Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Apr 1928, p. 50

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t~ervtce ·····. · ···..·. 8 a. m. ""nae Reaurrectlon" All Euler Breakfast will be served ' the parlors of the church Immediately alter tbla early 1181'VIce. The men of churcla are preparlnar to serve th~ IM'eakfuL All members are urced to II.JI,I'take of this fellowship and are uked to Invite friends to accompany 8unrl8e B·tlilll L·ther·· er . . . . .J'- em. Sunday ~~ehool ··.······· 10:30 a. m. The dime banka will be collected at this service. The prooeedB of· this special collection will 8'0 toward the Sunday School Building fund. Every bank book full of dimes will make a ftne nestCir for tbla fund. Kuslcal Program ·······.·.·· 8 p. m. This program Is being sponsored by the choir, Mn. A. D. Gash, director and orcantst. Mn. Hortense Lechler will atnar eolo parts and 11188 Hilda Kloster of the North Sbore Health Resort atatr will clve a reading. Members and friends ol the eongregatlon are urged to attend tbla mualcal propam. Last Sundar marked the high water mark In attendan~ at the chapel since the organization or the church. Every available seat was fllled and the eongreptlon overflowed Into the VPstlbule. The need of our new church Lulldlng was quite apparent. Ttae plans for lt are now reatl)' to be 88nt to Philadelphia for approval of the Board of Church Architecture. Upon their return ground will be broken and It Is hoped to be ready tor dedication sometime In the early faiL The Luther league will meet In the church l'rlday evenlug, April 13. Tile meeting has been postponed one week because of the Holy Week services which are belli&' held every nlcbt this week. Final plans for the Luther League Building Fund will be laid at this ·meet1118'. A aood attendance Is desired. A Special O«erlllc will be received ThuntdaJ evenlq, APril 5, at which time the Euler Communion will be offered. Every eommunlng member of the claurcb llbould be pre.ent at this meeting. A number of new members were received Into the church last Sunday. Any othen dealrlna to aftlllate with this con&'Niratlon will be received any night this week or at the early service Easter Morning. A number of others have .....lfled their desire to unite with the cllurch at this time. Friends of the concre.atlon are cordially welcome at any or all of these services. If you do not have a church home In Wilmette, you wUI ftncJ this a homelike people where you are a stranger only once. They make you feel at home. ..Worship In Wilmette.. · Pre1byterian Church The Preabyterlan church extends a most cordial Invitation to attend the Easter eervlces next Sunday morning at 11 o ..clock. Poulbly some friend or neighbor would be delighted to know you were tblnkln.- of him, as you think of the beautiful Easter services In your church, and bad Invited him not simply to ao to church, but to accompany you. Pity the man who bas no Easter In bls faith. Euter substitutes gladneBB for gloom. Positively, no attraction should be greater than the Easter celebration next Sunday morning. . You will ftncJ a genuine welcome at the Presbyterian church at the corner of Ninth street and Greenleaf avenue. Sunday school at 9 :30, morning service at 11 o'clock. , trmon subject : "The Soul's Longing an the Answer of the Empty Tomb." 1 - l'ollowlng Is the \;autlful program of Euler mualc to be given In connection wltll our service next Sunday mornlaar. llr. Walter Bn.uer, vloloncelllat of outBtaadlng reputation, bas been secured to aallt In this procram. Vloloneelle Prelucle, a. "Prelude" · . · · · . . · · · . · . · · · Hadte,. b. ..Jiourre.. . . · . · · . · · . · · . . · · Handel llr. Brauer Antlaem, "IChta Glltterlq Morn·· ···· Parker Alltlaem, .......,. Hut Thou Laid Him!"' · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Clouch-Lelghter <Mfertol7. a. "Adaclo.. · ·.