Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Apr 1928, p. 1

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IL VOL. XVII. NO. 28· ' · , -~. · <, . ~ ~ .;. .. . .... ., .. ,_,_ .:. ~- .. ·:~--·:·,;~·WILMETTE, If:-LI~ _Q{$, APRIL 6, 1928 PRICE FIYE CENTS SEE AS EASY . ' -·· ........ ,_ ·,. -tii.,·~ ·-ofli~··" :Jii·~~. ·~· ·< ·~ ~ . ... ./.$cheatra Concerts' mm ~a ·aAtn.E .. . ·· ·. :· · .;A;siB$$ed "-::-fr~·f!_-',Slashitil : ;;;-_ ;-· ; ~·~_:·. Sulilcnptioa Ia Overdue New Trier~ Ia·Expfded to Keiii( ;)Uqb Following a discus_sioa at' ·the annual Poll Tren.nlloaa Majority fw Town meeting last Tuesday afternoon ...He Oftr ~ ...... ' ,_ Anti-Small Groap relative to taxpayers in the t~wnsh!P Preciact c--ittean8 · . who secure unreasonable reductions m their assessed valuations, a committee The Republican Primary election· . When the sizable ballots are was appointed to study the problem and Tuesday, April 10, will have a very handed out to New Trier voters in formulate plans to curb the practice and decided local aspect insofar as Wil· the Republican Primary election Tues- to report back at the next annual Town mette is concerned. in view of the fact day, April 10, the electorate of the meeting. that with few exceptions. the precinctl The members of this committee comtownship promises to provide officials will find rival candidates for the of· at the polling places with one of the th I f w·t 1 mette, most complicated tasks veteran.; in prise e vii age managers 0 fice of precinct committeemen. · h · d Kenilworth, Winnetka and Glencoe. This unprecedented situation is at· !hat hne of endeavor ave expenence Th are C. C. Schultz F. L. Streed tributable to the fact that the Wilmette . m many a year. ey . ' ' While sentiment generally along th~ .:-lf't ·L. t~flhlser and Geo~~e R. Young, Vote.r s' Advisory committee ( repre· senting churches and civic groups) north shore appears to be overwhelm-· respec IV~ y. . . One vtllage offictal estimated that 16 ingly favorable to Louis L. Emmerson, several weeks ago, secured an almost. Republican candidate for governor in perttnt of t~e propert>: owners · ~d. secomplete :;late of candidates who are opposition to Governor Len Small, cured reductions, resultmg, he satd, m a designated as specifically anti-Crowe· and while Otis F. Glenn and Osca~ loss of 20 perce~t. of the tax revenue _for in sentiment and definitely aligned with Carlstrom, Deneen group candidate:! schoo~ and mumctpa_l purpos~s, notwl~h the Emmerson-Carlstrom-Gienn Na· with Mr. Emmerson promise to poll standmg a material mc~ea.se m v~luatton tional RepubJicau party organization. heavy majorities ove:;. their rivals for as a result of new bUtldmg durmg the more familiary known as the Deneen the offices of United States senato1 year. group. _. and · attorney general, · respectively= It is proposed to aid the assessor in Break Ground for New Five of the Anti-CTowe committee-~ there is evidence of real competition the matter of establishing valuations, to Kenilworth Water Plant men will be in the position of not .. in the instance of scores of mino; secure notification from the Cook Connhaving their names printed on the : Ground has been broken and : work- official ballot sine~ they were selected; state, and the various county offices. ty Board of Review of those entering Oppoae Small GI"CMMp protests on valuations and perhaps to ers are now busily engaged excavat- since the filing . period expired. These All· along ·the shore the voting will publish the names of those who make ing for the new Kenilworth Water arc Harry C. Kinne, 13th precinct; 1 : be pretty generally along the tines oi request for such reductions. plant, which is to be located at the Roger Williams, 15th precinct; Ed-! "straight ballots" as between the canend of Kenilworth avenue on the lake ward A. Zimmerman, 18th precinct ; A. didates of the Deneen-Emmerson and Froehd~, 2lst pr~cinct; and Earl . front. The work is being pushed as W. the Small-T·hompson-Crowe gro1:1ps D. Lvon, ·::22nd precinct. In order to ~ ·rapidly as possible and is being carfor the offices of governor, United vote ·for these c~ndidateS -"·it will be _ ried on so as not to interfere with States semitor, attorney general, and I to write in · their names.