Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Mar 1928, p. 64

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March 30, · · of · the Vlllap ID tbe Count)" of Cook and State of lUI· ........... on1ere4 tbat Locut Roac1 flol8 the pa.vement DOW In place In Lake Awa11e to tbe pa.vemeDt DOW In place In Altallad Avenue. al8o known u Avoca RcMa4: Jllaml Road from the pavement DOW In place tn Lake Avenue to the DOrtlawe.t Une of Romona Road; Romona Road from Miami Road to the pavement In Awe& Roacl; Seminole Roa4 from the D&vement now In place In Lake Avenue to Blackbaw1l Roacl, and from Iroquois Road to tit~ north end of Seminole Road : Mohawk ROid from Iroquola Road to Loe1lllt R.oa4, Seneca Road from the pavement now In place In lAke Avenue to LocU8t Road; Iroquois Road from lOami Road to Seneca Road, and Iroquola Road from Seneca Road to Illlnola Road; Blackhawk Road from Miami Road to Seneca Road : and alao Shabona Lane, Oaace Lane, Ottawa Lane an4 Cblp~wa Lane all from Blackhawk Lane to '\he south ends of u.ld Shabona Lane, OMce Lane, Ottawa Lane and Chippewa Lane respeetlvely be Improved by pacJJn«, acJJWitlng manholes. paving, curbing, construcUng Btonn water ~~ewers an4 concrete aldewalka and otherwl11e lmprovlq the aame, In the VIllage of Wilmette, Cook County, llllnola, the Ordinance for the aame belnc on ftle In the oftlce of the Vlllaae Clerk, and 1181d VIIlap bavlng applied to the County Court of Cook County for an UBB88Dlent of the · COI!'t.lt of Bald Improvements, according to bellefttA and an &811888ment therefor havl... been made and returned to 1181d Court. Docket No~ ItO, the ftnal hearing thereon will be ha4 on the 9th day of April, A. D. 1128, or u aoon thereafter. u the bualne· of the court will pennlt. AU penons- desiring may ftle objections In 8&14 court before 1181d day and may appear on the heariD8' and make their defena 8al4 ordinance provides for the payment of u.ld 1l8118881Dent In ten (10) lnlllallmenta. with annual lntereat thereon at the rate of lllx per cent per annum. Dated, Wilmette, IWnolll, thl8 Jard day of Ilardi, A. D. 1tll. CHARLES N. EVANS Penon appointed by the President of the Board of Local Improvemenu of the VIllage of Wilmette, Cook County, Illlnol11, to make aald aaeament. LH-Ztc W e I ·e o Me 111· Fit-e ..., ..... - all tllat ... -..........t Mn UlC1 ~ ~;!~~ of of Wilmette, : De/Nirl·e·t 111 Lea11 ~ Cool BliU11 Filltl tate XUditor Boar4 1'110118 SPECIAL A.881!:88:.ZXT XOTICB VILLA.QB OP WIL. .TTE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NO. 221 NOTICE 18 hereby ctven to all persona llltereated that the Prealdent and Board of IJ.'ruBteea of the VIllage of Wilmette, In the County of Cook and State of llllDOI8. ha.vlnc ordered that the ftrst alley north of Wuhlncton Avenue from the eut line of Seventeenth street to the weat Une of Sixteenth Street, and the aile~ approach from the weat line of Sbteenth Street to the weat curb line of Slll:teenth Street be Improved by p-a.dlna' an4 pavlnc with Portland cement concrete and otherwlee Improving the -.me, In the Vlllace of Wilmette, Cook Count)", Illinois. the Ordinance for the aame belq on ftle In the offtce of the Vlllap Clerk. and aald Vlllace having applied to ~e County Court of Cook County for an aae811111ent of the costs of ·ld Improvement, according to beneflU. an4 an a·e1811lent therefor havlnc been ma4e an4 returned to aald Court, Docket No. U1, the ftnal hearing thereon wllf be bad on the tth · day of April, A. D. 1118, or u aoon thereafter as the IHIIIIIIflllll of the court will permit. All persona dealrlnc may ftle objection· In al4 court before a.ld day and may ap. pear on the hearlnc and make their 4efenee. 