Theliiiest~ Eveat iD Yean Aftrr twrnty · years' of oriraJal rug business oa thr North' Shorr. a most · important aaaouacemrat will appear nrxt wrrk in this paprr. ·Don't Miss It. Mestjian Brothers Inc. 511 MaiD Street, WOmette WOmette 1141 UmYenit7 5151 SponBOred by the Home Economics dep~rtment of whi@ Mrs. Jane Lighter Is head, the style JihOW at New Trier High school proved an interesting event. Herewith is presented a picture of three of the models showing early spring costumes. The models, Miss Eloise Kreese, Miss Alyce Eckland and Miss Therese Toothlll, however, are not students. (Lehle photo) ~ I of exceptional merit are advertised in WILMETTE LIFE Exceptionally desirable apartments are being offered to the people of the north shore through the Classified Columns. Your problem of finding exactly the right · type of apartment for your needs will be greatly simplified if you consult the apartment advertising in -WILMETTE LIFE. Turn to THE CLASSIFIED PAGES now!