~ necessary ·t he operation of the present plant. state's attorney, with the former group under the heading "For· Precinct Com· : The contract is being executed by given a comfortable majority throughmitteeman/' · plactng· an (X) in front~ out the New Trier district. . With the time limit for filing names Byrd, Lyden and Grandpre, general of the name. of Chicago. contractors For the first time in many yean of candidates for Village offices exThe complete list of : tht; anti-Crowe campaign headquarters have actually piring Monday of this week, Wilmette HOME FOR HOLIDAY committeemen candidates reads : been established in this immediate faces a comparatively uneventful Ralph Orner, a sophomore at the 13th precinct, H~r.ry : C~ . Kinne; 14th ~ vicinity and an organized effort put municipal election Tuesday, April 17, forth to muster the full strength of the when the unopposed United People's U niyersity of Illinois, arrived home precinct, Fr-:derick V. Lij>pen; 15th· New Trier vote. This has been brought party candidates, selected at a caucus last Wednesday and is spending the precinct, Roger · .Williams; 16th pre· about largely by the sharply defined early in March, are accorded il com- Easter vacation with his parents Vil- cinct, George W.- Kibby; .· 17th pre· · lage President and Mrs. Earl E. Orner. rinct, Lewis B. Springer; 18th precinct,, opposition which has developed in re- plimentary vote. . Edward A. Zimmerman; 19tJt precinct, · The candidates to be voted upon cent weeks to the Small-ThompsonElmer J. Lundin ; · 20th pretinct, Wil- ·~ Crowe political combination which, es- are: liam M. James; 21st pr.tcinct, A. W.~ pecially in the in·.;tance of Wilmette, Three Village Trustees-Gordon PROCLAMATION Froehde; 22nd precifd, Earl D. Lyon. : has resolved itself into an exciting Wilson, 419 Ninth street; C. Miles MeThere a&e no anti.-Cr9we v.qters' ad.. ·: To Charc:M., Cluha aacl battle ·in ev.e ry section of t~e village Donald, 1046 Mi~higan avenue, and A. visory, or endorsements ···for· the 23rd i Ci.ic Bodiee: o':er the cand1da~es for pr~cmct com- L. Grinnell, 2425 Kenilworth avenue; . .... We, voters of Wilmette, in a and 26th precincts. mttteemen. In th1s con~echon, though, · the candidate for Village Clerk, Lea nonpartr.;an meeting assembled, ·rep· Candidates for precincf committee· one e~co~~ters a _pecuhar an~le to the J. Orr, 1002 Greenleaf avenue, and the ca.mpatgn, wht:r~m all precmct co~- candidate for Village Treasurer, Harry resentatives of the various churches, men, who had previously filed but; clubs and civic bodies of our V il- failed to receive the endorsement of~ mtttec:~eQ can,dtdates are pledged 1~1 w. Miller. opposition to Governor Small, but dt. lage, wish to call attention to the . the Wilmette V Qlers' Advisory com..:j On the same ball~t wtll also · be the importance of the Primary to be mittee, are : vided in affiliation with reference to .~ ~ the candida.cies of Robert E. Crowe two u~opposed cand_tdates for the two held April 10, 1928. Thirteen~h precinct, Ceorge R. HarJ and Judge John A. Swanson, rivals 1 vacanctes on the L1brary board : J. There are to be nominated by the baugh: 14th preciact, Ralph W. Fau..j for the office ·. of state's attQrney of Hugh Foster, 921 Greenleaf avenue, two parties, State, County, Con- pel; 1Stlt precinct, Oscar W. Schmidt; ' Cook county. · While, on the basis of and John F. Hoffman, Jr., 1927 Ceo- gressional and Legislative candi18th precinct, Louis S. Becker ; 19th the vote ori committeemen, Wilmette tral avenue. dates and Precinct