-- .. --- -- --~ ...... Sprtnc banquet Will be beld Tburaclay, April 11, at the llo~n hoteL Tbe speaker will be Blahop Geoqe Gl'OU') of China. Mem¥rs receive tickets frM of charge. Make reservations with Raymond G. Kimbell, Harry Mon.-, ur the church ofllce. be ·led by lin. Martin-; a nmew of the study book, by lin. BlcJrbam La41ea, '!'he .Chlouo Jlethodlet Social Union please prepare .JOur .._,n for tbe Jlarcll l·······llillllillillil··········illillllllllillll.....lliilll.lli.lill: Mystery Box Qu..Uona. The music for aster ~unaay morning will be as follows. The organ prelude, ··Adagio," from "'Trio in F," by Godard; and the organ postlude, "Barcarolle," by Tschalkowsky. The choir wlll sing "'Be, hold, Ye Despisers," by Parker. and ..A Glorious Easter Hymn," by RelmaunKaimaj. The quartet wlll sing, "Hosanna." by Granier. Sydney V. James, violinist, and Hubert Conover, cellist, will &BBlst In the rendition ·of the music. The pastor's · theme for Easter Sunday morning will be ..Our Everlasting FelJowshlJ!." The pastor delivers the Easter message for the Apollo Commandery at the Court theatre In the afternoon. New members will be received Into the church the Sunday following Easter. Every member and friend of this church Those wlshlrit; to join by letter or con- should be present this evening to hear fession of faith are asked to consult with our own choir sing, "The Seven Last the pastor. Words of Christ," by Dubois. Our musicians have given untiringly of their The Fifth division, of which Mrs. W. time In the rehearsals for this eveW. Baldwin Is chairman, wlll have charge ning hour. Bring your friends and help of the Fellowship Supper on Wednes- us greet the choir with a crowded house. day night following Easter. The Woman's Exchange Is open dally The results of the recent financi:Ll drive from ten to ftve, except Saturdays, when have more than surPassed the expecta- It closes at 1 o'clock. Many articles tion of those who were closest to the 1mltable for gifts may be purchased at enterprise. Twenty-five thousand dollars the Exchange, as well as other lines of has been subscribed beyond the figure goods. The Second Divbdon will have a which the building committee set as the Bakery Sale this Saturday morning at amount with which they were hoping to the Exchange. start to build. The by-products of this campaign are almost equal to the actual Mrs. Robert R. Fontham and chilmoney subscribed. It has revealed unanimity of spirit in the church and a dren; Rennie and Regina, .of 121 Third devotion to the enterprise that not even street returned to Wilmette last Satthe most sanguine could have hoped for. urday from Los Angeles where they It has likewise created a sense of solidarity and fellowship in the church visited for three months. They were that promises much for the years to a c companied by Mrs. Fontham's come. The building committee meets mother, Mrs. Emma Crowe," who is next Wednesday night to plan the steps now visiting at the home of anoth~r to be taken following this successful daughter in Chicago. campaign. --oFor several years the High School deMr. and Mrs. C. N. Jenks and their partment has set aside the Easter Sunday Morning church ~hool period for children, Jack and Betty Ann, of Dethe observance of the "Holy Communion." .troit. have been spending this week . The~ will follow the same practice this at the home of Mrs. Jenks' parents, year, meeting in the church auditorium Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Dennis of 702 at 9 :45, and planning to climax Easter observance In the morning worship Elmwood avenue. -oservice at 11 o'clock. All are urged to be present. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Benett and The Woman's Foreign Missionary society will meet at the church Thursday Greenleaf avenue, expect to return to at 10 o'clock for sewing. Devotions will their former home this month. · ..International Revue," dramatic an4 musical event, aponaorecl by the Youns Woman's lli88lonary BOClety of tbla church, will be clven at the BJTQn Stolp school auditorium. Friday, April lS, at 8 :16 o'clock. The special aololata will be Agnes Bleaemeler, Adelaide Jones, Florence Farrar, Margaret Staftord, C. RoUlD Smith, Elbert Herlocker, Wllllam Bathatchet, and Albert Long, while the majority of the members from both the Young Woman's ~nd Queen-Esther Standard-Bearer Societies will be In the varIous scenes. Edna Davison takes the part of the Watching Spirit and Margery Stewart that of America. The cast numbers over sixty. Procure your tickets from members of either society or from Mrs. Luctlle Larson, Business :Manager. In doing your spring house-cleaning, please save all articles which you do not want for the Rummage Sale, which the ladles wlll have on the first Thursday In :May. ao . . . . . . u . . .......... ~··· .... TO North Shore Talking Machine Shop 712 CHURCH STREET MONDAY, APRIL 9th · At 4 P.M. family, who formerly lived at 800 JOHNNY MARVIN Victor Recording Artist Vaud-vil Headliner -IN PERSONSinging and playing a group of his latest Victor Record hits 1liitkes it~ to luws Betzutijul /jl,wft -with thick, deep-rooted and colorful turf. Equally good forprdens, shrubs and trees. In S, 10, 25, SO and 100 lb. hap, at HUBERT HOFFXAN, FLORIST Bidl'e Road. Plloae Wlllllet&e liM VAUGHN SEED STOBE, CHICAGO With ~ch of the first 200 Johnny Marvin records purchased a ticket to STATE-~ TIIEA'fR£ COrpheam> I'RBB TICKETS! NORTHWESTERN U. NIGHT FRIDAY, APRIL 13th, 8P. M·.