41 ·. Engraving for the Spring Bride We have just received Cranes' newest stationery iaisbn, in the latest shapes and the latest tones. Full sbtet size announcement envelopes are dictated for the Spring bride. We will be glad to shOw you, The week of April 22-28 has be desipatecl by President Coolidge as American Porest week. This period is With the primaries scheduled for set aside for public discussion of oar Tuesday, April 10, Mrs. Anna Wilforests and of what must be done to marth Ickes, candidate for the Resafeguard and restore them. publican nomination representative, for MiS'3 Jeanne Culver, Miss Elizabeth g e n e r a I assembl}·, Evans, Miss Anna Larner, Miss Franfrom the Seventh ces Allworth of Wilmette, Miss Mardistrict, brought to a , jorie Oleson and Georgiana Fowler of close this week one Kenilworth, and Miss Elizabeth Eberof the most vigorous hart of Evanston, . accompanied by Mrs. personal campaigns W. H. Evans of Wilmette, spent Wedever conducted for a nesday and Thursday at the Dune'3 in Cook county legislalndia11a. tive office. 'fhe tinat week was marked by two highly important Mn. Aaaa Wil- endorsements f r o m IIIIU'IIa lckea the L e g i s Ia t i v .e Voter3 league and the Deneen-Emmerson wing of the Republican party. Mrs. Ickes was the only Seventh district legislative candidate to receivt. the endorsement of this influential Republican group. The Legislative Vot-without ers league in its endorsement said Mrs. Ickes is "A public spirited woman ot fine character, who ha'S been prominently identified with many civic activities; is a trustee of the University of Illinois : is unusually well qualified.'" TABUIHES FOUST . wut; lfill.l81itW~·Gj1ifi'* iJIM. CoMFORT EXTRAVAGANCE · Tbis modern residential hotel, with its pleasant, home-like environment, effectively solves the prob-· lem of living carefree, comfortably and happily and without extravagance. Here you can rest and relax without home worries, enjoying a complete hotel service in beautifully furnished 1, 2 or 3 room kitchenette apartments. I nuitt~tiona Announcemtnta At Home Cuda Reception Cuda V iaiting Cuda C hristiatJ Science Churches "Unreality" was the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, Sunday, April I. The Golden Text was from Matthew 24 :35, "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." Among the citations which comprised the Lesson-Sermon was the following from the Bible : "A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them" (Matthew ... I 630 Davis Strftt University 123 FOR YOUR HOME MOVIES A Complete SerfJice Is at Your Door To tlmJOIJitrat. in flOW' own home ., fiOIU 7 :18-20). conl1fniena-- Bell ~ Howell Filmo, Eastman Kodascope and the marvelous De V ry Home Projector-priced at $95.00. To,.~, motion pitltutiFilms of your baby, boy, .girl, father, mother. Weddings, social affairs, club activities, etc. To tlft1elop_ print_ titk and edit- I mmediGte ulection in G few -'ery deairtJble Gputmenta. The Lesson-Sermon also included the following passages from the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy: "Be watchful, sober, and vigilant. The way is straight and narrow, which leads to the understanding that God is the only Life" (p. 324). UNIVERSITY 8000 Nortbweatem Taak Stan Capture Natioaal Titles Two Northwestern swimmers won national intercollegiate titles at Philadelphia last week end, Wally Colbath taking first honors in the fancy diving and Dick Hinch establishing himself a'3 the premier of the backstrokers. Coach Tom Robinson's squad of five swimmers took second place in the scoring, finishing behind the Michigan conference champions. AI Schwartz captured second in · the ·220-yard free style, Paul Callopy took fourth in the 440 free style, and Eddie Lennox finished third in the breaststroke. In the medley relay the Purple swimmers were second. Films that ·you expose in your own Filmo, Cine Kodak or other motion pictaft camera. . Alf , _ . . ; , . a .,. n.&t in oat OU1D . . . , .....,.,.,.... ,_.,, in lfilnJttt·. To lllf1iu the ,_, which ~ voa now IMue in f10tU oam film libtlltfl. To JI'Otfl'· for J10U r·l· of ilm ( 16 mm home lize) cowr;, -'IDOII Mf1 IUbj«t fjou d,.U.e- ORRINGTON AVENUE, Sourn OF CHURCH STREET Travel, Scmic, Educational, Scientific, Industrial, War, Drama, Comedy, Cartoons, Features. (.PN. ..W ol 11011·,.,., BEFORE WE MOVE to our new· store, 806-810 GroYe Strtet. May 1st, you can save on all Floor Coverings by BUYING NOW! fihe .... I I I J) 514 PAH Ave. ,.._ for .., tm11. daf or ajpt. W·k dafl er I · a · a f to ·it ,..., WILMETTE PHoNE WJL. 1076 O.a·nnc-. appoi....,.a aa lit . . - by BABY'S REMOVAL SALE CJ.EANJNG AND REPAIRING 514 ~AVIS ST. UNIV. S7U '"··ialce.