Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Mar 1928, p. 63

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Karch '30, 19.28 . Appoint William Edward. Saperintencleat of North Shore ~hatemeat Area The North Shore Mosquito Abatement district is preparing for an early · campaign in the organized warfare against the _little p_!!st which it is planned to driVe from the Skokie valley and north shore area, for which scientific and detailed methods are being formulated. A large . map of the area comprising the di~trict has been ordered and smaller sectional maps will be prepared for the guidance of the workers in carrying out the detailed plan. Engineer Don E. Marsh, of the firm of \Vindes & Marsh, met with the trustees, \Vednesday evening and advised them relative to the map equipment, orders for which were placed with this fira;g. Bids were received for the necessary motorized equipment to carry on the work, but thes~ ·bids were all rejected, because, it was said, they were too IUgh. Other bids will be obtained at once, it is said, that there may be no delay in getting to work at an early date. Edwards Superintendent \ Vi.lliam Edwards, of Glencoe, has been appointed superintendent of the district at a salary of $5,000 a year. He has withdrawn from the firm of \Villiam Edwards & Son 1 and -has turned the business in all its details m·er to his son and others who have been active in its management, that he may devote his entire time to the Mosquito Abatement district work. · Marvin E. Nevins, member of the village board of trustees, of Glencoe, has been appointed to succeed Mr. Edwards as member of the Mosquito Abatement district board. Arthur Stringer, of Evanston, one of the original five members of the district trustees. has been elected president of the board, the office held by Mr. Edwards, prior to his appoint~erJ as superintendent. The other board members are F. L. Streed, of Kenilworth; Paul A. Hoffma.n, of Wilmette and H. C. Phillips, of \Vinnetka. Major ~ M. Skinner is ~he engineer i-nd Miss Bertha L. Mann of Glencoe is secretary, Miss Mann having recently resigned her positiol) as secretary in the Glencoe viU.age office, to accept the position with the Mosquito Abatement district board, at a salary of $200 per month. In making announcement of Mr. Edwards' apointmeiit as - superintendent and manager of the North Shore Mosquito Abf!!ement diurict, Mr. Stringer said: ..The committee which has been charged with the duty of securing a competent superintenden:,_and manager, fol_lowed the advice of J. A. LePrince, senior sanitary engineer of the United States Public Health service. He pointed out that it was essential to have a man of absolute dependability, who would conscientiously perform the multitude of details connected wit.._ eradication methods. "Mr. Edwards has been identified with the movement to free the North Shore of mosquitoes since 1925. During those three years he has given his till!e unstintingly, and as a volunteer worker actually directed the field work in the Glencoe district. He was executive chairman of the Glencoe Mosquito Abatement association ; president of . the North Shore Mosquito Abatement association; first president of the board of trustees of the North Shore Mosquito Abatement district ; worked for the proper legislation for the formation of tile districts and organized aad put over the campa~ to The annual spring banquet and meethg of the athletic committee of the ·wvilmette Playground and· Recreation board will be held Friday evening, April 13, in the Central cafeteria at 8 o'clock. The banquet brings to a close the year's athletic: work, and the winners in the various sports leagues are announced at that time and trophies, cups and medals awarded to the players. The guest speaker at this season's dinner will be Village President Earl E. Orner. J. R. Harper, superintendent of Wilmette public schools, will present the trophies and awards. For the first time since the semiannual banquets were ·s tarted, a winning team in women's athletics will be among the guests of honor. The basketball team captained by Peggy Betts won the championship in the first athletic league for women sponsored by the Recreation board, and will be presented with a silver loving cup at the meeting. Invitations were sent out this week to members of the athletic committee and the various team captains, who, in turn, are authorized to . invite the members of their teams and any other Photo bJ' Toloft persons interested in the athletic proGenevieve Forbes Herrick, for many gram carried on by th'e Playground years one of the prominent special and Recreation board. writers for the Chicago Tribune-, is With the final games in quoits being in charge of headquarters ·· recently played this evening, this week brought opened in Evanston to further the the end of the league schedules for candidacy of Rllth Hanna McCormick this season. Playground ball and for congresswoman at large from Illi- horseshoes will be the two leagues to nois. be organized next and play will start late in April or early in May. The tennis courts and · apparatus on the WiUiama Candidate for Village Green wilt also be in condition Highway Commissioner for use within the next few months. James A. Williams, assistant village Ponder s~ Propaaa manager at Glencoe for the past six In addition to the speeches and years, during which time he also act- awarding of trophies at the banquet, ed as assistant to Township Highway the plans for the spring and sumJP.