I"'·~~~ T .. -:. :~ I 1e : ton HaYe Ca·c··t Orcllllall'a1 · _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___. Bill-O-Fare 8a &utaJ, A.Jrll ' the ston, orth first Joan and acfind ltry. orry but ae- f......-. E~ Two Da,. 1 rling la\·e lsis- Ev- sup1any losi- leen five less rc!ad- ~eir jch- oke IJle~ ore are edy edy rtle- lr u. ·ole ike lm- md 1nd is ose ys are . · A better show at a lower prace as to be the POUcy of the Varsity theater after Monday, when Lub6ner and TriQZ officially take it over ou a long tend lease. On and after Monday adults will pay 25 cents and children 10 cents to see the matinee. In the evening the prices wiU be 40 and 15. · h . T he . pnce c ange 1s to occur at 6 o'clock on Saturdays and at 6:30 on other days. The Vitaphone will ~e discontinued and a concert orchestra installed This orchestra has been carefully selected from the orchestras of all of the Balaban and Katz and Labfiner and · Tnnz theaters and represents the best aggregation of talent available in this area. . The orchestra .is to include no brass mstruments. nr. Pro...... a Week · The average program length wdl be approximately two and one-half hours Besides the best and latest of the fea~ · · tare pictures, comed.aes, t he f resbest news reels, sceni~, Rice's Sportlights and other popular reels will be shown. Programs will change every two days. The whole front of the theater Wl11 be floodlighted, making it one of the city's..brightest spots. The building is now being renovated ; new chandeliers are being installed in the lobby; the lobby ceiling is being retinted and pin stud tights are being installed around the box office. The Geneva organ, at which Loui3 Lohmann will continue to officiate, is being entirely rebuilt. SuDaet x.e.lon" ......... Teatro del Laao ..Quallt,- Street" ................. VaniQ" .;·RoBe Karle" ;,- ............... Nonhont 'The Love Teat ·······.New B\'BDSton ..Quality s=!&~~. ~~~- -~ ...... Teatro ..Latest from Parla" ........... Nonhore ..Lea Jllaer&bles" ..·..·......· ~ ·. Teatro ·cweat Point·· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ... V&J"81'tT Evanston Players ........ New Bvanatoa "Latest from Paris" ........... Nonhore .,.....,., Atrll 11 ..Almoet Human·· ...... Community Houae ..West Point" .......... ~ ........ VaniQ" Evanaton Playera ....... New EYanstou · w....~,, A.trll 11 ;reet liT ~.................. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·Vantl·T·tro Weat Point "Lateat from Paris" ........... Norshore Evanston Players ........ New Evanston ..The Noc!~~~·. -~~~ ..~..... Teatro ..Latest from Paris" ............ Nonhore Evanston Playen ...... New Evanston :1'1'14&J', Atrll II ..Ben Bur" ............ Community Houae "The Noose" ..................... Teatro "Latest from Paris" · · · · · · · · .Norahore Evanston Playen ....... New Evanllton "The Baby Cyclone" is billed to open at the :Piackstone, following the close of the run of the revival of "She Stoops to Conquer," on April 16. ·· .lf···J· AJrll 1 a-··· ·11 ...... .._ ...... ..... ::.f::eat·=b~;, ·::::::::::.ifo::O~ · IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Lubliner & Trinz will take over the management of the VARSITY theater Monday. EftDitoa aacl the Ncr:h Shore wiD be ..._.. of the oatatanc&n· photoplaya aqmeoted ·~ the aelect camediet, aewa Pictoriala, aacl aovelty reela. 'l1le VARSITY SALON ORCHESTRA wll G6r ........ MCI tw4ueat to tJ.e ........ the tiCI - . n. - ......... trea....t .........- . apirit tc.ad iD d LaWiner _. T.-. theaten -o- "Sidewalks of New York," with Miss Ray Dooley wiD be made known in Chicago at the Woods next Monday. Mark Fisher to Swing AI Kvale's Baton Nest Week For the week beginning April 8, Mark Fisher and AI Kvale's Jazz Collegians are planning a gay Spring celebration, in the form of a novel "Jazz Bouq~et." which will be the name of the Nonhore's latest show. Mark, who is swinging Al's baton while AI takes a vacation, is firmly convinced, despite several discoucaging instances, that Spring is really here, with its light-hearted and blank da'ys:-with its thoughts of youth and love-and 'SO be has deviJed one of the most unique and colorful stage shows ever presented at the Norshore. It will be a gala syncopation jamboree, intermingled with dancing f~et and crooning harmony. Norma Shearer in her latest picture, "The Latest from Paris," will be the screen divertissement. Included in the cast of this story of rivalry between trayeJing salesmen are George Sydney, Tene Holtz and Ralph Forbes. It is a humorous description of life among those brave business-getters of the merchandise world, who battle among themselves for the sake of making money for other people. The romantic burden is carried exceptionany well by Miss Shearer and Forbes, while Holfz and Sidney furnish the necessary comedy relief in a deligbtfuUy plea'Sing manner. "The Great Necker," with Tavlor Holme, will 6e made known to Chicago audiences at the Harris next Monday. -o"She Stoops to ConQuer" will open at the Blackstone on Monday of next we~ · ···· Co.e ·for the ........ Show! MONDAY. TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY _.....a. WILLJAII Ia MARK FISHER AND THE JAZZ COLLEGIANS ia n- "A J111 a...-t" ,.,..., The dahing romtUXe ·of cadet life ~ the U. S. militlltll academy with unaaud «companiment by the new IN THEIR PREMIERE APPEARANCE "WEST POINT" SMITH 8 HADLEY BETTY ·WEBB PHELPS SISTERS NORSHORE BALLET -ON SCREEN- VARSITY SALON ORCHESTRA JOllA SIIFAIEI in "1\el.aleat froa Paris" Bftlf Sataalay--Delaa l[ftle CWt . ....._ 3100 IA'l1ftF.D:Tel~ta&p... c--coo P. II. I AI 'Ia,· 2l5c; Ql'-, IOc EVEIIfGS: w.r · s.aa., AIdis, 40c; Ql~-, l&c Brill1 ... cWWM.