~ 8~ A. H. H. Thirty-five members of Evanston Lodge No. 673, I. 0. 0. F., surprised A. T. Sherman Lodge No. 892, I. 0. .............. 0. F., of Wilmette, last week Thursday evening, with a visit. It wa3 the forty-eighth anniversary of Evan.ston lodge and they brought a huge btrth~ay cake wit~ forty-eight candle.s on 1t. Rev. Orvas F. Jordan, chapla·n of the Grand lodge and a .member . <?f Evanston lod~e, accompame~ the v!s·tors and delavered a ury mterestmg and inspiring address on Odd Fellowship. A number of the. Evanston members also responded Wl.th approriate remarks. Cake, ·3and.waches, cofEVANSTON fee, and cigars were served. Programs have been received of the meeting of District association No. 37 of Wisconsin, which is to be entertained by Hahnemann lodge No. 180 at Fort Atkinson, Wis., Saturday, April 14, and at which A. T. Sherman Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Walton and their lodge is to exemplify the Third Desmall son have taken up residence at gree. Supper i3 to be served at 6 the Homestead in Evanston. They o'clock in the Congregational church, have sold their home in Kenilworth. by the Fort Atkinson Rebekah lodge. At 7 P. M. there is to be a parade from the Odd Fellows' hall to the armory where a special meeting will W ~reb this .p~per next Wttk. for be held at 7 :30. Governor Fred R. HAIR SCULPTURE our mutually import~nt announceZimmermann of Wisconsin, will deliver an address at 8 o'clock. after ment. An oatst~nding rag tVtnt that which the staff of A. T. Sherman ~fttr 20 years on tbt North Short. lodge will exemplify the Third DeIS DIFFERENT gree. As there are thirteen lodges in District association No. 37, representing thirteen different Wisconsin cities. it h expected that there wilt be a large gathering of Odd Fellows ·in Fort AtOppoaitt T till to del L11go kinson on April 14. Many of the Ill Spanish Court 5 I I MA·I N ST. WILMETTE Grand Officers are planning to be present also. A. T. Sherman lodge is WILMETTE I 9<t 9 UNIVERSITY 5050 Phone Wilmette 2951 .. _ _ , . . _ . , _ _ . . . . . . . . . , _ _~ expecting to send a delegation of forty 1 1 ----------------..:_::=-:..::==.::==========~··~·~··~·~·~·~·~·~··~·~·~·~·~·~··~·~·~·~·~..,~·~·~·~·~·~··~·~·~·~' or forty-five memthe hers, the of whom will make trip in majority a specialty chartered bus, the rest going in automobiles. Oh! So Good That "Pantry" Food ,, , Soda-Luncheon-Afternoon Tea Dinner-Evening & Slumber Time Refreshments 524 Davis Street After Twenty Years THEN WHAT? t1onal Kmdergarten and Elementary coDege entertained three honorary members at luncheon at the college recently. Mrs. Douglas Smith of Hubbard Wood3, and Mrs. Jacob Pfeiffer and Mrs. Carleton C. Virgil of Evanston. On Friday of this week members of the Internatinnal club who are in charge of the sale of foreign articles which will take place at the college April 24, will be entertained by Mrs. Marguerite Calkins Taylor of Witmette. Mrs. Taylor is an honorary member of the club and is on the college faculty. She is assisting the committee in an attractive f9reign setting which will be carried out for this sale. The incentive which i3 inspiring this very active group of college students in making their sale successful, is the plan to secure funds with which to assist some foreign student in her education at th~ college. M....... of · , 'Otltl F·llor11. H·l Oab Work for April Sale EvtJJJsiMi Lotlte in . The In_temational club of the NaBirllultl"' F eJiif!it.., .T .T Mestjian Brothers Inc. Maison Worth Urge Sanitary District to Acquire Hoffman Dam Site EASTER Once more wt approach that St~son we so eagerly look forward to . · · Easter. the advent of Spring. And, indted, this joyous St~ son ashen in so many activities that an abundance of time is necessary to enjoy them. Raolve now to remove "wash day" from your mind and calendar so that you will have plenty of timt for worthwhilt things. Delegate the laundering of the f~mily washi~g to as. Howard C. Phillips of Winnetka Paul A. Hoffman of Wilmette, and F L. Streed of Kenilworth, all of the North Shore Mosquito Abatement district, were members of a delegation which met with Sanitary board members la'3t Saturday afternoon to urg~ upon that body the importance of acquiring the Hoffman dam at Riverside, now privately owned. The delegation representecJ a dozen cities and towns including the 'north shore. The group, including mayors. engineers, lzaak Walton league officers and the like, told the Sanitarv board members that the Hoffman dam served to form a cesspool of vast extent in the De-3 Plaines river, backing up sewage for miles, bringing about a dangerous condition and breeding mosquitoes. With another summer near at hand the .delegates thought that action was imperative. They explained that under the present ownership, the dam could not be controlled, to flush out or hold back the river. BAKERY SALE SATURDAY Wilmette chapter, Order of Eastern Star, is holdin~ a bakery sale all day Saturday at Van Deusen's market as a benefit for the organ fund. De teetable home-baked goods will be offered to the Easter marketer. Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Lowry of 1496 Asbury avenue. Hubbard Woods, are moving to Milwaukee in about two weeks. They have sold their home to Mr. and Mrs. Wahh Baldwin. -o. ~· Washington Laundty Nl · · · "IDS .,_, ~. ILL Phone Wilmette 145 In and Day Out Quality Work-.Dav The Wilmette Arden Shore board m·et all day Thursday at the home of Mrs. Gordon Wilson, 415 Ninth street.