..,._....~.... ,.._. aa4 W&nrlek road _..,.,.~ lteDUworth Dr.· Herbert L. WDiett. minister Nat SuDC1aJ'. ~r Day, there will . be a special aervlce In the Sunday aehool at I :fi, with exerclaea apPropriate to the day, and "The 'Gift of Flowers" at · tbe cloee. . At the regular mornlag aervlce of the church. Dr. Wlllett'a nbject will be, '"The Life Etemal." Tbe quartet will render apeclal mule. the ordinance of · baptl8m will be admlnllltered. new members received, and the Communion will be celebratecl. Special value has been found In the uee of dle dally "Fellowship of Prayer" durlq Lent. Dally worship Is continued through the remainder of the Yi!ar by the uee of "The Dally Altar,·· a small manual of private and family devotions. The J()lnt Lenten aervlces held under the aUPices or thlll church and the Church of the Holy Comforter hav., been of Interest and value to all wbo have attended. The religious lnftuencea of the services have been felt thrOughout the community, the addreaaes have been stimulating, and the fellowship of the two churches nas been strengthened. The tradition Ill a good one, and we wish to conftrm and continue lt. '.Mi.lfllortl u.... - Wedneaday evening of next week. April 11, the annual church dinner and bualneSII meeting will be held In the Kenilworth club. Following the dinner there will be a brief program of music, after which the annual reports and elections will take place. Wednesday evening, April 18, Dr. Willett will begin a new aeries of weeklY. lecture-studies on the general subject~ "Ancient Prophets and Modern Problema." The subject of the ftrat one will be, ..Samuel: the Making of a Nation." Thill aeries will continue until .June 18th, and the Individual topics will be announced next week Sunday, April 15, at 11 o'clock. Dr. Willett will preach on tbe subject "The Abiding Word... ' 29z4A0/21 '8~ 31z5.25/21 '14!! AIRWAY 30x3% Regular First Scandinavian Ev. 886 Elm st~t· . Winnetka Roy A. Thompson, Pastor 809 Chestnut court (Winn. 2304) '5!§ 30x3% Regular '4~ 29x4.40/21 29s4.40J21 a....,., A·rtl s 10 :00 Sunday achool, Easter program. · 5:00 Yqung People's meeting. Easter me~e by the Rev. Clarence A. Nelson of Evanston. 'I :45 "The Living Christ." Easter sermon by the pastor. ~ll·nd·T· April II 8 :00 Kid-week service. ..Why seek ye the living among the dead? He Ia not here, but Is risen" (Luke !f : 5-6). '7~ '6~ The You,n g People's club of St. Joseph's church is busily preparing for a play "The Mummy and the Mumps" which is to be presented on Tuesday and Wednesday, April 10 and 11. It is termed a "rip-roaring comedy." ------- WILMETTE BATTERY . AIID ELECTRIC SERVICE Have Wbat Yoa"e L - Waated · A lloto.................. aeaa· at a price yoa can aHonl Tbt high cost of Motor-Driven Brush Cleaners has kept thousands of housewives from buying the one type of cleaner that gets tlteply 1mbedtl1tl dirt-the principal cause of rug wear. This Same Identical Cleaner was ·s62.50 Then S52.50 AMftlleo····.~ what you fOI' Spring boule-cleaning. Saves your &oon. your time, your energy. Ten times faster than hand methods. Same machine 'a dvertiled in Ladies' Home JourDal, Satuiday Eveniol Polt and Jeadinl mapzinea. need com $23.oo LESs Now you can have the very latest Hamilton Beach at a price less than that asked for most machines cleaning by suction alone. with Powerful Suction, Beating Brush and Sweeping Brush Action Complete outfit includes 1928 model Johnson Electric Floor Polisher, Wax Mop and }4 gal. Joh~son' s Liquid · Wax-all at the srnsationally low price of $29.50. ............................................................................ IL\RDWARB CO· ISI9 WU.ette Aye., WU.ette, DL .......................