LIFE 8C011T8 HELP CBB8T The Boy Scouta of Wilmette were called to mobUlse at the Vlllap halL The Boy Scouta made a cood ahowlnc for the ftnt moblllsatlon. OUr Vlltace Prealdent, Mr. Orner, pke to us and then we received cheat-o-tr&ma to deliver at different hoUBea. The next day, there were several Boy Scouts from each trooP asked to paste notices on the PLAY PRACTICE QA.E aldewalka. We had a very good time Thuraday, March · I t, the two eighth paRting and were very glad of the op. grade teams ot Byron Stolp achool 8D portunity. and 8C played a game of ba~~eball but --charle3 Taylor, 89, Howard aa the game waa only a practice one, and the referees for both aldea disagreed on ARRANGE BULLETIN BOARD the scoring, the game wu ..broken up'" The eighth and seventh grades are In the sixth lnnlng, but up to that Inning, about to start work on a new bulletin It was ·supposed 8D bad won the &'&me board to be placed In the Social hall at by a acore of 12-8 In favor of BD. the north end of the building. The -Hugh Boyd, 8D plans are Delng drawn up by all the seventh and eighth &'l'ilde puplla under BEA.B BAB.ONICA. BAND the supervlalon of MIBB Scheidler. Mr. The Harmonica band of 6A gave a Ball will ~~elect the best deldlrn sub- good program for the Parent-Teacher mitted. Tbe eighth grade t)Oys will association last '.Dueaday. The members make the bulletin board In the Manuel of the harmonica band were aaked to Training shop. practice through Spring vacation at -Don Pavlicek, SB, Howard home. The band Is made up of aoprano, alto, tenor, and bass. Mrs. Marie Ia WBITE8 PLAY our director and she Ia a very good one Miss Stevens, who teaches Social Sci- too. ence In the Byron Stolp school, bas gone --charlea Taylor, 8B Howard In for play-writing. The eighth grade pupils have ftnlshed the Colonial period BEHEAB8E NEW SONG In history and are starting the period The Glee club of the Stolp school has after the Revolution. Miss Stevens been working on a new song, entitled wants us to work up a symbolic Play, .. My Little .BanJo." The membera are showing all we have studied in American doing very well with It and expect to History. This work Is very interesting use it for the spring concert and when and It Is bringing out much unexpected they go to Arden Sbore. Miss Calvert talent In both the writers and actors. will take Miss Grossenbackers' place at -June Anderson, 8CStolp the piRnO. -Edward Solomon, 7B Stolp PLAN POEll CONTEST PLAY B.\SKETBALL 'l'he eighth grade of Howard school Last Wednesday the boys of Mrs. is to have a poem contest in the near future. Five from each room wlll be Glennon's room had a basketball game chosen. In the preparing of tbe contest with :Miss Loag's room. It was an exevery pupil reads a poem and then they citing game. Frank Koenen made three are then voted on. The best readers baskets and Gordon Keith made two and were chosen. This process wlll be re- at the end of the game the score waa 10 peated until the best five are chosen. to 0 In favor of Mrs. Glennon's room. -Gordon Keith, tth Grade, Central This is under the supervision of Mrs. Stalling, teacher of the 8B clasa, How,~ NOTEBOOK IDl!A POPULAR ard school. Our general science teacher, Mlsa -Robert W. Sparks, 8B Howard Stevena, has proposed that we keep notebooks containing many interesting facts 1JETAL WORK EXHIBIT about all the acientlflc problems which On Tuesday, April 10, which Is the we are now studying In school. Many date of the P. T. A., the boys of the of the notebooks have been very well eighth grade of the Howard school are arranged and are very Interesting. putting on an exhibit in metal work -Hugh Boyd, SD Stolp COJ!per, brass, and pewter being the ma= ter1als use«t. The boys have made some FOBJI BALL TEAK very good dishes, stationary sets, and The 7A girls have selected their team book ends. Mr. Ball, who Is instructing for baseball. They have for their capus, is very skilled in metal work and it tain, Eleanor Moulding. Their drst will be a blg event to all those who see game Is Monday afternoon. They hope the exhibit. to w·l n the championship. -Bob Waters, 8B, Howard -Eleanor Moulding, 7A Sprlac feYer Ill what the puplla at Stolp thiDk they llaYe. Tile boye and 110me ..rle, too, P» throt~~rh the c1aT forcettlnc their leucma and evel')'thlnc elee, except Tiley elt Ia thelf aeata and p.11e and aase and case out of the wiDdowe IDto apace. But. whea ecbool 18 01er, then, the boye and &'lrla &'O out and play to their bearta' content. Marble· and buebaU are the two favor· lte pmea at Stolp. --chelter Ba11110n, 7B Stolp &PIIQI'G .-:aua IPrl... Big ona, little ona, round ona. oval, oblong and square oaa. The laqat and mOll beautiful ~elution of orimtals we haYt ever bad. Special prim daring oar opening. Watch for announcement next week in this paper. Mestjian Brothers Inc. 511 MAIN ST. WILMETTE 1949 WILMETTE UNIVIDlSITY 5050 PE A Problem in Perspective- · · See Europe DOW ··· butad of "10me daY!" P· tbe price of~ 1IIU8I vacadon trip. By ToarUt Uinl Cabla ··· the new ODe-prD llllddMI, 011 my of oar 15 famou Tourist Third Cabin The drawing reprodacul aboYe is one of a groap door by the &nt· year students in the EVANSTON ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS. It is entirely original as are aU tbe drawinp made in this schooL This problem has given tbac students an opportunity to master a most difticalt element of artistic exprasion and in such a way as aot to let them realize bow hard it was bat rather to be carriul forward through their intense intemt in prodacing a picture fall of romance and adventure. The entire class did this problem, each one cratina a diftrent SCene. The Underlying principles, boweYtr, were all the same. Next week we 'shall reproduce another one of thac drawinp. A Spanish Caravel. ' We are proad to print oar students' works, for tbey show clearly bow the creatiYe ability of the individual is dcYelopcd here. . . . . PopaJ. ........ prolelllonal, .,..._ _ . yoaDL people. Faiaed for their joOy Calle,J·te Toan ··· 32 da,., all apeoae., $385 · - iD. - - a - _ Almalt daily ..u,.. M~;;Q-J,ec by the lhort, ..mce ··· ·.q_r:;_ aad IDta'=c!ken Lawreace~·· · the bac cahiDI. . FIDd pC oat . . . k,DOW· THE EVANSTON ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS CAaL SCHEPPLI!Il. Dindtw Carboa Bailcliaa Tower, Charcb aad Oniapoa Telepbo· Gnealnf 1674