-,: Thursday, April 12, at 10 o'clock, the IL....;._....,......;-...;......__ __.,_ _~ N~ighbors' committee for frien~ly co. 8~ V. H. L operation with ex-service men will The club year is drawing to a dose hold a meeting at the home of Mrs. and the n~xt regular meeting of the Joseph Joyce, 531 Essex road, to plan Neighbors .will mark the last one f~r for the annual benefit bridge party to this season. Mrs. Fred BuUey, soctal create a fund to carry on work for th_, chairman, announces the annual lunch· coming year. Anyone other than the eon, April. 17. regular cammittee sufficiently interThe meeting on April 3 was devoted ested to act as a special committee for to the garden spirit with Mrs. Fredthis partY\ will be very welcome. This erick Dow of Hinsdale, as the princi- · will be the last activity of the present pal speaker. Mrs. Dow is a past president of the Illinois Federation of committee. Women's clubs and has held many offices in the National Federation. She is a woman of very pleasing personality, with a great deal to bring to. her audience. Her subject, in keeping with the day, was the .,Home Garden" and was illustrated with many beautiful garden pictures taken here and abroad. There was a delay in the lantern projector which might have meant a very embarrassing situation for the chairman in charge but for the fact that Mrs. Dow was so equal to the emergency and in her fluent way held every one's interest until the machine arrived and was · ready for use. She was certainly very charming in the way she handled the situation. Miss Davida Boyd opened the afternoon ·with bird-songs and bird-notes and her audience will long remember the exquisite sweetness and purity of tone in the "Mocking Bird." She is quite young and presented a very girlish appearance as she sat before the grand piano to play her own accompaniments. It was a great addition to the afternoon. The club rooms were arranged to display garden pictures by Mrs. Mar- · gu~rite Calkins Taylor, Mrs. Gordon Wilson, Mrs. Grace Miller Haskins, and Miss Helen Taylor. Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Taylor are residents of Wilmette and are doing a unique thing in their work. They either paint a corner of your garden, or a lovely flower in your garden making a picture of something you have loved very ·much, a permanent thing. They work together and .the pictures they had on exhibit were varied and most decorative. Mrs. Haskins is a resident of Winnetka and kindly loaned two of her beautiful floral pictures for this occain town that continued to THE Mississippi was rising sion, one a bowl of pink peonies and the other a gorgeous studv of lilacs and sullenly- inundating wide carry on. tuJips. Many of Mrs. Haskins' pictures have been exhibited and sold in The world hears little of areas of fann lands, making the well known galleries. Miss Helen Taylor had five pictures "the spirit of service" until . thousands homeless. which were especially interesting to Kenilworth, for Miss Taylor was born At one of the many towns times of emergency, but bein Kenilworth and friends have watched her career with great interest a break came, spreading hind the scenes this spirit is and affection~ Most of these paintings have been ·in th~ larger local exhibits ' ruin through the ·streets. A always present. Telephone and at the Chicago Art institute and they have attracted a great deal of atgovernment steamer rescued users confidently rely upon tention. The one of .,Grandpa Taylor," as her grandfather was known in refugees, ,but the four the devotion· to duty of the Kenilworth, is a most striking likeness, and her glimpses of Provincetown are full of atmosphere and telephone operators refu~d men and women who make charm. Aside from the regular p,rogram to forsake their posts. this service possible. Mrs. Charles Southward and Mrs. Frank Cherry gave reports of the "Get the message Friends ·warned them to morning and afternoon sessions of the recent meeting of the Tenth district leave at once. decided through,, is the daily work of the Illinois Federated Women's clubs. These reports were very clear of the more ·than on duty, and to and concise and in Mrs. Southward's we heard that special praise and apBell employees. ex~hange was the only ~bing preciation had been given to one of o~r own club me~bers, Mrs. John L10d, for her generous gifts of plants and her aid in the garden movement of this group of clubs, and in Mrs. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Cherry's report she spoke of the excellent account Mrs. Joseph Joyce had BIELLSYIITEM given about the work done at the Great Lakes and of the pride we One ·s,item · ·One Policy should feel that we had such an efficient .chairman to represent us in the larRer organization. Many other points , of interest were given, too numerous ··...·..,.. ""'"· .. ·......;.., . -... .. . . . . . ·to recount in this article. .. . ... . . . . . -. . -·· In the Day's Work 900 They remain . the .310,0oo System -·~ ·· ~:-: ~-- ;~-· .. · · · · · ; ...... 0 · · · · · · ~