Repre1eata Waltoaiau at Scouts See Picturea 'l'akea o.i World Cruise Natioaal Parler at Omaha The four patroll of Wilmette Scout Troop 6 are , eaaaPd in an iater-patrol contest. . Eadlt ..-trol il . ·pvea one chabce a llaoJlth. to give ita ltant before the three · other patrols of the Troop. Tile · best f!-lr~l stunt of the moath ii then dec·ded upoa and the patrol wianin&.. is awarded a prize. . The Plying Eagle patrol was awarded the prize for the month of March. Patrol Leader Eugene Prochnow \Vas awarded a _prize for beiag the best aU-around Scout on the troop during the month of March. The prize was a Boy Scout Year book. The stunt of the Beaver patrol was a boxing match between Victor Annason and Albert Andenon. All of the patrols are now equipped with Patrol chests. -P. L. Kermit Simons. On Tuesday of this week, Aubra R. Dunham, son of C. R. Dunham of Glencoe, who directed · ~e taking of motion pictures during the University World Cruise which s~rted in September,· 1926, and extended to May, 1927, and included thirty-six foreign countries, presented a program of the films taken on the trip for Scouts of Wilmette. The program wa:s arranged by L. E. Matson, chairman of the Troop committee of. Troop 3 of the Wilmette Scouts. It was held in the Wilmette Parish Methodist church. Some of the pictures were taken by Mr. Harris, official photographer of the New York Times, the remainder by Mr. Dunham, and all are his own personal collection. Colored slides were also shown. Several hundred Scouts and their friends enjoyed the program. NerD and. 1:Jms.l1.. lbl···~ .. BQOK:S ........... T·lepleon·.r· ..... The Man Who Knew Coolidae latmadaa LoweD Scb.wtz friaacl of Baltbitt. aacl COIIIICI'IIC· tin cidzaa. SineW lAu1U Harcoarr, Brace 8 Compaay S:a.oo Bad Girl A int aoYel. with its .uiaa ia New York. v;,. ,.,_ Harcoart. Brace 8 Coapaay l:a.oo Shoddy Da IJtammitt Willttt. Clark aad Colby ·· S:a.oo The Royal Family A comiciJ by Gtcqe S. IC.IIIIIIIJ 8 Btlafl F116tr was ~ailed to order, !t w3s dtvtded !'nd drills were held. ~crabe Adam Bauer 1nst~ucted the begtnners c~ss and Asststant S~outmaster Braun 1n~truct~ ed. the rest. A!ter !l~ut 45 mmutes drill the troop fell lf! and announcements were made, htkes were talked of. The meeting closed with the Pledge of Allegiance. After the meeting the Cycling Patrol met and talked about a cycling hike. -Joseph Rau, S. P. L. Scouta of T100p I Drill and Lay Plana for Hikes Bill ,.___!_.-.- p - Troop 9 of the Wilmette Scouts held ~tie reaeata RaJ h M01111 · N Sen. 10r its weekly meeting at St. Joseph's Cheat to Fl)'iaa Eagles P ew church on M~rch 29. ~fter the .t~oop The Flying ·Eagle patrol of Troop 6 Patrol Leader of Troop 5 of the Wilmette Scouts held its last meeting at the home of Rudolph Kasper. The Scouts worked on a knot board and on pa'Ssing ~ests. A "feed" was . enjoyed al\d the meeting was adjoumed. W h d t h t · e a1 soh a a lnbw B~i 1 ~ es 1 gtven to t ,e patro Y · rastt~,. a new membt;r. Ted Buck ts also to JOin the patrol. -Gene Prochnow, P. L. Troop 6. Troop 5 of the Wilmette Scouts m~t on Monday, March 26. Ralph Morns wa-3 elected Senior Pa~rol ~eader an_d we had a contest in stgnalhng. Thts was won by the Wolf patrol. A new patrol contest was started and .the Wolf patrol obtained the most pomts at the first meeting. A. W. Bartholomew. The Winnetka chapter of the lzaak Walton league will be repraented at the national convention of the league to be held in Omaha, Neb., April19-2021, it was announced this week by George B. Masse,., president of the chapter. J. F. Comee, 1612 Forest avenue, Wilmette, will attend as delegate from the Winnetka chapter. According to Mr. Massey, the annual convention of the league is easily the most important gathering of outdoorsmen and consenationists of the year. PoHcies of the organization are determined and the general outdoor activities of the sportsmen of America are largely initiated or passed upon by the membership. · In conjunction wit~ the convention is .held the National Sportsmen's Show, at which manufacturers of outdoor equipment exhibit the latest offering.; for the sportsman. Ch . Doabltclay. Doraa 8 Co. ·· s:a.oo The Island Witbin · LrMUiig Uwilohn Harper ················ Two More Second Clau Scouts of Troop 4 Hold a Scouts in Troop 1 Ranks Patrol Fint Aid Contest Troop 1 of the Wilmette Boy Scouts was assisted in the absence of the Scoutmaster by two Scouts from Troop 4 on March 28. Two more Scouts of Troop 1 have passed their second class tests. The Raccoon patrol got the mo.:tt points in the inter-patrol contest at the last meeting. At the meeting of Troop 4 on Thuro;day, March Z/, the Scouts held a First Aid contest between patrols. Different badges were tied and other First Aid methods demonstrated. After a good contest the Beaver Patrol was declared the victors. The Beaver Patrol also won the annual meeting night quiz. -Bruce Kenyon, P. L. Beaver Patrol. 'Aladdin' to Close Sprint Season for Chiltlren's Theater A gorgeous and colorful production Grthe favorite Arabian Nights late of "Aladdin" is announced as the fourth and last play of the season at the Children's theater, Evanston. April 28 and May S are the dates set for the four performances, and Haven school theater, the place. Old Cathay is the scene of this moving and picturesque play, which means that the settings and costumes will be Chinese. There is much of magic, plenty of dramatic incidents, and not a small amount of humor. The version to be used Wa'S written by Theodora DuBois of New York ami was played la-st se~son at the Playhouse by the Junior League of Chicago. The play was chosen not only because it is a favorite with the children, but because it is a striking contrast to the other plays given this season. The first production was a French comedy of the seventeenth century, "The Make-Believe Gentleman," adapted from Moliere's "Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme." The second was a double bill: "Dick Whittington" and "The Three Spinners," old fairy tales ; the third, a modem play of fact and fancy, "The Poor Little Rich Girl." Mrs'. ~rge S. Haskell of Miami and Chicago was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. \V. J. Gough of 619 Maple avenue la!'t week-end. Asbenden, or the British Agmt W. SolfJifNt JlmgiMm Doabltclay. Doraa 8 Co. · · Staportl in the Moon A Story of Punaial Youth Vincut Stgntt Doabltclay. Doraa 8 Co. · · S:a. 50 Me« Mr. Mullintr A biahly eattnaiaiaa series of iaCNdiblt yarns. P. G. VIOflt,__ DOabWay. Doraa II Co··· S:a.oo CHANDLER'S for BOOKS compl.t1 6ool atcxi on the N«tb 86oft lfJOit Donald Pavlicek Awarded Eftideacy Honor Medal Scouts of Wilmette Troop 8 held a big bean feed last Thursday. Donald Pavlicek of the Wolf patrol was awarded an honor· medal for efficiency. At last week's meeting, Troop 8 elected a quartermaster and an assistant quartermaster. The quartermaster is Harold Osborn and the as-Roger Delander. Wolf Patrol, Troop 8. UONS MEET FRIDAY The Lion patrol of Troop 8 holds a patrol meeting every. Friday afternoon. At their meetings they hold contests of different kinds. -Roger Delander, Troop 8. Tbt Story of Ivy What Really Happeatcl ia tbt Lutoa Manter Cut. lla lWI« Loa1nft Doableclay, Doraa 8 Co··· S:a.oo Tbe The Old Dark House A ·Y·HJ talc 10 nthralliaa that tilt pablilbtr waarn yoa S:a yoa aa't poaibly ·op reactHarper 8 Brothtn .' ····· S:a.oo CALAMITY JANE F~ppers aren't new! They lived in the age when Calamity Jane roared into Wyoming bar-rooms, shouting, "I'm Calamity Jane and this drink's on the house." Read this violent comic amazing story of the "Lady Wildcats" of the old wildest West. ilia at Pap as·l . I. a. Priatt., · Deboaair G. B. Stem Alfntl A. ICaopf ········ DAISY ... DAPHNE Miss Macaulay's best novel since "Potterism" I Its brilliant shrewd humor, its novelty, its delicacy, will assure it as enthusiastic a reception as that earlier book. THE DREADFUL NIGHT ~ LORD'5-BOOICS 1_, lrllil1 tht ..,_, Dta1ia Stnfl Do« ..... .,.. "Though read in broad daylight, in the midst of a noiq society, the creeping dread of that horrifying night sent cold ripples up and down my usually tractable spine."- Brace Gould, N. Y. EY~ Post. ... .\-. ..... HENRY HOLT A CO. Bo.llcLiftnPt ..... E.P........ AC.. N.Y.