·····.····· Martello llr. Brauer lt. ""ThJ' RedeeiD8r Llvetb,. ·· llaluaq Orna Polltlute. Q...,-tet, · · · Cedarpeen "'lo.nnah !" · · · · · · · · · · · · · · . ·Dabol· ao. J:lwra~ Lutlpr O&DDOn, contralto .,.,...ao which the Lord's Supper will be cele· cured to speak. Wallace , Killer, presibrated. All communicants are requested dent, will preside, and Clifton Darlln&' Is to ·announce their eommunlon to tbe arranclnl' the mualc. Orpnlst aa4 41rector, Erma E. Rouncls pastor In advance. Tills service Is not . Tbe Church school will convene at 9 :30 Intended for communicants only but for Eiaater 8undq, In addition to Ita be- those al8o who are not to receive the and Easter programs. have been planned Inc oae of the moat cbeerlnc and help- Sacrament. for each department. There will be no ful oblrervances In the Church calendar, meeting of the Junior Congregation but baa recently becom'e the dfi.Y for tbe In· The voting members of the church are the Church school will ·be dlsmlBSed at ptherJna of new memben. It Is expectnotlfted that on Tueaclay evening, 10 :46 In time for the members of the ed a Jarce number will become . ldentl- hereby April 10, at 'l :G o'clock- the regular school to attend the eleven o'clock worfted with our church at tbls time. For quarterly meetlnk of the congregation ship service with their parents. the purpoae of eonferrlng with those wo be held. -~t this meeting a tentaare to unite with· the church next Sun- wiD At the Easter momlng worship aervday morning, tbe Sellllon will meet In tive plan of the anniversary services the Junior room Friday and SatJarday of the churcla will be presented by the lee, 11 o'clock, Easter music will be sung evenings at 'l :30 o'clock. and Sunday pastor. All votlnc members are requested by the Chorus choir and the quartette · under the direction of Amy Leslie Toskey. mornlnc at 10 :15 o'clock In the pastor's to ·attend. The Sel:liOr and Junior Walther league Linda Sool. violinist, will be the guest · study. aocletleiJ will have their meetings during soloist and will play three numbers. Miss second Instead of the first week of Sool recently won the Lyon and Heal)· The annual meeting of the Presby- the terian church will be held Wednesday the month on April 1! and 13, respec- contest tor violinists of the Middle West. ' The competition In the contest was keen evening, April 11. Reports from all the tl~!· Easter Service follows: departments ot the church will be beard Organ Prelude: Easter Dawn . .. . Rogers and for her achievement she was preIIIBB EJecta Austin sented with a violin by Prof. Leopold and oftlcers elected to take the place of those whose termll expire on the boanl Hymn 21 : Christ, the Lord, Is Risen To- Auer. She bas played extensively In conof elden, board of deacons and board . day. ~erts In the past year . a nd It Is considered of truateeL The General ConfeBBion. fortunate that she Is to be soloist here. The Introit and Gloria Patri. The Rev. W. E. McCormack, associate minister, will preach the Easter · roesTbe Woman's society will meet at the Kyrie. sage on "'The Recovery of Life." The church Tuesday, April 10, at which time The Gloria In Excelsls. ··omplete musleal program Is given bethe newly elected o$cers will be ln- The Collect. atallecl. Spoke 6 Is In charge of the The Epistle for Easter. low. luncheon, to be served at 1% a. m. Mrs. The Hallelujah. Organ Prelude W. 0. Morris Is to be In charge of the The Gospel fo~ Easter. "Cristo Trlofante................ Yon devotionals and the members who at- Choir: In the End of the Sabbath . . . . Annie May Hayes ·Bivona tended the Presbyterial Quarterly meet........... . ........ . ...... . . Lansing Two VIolin Solos ing will give theJr_ reports. The Nlcene Creed spoken by the con..Poem" ·.·.........··..... ·...... Flblch gregatlon. "La Gultarre" .......·...