ltc 808 \Vashington St. EVANSTON · FOR SALE KIMBALL PLAYER piano, mahogany case, $75. Also Tento-bed camping outfit. Phone Winn. 427. 102LTN27-ltp FOR SALE - BLACK LACE AND flesh colored chiffon dinner dress : gret-n jersey; size 36. Several hats. Reasonable. Glencoe 1359. 102TN4-ltc REMINGTON TYPEWRITER. RECONditioned, very cheap. Write Wilmette Life B-643. 102LTN27-ltp CHILD'S PLAY HOUSE $25.00. PH. Wilmette 2921. 102LT27-ltc 1U WANTED TO BUT-JIISC. SELLING OUT WTD. LADIES' RIDING HABIT, SIZE 40, also spring coat size 16, both must be In good condition and reas. Ph. Wilmette 4156. 103L27-ltc WANTED-CLEAN WHITE RAGS, tOe per lb. 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette. 103LTN14-tfp SPECIAL AS8E8SIENT NOTICE VILLAGE OF WILIETTE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NO. 223 NOTICE Is hereby given to aU persons interested that the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Wilmette, in the County of Cook and State of Illinois, havln~ ordered that Seventeenth Street from the north line of Wilmette Avenue to the oouth line of Elmwood Avenue, except the Intersections of Central Avenue, Highland Avenue, Washington A venue, Lake Avenue, Forest Avenue and Walnut Avenue, which are now paved, be Improved by grading, adjusting manhole and catch basin covers, constructing storm water drains with necessary manholes and catch basins, paving with Portland cement concrete and otherwise Improving the same, In the Vlllage of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, the Ordinance tqr the same being on ftle In the oftlce of the Vt11age Clerk, and said VIllage having applied to the County Court of Cook County for an assessment of the costs of aa.ld Improvement. according to benefits, and an assessment therefor having been made and returned to said COurt, Docket No. 223, the ftnal hearing thereon will be had on the 9th day of April, A. D. 1928, or as soon thereafter as the buslnesa of the Court will permit. All persons desiring may ftle objections In said court before said day and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Said ordinance provides for the payment of said asseBSJnent In ten (10) Installments, with annual Interest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum. Dated. Wilmette, Illinois. this 23rd day of Marco, A. D. 19Z8. CHARLES N. EVANS Person appointed by the President of the Board of Local lmprovem~nta of the VIllage of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois. to make laid asaeB81Bent. NEARLY NEW, 2 FAMILY HOUSE, near school and transportation, In excellent neighborhood. 3 and 4 room apartments, each with bath, nicely decorated, 50 ft. lot, landacaped, 2 car garage, paved alley. $11,500, $2,000 cash, balance monthly. M(O)M&tt i: fll&lln(erty 1177 Wilmette Ave. Wllmette !'13 7'1LZ7-ltc FOR SALE-VERY CHEAP-NEARLY new overstutr~d davenwrt, three cushGREATEST BARGAIN IN SHERIDAN jons. InsPection Saturday or Sunday. Road vacant. Lot 82xl60. East front L. J. Longini, 524 Provident Ave. Ph. near the new Shawnee Club and bathWinnetka 1382. 100LTN27-ltc Ing beach. Four blocks from "L" terminal. The last available piece of Sheridan Road frontage at less than COMPLETE FURNISHiNG OF 8 RM. house. Plano and bench $50. Reas. market value. A rare chance to Qecure Leaving town. 1109 Forest Ave. Pb. fine home site or a profitable InvestWilmette 3174. 100LTN27-ltc ment opportunity. BEAUTIFUL MULBERRY IMPORTED & mohair davenport and chair, good con334 Linden Ave. Phone Wilmette 93 dition. Real bargatp, 1040 Pine St. '18LTNJ'1-ltc Ph. Winnetka 752. 100LTN27-ltc INVESTIGATE THIS SMITH BROWN. INC. North Shore's Best Buy CHAIUUNG NEW BRICK RESIDENCE near lake, east aide, having 7 large rooms A heated sleeping porch, solarlUJD, breakfast room, Z tile baths a: lavatory, electric refrigeration, ventiJatlnc system, vecy latest features larce lot. Owner advises to sell. Terms arranged. See HI Center St. CROSBY & McKENDRY Phone Wlnnetk& !832 '1'/LTNJ'l-ltc SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA FOR SALE- HOUSEHOLD FURNIFOR NORTH SHORE ture and window shades. 22 Prouty annex. Tel. Winn. 2256. CLEAR RESIDENTIAL VACANT 100LTN27-ltc Every building site with panoramic view of ocean, mountains, Mission Valley and historic old Spanish mission- DINING ROOM SET. NEW SEEGER ice-box Kelvlnator. Victrola and other Only property of Its class lett Intact In choice pieces. Phone Glencoe 713. San Diego-Value $35,000-WIIl Divide. , 100LTN27-ltc Fine opportunity for contractor-Best climate In U. S. Population doubled since 1920. Would consider trade for OAK DIN. RM. SET-54 IN. TABLE, I chairs, very reasonable. Wlnn. 652-J. North Shore House or vacant-Address 100LTN27-ltp Winnetka Talk B-646. '18LT26-2tp 1VILKB'rrE CHARMING BUNGALOW OWNER IS SACRIFICING IIAIN ST~ OD eut .Sde : ..L," I elec. linea, ! R. R. BuslneBB vacant 40 foot frontage. An "RELIABLE" STOVE. Excellent con8tatJona all within 6 blocka : crade and dition. $1'1. Phone Wlnn. 1331. excellent Investment at $100. per foot. kinderp.rten school two blocks : llvinc 100LTNi7-ltc Act quick. Call University 8080. room llx 11 ; dinlDC room llxlJ ; kit· 18LJ'l-ltc Z RUGS. 8x10 AND tzxH, BARGAIN. LJI-Ztc clleD UxtO ; 1111n room tlxll : 1'001117 337 Sheridan Rd. Ph. Winnetka !UO. aiMeta and bedrooma; buUt-ln book FOR SALE-CHOICEST ?b:l&o FOOT lot In Winnetka. Fine trees, wonderlOOLTNI6-ltc Josephine Tracey of 336 Greenleaf _..; mo.t mo4em plumblnar; H. W. lleat; oll burner; Radd B. W. Rpply; ful nea.hborhood. Near echoola and SINGLE BED COIIP. ta.· LARGE a':enue entertained a number of little auaP on paved alley; laqulre Ill tn.naportatlon. $11,000. Pbone Wlnpolychrome mirror ss, large book case .fraends at her home. The occasion o.llw_. AYe. 7'III1'M-ttc netka lf'IO. 11LTNJ'I-ttc $5. 1096 Aah st.· Wlnn. lOOLTNI'l·ltp was her ninth birthday. BUSINESS VACANT DINING ROOM SET FOR SALE. $30. 968 Elm St. . 100LTNZ7-ltc

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