Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Apr 1928, p. 34

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6,1928 Mr. ' and Mrs. E. Phillips of 1227 Elmwood avenue just have returned to Wilmette· after a four months' trip in roleCIIIJI i U through the south. Mt3. Phillips spent Creatures ., the greater part of her time with her · .,.,, ., sister in Memphis, Tenn., while Mr. . B~ Sella E. Gordoa . Phillips was on a large cotton planta- (Conservation Director, I. W. · L. A.) tion in Arkansas. The wild creatures of Cook county -ohave recently aroused th~ sympathy · The basketball game between Mal- .and support of every one of the thi~ty linckrodt High .school girls and a team chaJ!ters of th~ Wa~ton league, ~n from St. Scholastica High school of cludmg those m Wllll}ette and WmChicago, which was to have been netka, as well as national headquarplayed last Saturday, was postponed. ters. It has not been determined . when the Several wee~s ago two police officence of a wild deer in their midst. Disregarding the state law they had .sworn to uphold and enforce, they declared a little "special privilege" shooting season of their own and killed a tame doe which had become the pet of the neighborhood. They even boasted to their friends about their fine marksmanship and boldly used the public's automobile to transport the carcass to a cold storage plant, awaiting the day of a big feast. Public indignation ran high. Local Waltonians and friends got busy, reported it to state game authorities, and caused the arrest of Acting Chief of Police, H. M. Haight and Sergeant Ha~old Johnson. They wrig~led and sqUirmed in an effort to shake off the clutches of the law, but this effort on.ly had the effec:t of tightening the gnp. Qn Wednesday of last week the case was given its third and final run before Judge H. J. Byrd, the Police Magistrate of Arlington Heights, in the presence of about three hundred interested men and women, including repre-sentatives of the national Walton orRanization. Witnesses testified reluctantly, but gave ample evidence upon which Judge Byrd convicted the principal malefactor. Mr. Haight, and imposed a fine of $75 and costs, amounting to P,robably $25. The charges against others involved were dropped. Imagine the astoni·shed onlookers when counsel for the defense served notice that an appeal will be taken to the criminal court, where under the evidence the verdict should be sustained. Another case in point is the menacing disregard for our laws, especially those protecting wild life, as evidenced by the finding of a number of dead meadow larks and robins in the possession of three Italians who ran afoul of the police in Oak Park several days at.ro. Other charges are carrying conc~aled deadly wf!apons and drunken· ness. c. BEFORE WE .MOVE. to our new store, 806-810 Grove Street, May I st, you can · save on all Floor Coverings by BUYING NOW! waltoniliiJI' A clive p · W l':l .Co·M·t··· BARRY'S REMOVAL SAL· E CLEANING AND · REPAIRING 514 DAVIS ST. UNIV. 5712 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~oo~n~t~e~d~w~i~ll;b~e~p~b~y~e~d~-~~~~~~ e~~PukR~~kun~~iliepre~ "SEND ANNA WILMARTH · ICKES to SP NGFIELD!" This is the plea of prominent citizens of the Sevrntb district who know Mrs. lckn tither as a trustee of tbt Univrnity of Illinois, a dab and civic lradtr. or aa a auccrufal homcmakrr. Read what they say. Think ovrr tbtir advicr. Tbm on Tuesday. April Jo-priaary day--so to the polls, ask for tbr Republican ballot, andMark your X in front of the name of Anna Wilaartb Ickes for representative, grnrral assembly, from dH Sevrntb district! Here is what 10me of your neighbors say about Mrs. · leba: .. GEN. ABEL DAVIS, GLENCOE: .., intend to aupport' Jln. Idea wllo it · cmdid·te on the Republic·n ticlttt a · npnNnt·til1f in tbt Gmer·l A~Mmbly from tht 7th IIUirKt. lmluakfl, inttgrity, ·nd bontalfl, qwdifc.,iona po···utf btl Jln. lclua, ue llll IJ«ff tlltnti·l, but .,.,, · · tbe IJa tht mp«ity ol thinlting well m4 for btr- .U." STATE REPRESENTATIVE HOWARD P. 