A ril 6, 1928 Muiic F·tinl Jlu ·~ lleJconl of .S· · -·. · (Continue·d from Page~. 11~· · ·~ . . . ~ . ·r. ,. ·.. -,. .. . - ~=11~:0~~ nlimber of arlu have been 8UDC and on:butral wora playe4, aot to meatlon the cantatas an4 aetectlons sunc by the cldl4ren. . . talente4 baton of Emli Oberhotrer, 'waa · " · 1Vlth ua, and In 1'21 the New York PbU· A.atle Shop· · · hannonlc orchestra, under 3ortef Btra.nakT, · 1111' gave ua an e~ performance. The fol- \~ Opeaa Doon to s~n lowlnc Ptat conductOrs have· appeare4 · · · ·~ · at various times: Arne Oldberc, Felix 'The Ridge Avenue ·Gift · shop is · Borowski, Henry Hadley, Deems Taylor, o~ . ning its doors this week in the Percy Grainger and Eric Delamarter. r." f , In . 1921 the ~tlon offered a prise stbre location immediately north ·o or ,1,000 for an original American or- and adjacent to the Ridge Avenue cheatral composlUon. The contest at- pbarmacy, Lake and Ridge avenues. tracted wide attention. and brouaht forth Miss Dorothy Mick is ~nager of the some seventy work& The suooeBBful con- b1JSIDe5'3 · · · owned by Car1 R ent~ts were: Camille Zeclnrer, 1921 ; w h' 1ch 1s Charles M. Loeftler. 1913 ; Felix Borowski, neckar of the Ridge pharmacy. The 1924 ; Harman H. Wetsler, 1915; and Ed- store is characterized as "a complete ward Collins, 1926. The contest was sfhall gift shop" and is reprded as abandoned In 19H, as a musical journal T · · · · d" · offered a much larger prise to the u.me o e of the most mterestmg ad 1t10ns end. · . .to Wilmette's commercial field in re··,.., Xa·7 Great VoeaU1t1 cent years. The roster of arUsts engaged for our ·~ festivals Includes nearly all the great ~ ENTERTAIN MOTHERS vocallats who. have appeared on the con~ cert stage durlnc the past nineteen years, ~~rs.L. B. Patterson and Mrs. L. E. as well as a number of Instrumental · d t he moth ers of virtuosi. A partial list Is as follows:· e 11ey en t er t ame ~pranos: Mabenauer, Galli-Curci, IGndergarten children of the · ~urel Mason, Gluck, Hempel, Clausaen, Sun- sdhool af.a tea at the home of th~ lat- . dellus, Garrison, Kacbeth, Ponselle; Stan- t,r, 829 tinden avenue,. FDday/ Mareh ~ Me~ us, Case, Easton, Auatral, Far- Jt · An engagement gift was giveb Contraltos: Schuman-Helnk, Homer, !t..one . of.. ~he kindergarten teac~.crs, Braslau, Mlller, Alcock, va.n Gordon, lflss Vtrglnta Thompson, at that time. Potter, Vandeveer, Hagen, llel·le. . Tenors: McCormick, GtcU, Schlpa, Wll·· .· .& uuouNCE .. a. DDW a. ~'E." llalll$. .Johnson, Diu, Muratore, Martinet- .~-"" ··· -.nn ~ ....uc. · ' It, llta'rshall, Althouse, Crook& -4\nJtounc~ment is .made of the mar1 Baritones: Blspham, . Ruffo, Amato, t,tage last week of Miner Coburn, son Gorgosa, Luca, Danlae, Tibbett, Werren- of .Mr and Mrs. Alonzo J. Coburn of Mlddlet~n. rath, Graveure, · Baaaos: Whltehnt. Stevena, ·Wither- 915 Linden avenue, to Brenda M. spoon, Barclay,, ·Scott, Trevlsan, Guataf·. Bruder of Fort Wayne, Ind: son. . ,. : Le~':'.~~s: G~l!.lger, Gabrttowlteh, .; IincE ~1-o CA81N . Vlollnists: Iaaye, Elman. W .A notable array of choral masterpieces · . ilmette Scout Troop 65 had a hike has been brought to performance, In- Saturday and Sunday, March 24 and eluding maJor works by Bach, .Bantock, to the Cabin in the Woods. ScoutBerllos, Brahms, Elgar, Franck, Gluck, n1aster L. Bauer was in charge. SevHandel, Haydn Hadley, Mendelssohn, "'" Parker, Pleme, Roasln~, St. Saens, Dav·d ~ral tests were pa·.ssed but not much Stanley Smith, Stock, Sulllvan Verdi, else could be done because of the wet ·oyed by Vaughn, Wllllama, and Wour-Ferrart, also ~ · .ound. A good time was -en1 shorter works by Coleridge-Taylor, Oor- II lng-Thomas, Harty, Grainger, G. Schu-· · · . -Scrtbe Adam Bauer. mann, as well as selections from opera:a : · .1-e Gift Choice -Cut Flowers and Potted Plants for EAS'.'E.-::.; . ... " Georgeous. tall. stately plants -and smaller ones--all according ·to the type you desire. Ghd Cut'Flowera ·il .irio.t tom~ plete. Our aelection ol Ported .. p,_;. as, On Spcniab Ct. - - No-Mcn'a Lmtl - - Oppoaitt T~t~tro. tltl 140 TELEPHONE 4168 WILMETTE Treat Your Radio Like Your Car You have a periodical inspecrion of your car-Why not Itt us clxck over your Radio every modth tor a very nominal charge and give you a guarantee of perfect · reception l . A scientific insp«tion ·every month with oar csp«ially drsignrd cqaapmrnt assam you the utmost in Radio- mjoymmt. Oar Strviciag is done by rxperts--JJot novica. There's a dift'rrrnce t Phone Ualot · Fr· lnapection mtl Report RADIOLA . SPARTON Wt ,., . ~c.<>. '·, ·. · t , KOLSTER CROSLEY . . . · COLUMBIA and BRUNSWICK PHONoGttAPJii'·. apd RECORDS op~n Thurld-fl ;.,tl &.~~~·:~~~ t · ASTER. ~niftQal . fatlvil happi.,.. ·and hope: E ftjoicina ·aad faaily Stndiag Easter aifa bccomin' a· ··iv'ruJ··. CJ*Om.. ·: .' .. · · the · of ~~odlaiaP. n~e· For ~ -~fttire F~mily ·. . · f · is a ~f fj1l of ea.IJ· il ~ ,. . ..... . -r~· ,"l ~-. .. .!: ·c oascioaslllll ol epriaatiat---ks aap~eme wbolaommea-dle . .iria· propriate of all clailirill··· ol c.Hy-its colorful appal to tbt awa..... ~ .... ' nas of in -.ariecl la-.on--...H combiat to make Caacly tbt · · ..,.. ~~ . at Ei.er briap a rhriU of joy to yoana and old aliM. Cboco~M,·· ..,., a . Cb~ltma. ChocoiGt, B.,.,._,. Eaater aifa. ·., ... Criap N,.,: ,_ ,_, ...._atic aad imported novelties aad as. . THE VILLAGE· CHOCOLATE SHOP A complttt liar. of A . ·. . ·; 11·,-, c.-, E,..._T'-1 _, _. . P~·· W....._ . 1150 Wilaette. Ave.