8al4 ordinance provides for the payment of 8814 aae...,.,.,nt In ten (10) lnlllallments, with annual lntereat thereon at the rate of a per cent per annum. Dated. Wilmette, IIUnola, thlll Jard day of llarch, A. D. 1128. Penon appointed by the Prealdent of the Board of Local Improvementa of the VIllage of Wilmette, Cook County, IUinolll, to make aald uaeament. · Lll-ltc IPJ:CU.L .,81B88.BXT XOTICB 'YILLA&B OP WIL.Bl""B BPJDCIA.L ASSESSJIBNT NO. 121 NOTICB 18 hereb~ liven to all persona lllterellted that the Pre.l4ent aD4 Board Gl '1'rallteea of the Vlllap of Wilmette. Ia 1M Coanq of Cook and State of 1111DOia, ha.YIIW on1enM1 the conatructlon an4 llute"atloD of a malo water IAIDPlY Dlpe Ill Jll&ml Road from lroquol8 -ROad to .a polat ....._ laUDdnMI an4 8ft7 (Ill) feet ..a.. ... ln·n"w ....._ ....._ con. . - . ........ water ........ -WheD lal4 ........... .....,. ....... In tbe main ................... - - .... Ia 8eDeea ..... Loea8t ...... JlollawiE Jloa4, Iro. . . .~ JMd, &IIHaeft ~n="'e ...._ 111111018 ..... tile · for CIIAltLES N. BV.ANS Many north shore voters are expressing kee~ interest in ·the candidacy Whether it is better to be struck While the tool blasts and deluge of of Oscar Nelson, who is seeking rerain and snow inflicted by "Dame Na- nomination on the Republican ticket by a fi!e truck than frigh~e~ed by the ture" as a joker ending to the few for the office of State Auditor of Pub- siren 1s a matter of op1mon to be settled by the person who is being days of spring enjoyed by the north frightened, insofar as he is concer!le~; shore may not have been greeted with But whether to 44 frighten or to stnke any great enthusiasm by aU of the is quite a differ~nt mat.t er when c~n residents, it was nevertheless not altosidered by the fire department, Ch1ef gether unwelcome. Walter Zibble declares. Since the month of February was When the siren on the big service torn off the calendar, Fire Chief Waltruck "was struck dumb by ripe old ter Zibble and his boys have been age" recently, the Chief had very little kept steadily on the jump extinguishdifficulty in recalling many individual ing prairie fires. "And the brighter trying experiences when incautious the weather the brighter the fires," as motorists, failing to hear the warnthe Chief remarked. "While we're not ing signal on the truck, darted to safety wishing the crocuses any tough breaks, by scarcely tail-light margins. Hence we're not at all reluctant to have the when the Chief sat down to order the break in the number of calls provided new signal, he, without a moment's by the snow fall." hesitation, ordered one that "could be Fire materially damaged the roof of heard a country block by a wooden a garage at the home of R. E. Bruns, Indian," as one of his aids remarked. 751 Michigan avenue, on Monday of The new siren, which was installed last week, complete destruction being this week, represents a new departure avoided only by the prompt response in equipment. Instead of being operand quick work of the firemen. ated electrically., it is driven by a fricOn the same afternoon a call was tion wheel on the fly-wheel of the received to extinguish a prairie fire engine and the volume is controlled in a vacant lot on Ridge road. by the pressure of the driver's foot on The following day another call from a pedal on the floor board. That it 1343 Chestnut avenue was occasioned can be heard without difficulty will be by a similar fire. vouchsafed by any number of pedesOn Saturday of last week three lie Accounts, which he has filled in trians and motorists who chanced to prairie fires called the trucks from the highly acceptable manner for several be on Central avenue at about 5 station in quick ·succession. One was years. Mr. Nelson pledges the voters o'clock Wednesday evening when it at 312 Sheridan road, Kenilworth ; a 4'continued faithful and efficient public was given its first real tryout on the second on Lake avenue west of the service in this department of the state way to a