~ Commissioner H. program will be made at that time, as H. Sherer, is the well as the organization of new unopposed candidate for New Trier leagues. Township Hi g hway Commissioner, Scouts Prove Decided Aid which office is to In Community Cheat Dme be voted upon at In the short space of an hour last the annua I Town election Tuesday, Monday evening, Wilmette Boy Scouts m o b o I i z e d at the call of Scout April 3. Mr. Williams has Executive Walter McPeek, Village been acting high- President Earl E. Orner and Hector way commissioner Dodds, president of the Wilmette for some time, hav- Community Chest association, returned J. A. Williams ing been appointed to the Village Hall from whence they to fill the vacancy left by the resigna- had been dispatched, with 166 signed tion recently of Commissioner Sherer. acceptances to the invitation to attend He has ' had practical experience in the big Community Chest Dinner held road building and maintenance since last Thursday night at the Wilmette 1912 and is recommended as a par- Woman's club. One hundred and four ticularly fortunate choice for the hi~h Scouts participated in this part of the way commissioner post in New Trter. Community Chest drive and . between the hours of 6 :30 and 'I :30 o'clock obtained replies from more than 96 perNew Resuscitation Device cent of the messages sent out to resiSaves Life in Fint Call dents of the Village. Scarcely 12 hours after the arrival of the new H H type inhalator, a resusci- Candidates for Truateea tation device purchased by the Village for KenUworth Election on the recommendation of Fire Chief Arthur B. Adair, George R. Benson, Walter Zibble and delivered on Tuesday of last week, its purchase was more than and John L. Wilds, three Kenilworth W"clrranted by the saving of the life, village trustees, whose terms of office through its use, of Mrs. David Kellog expire tht3 year, have been nominated for re-election to succeed themselves, of 1438 Lake avenue. Mrs. Kellog had been over-come by it was reported this week. In each illuminating gas leaking· from a gas stove instance the term of office is two in the kitchen of the family resideiic:e. years. She was discovered by members of the Election will be held April 1'/. family and the Fire department · was Wendell H.' Clark wa:; reported to called to aid in her resuscitation, Chief have been chosen as candidate for. Zibble and Captain George Mayfield re- village c:lerk to fill the vacancy caused sponding. The quick application of the by· expiration of the term of Clive J: inhalator resulted in her complete and Taylor, present ~Jerk. who has declined' speedy reeovery. to· run for re-election. Photo by Ray Frank Miller, Elmwood avenue, Evanston, has been reccommended for the Britton I. Budd medal for heorism for saving the life of Pau Ziegner l·f Highland Park Thursday. Details are on page 51. create this district of four tQwnships which polled_ a vote of aproximately nine to one in favor of t}Jis proposition. "His ability as an organizer and an executive is well known on the north shore and he is thoroughly familiar with the work under the Gorgas plan of eradication and has the confidence of the Sanitary district board and the County Board of Commissioners in this work. · ' "Wf!.~n the subject of his appointment was broached to him some time ago, he agreed to consider the matter iJl the event that certain arrangements could be masJe, whereby he could accede to the committee's wishes to devote his full time to the project. ")'his he did, and the Board was quick to recommend his appointment. and the committee has confidence that the work will be carried on to the satisfaction of the residents of the district." Paul Schroeder Is Chairman of Miami Zoning Com~ittee North shore vill~ges, in which the zoning question is one of the foremost problems, are not alone in the study · of this civic question. The city of Miami, Fla., is also in the midst of a similar proceeding in which Paul Schroeder, a former resident of Wilmette, is playing an important part, according to advices received in Wilmette from Miami this week. Mr. Schroeder ha·s been appointed chairman of a committee on zoning !n the Florida metropolis and is working on the problem in conjunction with · the Miami city manager. A lengthy list of questions pertaining ·to the subject has been prepared and mailed to members of the Dade County Real Estate boa.rd, seeking opinions on zoning matters. JUNIOR LEADERS TO MEET A meeting of the Junior Leaders of the various north shore Boy Scout troops will be held this Saturday at Fort Sheridan under the direction of Sc:~ut Executive Walter McPeek and Field Executive W. Ted Grant. The meeting will start at 9 :». ·

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