The Home and Garden el~b of Kenilworth held ·· a meetinl' dft ·Monday of this the . home of llrs. loseph Whitt · on Shuiclan roaf,l Tlus was guest daJ' and was .weU attended. The afternoon's program consisted of a talk on "Landscape Gardening" given by Kenneth Bangs, one of the judges of models at the Chicago ·second annual Garden and Flower show. . The Home and Garden club carried off honors at the Garden and Flower show in receiving an honorable mention for its luncheon table set by Mrs. ]. ]. White and Mrs. John T. Dix. The club also entered two other classes. Mrs. J. S. CUne arranged the shadow box and Mrs Rufus Porter, the house and garden modeL -w....-· J~· · Tell Yciiiii'r·... w-. ltiWMm at. Show T · .to Vi .·~~~a-. .John entertained the P~le's society of the Union Chure of Kenilworth last Sumtay eveniJW with a most interesting and 'riVi4 aceoutit · of his recent trip to the ·YuJin Islands, where he was the guest of CoL Evans. Mr. Benham has a ·ery definit~ way of inter~sti~g young people a~d has talk on Sunday held them fascanated, illustrated ·as it was with pietures of the Islands and the people there, and queer trophies and·· reUcs which included a cane made of · the back bone of a shark. Mr. Benham visited all the places where Lindbergh had recently been and when he told of them it seemed to bring the young hero closer home. TRAVELERS RETURN HOME Many of ·the recent Kenilworth t r a v e I e r s are returning this week. Among them are the Bentley MeClouds, who are coniing from Biloxi, Miss.; the j. C. Carpenters from New York and Washington, Mrs. Rufus Stolp and daughter from Tuscon, Ariz., Mrs. Grant · Ridgeway and daughter, from California, the Leon M. Aliens from California, and Alexander Hannah from California. y=" Clothina Sbortaae Still Exists at Great Lakes The usual bi-monthly visit to Great Lakes by the Neighbors' committee of friendly co-operation with war veterans will take place Monday morning, April 9, commencing at 10 o'clock. Any of the Kenilworth or Wilmette women desirous of going at that time, will be very welcome. They are asked to telephone their wishes to Mrs. M. H. Dement, Kenilworth 1641, or Mrs. James Prentiss, Kenilworth 127, it is announced. A shortage of clothing of all kinds still exists, the committee states, and any contribution is very welcome. Clothing or magazines may be brought to the home of Mrs. Joseph Joyce, 531 Essex road, any time before Monday, the chairman states. Mrs. E. D. Snydacker returned from New York just in time to c· onduct the candidates meeting which was held on Wednesday of this week in the Kenilworth club under the auspices of the Kenilworth League of Women Voters. Mrs. Snydacker is president of the .. league. -o- ........................... n - ._little ...ate· ·· . . . . to . . . . . . Clll& A FIDei fat : t M Small Eltate · rtr · ahl .W, willa ·1181ic . . . e ausncllAFrs h Mrs. S. D. .Flood has just returned to Kenilworth from a three months' trip through France, Italy, and England. Mrs. Flood is president of the Kenilworth Garden club which will open its season on Friday, April 13. with a luncheon at the home of Mrs. E. D. Snydacker. ....... - .-iat · ... - ...,...._..._f·r··...t. nttic.........-"TA.Fi RUSTIC il .-.,. · · lll·ttratet IIMkle& . . . ·~· · -~ .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... ~ witll ,... J . ~. . = ··_:....r!.:. · I .. tW..... ,_ ..... . ........ . ·sa ·t··i· ................ a .·..... v · · fJI ~ Lh ·.ai ...... · · : -· · - - ,... · ~-~~ ····faehnt ,,....._, ...... B. ........... .............. ... ................ P. 0. Bex 171, B'I'UI&ea, m. 1WJRUS'l1curf._ 0 Mr. and :Mrs. Frank Sherritt, with their family, are enjoying a winter in their bungalow at Coral Gables, Fla. They do not expect to return until .Tune. Shopping is made easier in UPfOWN CHICAGO .. . S OME say a day of shopping is the hardest work in the world. · Othen shop in· Uptown Chicago, come home rested, and bring 1010.e of the finest bargains Chicago baa to offer. BATTERIES and everything that gora with thtm ia the way of servic~ and repain. Bring your automobile or radio batteries to as and Itt as mak~ sar~ thty ar~ in conditioa to do the work yoa waat done. When they netcl rrcbarging. as batteria always do, bring them here. 1hev have learned that everv·b icdtv shopping cOnvenience is found near at home, in Uptown Chicago. Can am be parked dose to anv desired store. Banb, offeriDg every poesible service, are right beside the stores. Meals and re&eshmenu can be enjoyed in any of the many conveniently cloee restaurant&. If desired, shopping may be c:arried on many evenings until late. And after a day of shopping why not dance to a fD&PPV Uprown Orchatra or attend a theatre there? UPTOWN CHICAGO c. AND M. Tift and Battery Service '1133 GREENLEAF AVE. ·- . . Pbont Willaelte JIJ7