Plan Bene/it Party lo Aid Vocational . Sa/Jervision League I .WILMITTI LIFE Marik Your Ballo · Thursday, April 26, the Vocational Supe"ision league will hold its annual benefit party at the Stevens hotel in behalf of its scholarship fund. Arrangements are being m,de for bridge, five hundred, and bunco, and there will be an unusually attractive prize. for each of the 510 tables. Although housed in the Board of Education building, the Vocational Supervision league is maintained entirely by private subscriptions from individuals and clubs all over Chicago and in many of the suburbs interested in furthering education. It is the purpose of the league, which was organized in 1911, to provide financial assistance to earnest bright children of poor families to enable them to continue in the Chicago public schools beyond the minimum requirements of the law. At present it is helping 114 worthy students to learn some remunerative vocation whereby they and their families may be made independent. AU the investigation of applicants and supervision of active cases is conducted by trained social workers. There is an unlimited field for the future growth of the Vocational Supervision league as every year its list of applicants increases tremendously and it is with the hope of doubling its resources to meet this urgent need that the benefit party is being launched. Lewis· B. S ol Wilmette, Republican Suentb Senatorial District ia lor STATE REPRESENTATIVE Miss Ruth Olson, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Aaron M. Olson, 630 Walden road, Winnetka, is captain of the champion Freshman basketball team at Rockford college and is otherwise making a fine record with her athletic prowe'.ss as well as in the academic field. Miss Olson's Freshman squad recently de.feated the Senior aggregation which had enjoyed an unbroken record of successes for four years. Miss Olson, in addition to being an honor student at Rockford, has been selected for the all-college varsity The· Junior membership of the Wo- basketball team. Miss Olson is a man's Catholic club of Wilmette met graduate of New Trier High school. at the St. Franci·3 Xavier school hall last Monday evening to nominate offiEdward ]. Mullins of Chicago was cers for the year. The election will be a visitor at the liome of Mr. and Mrs. held next month. At this meeting the members also discussed plans for Andrew Maguire of 530 Linden avenue giving a dance sometime in the near last Tuesday. Mr. Mullins is Mrs. future. Maguire'.s brother. its endorsement of Mr. Springer. the Legislative Voters League says of bim: "Lewis B. Springer formerly served two terms in the bouse, during wbicb be was successful in getting some important legislation; was an active member wbo gave close attention to business and made a record of decided usefulness." IN Vote for RE-NOMINATE ·' I FRED NORLIN Regultu Republican Candidate for IBl WILLIAM F. PROPPER Republican Candidate for ON HIS RECORD I County Surveyor FRED NORLIN has been a MR. NORLIN is an officer and the ma_nager of GreeleyH oward-Norlin Company~ Surveyors, a nationally known firm that has been established in Chicago for 7 4 years. resident of Chicago for 47 years. He has been engaged continuously in the surveying profession for the past 4 3 years. He was elected by a large ·m ajority in 1924, and has made a record as County surveyor that has won for him the highest esteem of all, regardless of party affiliation. His past term has been characterized by a high degree of efficiency. State Representative Seventh Senatorial District TRIED AND FOUND PROPER A Vote for Him Alone Counts Three Primary Election: Tuesday April tO Poll· Open 7:00A.M. to 5:00P.M. Primat:Y Election Tuesda,, April 10, 1928