wer : ~ aless ins .. . ,f,. ; .. . .. Ch ent 1 es, the . ths rer est rill led ·ur 1rb ASStJRED PROTECTION FOR THE REAL ESTATE BUYER with extr~e care. Before granting a real estate broker or salesman the right to use tbe ~ REALTOR. the antecedents of every_a~plicant a~e ~rouibly investigated. An applicaa~· ·diu·t :expect to un~ergo ~ rigid._-"uti~y by oar· membenbip committee ·before his name caa be. ptelnl~ to: the total membenbip who, acting as a commitiit of the wbole. ass .on his integrity and general desirability. will p_ ~e rill to ~st >p. of he is THE. North Shore R.eal Estate Board selects its members he ID· !lt, . ,. ve re nrd n- The first object o( the North Shore Real Estate. Board is to · enforce ethical practice among its memben and to promote and encourage a reputation for fair dealing in this most fundamental profession. · The care with which we select our memben coDititutea assured protection for the buyer of real estate.· nt of of ., THE NORTH SHORE REAL ESTATE BOARP H. WR. A·spvh Lloyd C. Ayen Bills Realty, lac. Dadlq Braclstntt J. B. BndwtD Moaar II· Flallaty, lac. Marray W Terry Geo. F. Niz· W Co. · Qaialaa · W Ty10a, lac. Fnak A. Reid Fnak W. J. H. Scbaefer II Co. E. Sawyer Saitb 11. Cbritty Bmwa, lac. · Walttr P. S.urb II Co. W. G. Starq tl Co. E. E. Smta llaky Co. FIDrick B. Thoaaas 8 Co. Tiabe llaky Co. Vaat tl Stlia 0. W. Walker Co. D. E. Wiak Wilatttt Realty Co. Wyau II Coou ~s F. Colaaaa Barroaabs II Co. Crosby II McKtadry, lac. . DicktDIOD R.alty Asi'L Ecldiaatoa II Allea, lac. F. H. Gatbacoll R.. S. Haaably II Co. Isabella V. Harbat Htia·a R.alty Co. a- l- e - .. A. D. Htnua Hill II Stoat R.. M. Johutoa II Co. Chula c. KapaaU Emat M. ICimbaU Arrhar Lee ·· " · 1 ' '