April .6, 191.1. - --~-- -- --- ---4 . ·- -.. Newspapering in Europe for college Bay; with Beatty at Seal- Flow students, teachers and writers, an eduand who commanded the AmeriEnm· at~ lnteri« can Battle Squadron ynth the cational experiment originated last DECORATOR British Grand Fleet in the North year by Director H. F. Harrington of Sea. the Medill School of Journalism of Northwestern· university, will this sum- AiDeiicaa Arclaitecture-by Fiske Kimball. A survey and critique WILMETTE . mer become a pilgrimage to the Interof American building from the national Press exhibition at Cologne, t\81_ DISCOUNT oa y·r tepee to the skyscraper. Mr. Germany, to Bruges, Belgium, where V70 tioa first job if yoa · · · Kimball is Director of the Pennin 1475 Caxton printed the first book this aciYertileaeat sylvania at Philadelphia an d in English, and to other foreign literformerly practised and taught ary and journalistic · shrines, it is anarchitecture. nounced. · The party, limited to 25 members, Sple...tW Califonia·e-by Sidney BEFORE WE MOVE Herschel Small. A novel of the will be called the Blue Pencil Qub rancheros of th.e Bay of San Abroad. It is to be directed by Prof. to our new storet 806-810 Grove Sue& Frand.sco in the early Nineteenth Leland D. Case, formerly of the staff century, by the author of "Sword May I st, you can save . on all Floor of the Paris Herald; Professor Lawand Candle," "Both One," etc. rence Martin, editorial writer, The Coverings by BUYING NOW! Evanston News-Index, and Harry Hill- Bini of Fr···- by Hugh Pendexter. A humorous novel of man of Wilmette, former editor of Nebraska in the 'SO's and '60's, by the Inland Printer. The group will the author of .. Harry Idaho," leave Montreal June 29, returning to "Kings of the Missouri," "The New York 'August 24. Wife-Ship .Woman," "Pay GravCLEANING AND REPAIRING Foreign methods of news gathering el," etc. and newspaper production will be UNI¥.1711 514 DAVIS ST. studied, a..d lectures by European!!=============== newspapermen on economic and polit· · ~~~!!!!!~~~!!!~!!!~~~~~!!!!~~~~!!!!!!~~~~~!!!~ ical sit~ations abroad are being arMrs. George H. Bird and daughter, ranged. Visits will be made to "The Henrietta, of 1010 Chestnut avenue, Scotsman" at Edinburgh, the London returned last week from a vacation in "Daily Mail" and "Le Matin" and over- Florida. seas editions of the New York "Her-o-ald Tribune" and Chicago "Tribune" Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Read of 901 in Paris. Central avenue entertained at bridge TIDS WI!K'S ·SPECIAL Training in feature writing will be last Friday evening. AIIRIYBRSABY" · given enroute. A miniature daily newspaper will be issu~d on board ship, Fresh Strawberry between two layers of Old Fashioned Custard Ice Cream and- ideas for magazine articles will be collected to be written up later. SevOrden Tdm for PfiiiCV Ice Cream Moalch eral of the· party, it is expected, will ADVENTURE corref;pond for American papers, writSNIDER-CAZEL DRUG. CO. A aova· . WILMETTE WOR.LD ing series of tales of little adventures ott II LAND ---v fii!A PISH caaK abroad. .WI OMStN Numerous features are being arranged to enable members to mingle in ····· ......... ·····' ............... .. .. the life abroad. An eight-day motor tour to literary monuments in Scotland and England has been. announced. It Btklao · .,.··., nw -.oau, will include Abbotsford, Sir Walter B.n41·· .an boall Ia tile _., tllOJJ enlt· Scott's home; Morningside, home of u4 las ····s tile ....... .. a..... ..,., Robert Louis Stevenson; Words- ······ aa4 ntloratloa va.· ·· tile worth's Dove Cottage, Stratford-onlloaHI Ia tile woo4·a llone . _ . the-Avon, and Dickens' "Oide Curi- tree rl4ta· ale·l De ·DH of ,..,.., tniiiJ osity Shop." Our crr~tions in h~nd wroagh[ iron are al. fashioned aa4 41Yia~a aatue ldbl, from our own designs. A most iatemria1 and exclasiYe woo4uaft, eaat aa4 J...-tl7 are .... of Ule acUYIUet of W1 aaltae displ~y and withall very reasonably · pricccl. New pitca A number of dances, both formal ea·t· arriving daily. Won't you call ~lid 1ft oar displayr and informal, have been scheduled for A4Teahre ltlaa4 11 U·ltea to forb' ..,.., April 14. The Wranglers will give a ~evea to feaneea. 8eTeatll _._. eeaaellon, oae to eaell fear formal dinner dance at Shawnee Coun- Tralae4 lle71. 1flae lloan' triTe fro· Clll-... try club. The Northwestern downtown Commerce club is holding its annual 7102 Sheridan Road Phone Briargate 7892 spring dance at the Edgewater Beach CHARLES A. KINNEY, hotel. Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity is Wlllllelb, II. TeL WJD~~etb 114 Dtcicleclly giving a usouth Sea. Island" party as its spring dance. Sltule·t· to StU, fll a l)y N ew~/ltJ/Ier M ethDil1 Y.r.. Rear Admiral Hugh Roddwl, Reminiscences of the old sea doll ia Eurot~e·· Cities · who was with ·Dewey in Kuila Let COLO home! beatitif' ,our STUCCO 348 'L inden Avenue 1 BARRY'S REMOVAL SALE "IILVBB m·. ·alllla··· ........ · ···., ....... ... ···le, Hand Wrought Iron ·wl····s Or Clair Studios .- . GuaiiiJtftd to Pkat · ., o FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES a A ·a for Your Household Goods ·ectl. A complete 1m1ice on the Nodh Shtwe of Houcholcl Goods Famitare, Fan. Piaaos. ·Rap-all carrel for safely tbe li:edalt Way. If your movia1 plaas call for the stora1e of all or part of yoar pboae oar nearest warebolllt--for estimate. Mooing-Packing-Shipping . EVANSTON, WAREHOUSESWINNETKA. HIGHLAND PAU Uaiveaity g)oo-Wihutte 1))2-Wia.U 1332. HiabJaad Park 11 1