nb Annual Exhibition to Represent Ovu Ont-Hondrtd Lints of Endtavor The Fourth Annual Woman's World's fair in Chicago will turn the Coliseum into a festival palace for the week beginning May 19, representing more than a hundred different lines of professional, scientific and artistic endeavor in displays under the bright colored awnings of 250 booths. Women from all over the country who have achieved distinction in their ebosen vocations, will be present to explain them and demonstrate where pcmible. The last dar of the fair, May 26, will be a special Vocational day, when the thre~ds of occupations which have trailed here and there in the gala fete will be gathered up into a comprehensive review, Miss Helen M. Bennett, :nanaging director of the fair, announced recently. Members of Mortar Board, senior honorary society, from Northwestern university, Purdue, and other colleges, will usher, wearing academic cap and gown. The subject for the morning conference, one of the new daily features of the fair, on this particular day will be "Vocational Guidance." Foreign groups that are taking part in the fair for the first time this year and are already planning their exhibit! are Greece, Ukrainia and Germany. Sweden and Finnland, and other countries which have had elaborate exhibits in the pa~t, wilt have their booths this year in the ViJiage in the Forest, the arrangement planned for the foreign exhibits in the south annex of the Coliseum. Mrs. Hugo Simon, wife of the German consul-general in Chicago, is in charge of the . German display, which wi11 be sent from the old country by Mrs. Marie von Bunsen, a prominent writer of Berlin. Unusual and · picturesque vocations which individual women have adopted will b.= exemplified by: the woman smithy, Florence Ethlyn Schell, who has her own .. Little Forge" on Chicago's west side ; Viola Smith of Santa F~, New Mexico, who .owns and operates a turquoise mine discovered before Columbus' arrival ; and hy Anna Grace Sawyer, the pansy florist, at 4040 W. Madison '3treet, who is an interesting figure in the historical development of Chicago. Women in scientific research, all the way from botany to anthropology, wi11 have eye-opening displays for the uninitiated. Movies in the home, the ideal library browsing room with books on its shelves covering "Three centuries of women in literature and their forerunners," a children's corner, the eampus quadrangle, and grandmotber"s room, are a few of the more definitely mapped out booths. Board members in addition to Miss Btnnett, managing-director who also originted the idea of the fair. are Mrs. Medill McCormick, Mrs. Joseph T. Bowen, honorary chairman, Mrs. George Bass. chairman, Mrs. Howard Linn, vice chairman, Mrs. Joseph G. Coleman, Mrs. Rockefeller McCormick, Mrs. Walter Paepcke, "Jecretary, Mrs. George R. Dean. treasurer, Mrs. Bdward Hines, and Mrs. Shreve Badpr. of Wilmette are invited bi-monthly under the auspices of the philanthropy department of the Woma.n's WOMEN club of Wilmette to join their friends in aU-day sewing sessions for different charitable organizations in w_htch the club is interested. Pictured above are a number of the group of workers at one of the recent. all-day meetmgs. Today occasions another such meeting with the work to be. s~nt to the Cook County hosp1tal. Mrs. E. D. Varian is chairman for the month of April, with a committee conststmg of Mrs. A. ]. Kuelzow, Mrs. C. C. Cam,.ron. Mrs. D. C. Hall, Mrs. C. F. Reinboth, and Mrs. William E. Shellman. Catholic Woman,· League Southern Woman,· Club to Pictures on Exhibit To Hold Election Tuesday at Garden Club Today Elect Officers April 12 The North Shore Catholic Woman's league will elect half of the officers to serve for the coming two years at the annual meeting to be held next Tuesday at I o'clock. at the Winnetka Woman's club. Since the office.r s serve two-year terms, the president and ~ everal of the other officers elected last year will remain as officers. The nominating committee, under Mrs. W. A. Kittermaster of Glencoe, has chosen the following slate tc . be voted on next Tuesday : Mrs. N. ·P. Andersen of Evanston, second vic~ president: Mrs. }. C. Cormack of Glen coe, third vice-president; Mrs. Chester E. Cleveland of Winnetka, finan cial secretary; Mrs. R V. O'Brien of Winnetka, recording secretary; Mrs. James G. McMillan of Glencoe, Mrs. Francis Bonner of Highland Park, Mrs. Peter Prato of Highland Park, and Mrs. William Kerr of Winnetka, directors. · T.he Parliamentary Law class conducted by Mrs. Maurice Lieber for the league will meet next Wednesday with Mrs. William B. Pavey of 845 Lincoln avenue, Winnetka. The Southern Woman's club will elect its officers for the coming year .at the annual meeting to be held on Thursday, April 12, in the East room of the Hotel LaSalle. The luncheon at 12:30 will be followed by the election. Mrs. Edgar Foster Alden of Winnetka. is now president of the club. The annual luncheon comes on Thursday, April 26, in the Crystal ball room of the LaSalle. An excellent program is planned for the afternoon. The junior membership of the club will have a luncheon and bridge at the Illinois Women's Athletic cmb Sat urday, April 7, at 1 :30. Mrs. R .B. Taylor of 423 Central avenue is hostess for the meeting of the Wilmette Garden club this afternoon. The speaker, as announced previously, is Mrs. David Cooke, whose main talk will be on "The Secrets of the Rock Garden," but who will, in addition, speak on "The Perennial Border." On exhibit throughout the afternoon will be three garden pictures by two Wilmette artists, Mrs. Gordon \Vilson and · Mrs. Marguerite Calkins Taylor. A picture of the Rosenwald garden from the brush of the former, and pictures of flowers taken from the gardens of some of the. garden members and painted by the latter, will be displayed. Two Club Departments to Hold Joint Meeting The art and literature department and the music department of the Neighbors wm have a joint meeting Tuesday afternoon, April 10, at 2:30 o'clock, at the home of the new vice president of the Neighbors, Mrs. C. R. Erwin, Warwick road, Kenilworth. For two years these departments have been ·studying the early periods of music and art and, on Tuesday next, Henry Purmort Eames wiJI give a survey of this artistic development, bringing the two arts together. It will be ;t most interesting and instructive after· noon and all members are welcome and urged to come. Mr. Eames appeared before the club some few years ago and those who rememt>er the scholarly program at tl. :tt time will be sure not to miss thi'3 one on Tuesday. Woman,· Club to Have Annrial Luncheon May 2 The Woman's club of Wilmette will hold its annual luncheon May 2, at the Edgewater Beach hotel. It promises to be a day of unusual pleasure. Mrs. Charles F: Clark, president of the President's conference, will be the guest of honor and give a very brief talk. Lorna Doone Jaxon, a member of the Chicago Civic Opera company, will give the musical program. . More than three-hundred reservations have been made and tables will be assigned in the order in which the reservations are received, it 13 announced. Those wishing to attend either in groups, or alone, are asked to send in their names and checks. Lecturing at I. W. A. C. The art committee of the Illinois Women's Athletic club, of which Mrs. Alice L. Bidwell is chairman, entertained at tea Wednesday afternoon last in honor of Dudley Crafts Watso"' well known artist and lecturer. Mr. Wat.son opened a series of four lectures Thursday. The second of these talks will be given Saturday, April 7, at 11 in the morning, and the final lectures on April ll and 18, at 3 o'clock.