WILMETTE LIFE ' BOY SCOUTS SHOW "PEP"-Young mtn of the north shore show energy and the will to aid Community Chest Orin by mobilizing at th. e village hall at the call of Scout Executive Walter McPeek, Village President Earl E. Orner and Hector Dodds. President of the Wilmette Community Chest Association. Then they supped right out and in one hour were back with a66 acceptances to an invitation to attend the Community Chest Dinner which was held at the Wilmette Woman's club last Thursday evening. One hundred and forty-stnn Scouts puticipated in the fast work. In the picture President Orner is seen handing Scout John Miller a "Chestogram" to delinr to the friends of the Orin. (Leble photo) F R IDA Y, A P R I L 6, 1 9 2 8