committeemen. precinct, Frank Forrester; ~h pre· · may appear tQ be about evenly di-------The last represent the party in a cinct, Harry M. Bachman; 21st pre· vided in sentiment in regard to the EASTER BAKERY SALE judicial convention in June. cinct, John J. Peters; 22nd precinct, : state'·s attorney candidates1 it is preAn Easter Bakery sale· will be held The people are presumed to select Henry Fowler. dieted that, actually, Judge Swanson in the Van Deusen Grocery and Mar- their party candidates. The custom . Joseph M. Schneider is t~e unop· · will poll a tremendqus . majority over ket Saturday, April 7, under auspices ha's been for the self-interested to posed candidate in the 23rd precinct, State's Attorney Crowe. · In other of Wilmette chapt~r, Order of _the select ~nd the people to endorse at whil~ George Campbell and Anton words, the vote on precinct committee- Eastern Star. the following election. Eng~ls are the candidates in the 26th men will probably have little if any We ask that you impress upon precinct. The two intervening pre· . bearing upon the balloting on the your members that it is more im- cincts (24 and 25) are in Winnetka. ' EASTER OBSERVANCES state's attorney candidates. portant that they select the candiBriq Ca-.IW.i. H. . dates and that they make an inEaster Sunday will find most WilTuesday's electiOJJ should 4ind all ~ resid~s ettencling services at telligent selection than that .they APaiL 14 IS TAX DEADLINE New Trier dtizens .,rt.o · liave taken tbe .yarious ~hes ~merely ratify the selection subsethe village. Township~~Uectot Sanborn Hale the time to investipte, ,ell ~alifie4 ~.1 obse~ 1ri of . qJUI1e, q~tlY.. Sour~s of information ·on is making a specaal request this week to make an intelli,ent ~ chmee of nil- ~ · 'the order' iti""e'fery p ·· candidates are always available to of worthat all tupayets make~ttance to didates in the Republican Primaries. ship ~ prepa~tiO!'s. are being_ made voters who will take an interest to · hiiiJ .on or before. Saturday, April 14. Fpr several weeks the YOters have re- . ~ .1rlekome what .11 expected lo be ·seek them. ceived invitations to candidates' meet- ·the· 'latlfeSt church attendance in the -FORUM FOR 100% VOTI!!TC . · ¥r.' Uale annotlnces ~t in the i-.gs where _issues were. ~~sed and history of · the community. Detajled George l. ·llift, past" itatee y~rs ;~ bas ··~1Wted a a very fajr··· ~tiaiate:. . ef the·· quali&ca~' ahnOuitcementS of Easter services A. E. ·K tuader, total of JQOte :th;a" iJ,OOO,OOO, tb· ~s of the various eandidates aflordwill be found on pages 21, 48, 49, 50 Thomas S. S. Hartlwkk, effectinl a inatel..&l savinc to the ei the listeners. The Women Voters' and 51 of this issue. Committee. township. . tr · ...1 u .. - .... .,£\ ·..-:::"-"!< .. ..........._ _ _......._ ..................IIiiiil.....ll.:'l_ _ _ _ _ _......._~------·· ....._ ........................................~ .·; ..4:....-.u.··~···~'!t-~ft.: ...__.l.l#~·:Z.. V·l··t·on :. Only · about ..one-half of the sub. $Criptions fo.r ·. next season's Little Symphony . orchestra coricerts, which· were due and payable April 1, have been received by Mrs. B. K. Smith, 547 Orchard lane, Winnetka, secretary of the New Trier Orchestral association which sponsors this annual series of concerts given at New Trier High school auditorium. · No arrangements for concerts next season can be completed until the number of · subscriptions turned in warrants such a procedure, it is explained. This is purely a co-operative venture on the part of New Trier residents and it is hoped that those who received their subscription blanks will sign and return them at their earliest convenience. Checks-$6 fer the season-are to be made payabl to F. L. Streed, treasurer of the association. RPRDftT .,.,....,.,s. , People·s Party Is Unopposed in This ¥ear·s Local V pte f I

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