Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Apr 1928, p. 42

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J'.; Church on Hilltop ect Attmdtmt· On Committee . Ia Scene of Wedding &ck in Wilmette for Jud10n-Rice of Madeline Truitt Wedding April 24· ............................................-...-.......;....__. ~-------------'~ I I Christ church, Winnetka, beautifully decorated with palms' and Easter lilies,. 1he season of brides is at hand and was the scene of a lovelv Easter wed'-. ringtime, this season, again follows ding last Monday evening when Madepredecessors, and means wedding line Drew Truitt, daughter of Dr. and e on the north shore. From now on Mrs. Theodore .W. Truitt of Wilmette, ·til early summer we shall be subbecame the bride of Willard Dickinson mitting to you the names of girls and Cunningham, ~on of Mr. and Mrs. young men of our villages venturing WiUard A. Cunningham of St. Louis, iito matrimony and shall tell of the Mo. The Rev. E. Ashley Gerhard read und of gayety attendant upon such the service at 8 :30 o'clock in the eveents. This week we are announcing ning. . The oceasiori ·was the wedding rther arrangements for a wedding of annivers.a ry of the bride's parents. aorth shore interest. · Exquisitely delicate was the bridal This week brings the announcement gown and train of white satin, the the young people who are to be the gown trimmed with bias folds of satin, tendants at the wedding of Miss while a spray of orange blossoms restary Jane Jud3on, daughter of · Mr. ed on the train, ·over which the long and Mrs. James Judson of Evanston, ·tulle veil fell in soft folds from a cap and Kingsley Loring Rice. son of of princesse Jace. The bride carried ~thur Louis Rice of 518 C e n t r a I a · large bouquet of Easter lilies and avenue, Wilmette. white snapdragons. The peach satin Miss Alice Colby J udsQn is to be her gowns of the bride'3maids were fa:;hsister's maid of honor, and the bridesioned like the bridal gown, with the maids are Mis3 Elisabeth Rice of exception of their small trains which Wilmette, the bridegroom's sister, a1ul fell from large bows lined with gold Photo b7 Ra7 satin, which gave the popular bustle iss Margaret Scott, Mjss Dorothy Pickard, Miss Lydia Atwater, of EvMrs. P. W. Bradstreet effect. In color, only, did the gown anston, Mrs. John Nuveen, Jr., who of the maid of honor differ from those Mrs. P. W. Bradstreet of Winnetka, with her husband is returning from of the other attendants. It was of social chairman of the Mary Crane green satin. They all carried large, South America this week to be in the wedding party, Miss Laura Kimball of Nursery School auxiliary, is in c~arge colorful bouquets of roses, freezia, and Brookline, Ma·.;s.. and Miss Elinor of refreshments for the two days of sweet peas. The flower girls ,-.·ere Woodward of Winnetka. Janet Carle Reick Studios benefit bridge to be held Friday and daintily gowned in green chiffon trimIngram of ChicaJ.FO, a cousin of the med with twisted n'Qvelty ribbon of a Mrs. John A. Thompson Saturday, April 13 and 14, at the borne deeper shade of green. They carried · bride, will be the flower ~irl and Fielder Colby Ingram, son of the Dwight Mr. . and Mrs. John Alfred Thomp- of Mrs. George M. Groves, 415 Davis ba·,;kets of mixed spring flowers partlv lngrams of Winnetka, will serve as son have returned from their honey- street, Evan'ston. held in place by peach colored ribbons. rinq bearer. moon and now are residing at the Mrs. Truitt wore a soft corn-flower Mrs. Groves, chairman of the auxiliGordon Merrill Tones o£ Evanston home of the bride's parents, Mr. and blue chiffon frock and carried a corary, is general chairman for the benefit will act as his brother's best man. and Mrs. Fred Duane Buckman, 925 Elmsage of orchids. Mrs. Cunningham the ushers are to hP Cranston Sorav wood avenue, until they take up resi- games, assisted by Mrs. Harry C. was in orchid chiffon, with an orchid PhiUips, Mrs. R. C. Chase, Mrs. Harry Victor Ligare. and Rherwoort Claop, of dence in Evanston . .The bride was Miss I. Allen. and Mrs. Charles M. Cart- corsage bouquet. Evanston. Horatio Henn· Chamtler of Eleanor Anabel Buckman. The wedding party consisted of Miss wright, all of Evanston, who will have Chicap-o. John Nn,rPen: Jr., Soencf"r Teresa Backus of Kenilworth, the maid charge of the game, and Mrs. Florence Scott Willi~on of f'hirago. and Lyman S. Capron, of Evanston, who is in of honor; the bridesmaids, Miss Marlf. Drake. Jr .. of Wilmette. Feting Elaine Burgess, charge of publicity and the sale of garet Cunningham of St. Loui'.s, "Miss The wedding take" nlace Tt1e~'tav, Kenilworth Bride-Elect tickets. The proceeds of these benefit Vera Hoerber of Evanston, and Mi ss April 24. at 8:.10 o'rlocl<. at tht> First events will be contributed toward the Alice Froeschle of Chicago, the two Miss Elaine Burge.ss, daughter of BaPtist ch1tn·l1 of F.\'::tn,ton. Dr. M.ary Crane Nursery school which is latter former residents of Wilmette: Charles Gilkf"' of tllP H,.,-1,. P~rl< R-~~1- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest H. Burgess of Richard Sinz of Evanston, best man: tist church w'll he th(' nffici~tino- rlPr- Kenilworth, is to be the guest of located at Hull House. the ushers, Arthur Perriman and lf orpvman. 