·. Moszkowskl Linda Soot The Junior church will join with the Hymn 218: Awake, II)' Heart With Gladness. Anthem Senior church In the Easter service t!Jis "Christ, Our Passover" ...... Schilling next Sunday morning. Several of our The Sermon: Witnesses for the Risen Christ. The Chorus Choir memben are to unite with the church at Herman W. Meyer, Pastor Solo that time. The Offertory; Create In Me· a Clean "Awake! Arise!" ... . ...·..... Edwards Heart, 0 God. Mid A d The Christian Endeavor sooiety will attend a Sun-rise Easter service at the Choir_:_ .. Otrertory a n erso' Buena Memorial Presbyterian church The Lord's Prayer. "On Wings of Song.. · .·.··..·.·.·. next Sunday morning. On tbls account The otrerlnp. ·· ·. · ..·.·....... Mendelssohn-Achron the regular evening meeting will be Hymn 220 : Jesus Christ, My Sure De- Anthem Lindo Sool omitted. The tense. Benediction. "In the End of the Sabbath" .. Speaks The fourth and concluding dinner of Doxology 692. The Chorus Choir the Presbyterian Union ot Chicago will Silent PraJer. Postlude be held on Friday evening, APril 13, In "Hosanna" .. .. .......·.·.·.. . .. Dubois the La Salle Hotel at 6:30 o'clock. The Annie May Hayes Bivona All members of the choir will please speaker of the evening will be Rev. s. bear In mind that rehearsals will be Parkes Cadman, D. D. who will speak Easter Vespers will be held at 4 o'clock on '"The Right and Wrong Use of tteld at the church every Monday eve- ·on Sunday afternoon. At this service new Imagination." As formerly, this last ban- ning at '1 :45 o'clock. With the day of members will be received Into fellowquet Is especially for the young people. our Savior's Ascension, the Day of Pente- ship. Administration of the Lord's Sup· Please see Mr. R. R. Marquardt concern- cost and the Confirmation services ap- per will be made. A number of members 'Jroacblng the choir will be kept very ing your reservations. busy during the next few weeks. We of the Covenant class are to · receive baphope that all those who participated In tism. Amy · Leslie Toskey Is to provide The Girl Scouts had an out-door meetIng at the beach on Tuesday afternoon t.he singing of the Seven Last Words wlll special music. Mrs. JeBBle Beers Steck, soprano soloist of the Austin Methwbere they played games and enjoyed be present. odist Episcopal church of Chicago, will a lunch prepared over the camp-ftre. The Ladles' Aid and Mission Society be the guest soloist. The musical proThe girls wlll meet as usual next Tuesday at I :46 at the church. Miss Reba Is giving a so-called Plunkett dinner gram Is as follows : Michener has been aBBiatlng the captain f)n Thursday noon, April 12 at 12 :45 Prelude "Contemplation·· ·.···.·... Salnt-Saens o'clock. of the troop for the last several weeks. Annie May Hayes Bivona Anthem Scout meetings: Boy Scouts: Monday A · la"Yitatloa evening at 'l :30 tt'clock. Girl Scouts: hereby goes out to everyone. especially "0 Bells In the Steeple'· ...... Norris Tuesday afternoon at 3 :45. Boy Rangers: to the unchurched, to attend the services Junior Choir Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. on Easter Day at St. John's. Offertory "Swisum Corda" ··..··..·....·. HalUng It bas been the custom at St . .John's Recreational nights. Thursday 730 Annie May Hayes Bivona Young people. Friday, 8:15-9 :30,' High for a number of years to distribute Solo crosses with a Scripture passage and school students. "Hosanna" ..·...·.···.·.···.... Granier an Easter greeting to all the children .Tessie Beers Steck Spoke f of the Woman's aoclety will In the Sunday school and all those pres- Postlude have charge of the dinner to be held In POt at the Bible classes. The crosses "Ea.<~~tPr Day" ··.·········..····. Loret connection with the annual meeting of are here and we are awaiting a great Annie May Hayes Bivona the church on Wednesday evening at number at the Sunday school sessions. 