fire. Ridge, and the third at 353 Greenleaf government." He seeks reelection avenue. solely on the strength of his excellent Dean Frederick C. Gnat Last Wednesday the department was record in that office. to Preach Lenten Sermoa occasioned a run when a car at i26 Forest avenue became ignited. The Dean Frederick C. Grant of the Miss Barbara Lawson of 1218 Forblaze was extinguished by means of Theological seminary will Western chemicals before damage of any con- est avenue is entertaining a group of preach the sermon at the joint Lenten her friends at luncheon and bridge services of the Kenilworth Union sequence had been sustained. Tuesday. church and the Church of the Holy Comforter, to be held in the latter Ob.e"e Children'· Day Illinois leads the United States in churc_ h Friday evening, March 30. at at Congregational ChUrch the proportion .of its industries which 8 o'clock. The service will be appropriate to Good Friday. The First Congregational church has are electrified. arranged an extraordinary program in accordance with the idea of Palm Sunday being chiefly a children',; day. Members of the Primary and neginners' departments of the Church school will attend the service and parE..., piece el IDifthnllee wiD lie REDUCED IN ticipate in what is known as the "Call PRICE. We will .-.. Ma7 lat to __. _.. ....... to Worship." The Junior choir, an organization of boys and girls be....... Gnne St. tween the ages of 10 and 1.1 years, will sing an anthem written for Palm SunMD AI.L I'LOOB COYCMNGS day, called "Hosanna," by Butler. The Senior chorus choir and the quartet CLEANING AND REPAIRING will also have an important part in the program. 514 DAVIS ST. UNIV. 571Z De~n Albert G. Heyhoe of Doane college, Crete, Neb., will be the guest preacher and will speak on the sub- Firs 'F"'cll'1 NerD Popular With Voten HeN Sire· Really C11ll1 NeiiOD ia - for Right of W11' 8.ABBY'I BBIIOYAL I.AI.I: o· ·ow k~~~~sK~~~~ Dan&~ jJ~~~~;oo;l;";"_~,;-~g;";oo;mr;,;.;~;-~;.;.;.;~~n;M;-~w;n;M;L;~~~~~~~~~~~ hoe is considered a very accomplished speaker and has filled acceptably many of the important Congregational putpits in Chicago in recent years. At present he is in Chicago ·Theological seminary for advanced work and re- '= search. I i i i § F~ &.& 0 Trntb Strrtt and Cmtral Avmor ·st Church f Chrts · t ·, Sc· lent· 18t SER.VICES SUNDAY SERVICES 11 I !! iE _I Wilmrtte. Ill. ............................ ., .... Vlllaae Clerk. and aald VIUace having ! appu,d to the County Court of Cook Count~ for an aaaelllllll8Dt of the coats ~ of aald Improvement, according to bene- ~ fttll, and an a1n ment therefor having been made and retume4 to 1181d Court, Docket No. m, the ftnal hMI'Iq thereon will be ha4 on the lth day of April, A. D. 1818, or as aoon thereafter u the bwdDe88 of the court will pennlt. All penou delllrlnc may me obJection· In -.14 court before aald da~ and may ap. pear on the hearlna and make their defenae. Said ordinance provides for the . .yment of aid a8IIMIPDent In ten (10) lb· ~t lltallmenta. with annual lntereat thereon at the rate of m per cent per annum. Date4, Wilmette. IIUnolll, thl8 llrd da)' of llaldl. A. D. 1tll. CJU.RLB8 N. BV.ANS Penon aDDOinted Prelddellt of th· BOar4 of ImproyeIDIDU of the VUlap of Wilmette, Cook CoUIItJ', 11Unol8, to make ............nt. 1M-lee = A. M. I · April 1, 1928-Subject: "Unreality" = I ....., wa-r..._ I R--··6J Wtelaaclay Tatiaoaial Mtetia- P. M. S·aday School E:a:ad. g :4 5 A. M. HOURS: Daily (ocept Wtdaaday ud Satw;arday) g A. M. to 6 P. M.: Wtdnaclay g A.M. to 7:45 P.M.: Saturday t A.M. tog P.M. The Bible tm4 Worh ol 11-v Ball« Etltlg n ~~ ot'- .nborizt4 Chrdtim &rima Li,.,.,. mtlfl bt ,_,· botrotA1efl « ~. "1118 PUBLIC · CIQUJIAU.Y INVI1'ID 10 ATIBND , _ ORJaat .SiaYICa &liD VIIIT TIE &lADING IOml tzo:T

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