3!'4\ist~:·d lw Dr. T"'llPS ~f ::tf1ic:nn gan Drew of Evanston, Roger Palmer Stifler of F\· ~n~;tnn .. 'J'I,. Cotmtrv honor at numerous parties before her of Chicago, and Charles Reith of Club Plans Get-Together club ,·. ill h,- th,. ~,.HitHJ' for tl,,. !'m~.n wedding on April 21, to Norwood Chica!!o: and the flower girls. Mary Club Vista del Lago has issued in- Jean Truitt and Georgia Rita Drake of rPceotion which wilt follow the cere- Burch of Evanston. mony. Mrs. Thomas Wolfe, Jr., and Mrs. vitations to get-together dinner dance Wilmette. Harold Anderson, both of Evanston, at . the Opera club Tuesday evening, The home o£ the bride's parents, are giving a linen shower this Satur- April 10, at 8 o'clock. In addition to where a reception followed the cereJlarries Tomorrow an evening of delightful entertainment Saturdav. Aoril 7. ;c; the d;v of the day afternoon at Mr3. Wolfe's home. opportunity will be given to meet th~ mony, was charmingly decorated with Paul Newey of In the evening Mrs. southern smilax and ba·.skets of Easter marriave of Mi~" Flizaheth Waidner. Evanston will giN"e a bridge party at new board of governors, renew ac- lilies and pink roses. "~'le!"hter of thf' L. Harry Waidners of quaintances, and discuss club plans. Winnetka. to Henn,. Horn Adams of the home of her mother, Mrs. William Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham are Cope Harvey's orchestra i·s to proMinnraoolis. son o£ Mr. and Mrs. John E. Burch of Evanston. Mrs. Wjlliam vide music and entertainment. The spending their honeymoon at French W.hite of Highland Park is to give a W. Adam~ of Enqlewood, N. J .. formhrtdge party next Tuesday evening. Famous Dancing team, roulette dane- Lick Springs. and uoon their return erlv o£ Minneapolis. Wednesday afternoon Miss Lida Ray- in~. a festival of balloons, and favors they witt reside at 764~ Hinman aveOnly relatives and a few friends of will he the special features. Dave nue, Evanston. the bride and groom will attend the mond, one of the bridesmaids, will give O'Malley will be master of ceremonies. Among the out-of-town ~uests for a shower and bridge at her home 874 ceremonv which will take place at 8 the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Arthtr HiJJ road. The following after~oon o'rlo.ck, in the hnme of the parents. Cunningham and their son, Arthur, Jr., Mass Peggy Waidner wilt be her sis- a n o t h e r bridesmaid, Miss Marion Betrothed Mr. and Mrs. Clifford· Snokes and their Kawin, will have a luncheon and ter's maid of ·h onor and John W Mr. and Mrs. George Hoffman of two little daughters, alt of Goshen, · handkerchief shower at her home in Adams, Jr., will act as best man. Evanston. Next Friday evening 66 Warwick avenue, Winnetka, an- Ind., Mr.s. Fred Cunnin~ham of KanHenry Pen field of 660 Bluff street, nounce the Pnqag-emf"nt of their daug-h- ~as City. Mo., Mr. anrl Mrs. ChariPs Hold Eater Bakery Sale Glencoe, and his fiancee, Miss Henri- ter, Emily Caroline Hoffman, to Alvin Reith of St. Louis. Mr. · and Mrs . ·.T~e As~ociated guilds of St. Augus- etta Calkins, will ~ive a bridge party. Lvsander Ormsby of South Pasadena Willard A. Cunningham and dam!'hCal.. son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Scott ters .. Margaret, Eleanor, and Marv· tin~ s Eptscopal church are holding Ormsbv. Miss Hoffman is a iunior at Lomse. parents and sisters of the the·r annual Easter food sale at the Dance for Y oungei Set Paras~ House Saturday, April 7, from Cornell co!leve, _and ~t:r. Ormsby has bridegroom. Mrs. E. S. Dickinson and The Tunior auxiliary of the Woman's f'mbarkf"d m busme-~s m Cedar Rapids Miss Eliza.beth Goodfe11ow of Kirk9 .unttl 4. AU sorts of bakery goods will be. offered for sale for housewives Catholic Club is making its plans for Iowa. He is a Cornell alumnus. N~ wood, Mo., JZranrlmothP.r and aunt of on thear Easter marketing expeditions an attractive party for the voun~er sPt date has yet been decided upon for the P"r?om. and ·Mr.;. GilbPrt P. Drew and Mtss Eva Morgan o£ San Antonio while f~r the children, colorful Easte~ S~turday even in~, April 14. at 8:30 the wedding. Texas. ' o clock, at the St. Francis Xavier aueggs wdl be attractively displayed. ditorium, Ninth street and Linden .Yr. and Mrs. John Lewis Page of avenue. An excellent orchestra has Bridge for Bride-Elect 1012 ·Linden. avenue left Thursday for been engaged for the affair, which is . .~rs. J am~s Swan, Jr., of Glencoe Announce Engagement lfa.dason. Was., where they will take up to be one of the first large after-Lent 1s gtVmg a hndge next Tuesday afterMr. and Mrs. Edward K. Bowers of residence. One of the last affairs friven social events. noon for Miss Nanette HugP"Ptt of Los Angeles. formerly of the north for them outside of the family circle Miss Marjorie Koenig of 1028 Elm- Evanston, whose marriage to · Robert shore, announce the engagement of 1hl the dinner for twelve guests Sun~ W?od avenue is in charge of a M. Moore of Milwaukee will take ·their daughter, Mildred, to John Tilt Y evening at which Mrs. D. D. mittee composed of Mi;s Estelle En- place Saturday, April 28, at the Ev- Armstrong, son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy ICieder of Ev~nstpn was hostess. gelhart and Miss Estelle Pahhnann·. anston Country club. W. Armstrong of Glencoe. BY JEAN TEN BROECK com- .,

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