'CASTLE. BARRINGTON: ··1 btlin11 Jlra. Anmr W'ilmmh lcke· HOYT KING, WILMETTE: .. The diatrict ia fortun_,~ in IMIJing lor · catlid.,,, Jln. Ann· WilnHJnb lc:lw. Jlt1. lclw' tx~rimct in public tdl·in fta her exctptionlllfv lor ltgill·tiw dutin/' I ' _, qrMliW lor wruitt in tht gtntr.I tu~tmbly tmd ,_.,,. I.,_ her CUIIUIIICJI lor ont of th~ R~publi c-. IIOIDinflliont lor rtprtNnt·tiiJt from tht 7th NrM,_., lfiatrid.u JUDGE CHARLES M. THOMSON, WINNETKA: uTher~ il ,..,,.r;w:' littk lilt of worlting for tht nomin·tion of Loait L. Bmmn10n for go11ernor, ad for · hotU«le~~n ing · . Spring"ltl, il you do not IJI10 work lor · legu,.,_ tiMt will auppott him. Thu it but ont of tht IIMIIfl l1flll fOO#I rNIOnl WhfJ you lhould 110t1 for Ann· WiliiMifh lclua a · Rtpublic·n nominte for 1t11t1 rtpl1lrf1 I. S. ROTHSCHILD, WINNETKA·: 44Jira. lcltt1 will ·dd chu.cttr to the I,W.trut. Htr ttluc11tion, ·trllining, ttmperlltmnt, cour«ge and pur,,. will wrll wru~ tht public." ATTORNEY JAMES L. HENRY, LAGRANGE PARK: (who withdrtw a · canditl·tt in f·uor of M "· lclus) : ·· I btli111t tiMt tht duty ol tht boar ;, to unitt on · amdid·t~ who i11pon10Ctd by th·t f.ction of our party which ha conliltently oppolld mi1rult 11nd corruption and thtrtfort ak my fritnda to ~apport M ra. Ann· W iliJHU'th lckn/' . ATTORNEY DoNALD R. RICHBERG, PALOS PARK: '*lin. lclua ha the txperitnet ·ml ctJfMCitv to txttt · ftfll inllamu in tht ho,. of ttpment·titJn ·t Spring614. IJfJ electing htr, tht 110tn1 of thil d_ittrtt will gtlin · IJOtt tiMt will count tmd · IJOict thflt will bt hHrd in tbt llfiuturt. Tbtfj will htlp thtir own inttrtata ad render · ·roice to the St·te." · MRS. GERTRUDE P. LIEBER, WINNETKA: Tht bomt oumen of tht Stwnth di·trict will NrrJt both rhtm"'"" ·n4 thtir dutrict if thlfl 'plump' thtir 110t11 lor Anne Wilmlrth lclw for .·t·tt r~pment·ti111. Anyone wllo ha mtt Jln. lclt11 retJiizn tiMt aht will ,,., riH diatrict in thia c·JMCitv with ability ·ml diatinction." 41 dutrict ctUJ IJHikt no milt·lte in plumping thtir rJOtt for M fl. Anne Wilmcrth lclta lor ·t·tt r~pttwnttJtirJt, who ha prorJtd her llbility a · INti"· It gi11t1 mt gr111t plHIUrt to tndoru hn/' ··voten of tht Stutnth MRS. WALLACE CLAY BosWORTH, PARK RIDGE: Dean Grant to Lecture on Horizons of Faith "Religion in a Changing Universe" will be the first of the series of lectures which the Rev. Frederick Clifton Grant, S. T. D., dean of the Western Theological seminary, will deliver in Harris hall, Northwestern university, Thursday evening, April 12. Dean Grant will deliver the sixth !;eries of lectures sponsored by the Charles Reuben Hale foundation and will have for its general subjed "New Horizons of the Christian Faith." They will be given six successive Thursday evening and other dates · and subjects will be: Aprll 19-"!Wllglon and Natural Science": April 26-"Christlantty and the History of Religions" ; May 3-'-rhe New Bible": May 10-"Theology and Modem Philosophy" ; May 17-"Chrfstlan Doctrine In the Twentieth Century." An opportunity for dlflcusston will be given at the close of each lecture. These are open to students and to tbe public, and they wlll be published In extended form during the summer. How to mark your ballot! Look for the he~ding, Representative, General Assembly. Find Mrs. Ickes' name. It will be the last one for Representative. Place an X in front of it. · I I REV. ROBERT E. O'BRIEN. Firat Mtthodiat Epiacopcl Church, BLUE ISLAND: '"I umly btlitrJt tiMt lin. lclr11 1bould rtctirJt tht full tmd undiuidttl ·upport of ""'11 rJOttr in tbt StrJtnth diatrict. Sbt ;, · IMnl worlur, contc~ntioua, tJnd · pn10n. who, if tltcttd, will CUt1J into the legill·ture tht principlt of common hontltfJ/' DR. ARTHUR I. EDISON, MAYWOOD: 41 [g] Anna WUmartb Ickes and for no other candidate for thE general aaembly. Vottra of lbt SfC1fntb dutrict who wi.h to tH bon11ty, ability, IIIHl ,,.,,.,., in the llfitl·turt ·t Springitld 1houltl plump thtU rJOt~· for AnrM Wilmarth lck11., REMEMBER I Plaap 7011r vote for Aaaa Wilmarth lckea for State Represeatative, Geaeral Aaaemhl,., at tM J ........ PrUaariea, A...U 11. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Tidmarsh and daughter, Janice, of Manitowoc, Wis., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. · Keller of 820 Greenwood avenue the past week.

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