6:30 o'clock. All reservations should be Come, and bring your c_hlldren to church. Monday evening at 6 :30 the Wilmette In by Sunctay. Please call Mrs. R. R. The annual offering for the benefit of Business and ProfeBBional Women's club Marquardt concernln~ the number of reservations you want. ., the Building Fund of the church wllJ will hold Its regular dinner and meeting bP received next Sunday morning. The In the dining room of this church. The Wekeacaftla Camp Fire Girls will r.hlldren of the Sunday school have all rPcelve(l sneclal envelopes for this pur- meet at the church Tuesday at 3 :30. Wilmette and Park avenues, Wilmette flO~ and are requested to return them Mrs. H. A. LaRoy Ia guardian. on Easter mornlnJr. Envelopes for thlM HPrman W. Meyer, Jrf. A., pastor nfferln~ are also held by communicant 406 Prairie avenue, telephone 1396 Roosevelt Troop, No. Z, Boy Scouts will members of the church. and bavP been meet at 'l :30 In this church onder the Church telephone 3111 ~nnt to all pn..re, n bl who havP children leadership of Freel Rye, Scoutmaster. ~uendlng our Su~day school. Thh~ offer8enlen '""'" will lle taken at the 9 :45 o'clock God Friday at '1 :46 o'clock P. M. The Devotional service on Wednesday "tnd the 11 o'clock Rervlces. Service and Holy Communion. evening at 8 o'clock will have as Its subSermon : The Power of the Cross. Ject ..The ResUrrection." H. W. Cald-EASTER SERVICES well will preside and the speaker will be 9 :30 A. M. Sunday school and Bible John W. Fisher, Jr. General dlscu88lon classeP. William E. M:cConnack 1111111 Bertha will follow the talk. 9 :45 A. M. Firat service and sermon. Associate Minister Wheelock wlll provide the music. 11 :00 A. M. Second service and sermon. This Is one of the good churches In Thursday the Boys' club will meet This Jesus hath God raised up. whereof Wilmette whose Easter program Invites atOn 3:30 under the direction of Mr. Mcwe all are wltneBBes (Acts 2: 32). you. Cormack. Xeetla~· Monday evenlntt at '1 :45: Church The F~st End Circle, Mrs. S. R. Mason, On Friday the Woman's Guild, Mrs. A. oouncll at pastor's study. Monday and Friday at 4 : ClaBSes for <'halrman. wm meet today at the home of E. Klunder, president, will hold an anMrs. N. P. Colwen, 6!0 Gregory avenue. day meeting at the church. At 11 o'clock children, Wilmette. Monday and Friday at 5 : ClaBSes for M'rs. C. P. Cameron and Mrs. R. F. Mrs. J. II. Brown will review·· the laBt Potter will be the aBSistlng hosteBBes. chapt~r of the study book ··otd htlul for ehl1dren, Winnetka. New Purposes." 'nlere will be · a Board Monday at 'l :-15: Choir rehearsal. The Central Avenue Circle, Mrs. J. M. meeting at 1! o"clock. Luncheon will be Tut>Rday at '1 :46 : Meeting of the conT. Boyd, chairman, will also meet today. served at one o'clock by the Central Ave~tlon. Wednesday at 'l :30: Boy Scouts, Troop Mrs. Henry C. Cooper, 8!4 Lake avenue, nue Circle, Mrs. J. 11. T. Boyd chairIs to be the hosteu and will be &BSlated man. Two brief talks, one by Mia Ber- · by Mrs. L. C. Rudd and ltlrs. C. A. Car- tba Wheelock OD . '"Tbe Church Unself· 'l'hunday at 1! :45: Plunkett dinner. ThunMJay at '1 :45: Senior Walther penter. lab," and one C. L. Darllq on league. ..A Trip to belli .._..,li," will On SUnday morning at 8 o'clock a Sun Precede the feature of the afternoon Friday at '1 :45: .Junior Walther league. Rise service under the direction of the which 18 to be the Annual Spring Style On Good Frida,. evenln.r, April 8, at Senior department of the Church school Show. This Ia aponsored by tbe Central 1 :45 o'clock a .ervlce will be held, at will be held. A. J. Coburn baa beeen ae- Aven· Circle. John B. IIDier, tenor Emmou c. eara.on. .._ Vloloncelu.t. Walter Brauer - - -~~~~· t~~. ~~thlsce~~-:~ ~~:!: St. John's Lutheran - First C o·tretatio·al ·· gn.

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